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Whitby Free Press, 15 Oct 1975, p. 13

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, Free Press Emporium FOR SALE 1959 7/4 Ton FORD pick-up- open box truck, excellent tires, good runniîg conditioni, asking $35 uncertificd Lie. No. P49793 catil683-6638. 1971 PINTO- 2,000 CC, llme green, 40,000 miles, body great, motor very good, 4-specd, radio, fully certificd, good gas mileage, best offer over $1,300. (al 98,5-224S 1 1 DRUm ST-Juirorchestra neyer used $15. (ail 668-254 8. SýWINGOMAI' For babý, S12. (aIl 668-98S88. 0 ANTIlQUES -Dresser $90', kitchien cabiniet $120; beauty table with 3 nîirrors $120; 2 chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. (ail 579-2939. DRUMS - ('omlete set;2 toms, 1Ifloor tom, base, chrome snare dlrom, higlb bat, -2 cymibal stw-ids, -excellent condition $190. 2 19 Kei th Stre t ater 6 p-rn. PINE DESK (IIEST- Han, crafted, lias 4 drasvers $95. (al 668-4677. BICYCLE - Newý., iman's stand- ard Super Cycle, duil gold, size 19 ini., accessories, $45.(al 668-3748. Red Wall Curling JACKET size 40-42, $25; Bowling SIIOES and case, size 8, $ 10,' bath are in perfect condition. al 668-9073. SANDWICH GRILL --$5; HUMIDIFIER $25. (ail 668-6644 MlOPEl: - Bti -ue orand iecw 150 miles, highrise handlebars, - deluxe seat, 148 miles per -gallon, wîli go 40 mn.p.h. $460. (ail 668- 3186. WOOD - One trailer Ioad soft wood suitable for flireplace $35. Cat 668-8957. WEDDING GOWN- Size 12. veil and train $50. Cail 668. 1406 or 668-4410. Ep STEREO - Lloyds receivet, cight-track, turnt'îbîe and tsvo speakers. iust like new $ 150 or best offer. Cali 668-7190. Emp. tdMS T*oour 14 in. chrome reverse, 2 G70 Goodyear tires, 2 F60 Goodyear tires $160; set of 283 heads $40; 2 bucket seats $30; set of headers $10; Ford 1/2 tan 15 in. 'Rîms $8 each (4); Ford 1/ ton rear axle $15 and 2 drums $ 15. Caîl evcnings 579- 1690 and day 668-5823. POOLS - Deliux,rêdwOOtl, above ground pools (2) 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed * by bank, sacrifice 1/ price. Cal Mr. Woods 416-292-2264. WRINGER WASHER - $5 mushroom KITCHEN SET, white with black padded scats $100; *WEDDING DRESS, size 9, con-1 plete with floor Iength veil $90. Call 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8)1 4-doar, green with black vinyl roof, black interior, certificd $2,300. Cail 655-3406. HAIRDRESSING Triangulai Carousel with 3 mirrars and lights good condition, asking $150 or best offer, STEAMER (hairdress- ers) $20. Cail 668-3061. FRAMUS - 6 string banjo. $100 or ncarest offer. Phone 668-4187 afler 6 o'etock. -__ STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space H-EATER $60. Caîl 668-6750. STOVE -Simili $60; l3&W TV Philco $60; teak chiesterfield and chair $85; antique Rayniond treddie sesing machine $65. ('al i668-6080. ELECTRIC.STOVE - 24 inch, 4 elements. Good condition. $000. Caîl 655-4590, evenings. 9256 after,6 p.m. F'mp. 150. Cail 683-8796. 1974 SKIDOO - rceair 440 used oniy a fcw v monthis, must bie1 seen, just ikc pew $850 liina. 