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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 13

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WH- ITBY FREÉ PRESS-, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8,1I975, PAýGE 13 MOPLD -Bruncu brand iLCw 150 miles. highirise hnandlebars, deluNe seat. 148 miles per gallon, wiIi go -:Il1 m.p.hi. S460. Cali 668- 3186. WOOD -One trailer- îoad soft wood suitabie for fireplace $35. Caîl 668-8957- W'EDDING GOWN - Size 12, veil and train $50. Caîl 668. 2406 or 668-44 10. Emp. 'STERFO - 1LioydIs receiver, eigh t-track, turnitable and two speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. Ca1668-7190. Emp KIMS --Fur -14 in. chrome reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2? 1 60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 28' heads $40; 2 bucket seats $30; set of headers $10;, Ford 1/2 ton 15 in. Rims- $8 each (4); Ford 1/ ton rear axie $15 and 2 drumns$15. Calîevenings 579- lei --uAauyoi-o (;AS STOVI - Findley, 2 years oîd, gold colour, Rotisserie, excellent condition. $ 175. ('atl 668-4468.i AFGHANS --Old lfashiioned" 4Sin. X 4Sin. l'or $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Both miulti- coloured and wouid suit any decor. ('aIl 655-4776. Emp. WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8.- long veil and headpicce included, long siceves, excellent condition, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50. mustsec.a 668-9120 afier 4. 668--84 nh 0. a BOY SCOUT UNIFORM Size 14 $15; ladies wîntcr COAT size 18-20, like ncw $22. ('al 668-1123. - DRUMS Olympia, 8 piect. set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. ('aIl 655-3563. -Dëlixé-',ïd-oju 66 CUTLA S- V8 automnatic above gru-d e(2) 1oX 2door hardtop. good condition, 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 -sin $50."'al 65421 year old. Repossessed - by DtSK - $10; conp.t lcib bank, sacrifice !/ price. CalI UNIFORM $10; stearn IRON $8; Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. t25 mail apt 6ec.Cl WRINGER WASiIER- $25 ; BED- Coloniaýl 39 inch $30; nsushroom KITCHEN SET, w~hite HUMIDIFIER $18; pair of snow with black padded seats $100; TIRES G78-15 $15. ('ail 668- WEDDING DRESS, size 9, comn-67-79. plete sith floor Iength veil $90. u..r ev C'al 723-7 147. duty 30 in. $60. 5 piece DINING 1972 GRAN TORINO - v8, ROOM SET, wooden $140. 4-door, green wiih black vinyl ('al 6668-6750. roof, black interior, certified SPEEED B A - ca so-naàMe $2,300. ('ail 655-3406. $95 Ç(aIl Dou ai 668-97 HAIRDRESSING -Triangular WASHER/SPIN DRYER ('arousel with 3 mirrors and lights Westinghouse, used two monihs good condition, asking $150 or $165.00, 3 piece sectional, bloc best offer, STEAMER (hairdress- green orlani pile with bar $400 crs) $20. a1668-3061- like new. ('ail 668-4377 or 668- MATERNITY CLOTHLS-à '6078.. Incîuding four tops, anc pair - INDOW7S- -Basemeênt -21X siacks, two pair shorts, a pant suit 371/ $6 each, picture window, and a dress, neyer worn, size 10.- storm 58X64 $30, window size 12 $25 for everything. Caîl 728- could bc altered slightiy. ('al nNç1723-8220. _______ oreansnl CORSAIR TRAVELTRAIL- white LAUNDRY TUB with ER- 171/2 feci, hot-cold waicr, sturdy steel stand $25; ('HEST showcr, toilet, fridgc & stove, like DRAWERS $45; Set BUNK BEDS new, neyer travcllcd, $3.500. ('al with springs, no mattress, size 668-6507 evenings. 36 inch width $50. ('ail 668-9009.- ----- - - ý 1 I 1965 CHEV IMPALA - 2 STOVE -- westinghouse cleI, idoor bard top, certified, new tric," 30 inch, four bomners, e:xcel- 'steering parts, all new tires, tape lent working condition $35. ('al deck, power steering, no trîfles. afier 5 p.m. 615-4454. Good condition. $450. ('al RANGE - .24 inchelect.s 18275 westinghouse, four borner, good 1969 FORD WAGON - condition $40. ('alil 668-3692. 