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Whitby Free Press, 8 Oct 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1975. WHIITBY FREE PRU Br~k1in ~; Byines The Local Association of Guides and BruWnieýs Broolin District - met last Thursday, 12nd Octuber, atf tli home of Mrs. June Churcli. The excecutive expressed dheir great deligh t ai ftic turnout uf su many intcrestcd ladies at the meeting. Business perîiMning tu the future activities uf' the two groups was discussed, including tuture plans for taking thc girls campiiîing. Cctainly these people have a great interest ini our datigh ters. and put ýa great deal of' effort in planning interesting activitics that will give the girls cyreat pleasure. On October 22'.nd at Mcadowcrcst School three of our young ladies will reccive thie Canada Cord. The presentation wvill be held at 7 p.m. and parents and friends of the girls are invitcd to attend. A reminder..as there sccms to be sumne confusion ... th at dhe Brooklin District Scouts and Cubs paper drive will take place titis monîli on the third Saturday, thc l8th October. There will be no pickup on the usual second Saturday of the mionti, as that is on Thanksgiving weekend. So please have your papers all -.,;atly tied up and out before 9 a.m. on the l8th. 111 be reminding you again next week, but cali 655-3253 or 6554337 if you have any questions. Mrs. Webb called this week to report that our new Oc. Spray C LL.h CRANBERRY Cockta55 0WD COLONT m 0u SOFT DRINKS 6 9 F!TJSITWUMY r" ' m1 25 PECTIN JAMS WESTONSIS __ MNCEMEAT_13 MARGARINE 11b Pck49c PIE CRUST MIX 67 Is Beaver group is doing very well indeed. If there are stilI any young boys between tire ages of 5 and 8 years who would like to joiri in such a group then you wfll be very wehcome to go along to St. Thomas's Parisit Hall on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. There is stili' room for a few more boys ... and tie other 14 regular mnembers will be delighted 10 mccl you. News fromi Ashburn this week includes an Auttion, proposed Craft sessions* and thre restait of thre winter Buchre gaines. Thre auction wiîl be October 1l1tdi starting at 2:30,p.nm* Proceeds go to the Commnunity Centre, and lu lielp tre tlnd raising there will bc one of their deligirîful BAke Tables whicit is open for business at 1:30 p.m. There will alsu be a White Eephant table and SKATES...for titose who airc in the wite sport activities and who need lte aipparatus. Itemns for' the Auction cati be left ai the Centre during the latter part of tic wcek, or if you need a pick up then cal Bill Burgcss..65-5-3981, or John Kozyreachyj at 655-3348. If thiere arec... and l'in sure there are many...any ladies who wouhd be inîerestcd in a crafts nigirt up in Asitburn, then would you like to cal! Lois Daw ai 655-3565 wîth suggestions for what crafts etc.? l'm pretty certain tirai the Daw phiore si going tu be ringing steadily in the next few days. Good Iuck Lois! Friday, October tlice 24tit secs thre resuming of tIhe regularFridly nigitt Etichres aitte Ashiburn Community Centre. Whien I say reguî ar ...t1 mean regular, every two weeks. Past partici- pants will know titis, but new people who may be interesi- ed, may think thiat titey are being held every Friday. But if you are a euchre fanatic you could stan miarking down every second Friday starting with thai one on te 24th. If you can't wait ihat long and you are the paruti of a child atiending St. Leo's Separate Scitool then you mighi action W. Noed0*.I Gvmm@uthpstd t -WApit LUA PART SKNNED - FULLY COOKED - SI4ANK POR11ON SMOKED 1. 