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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY', OCTOBER 8,1I97.5. WHITBY FREE PRESS ~~whitby Voice of the County Townl SERVING OVER 26,000 Assistant Editor - Blake Purdy evory Wcdnosday Contributiflg Editor - Jim Quail by NM.B.M.Publishing à ~and Photography nc. The Free PreSs Building anagig Edtor.121 Brock Street North, Mike Burgess, publisher-MafaigE ir. Whtby, Ontario. Production Manager - Marie. Burgess D)Isplay Advertising Manager - Robin Lyon Classif ied Ad Manager - Marlene Byrom Box 206, Whitby. Mailing Permit No. 2941 phone 66861 11, Toronto Line 2821004 Opponents sliould put pressure r () oNT, UoBERAL r,,-> on Godfrey The high rise battle is over, at lenst, at the local level, and the developer, Donbill Holdings Limnited has won. The local politicians did their best to please the project's opponents, who, as each time the contro- versial issue arose, seemed to grow in numbers and spirit. Not, even the most boisterous critics of VNhitby Council can deny that. The only possible way of halting the develop- ment is by putting pressure on the provincial governiment. So, put the pressure on recently elected- MP Charles Godfrey if you are still dead against the apartments. Reader in love with Brookin Dear Liz: Brooklin Bylines I would like to make reference to a section of your article of several weeks ago in which you stated that Brooklin was becoming known as an unfriendîy town. I must take exception to that remark, as I have found that Brooklin is the friendliest town that I have ever been fortunate to live in. I wonder if perhaps the source of your information was a person who really does not know what a coîd and unfriendly area really is or whether it was sorneone who just had the unfortunate exper- ience of meeting a Brook- lImite who wasn't having a good day. My husband and I have had countîess ex- periences of friendîiness and genuine sincerity given to us since moving here last F ebruary and have found that living here is a ref resh ing change from the coîd and unfriendîy city living of Toronto. We have two infant children and at times when it has been im- possible for me to get out, each and every one Korean Dear Sir;- Please forgive me for taking up your valuble time. I api a teacher of a junior and senior high school in Korea. N'Y pupils (both boys & girls> are very eager to find pen pals in your coufltrv. of our local merchants at one time or another has been most helpful and gone out of their way to assist us. We have had two emergency situ- ations since moving here and both were handled witti little trouble duel 10 the assistance of our very dear neighbours. 1 could go on for pages, but in summary would like to say that it is very difficult to find a way in which to recipro- cate or to thank aIl the people in Brooklin for their generosity and sin- cere kindness, in particu- lar our next door neigh- bours, without whom life just wouldn't be so pleas- ant. They have ail made living in Brooklin a happy-and enjoyable ex- perience and I hope that those people that feel differently about Brook- lImites wilI take another look and perhaps see just how wrong they are. In closiflg, I enjoy your article each week and wish you continued success. Thank you for your attention. Yours very truly, Mrs. Susan Holoduke R-R. MN.1.Brooklin I arn writing to you in the hope that you can help them get in touch with the youth of your area. They would like to exchange information a- bout student life and various topics in every day life and to discuss, current internâaoiàflal pr- oblems. I think this kind of di- rect communication be- tween pen friends of a- bout the same age wiII heîp both to learn about each other's country. It wilI also help my stu- dents to brush up on their Englîsh. I also s' teacher looksforpenpalsfor his students a .1ýyour fun in swapping items in their hobby collec- tions. I teach in a school that has around 3,000 students, with ages fromn il to 19. The students here have five English classes a week. -r. "",EwyoU /k'ffvE UPA SEA T BEH/A/ om E ItEP1LA TF YOI ETrL E R7ý everyone of them wil be a faithful friend and correspondent to any boy or girl who wishes to be their pen friend. I hbpe you can find some space to publish my name in youre es- teemed paper. cooperation. Sincerely yours, CAPO. Box 3834, Seoul, Korea. 4 ver y kind e v 0 r y wednesdiýy vou your tidarlko RE,ÀDERS. Pu 1, 11 s hùd riý -

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