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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 2

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flAflt2I 1 tnMtPnAV flPTflflI R Q ioý WHIrrTRY REFPRES -THE RACE FOR THE MAYORALTY- IQMJJudIUIILI&S I '1'm going appointed if first-elass car corne forwar( the Decemiber a new mayor, Tom Edwards. When asked any possible Edwards said ones. I heard then 1 hearc drawn. I kno sone membe who have bee don't know A o anticipate a ir h ow realistie thiat is. I've to be very dis- bnly heard the usual. 1 don't a number of know of any dark horses. At ,ndidates don't one tirne 1 heard that Bill d' to contcst Irwin hiad thoughts about it. rI election for 1 know that a niuber of for- said Councillor mier nembers of council around the communify could d if he knew of do an effective job. Certainly candidates, Mr. there are a lot of people in 'well, the usual the ratepayers groups who 1Dr. Hobbs and have a lot of dermite ideas J lie has with- about wherc, our cornrunity w that there are should go. I'm going to be ers of couincil awfulty disappointed if a en suggested. 1 numnber otf these first-class how many or people don't offer themiselves Ministry of Housing Ontario Housing Corporation MODIFIED TENDERS are invited for the CONSTRUCTION 0F 36 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS in the TOWN 0F PICKERING ONTARIO These unit. are to bc sited on land now owned by the Corporation. PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS ARE SUPPLIED Prelirninary drawings, bid forms, specifications and infor- mation may be obtained from the Toronto offices of the Corporation, loi Bloor Street West, I2th Floor. Submis- sions for this project should be physically receivcd ai the Corporate Secretary's office on the 13 th Floor, of Ontario Housing Corporation, 101 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, not later than 2:00 p.m., E.D.S.T., Wednesday, October 29th, 1975. NOTE: Submissions received ONLY ai Lead Office. BIDS WILL BE PUBLICLY OPENED ON THE DATE SPECIFIED ABOVE. A Builders' Meeting wiIl be held in the Committee Roomn of tH-- Municipal Offices, at the corner of Brock Road North and Highway No. 2, in Pickering, Wednesday, October 8th, 1975, at 7:00 p.m. A representative of Ontario Housing Corporation will be in attendance for the purpose of providing information with respect to this cali. xénquirics for' additional information must beclirected to the Development Manager (Metro Region) ai 965-9642. Applcatonsfor documents: 965-9658. An Agency of the Province of Ontario iumber of f irst-class candi*dates after flic trouble we went to to provide this opportunity for nernbers of our commun- ity to run. (Mr. Edwards was referring to Whitby Couincil's decision f0 have the vacancy fidied by election rather than a ppointment.) The only de- cfared candidate that 1 know 50 far is Warren Mowat.' 12+» ruling out himself as a candidate, Couincillor Ed- wards said 'I've always hceld that the mayor's job and the regional councilor's job (the mayor of each munici- pality in the region serves on regional council) are fuil-time occupations and it means that 1 would have to give up my present employment'. He is a representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees who negotiates on behalf of health care workers. 'It's too great a burden to place on my family and under the present circumstancsI can carry out my job, my employment obligations and also play a role in the life of our com- munity. That is what 1 enjoy doing and that is what 1 want to continue doing. Those are the reasons why'. YOUNG HOPEF UL : Nobody can re'plaice Des Newman Graydon Colvijie, if not j one of the rnost welI-knownÉ candidates in the contesf forE mayoralty, is cerf ainly one oft the youngest. Mr. Colvile, 29, a resident of Whitby for 1 5 years, deci-r ded f0 confest tfl irayoraltyt for several reasons.t First and foremost, he says was the 'hassle I went through to get my taxi licence renewed'. Mr. Colvil1le appear- ed several times before Whitby Council for the licence renewal but was re- peatedly turned down for liquor violations. He was granted flie' renewai last month, ending the 'hassies' whichi had been going on since January. Mr. Colville aiso feels that the present counicil is 'incom- petent'. He says '(Councillors Gerry) Ernm, (Jirn) Gartshore and (Joy) Thompson seem to mun the show. The others are like a bunch ofmrummies'. He said the present coun- cilors 'are afraid of offending people. I wouldn't ..be.