1972 KAWASAKI - 750 [-12, Iow mileage, excelent conditian $950. Cali 668-4368. COAT - Ladies black persian - ib appraximateIy size 20, in goad condition, svîîî sdi for $50. ('ail 725-5 714. Emip.1 SKPBOO30TS- Ladies size 61/2 buickle style. vorn once $25. CatI 668-2119i. Emp GAS STOVE - Findiey, 2 years aild. gold colour, Ratisserie. excellent condition. $ 175. Ca!i 668-4468. AEFHANS -Oid fashioned 45in. X 45in. for $45, 54i,î. X 54in. for $54. Bath moiti- coIourC(i and would suit any decor. ('ail 655-4776. Emp. WEDDING GOWN -- Suze 7/8 long veil and headpiece ineiuded. long siceves, excellent condition. regular pricc $ 150.00, asking $50. must sec..cal 668-9120 after 4. TV - B&W 20 inch $ 100. Cal 668-1384- BOY SCOUT UNIFORM Size 14 $ 15; ladies winter ('OAT size 18-20, like new $22. Calil 668-1 123. D-RUMS- Olympia. 8 piec,. set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Calil 655-3563. 66 CUTLAS -- V8 aularnatie 2 doar hardtop, good condition, asking $500. Cail1655-4221. ROM EToaen$10 DÉS SP - $O10 -1ReaObe $95. ail au ats 668-8957.a WestingCouonials3d twchmonth HU6MIDIF3 IER c$1s;ciof na boc RO g Se ra iE with bar$1400 Cllk 6w6C8- 6684375r068 MATERNI'FY uLuirTHL- OU /?. Inciuding four laps, one pair - WINDOWS -. Base ment-21 X slacks, two pair shorts, a pant suit j7/ $6 cach, pictore window, and a dress, neyer warn, size 10- storrn 58X64 $30, wvindow size 12 $25 for everything. Cai 728- could bc allered slightly. (al Ir. 14; 1.723-8220. PorceIain enameied sulinle 300 SAVA(;E RIFLE - accur- white LAUNDRY TUB with ate and powerfoil $85. 12 gauge sturdy stecl stand $25; CHEST Stevens ump SI-OTGUN $75. DRAWERS $45; Set BUNK BEDS C.il1 683-49. with springs, no mattress, size 36 incht width $50. (ail 668-9009. STEWART DRUMS - good ________________________condition, $150. (ail between STOVE - westinghoiise eleý -j_5:30-6:30 n-m. 728-9732. trie, 30 inch, four burners, excel- - lent working condition $35. (ail HUNT CAP- black velvet after 5 p.ml. 655-4454. Iwi 1h safety hamness instalcd, size ________________________ I71/2, $23.50. Ca1l1668-2407. RANGE - 24 inch ciectiic westinghause, four borner, good condition $40'. (aIl 668-3692. 1 969 1FORI) WAGON -- 8sealer, unce'rtit'ied. $400. 1Call655-.4416. Average Uow The average cow gives about 350 paunds of milk a week. That means a cow must eat 315 pounds of silage, 105 pounds of hay, 118 pounds af grain, 14 auncçs Of sait, 14 ounces of general food substance-anld she mnust have 175 gallons of water-ail in anc week. CLASSIFTED ADVERTISING' SKI BOOTS and SKIS - size 31/2, $15; swivet CHAIR, -$15; HUMIDIFIER $25; VAPORIZER $5; brownic UNIFORM $8; el- ectrie coffcc PERK $ 10; -.andwich GRILL $ 7; TOASTER $ 7; car-pe t SWEEPER $ 10; smaîl electric IIEATER $5- G 1-. FLOOR POLISIIER $10; 6 ight bar type BATIIROOM 1,IXAT UR1ýE with shave pîug in, like newà,0 6 apple crates $2 ecdi. ÇalI 668-9404. Baby CRIB3, nesv imattress, $I0. DRESSER $25. (kilt 668-51i75. R U (S 1Il tt. X 8 1't. 3 ini. & 10 1't. X 6 Il. 8 ini., earthl colours, rust, gold, i)rowfl, beige, $500 f'or bot. ('alItbH8-7923. CMIAR SIIINGLES 8/ bundies $00,00; lhomemiade 12 1.. aitlintinom housetraiter $250. ('ait 655-3411. ORGAN Chiristmias wîthi ber orïian. $25. tItis play' by nomi- ('aIl 668-7 102. AMPLIFIER Vax, two 8 in. speakers, excellent volumeo, imust seli $35, 1526 Dufferin St., ,Na. 2, or caîl 668-2860.