8 seater, unccrtified. $400. ('ail 655-4416., Average Cow The average cow gives about 35o pounds of rnilk a week. That means a cow mnust eat 315 pounds of silage, 105 pounds of hay. 118 pounds of grain, 14 ounces of salt, 14 ounces of general food substance-anld she mnust have 175 gallons of water-all in one week. Editor's Quote Book Liberty without leara- ing is aLwaYS in peril, and learniflg wthoui Liberty is alwayS in vain. John F. Kennedy CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOUNTAIN - Approx. 6 ft. diame ter, 4 ft. tali $ 10. C'al af ter 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, hood, jacet and pants $55. Cail 579- PONY- Strawberry Roan previously used for childrens' rides compiete with good as new saddle blanket, bridie, hatter and reins $125. Cali 655-3031. fur, leopard type, 2 years oId, wom twicc $25. ('al 579-3569. FOR SALE $ 100 or necarest offer. Phione 1959 3/4 Ton FORD pick-up - 668-4187_________6_________ open box rceclette, STOVE - 30 inch, good con -1 good runnîng conditionakn dition $75; space HEATER $60.1 $35 uncertified Lic. No. P49793 ('ail 66.8-6750. Cati- 68-6638. STOVE - Smaiî $60; B&W 19 71 PINTO - 2,000 CC, lume TV Philco $60; teak chesterf ieid green, 40,000 miles, body great, and chair $85; antique Raymond motor very good, 4-spced, radio, treddie sewing machine $65. Cal fuliy certiried, good gas mileage, 668-6080. __ best offer over $ 1,300. Cati ELECTRIC STOVE - 24 inch, 98225,____4 elements' Good condition. tabeS-2 h245iror' $1 0;'L926_a ter p. . E $130. SECn1579-2939$40mo0.r work,5-everythin lse -1 nar edî$, igh hCat,6825cma4 10.Cti63-76 StaNsOeceletIconditonr$190. 974 SKO O -Feeai 44 $2.9 ei tree6fter688m ueas ei vew montra hanmutge 668-4677. rese 197nabl,2 KWSAukI - 750 H2,o kithencabnet$ 10 s est nd o m $15age,.eceletcnition8 tbl ICYCE N3.mail $$20 29506ae-ai.- E(d- ar Spe Ccedui olsize 663.Cl 748. 939.mb pr o v tindlyse A20, i TOLeT & Jhilh aNK - desert $150dcondtio,683-879 Ifor$50 àsaind, exceldntcondition $19.0j19al74 S-57. - F emp. 44 6U6 IDIFER7. 25.Cati 68-6644KI8--171.0EH2, r RGAN- 11t. in u n.o AMPIFIERX - Vo8 i, wo8 in clsrt $35126DuffriwnSt.,,o 250 or ali 668-286 793 bunle $0-0;Clearance 1 TABLE - antique $20;, SKIS and ski BOOTS, size 31/2 $15; swivel CHAIR $15;* HUMIDIFIER $25;, VAPORIZER $5; hrownic UNIFORM $8; electrie coffee PERK $ 10;, sandwich GRILL $7; TOASTER $7; carpet SWEEPER $10; smail electrie HEATER $5; G.E. floor POLI SHER $ 10; 6 Iigh t brtpe BATHROOM FIXTLJRE with shave plug in like new $20; 6 apple ('RATES $2 each. ('ail 668-9404. Gendron STROLLER - $10, Baby CRIB, new mattress, $10, DRESSER $25. Cal 668-5175. wheeî $20; doil CAR RIAGE 24 X il inches $12; nair of white SKATES size 6 $5; boys SKATL-. size 5 $5. ('ai 668-8619. FERRING --1larley Davidson 1200 asking $65; 4 MAC whecls ani tires l'or foreign car asking $80; 3 sets of' car ROOF RýACKS $8 a set. ('ail 668-4449. KTIIN TABLE --Oval, 3 chairs, aliosi new $90. ('ali 1968 lPONTIAC -Laurentian V8, selI as is $800 or bcst offer, 97,00îniîes, ('aIl 668-7980 after 6 1 . . - GOLF SIIOLS - 2 pairs. whiitc a'nd peacli coloured pair, size 7 $10, wvhîtc and black pair size 7 $10), good condition. Cati 863- 1806 and ask for Ca (hiy. 19-10 DODGE CHALLEN - GER- 318 V-8, new back tireý $ 1,800. ('ai 668-5745- PROPANEFRNC -bd wvorking condition $100, propane tour humner stove $10. ('ai 683- 8336. la AM-FM STEREO RECE VEF $325,eing uebrkesin tbegls: $,25 top $r0. ai 2866892. RE-----17ENR ONTra nr sat 1964 IIEVIROLE - Pan' iTeRU, goo0 runnmin coii as is.$250. ('al 655-418 ft 6 p.m. MIRROR SET - Monaco witl wall sconoces very different, ne' $40; one roomn divider, very largi 4$20; two chairs for rec-room co cottage $ 10 cach; Vanity for bed -room or powder room with ver) >large mirror $40; arborite, sheets, one pink and one-whit, $10. ('ai 668-6567. 'Leading manufacturer of lifetimne warranted above ground aluminum pools is ov-, er stocked in many models. stallation at reduced winter Lxrices. ('ail collect 416-536- 9278." ri 19o9 OLDS Ctiass 442 V8 power dlise brakes, automatie, AàM/F-M radio, ail gaXtges includ- ing tachometer, 2 door liard top, body needs paint, approxiniaieiy 76,000 miles, $1,100 or best of- fer. Ci668-1066. E . 