Seniors'9 crusader wins Peter -Perry Award Carl Mantz, a 3 1 -year resi- dent of' Whitby wlio lias wokdliard ta miake tie lives of' the town's senior citizenis more pleasant, is the winner of' the 1974 Peter IPerry Award. Mr. Mantz of 105 Burns Street East lias lived in Whitby since 1944 whien hie worked as a compositor for the Oshawa Times. He was thon promoted to superinten- dent of the. composlng room. After leaving the Times, ho set up the Whitby Weekly News in 1955. During the paper's l0-year history, Mr. Mantz initiated several pro- jects. Ho tried to generate inter- est ln a yacht club for the town in 1957. That atter-npt failed, howcver, he spent many hours campaignlng for tlie existing Whitby Yacht Club in 1965. Mr. Mantz is also credited with initiating the formation of tlie Wlitby YMCA, also in 1965. ln addition, he was one_ of the first people to pro- pose a campaign to build a general hospital in the town. .Mr. Mantz also worked hard for thîce programs for senior citizens. By making Whitby Counicil aware of the need for a senior citizens' activity centre, he helped kick off the çentre on Centre Street. Two years ago, Mr. Mantz established the Durhiam Square Dancers whicli is open ta senior citizens. His latest venture Is a pro- granm called Meals Witliout Wheels whicli provides inex- pensive dinners and recrea- tional activities for Wlitby's senior citizens.- Vol. 5 No. 31 Wednesday, Augua t 6, 1975 Ten Cents were resuit -of frustration...e ...,not rational conside ration Rtepaers refute charges by myor by BLAKE PURDY staf writer Accusations made recently by Whitby Mayor Des New- man against the Corridor Aiea Ratepayers Association, the solicitor for Farewell Estates and the Government of Ontario "were th oirmdut of frustration and weîe not based on rational considera-. tion", according to John Buchanan, President of the Association. Mayor Newman made Uic charges after Whitby Coundil received an Order in Council from the Lieutenant Gover- noi's- office .ordcrmg a--new hearing by the Town and Uic Ontario Municipal Board on the Whitby Towne Estates subdivision proposed for the corridor aiea and informning Whitby Councfi that the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association had withdrawn thc objection to another subdivision,, Farewell Estates, shortly before the Ontario Cabinet was to deal with tlie mat ter. The association took the matter to the Ontario Cabin- et afler their appeal to the 0MB was tumed down. -DES SUSPICIOUS Mr. Newman contends that the lawyer for Farewell Estates, Gilbert Murdoch of Oshawa, received information from the Attorney General's office as to how he could persuade the association to withdiaw the objection to Farewell Estates whlle retain- ing the other in ord er to allow the cabinet to make a negative decision against the Whitby Towne Estates. Mayor ýNewman implied that this "reprehensible" action occurred at a February 1975 meeting of the associa- tion executive and at tlie most recent Whitby Council meeting tried, unsuccessfully to have counicil pass a resolu- tion ordering the association to make the minutes of the February executive meeting available to him. Mr. Newman did tliis after he was politely iurned down after demanding that tlie minutes be made available to lum. MAYOR DEMANDS "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING" wave but thought better of it. was probably what this young child was saying The Whitby beach and local swimming pool s to the older girls.. were very popular places during the week. We're sure the girls would have loved to follow Free Press Photo by te lead of the youngster during last woek's hoat Mike Burgess According to Mary Mc- Eachiern, the association secretary, Mayor Newman contacted association vice- president Marilyn Majoros by phone on Friday, July 25 at about 4 p.m. His demnand went something like "I mnust have the minutes of the February 6 executive meeting on my desk by 2 p.m. Mon- day" At a social function later tlîat evening, Mrs. McEachern says that Mrs. Majoros approachied the mayor and told him that he could have the minutes of the meeting if he obtained Whitby Coun- cil's permission and if lie put his reasons for the request in writing. According to Mrs. Mc- Eachem, Mr. Newman re- torted that lis position as mayor of the town was suffi- cient reason for the associa- tion to provide the minutes. Because he did flot comply with the association's request the mayor was flot given a copy of the minutes. MINUTES AVAILABLE According to Mi. Buchan- an, "tlie minutes to the meet- ing..are legally confidential, however, they are available to anyone who asks in a civil manner -and7 volunteers 'an' acceptable explanation for their interest in the records of the corporation's execu- tive meetings". Mayor New- man did neither. In a sworn affidavit, Mrs. Majoros wrote tliat, at the February 6 executive meeting a decision was made to withdraw the association's objection to the application for rezoning and registration of a plan of subdivision by Hunting-Vale Holdings Ltd. Lawrence Gulf Properties Limited and Ross Hall Con- struction Limited, also known as Farewell Estates". NOTHING REPREIIENSIBLE Thc minutes of thc meet- ing made available to thc Free Press, althougli brief, show that nothing occurrcd to bear out Mr. Newman's charges. The executive de- cided that "the most logical way (to handle the situatiorj would be ta ask counicil to consider bringing botli sub- divisions back and then we miglit discuss Whitby Towne Estates and release Farewell Estates". They also decided to inform the association's general membership of tlieir decision at a May 13 public meeting. The executive made the decision after receiving infor- mation carlier in the montli that their objections to Fare- well Estates had essentially been satisfied. They liad objected only to the staging of roads to service tlie con- struction of the Farewell Estates subdivision as it made use of the existing subdivi- sion streets for this purpose. In a May 27, 1974 letter to Whitb y Clerk Bull Wallace Mr. Buchanan wrote,- "The Corridor Aiea Rate- payers Association would like ta go on record as endorsing the subdivision and approve of thc change of zoning by- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Girls don't stand chance ..................................Page 2 Vant Bail Reform Act repealled ....................Page 3 County Town Carnival photos ...........................Page 4 Bird's Eye View....................................... ... Page 5 Brooklin Bylines ......................................... page 6 E ntertainment ........................................... Page 9 Whitby peewees Win titie ................................Page il Progressive Conservative picnic .........................Page 12 Horoscope, crossword .................................. Page 14 mmmonnemonommo 1 1 1