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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 13

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WFITBYFRE PRS, WEDNESDAY, COBR1,i975, 'PAGE 13 Fre e Press - -CLASSIFIED - NOTICE TO READERS AT 11«' 'T T < Advertise FREE in the FREE' PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY 6 6 8 6 1 A D V R T IS N G wlenyou el!! Thlere will not hbc any charge to advertisersi E if ,p 'r eu ie REPRESS EMPORIUM unless thc item'$rtcdisod E mo i mWhen the averiscd item is 5old,you pa u cm ii5on baclo FO AL -RAMUIS 6 strîig hbanjo. TA BtL 1I PA ILlî$250, fO U I Approx. 6 1t. must bc placed on an exclusive basis witli thc WIIITBYFE FO A E$100 or nearst ohtTr n. lol ion IREU P A S SKI bouts diniLtr, 4 ilt.t ii $ 10. (ail after PRESS and run at least one rnonth if not sold 1959 /î ~ on ORD pîi. uuand__skis, siit 3Ve i ý wvl 6 p n 579 3536 . 1959 -Yaf'or 6Oo'cpick-up(CIIAIR $15, IIUMIl>lIl FR $25; RATES (if article is sold):- opnbox truck, exellenlt tires, STOVE 30 inh, o cn- VAPORiI ER $5;BrowieLuni- SCUBA DIVIN(, wî vSUI- igcniio sigý g00CI tiu1,iskigdition $75; spaice I "ýR$60. lorn, $8; lILtri. LoffecPER girls' medium si/e, 3picu.5, Iod, .%oUadvertised price up to $400.00 Call 668-6750$10)-,sanids'idi GRILL $7, TOA jaiket and p ints $55. C'ail 579 2% of balance over $400.00 Lii. o p4993 (al 6686750.STEIR $7,i. irpet SL iR$10- ANGE 683 6638 ctrc, STOVE -Siniali $60, B&W smIili letriR 1IEIATil R $5-,G.EL PONY -strawl-lerry Roan EAPE odie detsdfr$00-cmiso u 25 RAstnguse4,ifour.bu ir ood IV Philco $60; teak i.hesti.rfield floor POLISIII -R $10; 6 lighit bair preivously usi.d lor i.hildrens' XMLý, odie ovrie o 5.0-cmiso u 25 condtinh $4tor0, ncgodand chair $85;, antique Raîymond tpe BATIOOM v IXTURE ride.s compîlot itcvth good as new cÃ"Peeteol eigmcie$5 al wtlsae lgilk esdl lnebillatrad (minimum commission is $1.00) HOCKEY outfit for boy aged 6686080.~îhsae lgilk eV sdl inebîible n 10-12, exeln-oniin$0 $20; apple CR1ATES (6) $2 each, reins $125. Cali 655-303 1. Caleleets. GSood condiin, 1'-4. Private advertising onlyf Please notify uis if you find a retailer 668-692 ST-Junior orchestra $40.0C).Cal!DOS 2aui ndos ITElA mtto isted as a private advertiser. IlMSE 655-4590, evenings. $ 15. cadi. CatI after 6. p.mi. fir, leopard type, 2 years oki, ,1a668-9773. worn tsvîce $25. ___59,359 Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately whenl item is soldi SIGMT - Frb [tEROCMOETS 1 1f. X 8 lt. 3 in. BRO 50eia s that we may delete il fromn the following issues. $12. Ca1l1668-9888. Sears reciver, I Garrard changer & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., eartli witii pile adjtistment dia! new Sriehl atd cohnra1saean esnlmsaetp -NTIQ)UEs - Dre-scr $90; (turnitable), 12 speakers, very good colours, rust, gold, brosvn, beige, condition $25; Child's [Bl-,D fld- Sadisan ol hoandlcd ohn a preaid btasis. pesn esgetp kitehen cabinet $ 120; beau.ty condition $ 150.00. Cali 668- $500 f'or botlu. Cal! 668-7923.