- Swimiîng Pool Clearance "Leading manufacturer of lifetime warranted above ground aluminum pools is ov-, jer stocked ini many models. Iimmediate delivery and in-* stallation at reduced winter prices. Caîl collect 416-536- 9278." .Ar MUST SELL, immediate possession. A lovely three bedroom backsplit, broad- loomn, fireplace, famiiy room. Vendor bas moved out of town. Caîl 668-4088. tUDREY MOORE REALTOR 102B Byron St. S., Whitby. 1969 OLDS --'oC tiass 442 V 8 power dise brakes, au toniatie, AM/FINI radio, ail gauges includ' ing tachometer, 2 d.aom bard top, body needs paint, appraxîmaiiteis' 76,000 miles. $1.100 or besi nI'- fer. (al 668-1066. 1"n11i. GOALIE LQUIPMENT 1 ycar aId,'tlits'boys 9-13, pads. miask, gioves. amni & chest proec- tom, $60. ('ail 668-57 14. CAMIERA - X-15 instamnatic (Kodak) with carying case.in \c,.Xln condition $ 10. ski boots size seven, with carrying ack $6, portable radio in the shape of a dice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains nmicro- scope, slidcs, Specim "is. for Ob- sci ýn, $ 8. (ail 66e 8Z465. DOORS 2 atuminum screen doars $50 for bath; compicte girl guide LJNIFORM $ 15. ('ail after6 pin. 668-5068.-__ PAN (GUI'IAR - Replica of Gibson Les Paul. twvo double pick- ups, excellent condition, adjost- able steel ncck $100 f .irm. ('al 668-9772. Fin P. ] CHIESTERFIELD and chair - . fr. colan, goad .far recreat ion raamn ar cottage $50. (ail 668- 5404. 1970 MGB - onvertible gaod working condition, ccrtified anc ownem, comple te with Iuggagc rack asking $1,500. Cati 668- 6896 before 5 p.m. and 655-3663 BABY 1FUR,'NITURE l -Strotî O Chair. includes carniage. strolci chair, highi chair, with inter- changeable parts $50. Calil 728- 10333. Em P. TOW TRUCK, 3 ton, sclîing as is $900 or best oftk:î ('aIl 668- 7654.Emp. RhCORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, chrome & grey mamble in design $20. please cail after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Fp HUMIDIFIER --$5, ce;cmcisc cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, sterea record player $15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, lectrie scwing mach\ec $20. rocking horse $5, baby watker $3, swomd, $5. Cali 668-62-"7. FOUNAIN Appox. ft. dimee, U f.tait $10pr. a6 ftr- 6 p.m. 579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' medium size, 3 pieces, Ilood, I oxket andl pants $55. Cati 579- 2652, PONY Strawl'erry Roan prcviousty usedt for childrens' rides corapiete with gaod as new sadrile blanket, bridile, hiaiter and reinis $125. Cai 655-3031. for, E leord typei2iyarstid, wvorn twicc $25. ('ail 579-3569. ELECTR('13ROOM Rgn wih pile adjustînent diai new condi tien $25; Ctî1ild's BLD fýoid- ing type 27X52 wittî mattress gond canditlion $30; 2 borner stove electrie 220 volt lieavy (u ty 25 in. iltih with shielf*, neoaven $15. ('aIl 655-3860; TRICYCLE ('M 16 inchl %wheel $20; doîl ('AR RIAGE 24 X i1i incites $12; nair of w~hi te SKATES size 6 $5; beys SKATî.,, size 5 $5. (all 668-86 19. FE'--RRING --1lamlce' Davidsor 1200 asking >65; 4 MAG wheels and tires l'or foreign car askinî $80; 3 sets of' car ROOF RACKS KITCHEN 'FABLE -Oval, 3 chairs, almnost nesv $90. ('al 1968 PONTIAC - Laurentian V8, seIl as is $800 or best affer, 97,000rmiles, ('aIl1668-7980 af'ter 6 p.m. GOLF SI iOE-«S - 2 pairs. /iite and peach coioured pair, m~ze 7 $10, white and black pair size '7 $10, goad condition. ('aIl 863- 180<> and ask for ('athy. 19710JDODGE (IIALLEN G(F'R --3 18 V-8, 'new back tireý $ 1,800. ('ail668-5745. working candi tion $SI100, propiane four bornier stove $ 10. ('al683- 8336. A M.