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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 10

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PAGE 10,WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19)75, WIIITBY FREIEPIPRWSS ~--'"~ ~~r1Qhnnired at Awards Day on weekend Tite 1975 basobaîl season officially came to a close on, Sunday Mien Uic Wliitby Mi- nor Basebaîl Association hield its scventhi animual Awards Day at Heydensliore Pavillioli. Tfle Pavillioli was a busy place as the younger players of Uic Association Uîose playing tee- baIl and in dic tyke division gathcred at 1 p.rn. and the older players of ic organiza- t ion, those at' peewCe, tban- tani, midget and juvenfie Ic- vels attended die second ses- sion at 3 pan. T[le '75 season whichi got underway offically on May 24 proclairned 'Minor Base- bail Day in Whitby' by thc ml-unicipality, saw 36 clubs ini action hi W.M.B.A. bouse league play and in Eastern Ontario Basebail Association WEEKENDS CAN BE FUNN The "no no's" are back Starting October 6 çounterwveight Weight Controls Ltd., the Ieading 1 and most respected name in Canadian weight reduc- thon Introduces the Revolutionary "NEW CANADIAN FAMILV MEAL PLAN." A way to lose weight that fits today!s more relaxed living and eating habits. You decide how to use it. Eat 2, 3 or even 4 meals a day plus desserts and snacks. Even splurge on weekends. Enjoy bacon, muffins, spareribs. peanut butter, spaghetti, real mayonnaise even champagne. Satisfy your desire for quantity of food and variety. lts ail here and we caîl it "Adult Flexibility." Lose Weight with the plan that treats yoLt like an aduit- Eat the foods you've always eaten and enjoy the freedom and pleasure this NEW plan offers. You get special encouragement at the frïendly weekly meetings wherc your motivation to succeed is fortified by your lecturer and a roomful of people pulling for you. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians lose weight since 1967. And we can help you. There are over 250 classes a week. Come to the one nearest you. WI TBY JAX Knight of Columbus Hall St. Pauls United Church of Canada 133 Brack Street North King Crescent Thursday, 7:30 p.m.- Wedncsday, 7:30 p.m. PICKERING Shcridan Mailt Mondai'. 7:30 p.m. Aso look foi the 24 delircous 10* calorie foods by )~7Yj' counterweight. 9 »aseuiti i UIIcIPtIj].L, - r 1' c I ardenor, Grog Gibson, Steve S PROVINCE OI PUBLIC HI The Royal Commis in tt Communicati< F ONTARIO EARINGS ;sion on Violence 'me ons lndustry Appointed to study the possible effeot on society of the depiction of violence in the media, the Royal Commission on Violence in the Com- munications Industry wiIl hold public hearings in TORONTO Februarv 9, 1976 - 2:00 pmn - 5:00 pmn February 10,1976 - 7:30 pmn - 10:3Opm February 11,1976 - 2:00 pmn - 5:00 pmn February 12,1976 - 2:00 pmn - 5:00 pmn The Lecture Hall Art Gallery of Ontario 317 Dundas Street West Mccaul Street Entrance Toronto, Ontario You are invited ta submit a written brief at least three weeks before this date. Everyone is urged to attend, whether or not a submission has been made- Submissions and requests for information should be directed ta: The Royal Commission on Violence in the Communfications Industry, 151 Bloor Street West, Roorn 810, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2V5. The Hon. Judy LaMarsh Hîs HonolJr Judge L. A. Beaulieu W.M.B.A. Presidcnit Keith Gý MacDonald welconmed those G attending both sessions, rnak- 1- ing speclal mention of die pl iany people who devotc Si countless hours to make or- sc ganizcd basebaîl possible l'or R lie boys of Whitby. Tlhe arn- cl )itious progralw, which pro- T1 vides basebaîll lor nearly 600 C boys, takes nearly year round ( Nork ini Iooking after thc t .ounitless details, and this sea- F sion nearly 200 adulis were< iiivolved in sonie way wi th( dic association's work. ri Every boy attending re-F ceived a W.M.B.A. crest with1, those onl champiorlslip clubs j receiving charnpionshlip crests anid trophies. The lirst groups to be honoured were thc Tee-t ballers, the youngest boys ini the orgarnzation at six and seven years who enjoyed a fine season under the con- venorship of Ray Bergstrom and Theo Gerrits. There were fine clubs in the group which played a sixteen garne sclie- dule followed' by playoff. Nurse-Chev-01d , .....Staffords, Pete the Plumber, McNamara Marinec, Dupont, Dairy Queen, Brooklin Aluminum, Gus Br- own Motors and Van Staveren Garden Centre. In the play- offs which lîad the gorup di- vided mb otliree sertes depen- ding upon standing at the end of the regular schedule, Gus Brown took 