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Whitby Free Press, 1 Oct 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1975, WIITBY FREE PRESS rewarded. Keep Monday nliglif1 frce as Mcsscngcrs, (boys and girls l'romi Kitndergartcn Wt Grade 3); Explorers, (girls froin Grade 3 to 7); aind C.G.l.T. (Grade 7 and up are al N rcstarting. Check cal endar notes l'or timies. And l'or thiose great supporters of' ouri local boys paper we've had no paper drive for quite some time. But the end ille s is near ... not the usual second Saturday in the month this Oct. but the third-l8th October. Only newsprint can be Did you get to die Ploughirig Matchi? And if so, did you have been collecting the latter, you can chuck that out enjoy yotirselt'? It cerf ainly was one great show, with right now: The Scouts and Cubs will be picking up from enough attractions to keep everyone happy. Frorn what 1 9 a.rn. onwards so please have your bundies al tied up and hear the U.C.W. dinner service did well, the final evening waiting. For new people in the North Ward, 1 may add seeing 400 dinners served. And our Legion tent looked as that the boys do this to help their own funds ... and it is a tho' it was doing a roaring trade. Hope the other local worthwhile way to get rid of your newspapers. Ail you can groups who were niaking a- contribution to the overail suc- be asked to do is to bundie the papers up and have themn cess dîd just as welî. out by 9 a.m.... the boy5- cannot go back over the route and Now, back to the everyday sort of activities which keep there is no definite time for any one road. If you can help us going between thiese International events: For starters these young boys, 'they and their leaders will be most there is fresh news frorn our local library. Asrnany of you grateful. young people know, tnere is a Storyhour ana crait sessson each Saturday at 9:30 a.m. If any of you have been finding it hard to get there on time, then 1 have soi-ne good news for you. Startîng this Saturday, the 4th Oct., the new time wll be fromi 10 amn. to Il a.m. So you can now have your Saturday lie-mn, and stiil make it to the library. Don't forget .l0 a.m. is the new t ime fo r th e Sa tu rday S to ryh ou r a t th e Brooklinlîibrary. For those young people who hiave been waiting for the United Church youth activities to start. ..your patience is THURSDAY, OCT. 2nd. - StilI time to join the Brooklin Badminton Club. Only requisite is a good humor and a wihlingness to play the gaine: Club meets at Meadow- crest School.at 8:15 p.rn. each Thursday. SUNDAY, OCT. Sth - General meeting of the Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Ass. will be held at 2 p.m. at the Whitby Counicil Chambers. Anyone interested in the sport, and in helpîing the youngsters enjoy the sport as well, are most welcome. Corne out and get involved. MONDAY, OCT. 6th - U.C. Messengers-straight after school at the United Church Hall. Open to aIl boys and girls ln Kindergarten to Grade 3. Same place, but at 7 p.m., botli the Explorers and the C.G.1.T. group, are meeting for the first time this Faîl. Group'74 have'Ui-rM1Fmonth1y mêet- ing on this night, at the Brooklin Community Centre. Meet ing starts at 7:30 p.m. New ladies in the area..and new la- dies to the Groip .. .are more than welcomne. 1 can't close this week without this food for thought. A few years ago a group of ordinary people dared to say no to a proposed airport. And even tho' the outlook was black, they kept on saying no. Even tho' they were told that you can't fight 'City Hall"'... they stiil said no. At the recent election, they once again screamned a very defiant, NO: And Io and behold the powers that be actually sat up and took note. And now there will be no airport. Which only goes to show ... that if you ail stand toge ther, fi you ail per- sist and stand up for what you think is right...then you can fight 'City Hall' and win: The voice of the people can be heard. ..if the people use that voice. Don't sit back and let someone else take up the fight ... YOU get involved, YOU let your representative at the local, provincial, or Fed. levels know how you feel, and maybe, just maybe we'll have truly concerned governments that do listen. to the elect- orate. Well I'm signing off for now. Don't forget to give me a caIl with your news ... 