- ing type 27X52svitiu mattrcss ascnol chnle napeadbss chCairsSi$3NGLE 8Vh oodronditon $3;h2ibrncr If in doubt, cal! 668-6111l 13Chai 5307a9-2 oci939 cai 1967 BUICK Lc Sabre - needis bundles $90.00; homemade 12 1't. stove lectrie 220 vol t heavy dluty MAIL ALL ADS TO: $130sCait579239 iotor work, cvcrYthing cisc A-h. ahuminumi housetraiher $250. ('ail 25 in. highl with shiehf, nlo ovcîi tom , fl or ton , ase ch om e in ta$ed15 ep taCal!ni an655 .-3860;_ FREE PRESS EM PORIUM snare drum, higlh lai, 2cy$tu 150. Calî(68-3-8796. SNOW 1VRS \itîrm RICYC-L (M 16 inîch P.O. Box 206, WIIITBY st4nds, excellent condition $ 190. 194 IOO Eieir44 1 78-15, $25 pair, caîl 72-5- whîeel $2(i: (dlC(AR RIAGI 24 X 19 Keith Steet after 6-11-11. used only a fewv months, illust beciigS68-59. linclues $1 2;: air of'swhite _-r PINE DESK CIIEST -Hll,, seen, just like ncsw $850 t-irm'. SAT- . 6$5 oy KA 1968 PONTIAC - Stratochief- FLOOR POLISHER - $10. crfelis4daer 9.Caluii69îx6AiMIILIERl'l Vox, usvo 8 iniC6S by T. automnatie, good meehanical and Sears automatie console H-UMIDI- 19768-4SK67507. speakers. eNelenit volume,, must S/ 5 'h 6-69 running condition $425 uncerti- FIER $40. Cal 668-3209. ell $35, 1526 l)ufferin St., No.- ficd. Cal! 668-76444. _____ 283 CH-EVY MOTOR- With FE ilae xeletcniin1'-R RING iîarhey l)avichsonlUt Io'v nuperagyclecellentocon sition$950or caîl668842660 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG \wheehs CIhLST RI I Green/ automnatie transmission, asking 19inCalSiinigPo goId brochuade, good condition, $100. Cal! 668-7553 or 723- in74. co rO,$5 al COAT Lde lc esa wmnigPo n. ie è oeg a sig$75. Cal! 668-7644.566 668-348lamb approxinlatels' size 20, in Clearanice $81); 3 sets of car ROOF~ RACKS _____ 366 TO T& TN - deetgodcniinwaîoiho 5. 8aset al6 2 table LAMPS $ 10; black nylon scope, gun rack, good condition, Tad oILET ontn, dser272-514. nî. Leading mnanufacturer of KFtl('IiL-'N 'FABiLEl, Oval, hockey pants. $7.50. Cý Il 655- $45. Cali 668-3956 or Wod. to cal 668-9073. SIBOS, -de e61/2 lifetime warranted above 3 chairs, ahnliost new $90. Cal'! 73 a.atr1pm 6-53 .buckie stde, worn once $25. Cal ground aluiiîinum pools is 0V- IOUSBOA -4. --hi 668-21 19. Enîp er stocked in many models. V 8 PONTIAC- Laurenthani spring, 26 feet, twin motors, SUSPENSION HITCH - 0ne 1tVsoi as is $800 or bost offer, moored at ake Scugog, must scîl axhe (Mini) and torsion bar sup MOP-D- roco rad ewimmediate delivery and i- 97,000mniles, Cal!1668-7980 af'ter $5,500. Caîl Don days at 965- ports asking $55. Caîl 728-8056. 0miles,-hBxonco oandears, GAS STOVE - 1-indhiey, 2 stallation at reduced winter 6 p.. .____5 18 1, ov-'pin'ýs 423-8820. BCCE-By ihrs 50umxe s, 1hilseradgeas, yoars old, goid colour, Rot' - eprces. Cail colleet 416-536- GL IOS-2 arwieIMMIN p - - e-, 3BspeodLwith Bnaseat, need -386 68-46.and peach coiourcd pair, size 7 possessed, excellent coridi- gear change, in good condition 42V $10, wyhite and black pair size 7 tion, leading manufacturer. $30, also boys 3-speed racer i WOOD- Oe 7ile lod AGHAS -Oldfasiond 169 LDS- Ctl 442. $10, good condition. Caîl 863-j willing to sacrifice at 1/2-price. good condition $40. Caîl 668 sotWood -Ontrale rfreIoa AFGHA 5NS -fohd45,ashine. 