'A' lionours, 'McNamiara dic 'B' round and Dairy Queen in the 'C' group With the ernphasis on con- struction, oxperience and re- creatiori rather than giving competition top priortity the Tee-Bail group does flot dc- clare thc overal chanmp. The club Tyke division played a 20 gaine schedule, 1350 I Commissioflers Cali us toiI-free anytimne ai 1-800-261-7091. THE OSHAWA STATION I ,%M 1 ibsoîî, Scott Griffin, Dave th rylîs, Paul Guest, Devin ai [un , Dave Own, John L llips, Andy Prout, Darron 5tovelîs, Don Wade, Perry Ma- ti ;n, Danny Middletoii, Peter T Reviore anid Brad Fisher. The o lob was coaclîed by Grog s( frout, Leslie GrilTin, Doug a Srylîs and Elmio Gubson. v Clubs ini the Tyke Division 1, h is scalson wcrc Brown 'sI Footlînaster, ior(lison--Carty, t Gulf, Pal-O-Pak, Consumers Gas, K-Mart, 1.0.0.F., Gar- rard Road Firc{lihtors, Rae R. Joncs Realty, Rotary and Branch -152 R.C.L. Brown's Foodmaster werc presentcd 1 wîth the Canadian Job ns-Man- svillc Trophy, cmblcrnatic of thie W.M.B.A. Tyke Chanmp- îonship by W.M.B.A. Pres .. Keith MacDonald. Dean Kcating was Uic con- venor of Uic Peewee group, and, although there wcre only five clubs in Uic loop, Uic competition was spirited and Uic season saw some except- ional baseball played in Uic league especially in Uic play- offs, which were won by B and R Transport who were forced to the thrce game limit by Seaway Motors. Members of B and R, thc 75 Pecwee titleists who were prcserded with the Branch 112 R.C.L. Trophy, were John Utton, Gary Goldrick, Charlie Meit- ner, Ron Mulligan, Mark Col- lins, Real Bergevin, Marty Ladbrook, Lorne Johnston, Jocy Williston, Brian Johnson, Martin Utton, Alex Strang, Doug Dean and Mike Green. Coaches of Uic championship wînning club Don Mil'er and he Peewec group wero Dodd goý ad Souter, Seaway Motors, tIii ions and Red Wing Orchards. W. Five clubs battled for Ban- an .arn honours with the Cablo is '.V. club thi eventual Winncrs th Dver Custom Ilouse, Polic As- W ociation Red Wing Orchards ti and Studio One. Cablo T.V. Ej vore recipionts of the United Bi Rubbcrworkers Trophy as '75 D Bantarn champs- Members of R the tcarn were Jeff Cyr, Rick G (ay, Mike Mulligan, Rod S' Fhwaitos, Breet Craig, BobF Noods, Marty MacDonald, ai Grog William, Ted- Magnai, Milan Andrews, Doug De--ci lorme. The coaches of the fi new champions are George r and Steve Thwiates. F A new league was added to f Uic W.M.B.A. program this r season, a midgct-juvcnile loop t which was highly succcssful1 wiUi the players having a good 1 summer of basebail. The asso- 1 ciation, hopes that some of Uic bugs of Uic operation will bc ironed out next ycar with ad-f dcd parental intcrest andt W.M.B-A. officiais wcrc pîcas- cd with Uic first season of thc new group. The ncwly formcd Optimnist Club of Whitby sponsored two of Uic three clubs in Uic league with Uic other cntry coming from Brooklin and sponsorcd by Bramley Motors. A ncw a- ward, Uic W.M.B.A- Trophy, was put up) for competition and di ienîebers of Uic club to win Uiis trophy for Uic first time word froni thc 1Optimist Expos- The third club in Uic league was Uic Optimist Braves. A rather new twist for local baseball was Uic fact Uic ncw champ5 ie convenor for the r.M.B.A. Bantam, Midget ad Juvenile brackets. She Snot the first coach frorn e distaff side to help in the .M.B.A. but she is the first ti winner. Members of the ,pos. were Dave Allen, rad Gibney, John Heffer, cati Grant, Tony Vella, ick Vanderlinde, Rob Hanna reorge Bouwrneenster, Alex 'trynatka, Mark England, ?andy Sullivan, John Wire ind Steve Sarginson- Both sessions of the closing eremnonies ended with re- freshmnents scrved by a eom- nittec headed up by Mrs. (eith MacDonald, Whitby Recreation Departinent Di- rector Wayne DeVeau cx- tcnded grcctings froin the Town of Whitby whilc re- presentatives of the Durham Regional Police and Whitby Fire Dcpartment officiated at the draws. 'I've lcarned a lot from the associatiofl's execu- tivc', said Mr. DcVcau- 'They've donc a great job'. Members of the W.M.B.A- executive for 1975 wcre President Keiffh MacDonald, Vice-President Don Kennedy, Secretary Gcrald Robinson, Trasurer Bill Puchalski, Reg- istrar Jin Lanley, Director of Publie Relations Neîl Murkar and Directors Alex Fillier, Rod Fillier, Otto Gilks, Geo 'rge Hobin, Ted Kapuscinski, Bill Link, Win- ston Muschett, George Turner and Wayne White. Rod Fil- lier was the W.M.B.A. Umn- pire-In-Chief for Uic past Sseasori. SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOUNG ON UN DURNAMI NOON REPORT 12:20 p.m. Weather, Sports and News Scott Young

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