655-3750. Until next week, take care - LIZ BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Vou Save Twice with Trim and Price! Prime Rib ROASTS (6th ond Ith RIBS) 1.48 TENDER - JUICY CHICKEN LEGS 1. 12 ib FRESH CUl <Wings Off) CHICKEN Breasts 1e. 17 1, DINNER shoulderJs8 lb ltoO:Y.." II TEND ý inctLiVERlib. .45 RIB STEAKS 1,58' 1681brk MADE FIOM 100% REF R0 ANCH STYLE . BTyfNE MBCS FRESH GROUND LEAN CHUCK 1. S OLOGNA lb.# RED & WHITE HANDLES ONLY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS 1 EMI TH & DEiEUTY 5ra 21m! TOOT1PAS- tU601ON CMEN A CLOSE- UP loo mL 9 9c COMUXISON SO&P« SUNLIGHT 3 »ba ai55c yod 5 VAP-O-EUloi. JM $1.19 couiI SYRUP 77C MOUTHIWASII. SCOPE 17 Fi. 0,Btl s.4 MIX *N EAT 1 0-Oz. Pkg. CREAN of Whgat 59C SUNSPUN - Canadian ProcOBI 8-0z. Pkg. CHEESE Slices 69c $TIE HOURS OPEN six DAIS A WIEIK 8:30 m - 6 P.mB EXCPI lIEURS & FR1' à.àààMIVMiI0 B m *BbflhI **~ W ~NNN* IIEET suyî - BLAOY SUT MACARONI or 2-Lb. Celle LANCIA Spaghetti 79c sEs7 BUYI - GOLDEN COUN 2-Lb Tin BEE HIVE SYRUP 69C BF." BUVI - FACIAL - »C0om-PLpckg KLEENEX Tissues 3< FRATURCI - CAINEN 000 pF000 20-Lb ag GRAVY TRAIN s4e99 FitATu M - il. C'. sUIT G RADEN COCKTAIL 28 FL Or. a"49< Value atisfoctioi THE BEST TO YOU EACH MORNING FROM KELLOGG.SALADA Kellogg5s -O ".Pkg. RICE KRISPIES 95C Kelogg's il 9 eei-j ,15-Oz. Pkg. 4SPECIAL "K" ee .9 Shirriff "GOOD MORNING" 24 Fi. Oz. Jar MARMALADE sl.25 5'l.FIATUINKI REAL 1000. VALUI l.Royale Towels Sunlight Liquid ç lurPI tl8 9c 32 FL OL sottie 9-9C FRATURKI128 Fi.DO.ug e.FLEECY F.bric Softener .75 g @EBT DUTI - WETINO US0JE - 40 - '.- 0Wtt '00 LIGHT BULBS 2p59c g54) IO TUUYI 4 "'O.IuN JAVEX Uquld BLEACH 645< WE BESIVE THI ICOT TO UMIT CUANTOTIES 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Oct. 2 Sat, Oct. 4 M N NwORM 09 COUPONS Finest Orange Pokoe CHICKEN NOODLE SALAuA .Soup Mix TCa Bgs Dixie Brand MUS 'N' SHINE Mushroonus ORANGE STÈMS AND PIECES FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 10 Fl. Oz. c4 Tin OL 9 -PACK 9 Supreme Brand Plastic KING SIZE CARBAIGE SUNLIGHT B3A GS Powder Detergen 10 _ c 18 ta 59,08 OIL $*9 FEATIABSI - MAGU 14 Fi. Or. I SPAGHETTI SAUCES *494 F E A T U B E I - P U S N O O T S 0 "F ~ I ~ CAT 2149, FEATUREI - AÉROSOL 15 FI. Oz. Un BON AmI 6 9c CONCENTRATID 12 FU Or. Tin WELC'S Gmps JIoe 73c HIGH LINER 14-Ot. o COD Flsh Sticks $1.29 lICHOl COFFE RUH32,- cta63c INP RES 2-lb bag79ci b["VE VRyA McLaughlin Galle ry tour will study town s historic ho uses A 'listorical House Tour of ic Town of Whitby is being organized by The Robert McLaughlin Gallery for Octo- be r 20. Anthony Adanson, the witty and knowledgeable au- thor of 'The Ancestral Roof' and 'The Gaiety of Gaibles' will act as the tour guide for this event. The tour will meet at the gallery at 10:30 a.m. for cof- fée and an introductory lec- ture by Mr. Adamson. Fol- lowing this discussion the bus will depart for a tour of Whitby's historic hiouses. At approximiately 1:15 p.m., lunch at the 'Hatch House' ini Whitby will be a- waiting thc tour. This fasci- nating ;îcw restaurant was once the retirement home of Nelson Gilbert Reynolds, Sheriff of. Ontario County and original owner of 'Trafalgar Castie', today's Ontario Ladies College. After lunch, the tour will again board Uic bus and visit many othier historical sites as Lynde House, Inverlyn, and th e Ontario Ladies College to name a few. Also die tour wil bc entering sever- ai of the houses where the period interiors are of special interests. Finally the bus wiIl return to dhe gallery at approximat- ely 5 p.mni. The cost of the tour is $12 and this includes lunchi at flic Hatch House. nie tour is open only to gal- lery miember and the reserva- tions can be made at The Robert McLaughilin G allery.- A slide presenitation given' by Kini Ondaatje, will serve as an introduction to the 1*b-rthciniig 'H istoric House Tlour,'(1o1October 20. 'The slde licesentation wilI take ilace ont Octoier 15, at Thie Robert MeLatighlini Gallery. Oslhma, tt '1)p111. IL ýw 0 ý;L7

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