1969eds raCs uta V8 $3.Cl 6-97 4in. for $54. Bothu mult- AM/F'M radio, ai gauges incud- 1806 and ask for C 'athy. Cail Collect 416-536-9278. 6083af ter 7 p.m. _____________________coloured and would suit any ing tachometer, 2 door bard top, BEI)ROOM SUITE -. Triple AQUARIUM - 15 gaI. wit WEDDING GOWN - Size 12, decor. Cal 655-4776. Enp.- body needs paint, approximatey dresser chest drawers, spring and SD SO EF sadadalacsoisicu' vel ndtrin$0.Cal 68 EDDING GOWN - Size 7/8 76,000 miles, $1,100 or i.st Cl 6-09 canopy $10; sandwich grill$5 246o 6-40 m. long vi n edic nldd fer. Caîl 668-1066. Lmp. Ci 6-09 o Cut and Wrapped humidifier $25. Cail 668-6644, or 668 -410.ds rn ielogsve ndhex icell ncudito, 30SVG IL cu. PROPANE FURNAC go eih-tak tritbean w wrin odiin$100, propane 98 cents per pou 12 $60. Caîl 668-4595. eih-rctrtbeadtoregular price $ 150.00, asking $50. ate and powerfui $85. 12 guage four humner stove $10. Cal 683- 1 6.Cl 6-55 speakers. Just like new $150 or nmust sec. cl 6-9120 after 4. Stevens pump SHOTGUN S7 833 best offer. Cal! 668-7190. Emp. - TV.-.B&c 20li6h6$100Caîl Oid VIOLIN and case in fair836-- TOELG -ar reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2 BOYSCUTUN1O384CM.A X-15 instamatic $325; unique kitchen table, solid BEDS- 2, 36 in. continental warrauty and al parts $50 o F60Gooyea ties 160 se ofSize 14 $15; ladies winter COAT (Kodak) witb carrying case, u maple top $450. Caîl 668-5910. beds with bead boards; one bestoof fer EE $2a5.no 28" heads $40; 2 bucket seats size 18-20, like new $22. Cal! exclilent condition $10, ski boots_____________ DRESSER, plate glass mirror; one brown maI rfml 2.Ci ton; 15 in.eadr~s $0 od!46812 size seven, with carrying rack $6, 1973 NORTON - intorstate CHEST drawors- 2 night TABLES 66710 to 5i.Rm,$8 each (4); DRUMS - Olympia, 8 piect portable radio in the shape of a $ 1,200. Caîl 668-9925. $200 complote. Caîl 668-4457 GARAGE SALE Ford '1z ton rear axie $15 and 2 set includes stool, in good condi- dico in very good condition $7, 1974 FIREBîRD - emlaculate Monday to, Friday. Rah W-itby Townlie drums $15. Calevenings 579- tion, asking $250. Cahi 655-3563. microscope kit, contains micro- condition, 23,000 miles, custom Rah W 1690 and 4.68~-5823. lsoesides, specim..iis, for oh- interior, 350 automnatie power BABYSITTING - Wiii babysit 1 1/4 miles west of Hwy. 1 POOL - e. érewOa 66 CUILAS - 8aîmtc s n 8 a!6 45. sten & brakes, tiruted giass. preseolrMna t rdy othside. 655-4776 - ARTICLES FOR SALE above ground pols (2) 16 X 2 door hardtop, good condition, bOORS -- 2 auminum sercen $4,250 3rmn. Cal 728-692. Cal 668-3050.à,iE 24 nd 6 X32 ompete ~*askîng $500. Cai 6554221. doors $50 for both;, complote R ;VERB - Traynor signature Po rann Class in Ajax, start- Weby&siuedfn- year old. Repossessed - by DS - $10, ci b girl guide UNIFORMI $15. Cali! A X 10. $2-50. Cail 655-4978. 