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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 5

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By now most of' you imuist have taken your annual suni- nmer vacation and yout're back itîto the dialy grind, right«? Count me anong such unfortunates. 'his sunmmer mure than ever 1 discovered now terrible it is to have to return 10 work after duing whiat you please for a month. For me il was a case of a quick jet lighit and suddcnly I was back ini familiar surroundings and ail tbu quickly back to work and paying the price for hiaving a month away. If your job is like mine thien I don'î have to tell you how shat- tering it is the rirst few days when you don't even gel a chance 10 dreamfily look back at ail tie good tirnes you've jusI had. Surviving those first few days can also be rather devast- ating. After. not having driven my Olds for a nionth i1 jurnped back mbt what was a familiar car and started it Up. The rumrble of the engine suddenly warned mne to go easy because the Olds lias 340 hiorsepower compured to t11e meagre 70 horsepower car I'd been driving in Britain. 1 very carefully backed out into die street and hieaded for work. Steering sceered to take -al my strengtli and it was like moVing a box car. As I approachied the corner I put on die brakes but nothing happened! I almnost ran a stop sign before I realized that iy car was four limies heavier than die one I liad driven in Britain and not havin2- power brakes mieant 1I had to push very liard on the pedal 10 inake anything happen. Within a few blocks 1 gut used 10 driving a big, beavy OIds again and as the lighit turned red in front of nie 1 eased up to die intersection. At this point 1 almost blew die whole works by crash ing into the car behiind me. For a mionth1 Ilad been drivîng a car with a floor shift withi four speeds ahead in Britain. My car in Whilby is also floor shift with one vitail différence - where reverse gear position is on my gear shift is the first gear position on the car I had rented on holidays. Sitting at that stop light the first day back and dreanîing of being back on hoîidays in Britain 1 casually put the car in reverse HBLfl uns ~ and waited f'or flie ligbit to turn green. The light turned green and 1 shiot backwards nearly giving iniyseif a whiplash, I jammed on the brakes and the car, thank heavens, stopped imnmediately, giving nie yet another crick in flic neck. The driver behind, surprised that a car would go backwards whien the lighit turned green, said somie words' that even thie worst of lip readers could figure out. Fortunately 1I had mnissed his bumnper by a scant bial fa aninch. 1 didn't even gel out ofthie car. 1 nîean, how can you possibly explain pu tting a car in the wrong gear and backing away froi a greeni liglit? I spent [liie iexi three days carefully watchîing evcry inove 1 rnadecin- tha t car and care- fully nultIhinking of past huolidays. But 1 was glad to gel ick liIotî app)reciate hot bath water that is in unilii ted cluantities complared to Europe. And as for food, I almiost drove lu the Mr. Subrnarine and c kissed the front door becauise 1 Iîadn't had one uf their sand- wiches for a rnunth and fouund the 'torpedoes' ini Europe weren't the saille. 1 was also glad ho gel back ho intersections that were clearly mnarked by big, red, 'stop' signs and gasuline that was ltiaf die price of tic stuff in Europe. Once again I oculd Iead over hiere a carfree life in that 1 could sbop up lu I10 p.rn. and flot worry about getting sonetbing I hiad forgotten as opposed to Europe whcere there are nu such things as plazas that stay open until laIe aI nighl and if you run out after 6 n).n. that's touçîh! But il wasn't ail nice gelting back. I1nmiss the gourmet food s0 easily found in Europe and 1 miss the beautiful wbiole milk which is found ail over in Britain. It would have been even better if dhe British lîad learned lu keep il ice cold. And froin Britain esoeciallv 1 miss the train systemn BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975, PAGE 5 that can take you for a reasonable price to just about any- where on the island. To Ma Bell 1 owe an apology for aIl (well most) of those na.sly things [ have said about her telephone service because 1 hiad th 'e misfortune to have to uste the teleph-one a lot while in Britain and it was quite an ordeai. Haîf the lime 1 couldn't even get lhrough and when 1 did there were many crossed lines and. so much static on the line that you had to yelI each word slowly 10 make yourself understood. Ma Bell could certainly give the Post Office (they control the telephones in Brilain) a few lessons. Anyway at Ibis point 1 have had a talk with myseif and 1'm Inow willing to admit the holiday is over and it's time 10 gel back to thc Canadian way and work. My. mid stiil wanders back 10 London and Paris and Whitby, England and al] the pleasant things that happencd there. 