300 SAVAGE RVLE -- accur- Iate and powcrfui $85. 12 guage Stevens pump SHOTGUN $75. Oid VIOLIN and case in fair condition $25. L%"16 î-49. (Kodak) with carrying case, in excilient condition $10, ski boots sîze seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains micro- scope, stides, specimmii5 for ob- sçýYîng $8.(al 66844.65- DOORS - 2 aluminuin screen doors $50 for both; complete girl guide UNIFORM $15. 'al after 6 p.m. 668-5068. PAN GUITAR - Replica of Gibson Les Paul, two double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjust- able steel neCk $100 firu. ('al 668-9772. Emp. -CHESTERFIELD and chair fr. colon, good .for recreation room or cottage $50. '('ail 668- 5404. 1970 MGB - Convertible' good working condition, certified one owner, comple te with luggage rack asking $1,500. ('aIl 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 BABY FURNITURE - Stroli O Chair, includes carniage, stroîler chair, high chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. ('ail 728- 0333. Emp. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, selling as is $900 or best offer. ('ail 668- ,765 4. Em p. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15. kitchen table, chromne & grcy marbie in design $20, please caîl after 6 p.m. 655-324Q. Emp. cyclM$5DbayIcR bd$, cserieo ryeordpayr 15e8 olfcluste&e bagor $15 ypier $258,olfcectri, sewg machpewier$2, erocking hse$5, abyhie$, sord ho5. ('ail 668-6257. 3,swor $5.______________668-6257. _______ ig se Free Press 4Emporium MAIL ALL ADS TO: SFREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITBY automatic, good mnechanical and running condition $425 uncerti- fied. C ai 668-7644. _ ____ ('IESTERFIELD - Green,i goîd broquade, good condition $75. ('ail 668-7644. pintu stationwagon $25. 'all Dar8-r6522to 1 coliar and Iworn twice, 668-4986. size 12. $35. ('ail F:SWIMMINGPUUL -e possessedl, excellent Cofdi- tioîl, leading manufacturer. i willing to sacrifice at '/-price.. CaiCollect 416-536-9278. GAS STOVE - 30 inch Find- Iay automatie 4 borner. Rotis- serie Roast THERMOMETER $125. Ca11655-4721. TIRES - To new betd tubeiess, size 700-13. $35. Cail -68-4593. ANTIQUE - Armehairs, Imatching solid walnut (tvo, in i excellent condition $100 each; VANITY dresser (iight oak) with 1 attaclied round mrirror with matching bench $50. Caîl 668- bels, Unique and unusual fashion finds are in the boutique room ai the Ncariy New Shop, 131 Brock St. S., Whitby. Open daily from '9:30 -5:30. P STUDEýýNT -- with 3/4on truck wiiI dlean out atis, garages, base- ments, yards, etc., reisonable rates. Cati DOUL 654776._ HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2) required by Henry VII1 Massage Castîe BUGGY - Twin strolier com- bination, good condition $40. IMs ewîigt er (ail 668-5272.ilMs emligt er DOLL - Beautiful CrissY $3;, anan apaacl Malibu Barbie doîl, case 7and some IWeil nnered, friendlY clothes $3, ïake-a-Matic oven in $0 -$0diypu good condition $4.50 s ta inless bteis or lxbe steel sink $ 10; desk and chair $'20 ,comdto ('ail 668-3414.Aco mdtn or H-OCKEY PANTS - black assistance inl rélocation nylon $7.50. ('aIl 655-3773. available, 77 Victoria St. GARAGE- for one car,wvood I Toronto. trame, steel overhead door. Ex- cellent condition. $250.00. Cali Conitact Miss Cathy 655-4590, evenings. (1) -.361-0838 collect elecirie, will sdil for $35, ideal for 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim $45. Cati 668-5040 afier 5:30. A TTENTION FARMERSIII WHV PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PRLM IUm.OUAUT.v - - -GAS *DIESEL flJEL - s MOTOR Ol Prom i èiwy I - ~OEl 01 fwn p=ameCali cow.c à PX 668-3381 in ýmy home. Mary Street. ('al 668-9722. CHIHUAHUA - 10 month old, maie $50. a 6684714. Labor Force Today's labor force in- cludes more than 35 mnillion womnen, 13 million of whomn that the average woman worker earns less than three-fifths of what a mari does-evefl when both work fuit-tinte year round. FLOORPOLISHER$10. Sears automatie console HUMIDI- ~ FIER $40. Cai 668-3209. 