-EM STERFLO RlLVF $325; unique kitclien table, solid iîiapîe taoi $450. ('aIl 668-591t0. 19-73 NORTlON Interstate 1974 lIREBIRI) enlaculate condition, 23,000 miles, custom inteior, 350 atamatic power steeing & brakes, tinted glass, $4,250 tinitî. (al 728-6692. iZiEVERB -Traý 'r sign'ature I4 X 10. $250. (al 655-4978. SPIRITUAL HEALING Meditation classes and madings. Phione 668-4311. wail sconoces very dil'ferenl, nesv $40; anc oam dividier, very large $20; two chtairs for rec-room or cottage $ 10 cacit; Vanîty f'or bed- room or po'.vder rooînl withi vemy large mirror $40; arbomite. 2 sheels, anc pink and anc ss Iite $10. ('aIll 668-6567. BUGGY Twiîî sîrolier catît- Bito.GGYo-- cndtioleoin40 ('ail 668-5272. Bobby tînîl signature nmodet, black, ize 7. Good condition and ready ta wear l'or titis years hockey spason $ 13. ('aIl 668-977 1. I I~X400 miht ~eondition. Cal 728-2108. f rame. steel ovemhead door. Ex. cellent condition, $250.00. Cal 655-4590, evenings. GUITAR - 'rple pickup clectrie, wil seI l'or $35, ideai for Kc':k gou p. Cati 668-2860. TIRES -MNicheI!ît radiýalc 150 SR '12, less Ilian 500 mîiles on 2, plus good spame %vith rim $45. ('ail 668-5040 afler 5:30. ATTENTION FARMERSI WHY PA Y MORE? SAVE ON PREhiIUM QUALITY 'w- GS DIESEL FUEL sMOTOI Oit OUI 01 ?own peae cai coIIeci OITB 668-3381 668.61M I 1M l tu L6 1 ?68-4593. ______ 12'xi1 I' earth cotoums, nist,goId, bmowsn. yellow, pluls undempad l'or bath $400. WASIIER SPIN DRZY- FR -Siniplicity. harvest-gold, excellent condition $150. RUG - I 2'xlI '6", orange. gold, brownj tarie $60- (ail 728-8467. 1970 ROADNI(;HiT ï],-NF '['AILER - sleeps 4, excel-lent conîdition, $350. or best offer. Aiso 1972 SL350 TRAILTWIN HIONDA- excellent conditidn, $400. Cal576-6197. 1600,30TmpYOTA4 OR, good conditiong, ew tire, $I,00 condai n 68-4286.$1000 HELP WANTED SOOTUOASG ATTEDNSO 2 rTEqurDNTb(2 Henry VII11 Massage Castîe maintain appearaflcel? welI mannered, friendly $30 - $50 daiîy plus brnefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Conltact Miss Cathy (1) 361-0838colt aid. mnaIe $ 50. (ail 66 8-4 7 14. STUDENT - w:til-4 ton truck wii Ildean out a tties, garages, base- mnents, yards, etc., reasonabie rates; Cal_ Doug 655-4776. WEN MORE FINANCIAL SERVICES MORIGAGES 1050 Si m.,, cf.. Oshawa 576-0410 is>t and 2nd morigoges arcnged ut prime rtes. -V lm t' 'T m .1 E ii si au rit i - T. Ca WC 66 Pl (i 1: Mal 12 $60. Cai1668-4595. STRO-iBE LIGHT - atmost new, 1 new buib, factary made, warra.nty and ail parts $50 or best offer. FERRET - aibino, brown maIe or female $25. Cali 668-7190. GARAGE SALE Reach Whitby Town Line 1'/j miles wvcst af Hwy. 12 nor 'thsidc. Oct. 8 - Oct. 30. 65S5-4776. CATTLE AUCTION Saturday October 18, 1 p.mn. 75 head inciuding 14 cowvs (whoîc stein, white faced chararlis), 3 wyhite faccd heifers (springing), 1 herfer heifer (springing), 16 heifers (open herfer white faccd wvhaie stein), 14 caifs an caws (herfer chararlis and wvhite faced),- 28 stocker steers (herfer white faced chararlis). The property of Bruce Haity, Lot i11, Conces- sion 1, Rcach Township, 2 miles north of Myrtle, 2 miles soutit of Mancester and 1/ mile wcst of, Hwvy. 12. Terms cash no reserve. John Annis, Auctianeer. 