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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1975. PAGF 9 Whitby opposes land grab Durham regional çouncil passed a bylaw last week which will allow the region OHS tag day a success The Whitby, Ajax and Pickering taggers in the recent Ontario Hurnane Society tag day raised $2,575 to further the work of the OHS. Muriel Sissons, organizer, was very pleased with the response of the public. She threw a 'thank you' party for the Brooklin and Whitby taggers at her sister's home. SOME PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING TO WIN, the spectators must have thought when Councillor Joy Thompson showed up at an exhibition baseball game against the Whitby Minor Baseball Association officials. Free Press Photo by Robin Lyon Protect cottage Since the beginning of October, officers of Whitby Detachment have investigated 100 occurrences of a general nature. There have been 3 break and enters, 4 thefts and 3 instances of malicious da- mage. 12 autos were aban- doned on Hwy. 401, assist- ance was rendered to 6 stran- ded motorists and officers handled 5 traffic complaints about other officers. 18 per- sons were investigated for outstanding warrants for their arrest, 6 impaired dri- vers were arrested and 8 per- sons were charged with the offence of having liquor in a place other than a residence. Officers handled 2 dis- turbances resulting fron domestic quarrels, I com- plaint of trespassing, and 40 miscellaneous calls. A total of 18 motor ve- hicle collisions were reported during the last week. A total of 32 vehicles were involved fI theßile " The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shail rejoice, and blossom as he rose. It shall blossom abun- dantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; glory of Lebanon shal be given unto it, the ex- cellency of Carmel and Sharon; they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of God. Isaiah 35: 1,2 - police and 6 of the collisions were of the personal injury variety. 5 persons were injured, none of them fatally, and 4 charges were laid as a resuit of these accidents. - Now that the summer sea- son is over, offences against property in the cottage areas is on the increase. In one in- stance on Scugog Island this week, a cottage was entered and vandalized. A substantial amount of malicious damage was also doen to the property. Another attempted break and enter was also reported in the same area. Cottagers are ur- ged to take steps to secure their cottages and remove those articles likely to be stolen such as televisions, radios, appliances, guns, food, and liquor. Make each cot- tage as difficult and as unat- tractive to a burglar as possi- ble. Arrange to have a local resident make periodic checks of your cottage and report al] offences to the police. to take over a tiree-acre par- - cel of land surrounding the Wh itby police building fron ti- Town ofWhitby. In a narrow 14-13 vote, wi th chairman Walter Beath casting the deciding vote, council· approved ic bylaw which forces to town to give the region about $250,000 worth of land (2,8) north of Rossland Road East. The three Whitby repre- sentatives on rzgional council -Gerry Emm, Jim Gartshore and John Goodwin-violently opposed the "land grab". Councillor Emm "the region made a bad nistake. It will becorne known as the day that Whitby had the blanket pulled over its eyes". Whitby Council's adminis- trative decided on Monday to file an objection with the Ontario Municipal Board and passed the appropriate bylaw Council must now approvc the recomimendation. St. John's to hold a first aid course St. John's Ambulance will offer an eigh t-week course on first aid beginning October 20. Cali 668-6139. Classes Anderson Vocational 7 to 9 p.n will bc lield at Collegiate and Institute from i. Mondays. Cost is $15 per person. NOTICE NOTICE of an application by the Regional IVunicipality of Durham for approval of a by-law imposing a special charge respecting the sanitary sewer system of the Regional Municipality of Durham. IT is the opinion of the Council that all residen- tial buildings in the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham not being a single family building, a double building or a duplex building, and all combined residential and non-residential buildings having more than two dwelling units, after the passing of this by-law, may impose a heavy load on the sani- tary sewer system of the Region, by reason of which expenditures may be required to provide additional sanitary sewer capacity which would not otherwise be required. THE Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to impose the charges upon the owner of every residential building, the owner of every combined residential building and non-resi- dential building in the Regiowiî Municipality of Durham erected or enlarged after the passing of this by-law. THE total sum shall be collected on the follow- ing terms and apply to each unit to be constructed: (a) for bachelor dwelling units and one bedroom dwelling units $225.00 per unit; (b) for dwelling units containing two or more bedrooms $450.00 per unit; ANY charge or charges imposed under this by-law shall be made payable at the time of an application for sanitary sewer connection and shaîl be collected by the Works Department of the Regional Municipality of Durham. THIS By-law shall not apply to: (a) every building on land exempt from taxation under any general or special act: (b) every building on land in respect of which an an Agreement has been entered into with the municipality under Section 33 of The Planning Act or any predecessor thereof; (c) every building or any land in respect of which a contribution to provide sanitary sewer facilities has been made within ten years previous to the application for a sanitary sewer connection; (d) every residential building having not more than two dwelling units; (e) every combined residential or non-residential building having not more than two dweIiing units: ANY ratepayer may within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, a notice in writing stating his objection to such ap- proval or to the imposition of the special charge. THE Ontario Municipal Board may approve the special charge pursuant to the statute but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objection will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 8th day of October, 1975. C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, L1N 6A3. A, Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation MODIFIED TENDERS are invited for the CONSTRUCTION OF 165 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS in the CITY OF OSHAWA ONTARIO These units are to be sited on land now owned by the Corporation. PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED Preliminary drawings, bid forms, specifications and infor- mation may be obtained from the Toronto offices of the Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, 12th Floor. Submis- sions for this project should be physically received at the Corporate Secretary's office on the 13th Floor, of Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, not later than 2:00 p.rn., E.S.T., Wednesday, November 12, 1975. NOTE: Submissions will be received ONLY at Head Office. BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE. The lowest priced or any bid not necessarily accepted. A Builders' Meeting will be hceld in Board Roon 2B-Wing B, in the City Hall at 50 (entre Street South, in Oshawa, Wednesday, October 15, at 7:00 p.mn. A representative of Ontario Housing Corporation will be in attendance for the purpose of providing information with respect to this cal. Enquiries for additional information niust be directed to the Development Manager (Metro Region) at 965-9642. Applications for documents: 965-9658. An Agency of the Province of Ontario

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