283 CI-EVY MOTOR - With automatic transmission, asking $100. Cati 668-7553 or 723- 5 3 66. 22 BOLT ACTION - With scope, gun rack, good condition, $45. Cati 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION l-ITCII- One axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. ('ail 728-8056. BICYCLE- Boys high rise 3-speed with banana seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, aiso boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. ('aIl 668- 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT & solids offenhainser twin carb high rise for small block Chevy, like new, asking $200. CaI 6554723. WEDDING GOWN - Size 11- 12 $60. CaiI 668-4595. STROBE LIGHT, - alrnost new, 1 new buîb, factory made, warranty and ail parts $50 or best offer. FERRET - albino, bro-wn maie or female $25. ('al 668-7190. miles west of I-wy. 12 northside. Oct. 8 - Oct. 30. 655-4776. WANTEL) - mature woman to look after new-bomn in my home, Whitby. Services to commence mid November, part-timc to a.i maximum of 4 days per week. Reply in writing stating work history, references, salary expeet- cd 10 Mrs. C. Crockford, 806 Beech St., Whitby. AUCTION SALE Saturday Oct. 11, 12 noon - old faim machinery, antiques, ful une of household furniture, player piano, 1 horse cuiter (excelLent), 1967 ('bey 1 ton truck, spool cradîe, Finley eook stove with 1 oven warmer, space iieater, electrie stove, T.V., hanging chan- delier, chesterfield suite, royal dalton figurines, beds, dressers, appiances, drapes, pine wash stand, garden tools, small freezer, table saw, gehi hainmer miii, grain blower, case muller 7 ft., sedoa manuer loader, 250 gallon fuel tank & pump, case 133 bailer, case DC4 tractor (not running), Inter- national side delivery rates, 3 spring tooth cultivator, Interna- tional 13 run seed drili, large quantity of scrap iron, quantity of other furniture & farm items. Property of M. H. & Ray Ellicott, Lot 16 & 17, Concession 4, Pic- ikering Township, 1 mile south of Brome 1/2 mile cast beside Consol- idated Sand & Gravel. Tcrms cash, no reserve. Owner moving. 1John Annis Auctioneer, 683-4500. cabinef, buffet, rocking chair,' other articles on Thursday Oct. 9q at 1:00 p.m. at 1600 Charles St, Whýitiby. 668-6519. BABYSITTING - Wili baby-, sit preschooler Monday to Friday. ('ail 668-3050. BABYS ITTING - wilI babysit pre-schooiers, Monday to Friday, in my home. -CaîIl 668-757 1. BACIIELOR- requires roomn- mate, 25 years or over, to share a three bedroom townhouse- $150. month. Ca11668-2286. Advertisdy FREE in the FREE' PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you îelO! There wili not, be any charge 10 advertisers in the FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unicss the item advertised is soId. When the aLver tised item is soid, you pay e commission based on THE ADVERTI SED PRICE as illustrated beiow. AIl advertisemetts must be i:laced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run nit leasi one month if not sold RATES (if article is soîd): 5% of advertised price up 10 $400.00 2% of baîancç over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Soîd item t~dvertised for $50.00 - commission du,, $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Pîease.notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is soid so that we may delete il from, the following issues. Services, heip wanted, clothing, real estate and personal -nssage type ads can only be handled on a prepaid basis. 668-6111i wihle adjuICBOmtdinae coitio$5;pieîjsretd'sBE ld-e ciin onyp $2752 ith mattEssf igodyconition2$0; 2 mers stoveconection 220;t2eay uty 25 in. hltigh220itolshe, nouove $15. ('ail 655-3860; ..MmMMMý Mo

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