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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Mike B Voice of the County Towl WINTARIO GRANTS - LOSERS CAN BE WINNERS The people of this community and others like it throughout the province have a good thing going for them in Wintario but do not seem to realize it. Oh sure, everyone knows about the opportuni- ties to win upwards of $100-thousand dollars, but few people realize what happens to the money which remains after the lucky ones collect their prizes. It is turned over to individuals, groups and or- ganizations for projects which are within the realm of culture and recreation. The grants are available for specific projects in each of the following five areas - arts support, sports and fitness, public libraries, multicultural activities and heritage conservation. Arts support - Wintario funds are available to assist local or community non-profit sponsors for special touring performances, residencies in com- munities by creative artists and performing groups and exchanges and special travel projects within Ontario by community performing groups. Funds are available to non-profit groups to help offset the cost of musical instruments, materials and artists' supplies. Assistance is available to municipal recreation departments to develop new arts or crafts programs. Funds is provided to en- courage and assist special cultural events in com- munities throughoutthe province. Sports and f itrness - Grants are available to sports governing bodies to encourage greater pub- lic participation in amateur sports and to assist representative teams and individuals to attend national competitions. Assistance is provided for Ontario athletes who show the potential to meet international standards. Teams competing in regular leagues can apply for travel grants to attend national and international invitational tournaments. Regional development of amateur sports will be encouraged and assisted through the support of Regional Sports Councils. Funds are available to provide equipment and awards for community league use. Money is available to mu- nicipalities, industry and community groups for projects designed to improve the level of fitness. Public libraries - Assistance is available to in- crease collections of Canadian books, films, period- icals and other materials; to increase francophone and (or multicultural collections of same; and to increase collections of talking books, large-print books, braille books and other materials for the handicapped. Multicultural activities - Funds are available for specific projects that will help ethnic communi- ties to preserve, advance and share their cultural heritage with the whole community in which they Hiveritage conservation - Municipalities wishing to stage anniversary projects can get up to $5,000. Special heritage displayis or events promoting wîde public appreciation of heritage conservation can 9et addion to0 the above named projects eligible for funds, the Ministry of Culture and Recreation will consider any project which falls within the broad categories of culture and recreation. So, if you do not come out a wînner in tomor- row's' Wintario draw, ail is not lost. You can still get your hands on some of that money and put it to valuable use. SERVING OVER 26,000 READERS. < w) i ih ev i rc- v We r y wdnesday by M.B.M. Publishing and Pliotography Inc. The Free Press Buildini 121uprrack Streei North, ýurgess, Publisher-Managing Editor. wlity, otit,,,o, .t should also be a mat- ter of cercern to all of us that a householder is de- nied reasonable access to his property via a public road due to the fact that vehicles are parked indis- criminately, thus prevent- ing free access. Ali taxpayers in the Town contribute to the upkeep of public roads. These roads are used to convey fire trucks, am- bulances, garbage trucks, snow ploughs, etc., etc. We are all aware that when circumstances deny a householder or business- man this service and pro- tection it is sometimes necessary to legislate 'NO PARKING' zones. In summary I can ap- preciate the dilemma of the present owners, how- ever I am reminded that one public document in use for 14 years prior to their purchase and an- other 6 months in use prior to their purchase certainly manifests the land use designation as RESIDENTIAL and not COMMERCIAL. Also the question of lack of on site parking, conse- quently requiring that a AsistntI itI- iaePId Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy contributing Edito? - Jim Quail Production Manager - Marje Burgess Display Advertising Manager - Rabin Lyon Classifiîed Ad Manager - Marlene Iyrom MmloIriq Pr rrît No, 2941 111)8 ' 6 1 : Tojrontoi [fl Concerned businessman's property is not commercial Dear Sir; Re: 'COUNCIL & NEIGHBOUR H A R- RASSING' article, da- ted September 24, 1975. Since assuming public office several years ago I have refrained from en- gaging in written duels with editors of newspa- pers, however in this in- stance the allegations made in the above men- tioned published letter warrant in my opinion a subjective response. My sole intent is to pre- sent for your considera- tion the 'other side of the coin'. I am reminded that the Officiai Plan for the Town of Whitby was adopted as amended by the Council on Septem- ber 10, 1973. Land Use. Map 'A' of this docu- ment illustrates that the subject property, a cor- ner lot on Highway num- ber 12 in Myrtle Station is Residential, NOT COMMERCIAL. Notwithstanding the intent of the Official Plan, the land use is re- gulated by Restricted Area Zoning By-Law 1784, adopted by the Township Council on February, 1960, this do- cument spells out that the zoning is Residential, NOT COMMERCIAL. It is interesting to note that the present owners pur- chased the subject pro- perty in March 1974, and in doing so had the op- portunity to consult the two above mentioned do- cuments that regulate the land use for this property. Recognizing that the use of property is before the courts and that no elected person is com- fortable in engaging in a continual string of letters to an editor during this process I must however bring one additional point to your attention. I am not aware that it is a misdemeanor for a taxpaying citizen in this Town to request that the By-Law Enforcement Of- ficer take steps to recify what appears to be an infraction of the Zoning By-Laws. This process goes on day in and day out. '287-1004 public road be used for a parking lot is not a privi- lege that is extended to any taxpaying business- man in the Town of Whitby. The above points are presented for your consi- deration and I know will be received in the vein in which they were brought forward. Don Lovelock, Councillor North Ward. EDITOR'S NOTE: As Councillor Lovelock po- ints out the 'alleg ations' were made in a letter to the editor. We would like to re- mind our readersthatthe opinions expressed by people in i',tters a'-at necessarily those ot the Staff or Management of the M.B.M. Publishing and Photography Inc., and we, like Coun. Love- lock, do not engage in written duels. - Don Lovelock 1 Yours sincerely,

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