1 ing September 23rd for pet owvn- bank, sacrifice 1/ price. Cali UNFORM $10; steamn IRON $8, after 6 p.m. 668-5068.- 1968 CIEVROLT -_ Pane! rs and obedienco entusiasts, ture and appliances. Md Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. tw,,o smali carpets $6 each. Cal! PAN GUEt 'AR- Replica ot' TRUCK, good running condition, novice, open, utility. Durham town New & Used Furnitue __________________ -_ 7251211. Gibson Les Paul, two double pick-' as is $250. Cal! 655-4186 afer Region Dog Training Scliool, 90 Simcoo S., Oshawa. Phon WRINGER WASHER - $25; BED -Conil3inh$0 ups, excellent condition, adjust- 6 p.m. Barb Scott 576-5635, Jan Cool- 728-321 1. mushoomKITHENSET whte -hU IiFIER $18; pair of snow able steel neck $100 fim. Cali MIRROR SET' Monaco ide72-08 ______________ with black padded seats $100; TIRES G78-15 $15. Cal! 668- 668-9772. Emip. Awithi walI sconoces very different, - COAT - Dark br 'fl, fur AUCTION SALE pleDe ithflorESheth veil 67$90. S.V CETRF1U n har iew $40; one oom divider, very claiadbottoni trimn, been Saturday Oct. 11, 12 noon - d .1L2374 __ fr. colon, gond for - are.$2: nesete ad ath worn tw ice, size 12. $35. Caîl farm machinery, antiques, fui!lln 1972GRA TOINO 8, uty30 in. $60. 5 bea eeationgchair: new tuphîolstery $40; 6848.of housebold furniture, Plae ROM ET sooen $11. oo o cttge$0. Cal! 668- îs % oothe chairs for rec-roorfl or 66-96 piano, 1 horse cutter (excelle, 4-dor, reen~vih bhek iny Caî 66-675. __ 40. cttae $1) cdi; auîty fr bd- LOTMhNG l)esgne La-N 167 hcv to truk, poo PLANT located at 133 TAUNTON RD. W. 725-9961 UI).',R-$5 ;ecs GL;T R "il ikp A EN NS(2 idt an&Grv.1 cyl 5 aycar be 4 sterco en *îî il seil fr$5i ito cash, no reserve. Owncr movng record player $15, 8 golU clubs -& c": don. iI (dd-2 8 6 0. -rq ie Jh An sAtcoer,6 bag $15, typesvriter $25, clcctruc TR'Niuht ,d.l " HenryVîi Massage Castie W r okn fo~ 71- sewing machine $20, rocking10S12 less than 500 Inules on W r okn -IE DE Thorse $5, baby walkcr $3, sworo 2,plusgondspar evîhoruipl4 S O E$5. ('aIl 668-6257. CaI! 668-5041) afler 5:30.Ms ewligt ernrsosbe cul o Aadis'. elTIONndCFARMERSIEWe r A-maintain appearaflce, cook nutritious meal TTENIONFARER.iliweil mannered, friendly and operate our cafetei SYDSLE OMIRNASWHV PA Y MORE? $30 - $50 daly plus' as their owfl busines LEIS EASCOD EC brnefits, hours flexible. Basic facilities, includin SVONPRKIM 7"OUALITY Accommodation o r hydro, are f ree. No ret AS*DIESEL FUEL assistance in rélocatioli Please contact Mr. A.H MIO LEAIN REMOIOR oit available, 77 Victoria St. Taîlman, Consolidte CHRGX-O 0 t PMpiv Toono.Bathurst Packaging td Oui l tWn leae cti oflci oroto.668-33 71. 321 BOCK S. S.Contact Miss Cathy - CLI-ANING; LADY requicd -36 I ' (1) 361-0838 collect ompeent. one day everYtw V66S TB3SPAZA108 66-338 weeks for new horne $20. Cî CI1IIAIIIJA -1 mnh668-3203. old. mnaIe $50. Cal 668-47 14.

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