181 HA&M CANADA GRADE "A" - EVSCERATEO BROILER SIZE Fresh Turkeys 95 c. MAPLI LUF PICNIC HAMS 1.292 FULLY COOKED - TASTY Ham SUices 1 .49e6 PURE PORK MAPLE LEAF Sausage Meat 691% MAPLE LuAf - *orE- 's DVffl uAAff sion' DINNER SHOULDERS SA USAGE FULLV uSMALLC COOKEO 7 LINK V LB. s1o797 vol1 otilf c Fruit Cake S'TUÂRT NOUSE FOIL WRAP VUATIM MUSHROOM FD. SMIT PIE FILLERS TOMATOSOUl niaDEN'S h~mm MOT Chocolate STRAINED FooE i A DOfLE ÂNCY 0CEAN SPRAY like to trot along to the scitool, on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. Tuesday thc l4th that is. Parents and teachers are havlng a Card and Social night on that evening. Those parents that attended hast month's social evening, know what a good timne was had. If you missed that one, then make an effort to gel to the next one...if you don't play cards a variety of games hopefully wilh be arranged so don't worry. It is also a social evening and you can have jusi as good a trne meeting other parents. We are catcring to ail people this week. It is now the tuin of the Rumimage Sale loyers! Yes! We have an event for you over ai the Legion Hall in Brooklin, on Saturday the h8th October. For thîe hours ... from 10 arn. to 1 p.m. y ou can rummage to your heart's content. Thtis event is put on by those busy ladies of the Legion Aux. I say busy because the following week on the 241h and 25th October they are sponsoringlte third Antique Show and Sale. As with tie f ïrst two sales, this one. wil be held ai the Brook- lin Community Centre...on the 24th (Friday) between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. and on 25th (Saturday) between 12 noon and 4 p.m. Admission wilh be $ 1.00 and refresh- ments, arranged and served by the ladies, wil be available. By the way, items for the rummnage sale can be lefi at the Legion Hall, or you can cail 655-4582, 6554401, for other arranginents. Now for thre quick calendar check: THURS. OCT. 9th: Beaver Group at St. Thomas's Parish Hall starting ai 6:30 p.m. Boys between the ages of 5 and 8 years welcomne. SAT. OCT. 1ltht: Ashburn Community Auction. Bake table open ai 1:30 p.m. Auction starting at 2:30 p.m. TUES. OCT. 14th: St. Leo's, Card and Social evening for parents and teachers. SAT. OCT. l8th: Paper Drive starting ai 9 a.m. Le. gion Ladies Aux. Rummage Sale ...l10 a.m. 10 1 p.ru. 6 Group '74 dance at Fantasy- land. Dancing from 8:30 to ia.m. Tickets from the Emporium, Baldwin St., or cati 655-4653. * e .WED. OCT. 22nd: Cana- da Cord presentation at Meadowcrest Scitool starting ai 7 p.m. FR1. OCT. 24th: Third Antique Show and Sale, Brooklin Community Centre 7 t1, 10 p.m. Ashburn Com- munity Centre Euchre night. 4à.84M &4j 0"SAT. OCT. 2Sth: Third c 9 j 89Antique Show and Sale from 12 noon til 4 p.m. 'r' SUN. OCT. 26th: Garrard ,45c Rd. Minor, Lacrosse Associa- 4 5c tion Annual Banquet and 10 M = MAwards Day ai Heydenshore ns cfl Pavilion. Be there by 1 p.m., Os 49 dinner served at 1:30 p.m. IoFLOLne-Ail players, coaches, mana- gers, referees, timekeepers and bootit vohunteers are in- î 79,vited to attend. Parents also O" 'm wehcome 10, watch and enjoy coafe a happy Thanks- I_ R- giving, and take care if you jýý. n.are-travelling. LIZ -655-3750 ds 5e WE RÉSEURETHÉ AlOHi'T U lIMIl TUANTII -In the future it WiII be corne increasiflgly important tb consider energy conservation in the desigfl of new buildings. The mostsig- nificant energy coniser- vation features are as follows: the use of in- I<URE IIOURS OP'-4 six DATS A WIIK ~Ii3Oa.u -6 P... SINURS FmI. CLOSED THANKSGIVING DAY 3 BIG DAYS Thurs. Oct. 9 Sat, Oct. il MLIWRYAT sulation; control of ven- tilation ; levels of illumination; orien- tation of the building; the amount of exposed surface area; andi proper window and opefiflng installation. TIL 9 pan. __________________________________________________________________________________ BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 mmom

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