- t'd ORGAN & jsiàt carry the town. rîiake the their mone: ouf the business of' If 1 was nmayor, 'd coundilors earn 1 Y . If Mr. Colville did becomne mayor, he says he would sec f0 if that more sports fadili- tics, mnust nofably tennis courts, were budt, especially in Brooklin. He adds that he would make the exisfing fa- iities more accessible to the public. In addition, Mr. Colville would put the collar on 'landlords who take advantage of tenants' by charging exor- bitant rents and failîng to repair defects in the dwellings. Mr. Colvflle feels thaf al thic people whosc names have been bandied- about as, possible candidates for the mayor's position are jusf interested in the moncy'. He adds that 'none of them, myseif included, arc vcry impressive. Noone will be able to replace (former mnayor- Des) Newman for l'il wait until October 27 Councillor Don Lovelock does not intend to make public his decision on whcther or not he will con- test the upcoming ciection for Whitby mayor until Octo- ber 27, dic date that thec members of council mutually agrced upon as a dcadline for tcndering resignations to show that they intend f0 seek the position. Whcn asked if he knew of any possible contenders, Mr. Lovclockreplie.d 'no, not f0 PIANO LESSONS PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS: Call Bus. 728-1675 Caîl-4 Res. 725-8742 IHAMVTOND ORGAN Studios 16 Simcoe St. N. at Kina 729-1675 my knowlcdgc. I think every- body is kceping if prcfty fight to the chest. 1 gucss it is the old case of not-letting anybody know anyfhing before you have to'. EMM: lII teli in a week Cou ncillor Gerry Emm will make a statemrent on whcthcr or not he will be a candidate in the December 1 election for Whitby mayor wi th in a week. Mr. Emm said '1'm stfil sort ing out a couple of things but I have pretty well made up my mindi. IRWIN: I'M stili picking One namne that lias been tossed about as a possible candidate in the Decemnber 1 election for Whifby mavor is MI Irwin, who scrved as a town coundillor in 1973. Whcn asked if lie had con- sidercd secking the position, whichi Des Newman vacafed f0 contest the pfovincia1, election, he said 'yes' but added that he would flot make any decision 'until the apple picking season is over'. His family owns Red Wing Orchards in Whitby. Nursing Home Beds The Ministry of Health wishes to contract with responsible and qualified persons or organizat ions having an interest in the establishment and operation of 60 nursing home bods in the Cobourg area. Ail regulations pertaining to the operation of nursing homes must be satisfied, and the selected parties will be responsible for ail costs associated with land acquisition, construction apid contracts. The following information Is required: 1i An outline of the experience of the company and its principal officiers in the ownership and operation of nursing homes or similar facilities. 2. An ouf une of how the capital costs învolved are to be financed and the extent of capital funds avaîlabie. 3. Any addîtîonal pertinent *information. This information wîll be receîved untt 1800 hours, Wednesdlay, October 15, 1975, by Mr. D.N. Teasdale, Instîtutional Division, 15 Overlea Blvd., 7th Floor, Toronto, M4H 1A9, Telephone: (416) 965-8079. Ministry of Health Ontario Hon, Frank S. Miller, Minister THE CARPET WAREHOUSE 110 'KING ST. W. OSHAWA, 728-0292 SHAG f rom $4951 LEVUI sq. yd. LOOP ROADLOOM $350 sq. yd. kitchen $595,r sq. yd. TREND SETTERS 0F THE CARPET INDUSTRY" Councfllor Emm promised one month ago that hie would make a decision within a month. GOODWIN F'ilwait Acting Mayor Councillor Johni Goodwin, when askcd if he would contest Uic mayor- alty, said "noone that's on the present counicil can any- Uiing thaf is meaningful before October 27". "Those kind of announce- ments made by members of the counicil during Uiis pcriod may cause some difficulties", he said. Mr. Goodwin added thaf he will make an announce- ment foward Uic end of October. MOWA T 1 have the experience IWarren'Mowaf, who served 'as mayor of Whitby from 1964 to 65, is a candidate in dlic December 1 mayoralty election. He said he is seek.ing fthc position because "if is vacant and I've been there before. 1 tliink fhey need some person with experience. 1 think I have tlîat experience". Mr. Mowat own Mowat's Insurance. GAR TSHORE Not likely Councillor Jim Gartshore "6probably won't" be a candi- date in Uic Decemnber 1i dcc- fion for Whifby mayor. According f0 those close f0 Whitby Counicil, Mr. Gart- shore would have been mayor if Uic vacancy .had been feit __by appointmcnt. Leisure7iQý,,---,world I I oi-, 1 1, 1 1 (),%fi \ %Il 723-3393 Fi

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