68ý-4500.. k.> h j' Whitby. Services ta commence mid November, part-ime to a maximum of 4 days per week. Reply in writing staling wvork history, references, salary expeet- cd la Mrs. C. Cockford, 806 Beech St., Whilby. SALES HELP - required for exclusive Retail Store in Whitby. Permanent part-time. Cail 668-423 1. BACHELOR- requires room- mate, 25 years or over, ta share a tiree bedrooni townhouse. $150. imontl. ('al 668-2286. IIÀAÉYSITl ING , -il babysit in iny home. mary Street. (baliI 668-9722. 13A tYSI'1"IING wiII babysit pre-setoolers. monday ta F riday, in my li omr. C "l6 6 (8-7 7 1. IVili BNB îYSI'L presclt-X'ler, Monday Iridi'. ('aIl 668-3050. Wiiî dIO).AY('ARF in nihomne. NMondas' Io Fiday. vers' reliabie. (b'al668-7808. AL'S ROOF1NG & SHEElf METAL LTI). G encraI con- tractors, repairs toalal types of roofs. Over 25 y cars expericnct Audley Rd. Aa.579-1464. 1' vhen you seli!, There will not, be any charge to advertisers ini :e FREE PRESS EMPORIUM unless the item advcrtised is sold. Yhen thc aulver ised item is sold, yau pay -a commission bascd an 'I-E ADVERTISED PRICE as illustratcd below. Ail advertiscmcnts îust be 0'laced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE RESS and run at least anc month if flot sold ýATES (if article is sold)': % of advcrtised price up ta $400.00 20/ of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item i~dvertised for $50.00 - commission duc $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if yau find a retailer listed as a private advcrtiser. Please notify the Whitby Erce Press immcdiately when item is soid o that we may delete it t'ram thc following issues. Services, hclp wanted, clathing, reai estate and personaI message type ads can only be hiandied an a prepaid basis. f in doubt, catI 668-6111l M4AIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WI-IITI3Y 1tomaicPOdT mChaic an ning ci odin $25 ncerti-d i. al 668-7644. _____ CI-ESTERILI -Green/ pld braquade, goad condition, ;75. ('ail 668-7644. ]1'AILEP HIITCH for 1974-71 )into stationwagan $25. Cati 68-6 S2 - u m COAT- Dark brown, fur 'liai and bottom trim, been ,rn twice, size 12. $35. Cati 68-4986. -SWIMMING POOL -R- )ossessed, excellent condi-' ion, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at 1/2price. Cali Collect 416-536-9278. GAS STOVI - 30 inch Find- lay auoamatic 4 burner. Ratis- cerie Roast TIIERMOMETER $125. Ca1l1655-4721I. j' FIER $40. (alil 668-3209. 283 CI-EVY MOTOR- With automatie transmission, asking $100. Cali 668-7553 or 723- 5366. 22 BOLT ACTION - With scope, gun rack, good condition, $45. Cail 668-3956 or Wcd. ta Sat. afler 1 p.m. 668-7573. axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cati1728-8056. BICYCLE- Boys high risc 3-speed witb banana seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, aise boys 3-spced racer in good condition $40. (ail 668- 6083 after 7 p.rn. 300 H.P. CAMSHAFT & solids offenhainser twin carb higit risc for smaflibîock Chevy, like new, askîng $200. al 655-4723. -l 41-- 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 .1 1 z .à. _-

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