1 have 10 really watch myseif so as not to wander back while driving. 1 .ook outI Whitbv. 1'm back! - almost....... ORGAN & PIANO LESSONS PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS: Call Bus. 728-1675 Cati ie Res. 725-8742 HATVIVOND O"RGAN Studios 16 Slmcoe St. N. ut Kina 729-1675 FRIDAY, SATUROAY a SUNDAY OCTOBER 3Sr,4th l& 5th Judging by newspaper reports, the Pickehring airport issue bias cumne to an end. Soîîîe sec il as a victury for POP-, sonie believe the Davis governmiient lias te hecîlîanked for scrapping thie airport construction. Sonie wotild evei suggest that the real victor is Stephen Lewis, Ontariu NDP leadier. It rnigh t be so. But. 1 feel, the Pickering airport tumbled down, rnainly because of' the energy siiortage situation. When the idea of building a second international airport east of Metro xvas conceived, the eniergy problemns xere rel- atively minur. B3ut, the passenger hiandling at 'Maltori was and still is deplorable. Nevertheless, the oul prices kept going up. Su did the construction costs. And, as çvne cati sec now, the energy crisis is not over yet. These big jumibo jets gulp a lot of gas. I could visualize a day whien aIl air- ports will bc jamm-ed withî different aircrafts, idling on tic runways. For tiese reasons alune, the Pickering airpurt was neyer very popular rigbt froin the beginning. I am appalled tb read in Toronto newspapers that the militant members of POP are taking the credit for miaster- minding Uic cancellation of the planned airport at Broug- ham. As far as I'm concernied, they're stili?ý loud bunch of nitwits and cry-babies who do nrot understand the in. portance of modern-day air travel. Also, we should flot for- gel tbat many farmers in the Claremont area, sithing on prime farm land, were more tlîan anxious b sei their land. They could not make a decent living out of' it, with high prices and inflation abuunding. Thiere were only Uic few die-hards wbo were kicking anîd secaming wien the bulldozers slarte(1 ho move in. Needless ho say, îhey made their point, quite inrelated lu the real cause of the airporh cullapse. 1 am also surry lu sec thaI some 5,000 jobs were losI because uf the nu-airport decision. At Ibis limie whiet un- employmetit across Canada is tinreasonably higbl, those 5,000 would-be jobs would have created a miarginal econornic upswip g in the depressed Pickering area. Al in ail, the jubilation might be short-lived as thie public transportation conditions change from year tu year. As of now, I can sec the attention wiIl be shifted once again tu Malton airpurt. Taik is in the air, about expanding this airpurt. And, do you know what it spelîs out'? Big, big trouble-that's what. Peuple in the cast are no different frum the peuple in the wesh. They al want peace and quiet. They Al want airports close ho their homes, but, sure, they don't want the noise, the pollution, the cuncrete runways and the flash ing iights. Su, what can the peuple in Ottawa do tu make everyorle happy? Not rnuch, except hope thal somne day they will simut up. Airports or nu air - ports, we have hi) live wÎth our modemn-day gadgchry. Il they donth like airports near urban centres, I can tel] îhemn to move out of the populatcd areas. Iarry Sound or Red Lake would suffice, for starters, anyways. Buy one *get one Treat the whole family for hait the regular price. DINNER $.0$1.95 $1395 DINNER $.0$3.90 $3m.O DINNER s$11.70 $5.85 58 FOR 6__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ Sale Lmit-Buy 3, get 3 FREE Each Dinner Box contains 3 pieces of deliciaus Kentucky Fried Chicken Creamy Cole Slaw Golden Brown French Fries Kt Fr q A (',ANANCMPANY Colonel Sanclers and his boys make it linger lickin' good' Slice of buttered Grecian Bread ~tot*CceV2L I "Available At The Following Locations Oniz: 30«1. Dundas Street W. , Whitby; 973 Simcoel Street N.; 4714 Simcoe Street S.; 5714 King Street E., Oshawa." 1

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