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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1975, PAGE 3 PlANNING DIRECTOR "4Hi'gh rise not civil form of famlily accoînodation"9 "For well cstablishced reasons, both hiere and ini the U.K., high risc is niot a civl form of famîly accomoda- tion", according to Keith Birch, Planning Director of the Town of Whitby. "WMile hey may bc a nccessity in rnetropolitan areas because of basic land values, 1 think the ime is still riglit that we cati get suit- able high density develop- nient without going to the high risc form in Whitby1', lic said. Mr. Birch said opposed to high risc ment in general for sons-sociological and lie is develop- two-rc a- acsth tic. Fie. said "I think basically it's the sociological reasons. When there is a shortage of basic far-nily accornodation the solution fow that accomo- dation is not in the high risc' forni. A miother living ini eight storcys with kids can't let flhern go out in the back yard whilc sh 's doing hcer chores and kecp an eye on themn at the samne ime". "Secondly, and again it's only my personal opinion, that. we should lumit high risc dcvelopment to flive or six storcys. The principal reason is dia t you'rc stilI basically ini contact with the ground&. You're no highcr than rcc hceight. In aesthetic ernis, dic bcst example 1 can give is the fivc storey apart- ment on Kent Street and Mary. If you don'L go looking for it, you don't know iL exists because it sur- - rounded by mature trees", Birch said. DO'C lligh Sehool to hold walkathon On Thursday, October 16, the staff and students of Denis O'Connor High Sehool in Witby wiil stage a walka- thon desigi.ed to raise funds to offset the operational cx- penses of the school. People in the area arc pro- bably famifiar with the pre- vious moncy-raîiirg exploits of DO'C; lasL year the school ran a lottery draw, LOTO- FUN; the thrce years before that, it wvas the popular HOCKEY PAYOFF lottery. It was decidcd to try an alternative venture this year, and a committce of parents, teachers and students, have drafted and finalized the de- as of a DOC-A-THON. Under thc direction of chairwoman M rs. Aggie Sandrelli, the conîrni ttee lias mapped out a 20-mile course which will commence at the sehool, go down Henry Street to the base line road, west to Church Street in Pickering, north to Highway 2, west tc Brock Road, north to the 3rd concession and then east back Lo Witby, finishing in the school parking lot. The school is getting 100 percent participation from the 3 52 students and 2 1 staff members, who are currently signing up sponsors on thc usual per mile basis. The route wil bc policed and check points manned by parent volunteers. Denis O'Connor High School bas three sources of funds for Grades 1l, 12, and 13; Students pay tuition fées of $350.00; each parish provides a parish subsidy bascd on the number of stu- dents enrolled front the part- icular parish; the third source is the annual fund-raising drive. The current deficit re- quires a DOC.A-THON goal of somne $ 17,000.00. It appears that this goal will be rcached on October 16; ail monies realized will be applied directly to the day-to-day operating cx- penses of the school . Open 7 dciys a week RESTAURANT 20 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 D eliciaus Canad ion and Italien Dishes FIAT 128 SPORTS L COUPE. IT'S GOT ALLTHE FEATURES YOU'D EXPECT IN A HIGH PRICEO SPORTS -CAR EXCEPT THE HIGH PRICEU 1. Padded steering wheel. 2. Electronic tachometer. 3. Radial tires. 4. Front-whcel drive. 5. Room for 4 adults. - 6. Independent suspension. 7. Rack-and-pinioti steering. 8. Power-assisted, front-disc brakes. 9. 4-speed synchromesh transmission. 10. Rear window defroster &C hr h Uoe'î)JVJý oIr Marion Auto t ti0 2 ronfui St.IlOshawa He said "y ou only -necd to go to that report of (Toronto architect Raymond) Morh. yana's on the Rossland-Gar- den arca whcerc they said they rejccted the highi risc solution in design termns for Whitby because they felt it was un- suitable for the town as they carne to know it. 1 thorough- ly concur in that feeling". Whien askcd how long he held these opinions orihigh riscs Mr. -Birch replied "since 1 was in England (where hc was planning offlicer on the Greater London Counicil) be- cause it was beginning to be known sociologically that they are undesirable in famlily terms and secondly they wcre aclhieving thc low risc forrn of devclopmcrit at the saine densities. Tlîat green space around an apartment in nothing more than a piece of grass. Nobody walks on it, nobody does anything on it. lt's there to set off the building and not for people and that is the wrong thing to use Up space for" Mr. Birch, who serve4 as the Town's Deputy Planning Dircctor frorn 1971 to January, 1974, before beîng_ promotcd, addecl, however, that "there is still the re- quirernent for high dcnsity but flot in the high risc solution. You can still do it on a fairly low risc form donc propcrly". "Assuming that you'ýre given the requirement for high dcnsity, to get the range of accomodation you can do it a lot lower to the ground. What you're flot gctting in going that route is that sterile bit of open space around a 20-storey. That is being used for buildings but 1 think yoLi'rc gctting a better result for the community in doing it", hc said. Mr. Birch noted that his comments are meneral and bufidinp,. BROTHERIS PIZZA b SUBMARINE MUR Save 50 cents delipciy chârge by picking tip yotir pizzii 668-3600 B LAI R PARK PLAZA Corner Of Hiuhway 2 and Lupin Drivt> flot aimed at any specifie EditoF's Quote Book A' Liberty is the resultSHP of free individual ac- PHONE MIKE 723-0040 SALLY tin.eery n i. 1012 KING ST W- KING W'x deedence. OSAW "lt's tir veneeredi. And 7/16"thick!" Take a good, close look. Oregon Trail"M panelling is made with veneers of real fir, Its rugged. Practical, too. Cornes with a tough protective finish, plus a prico tag much lower than you'd expect!1 Fir verreered plywood 7116*. DISCOVER OREGON TRAIL PANELLING "Bring home the look 19 of the great Northwest!" Oregon Trail panelling cornes in four rustie colourtones, frorn soft grey Granite to deep, dark Onyx. So you can use it to warm up ariy kind of roornl Just stop by, wherever you see the blue and white sign: at your Georgia-Pacific Registered Dealer. Discover Oregon Trail panelling. And bring it home. 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