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Whitby Free Press, 15 Oct 1975, p. 5

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WHITBY FREEPitSS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15s, 1975,.PAGE Ç BIRD 'S EYE How many trnes have you, when the pace threatened to be too much, said to yourself and, maybe anybody within earshot that you want to stop the world so you can get off. 0f course sorne days are better than others but les those off days that can send you home with a migraine and the urge to kill anything that gets in your way. 1 guess we ail swing in cycles and that means taking the bad with the good but there are times when 1 feel the bad out numbers the good. For me the bad days corne when something needs fixing around the house. Quite often the catastrophe strikes with littie or no warning a nd next thing l'm off to my local home improvement centre. They used to cali themn lumber yards but they don't cali anything tie same tQday as they did 10 years ago. Garbagemen are now sanitary engineers, and janitors are stationary engin- cers. The iowly dog catcher bas turned out to be an animal control officer - except when the town couincil wants to know why there are so mnany uincontroiied animais in town and thien the dog catcher becomes an animal weifare officer. Sorne of the improveriients in our terminoiogy are for the better. Whlen you werc putting shingies on your bouse you fastened them with five penny or ten penny nails but now they simply caili hemn roofing nails. However tl1it's the exception and the rest of an average hoine improve- ment centre is full of miaterials and gadgets whose naines often send me running to m-y Funk and Wagnail. But like cverybody cisc I figure lIli have to do rny owvn home fixing as i canît aflford the pices charged by skiiied labourers. The resul t is that you'I i oftlen ind me at a rent-all company mnaking a deal for some piece of e q u î p - ment or other and wondering if l'Il gel îh rough the job xithout a calamnity. One thing 1 h aven't ren ted for a long ime and may neyer again is a ride-cm I awn rouler. These things are simnilar to the kind they use for smnoothing out new pavement wvhen îhey repave a m- eet, oniy they are srnalier. Fiiicd xiîh waler. th e roliers tha I you cari rent to roll vour lawn oftcn wcigli over a ton. Thcy are propeiied by a smali gasoline engine and you rideê on top ,nd steer while roiiing backwards or forward.s. 0f course, because thiese roliers are so hcavy, you m1ust get them to yeur bouse with a trailer whichl you ustially rent aiong with the rouler. At the rent-al! shop therc's no problim because the roller is aI ready on the trailer and you mcreiy have to hitch the trailer 10 your car or truck and drive home. Once at home you have to remnember what the driving the roller'backwards and off the traller. 0f course I forgot some of the instructions. The part I forgot was to keep the planks equidistant from each other and to make sure they were set so they would flot move. When I went to start the roiier's engine 1 was lulled into a false sense of security because the engine started right away and so I figured everything would go right. 1 checked the planks and they looked good so 1 put the roller in gear and backed down the makeshift rarnp. Halfway down those planks one shifted and-all of a sudden the roller started to tip over sideways with me on it. 1 tried to jump clear and almost made it but not quite. The roller and 1 wound i'p fin the ditch with me on the bottom. The only thing that saved me was the fact that the roller hadn't yet been filled with water so it didn't weigh nearly as much as it wn"'ld %juhen normally operating. After somne struggling 1 managed to get the roller upright and except for a few bruises to me everything else LDoked undamaged. The rolling job itself went well and even though I1 was somewhat nervous about getting the roiling back up the rarnp and into the trailer ail went well. Thinking that I had mastered the art of rolling my lawn I dared to go back next season and rent a roller again because the dew worms had my lawn lookinglike Bunker Hill. Ail went well this, time and I gol the roller off the trailer with no problems and it even started easily. 1 mianiiged to get the front lawn rolled without knocking down any trees and i was when the calamity struck. hiappily doing the back lawn As I was moving near the j KNflIflS !1 ô@fl e. e Reccntly, 1 noliced that here in Canada' we flinaily wili hiave a news magazine, similar te Tirne (Canada) edition and Newswcek, publislied in the United States. Last wcek i reccived the first issue of Maclean's thiat bias been around l'or years. I can remiemrber Maclcan's Magazine som-e ycars ago -* a big. glossy publication- It was always expounding on Canadian politics and bistory. Often, il was duil reading as nîanyIong-windcd articles wcre produced hy so-called n fi entlI riters or jnliîtica-,l pundi îs. You could say il was a national magazine, ai righ t, but very pooriy put together. Now, wc hiave the "new" Maclcan's, an cntirely different approacli b Canad tan journal isni. 'Fic first issue con tains a lot of brigh t and enitcrtaitiing niews items. S tories are short andi crisp. Layout is also quile attractive. Partîculariy, 1 enjoyed a feature on Vancouver Mayor Art Pliilip)s and biis rom-ance wiîh Tv p)ersonali ty Carole Taylor. The story is soinew!it dated, hout stillinii erest ing enougb 10 be read. Ail ehi ail, 1 sec a brighit future for tlhe new Maclean's. Lcî's hope th at Canad ian readers will take note of the overaîl improvenient. lt's% about time we have our own, independent ncws magazine, publisbied in Canada and for edge of the patio 1 suddenly got the feeling i was sinking. For somne reason 1 hit the gas and that action saved mc from total disaster. As 1 suddenly stopped and Iooked around 1 discovered the back end of the rolier had dis- appeared right into the lawn and the machine was on a 45 degree angle. A cdoser investigation revealed that years ago there had been a cistern there and the formier owner had merely covered it over with boards and dirt and plan ted grass. 0f course the boards had rotted and I had a nasty vision of what might have happened if 1 hadn't hit the gas when the roller started to sink. The vision 1 got was of me phoning the rentai. company to tell them their roller was ten feet underground. As it was I hada devil of a time getting the back end of the roller out of the hole. Anyway the upshot of it al is that my Iawn once again looks like, Bunker Hil and rny nerves are a little bit better, but not good enough for another cract at do-it-yourself lawn rolling. NOTICE NOTICE of an application by the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of a by-Iaw imposing a special charge respecting the water works system of the Regional Municipality of Durham. T is the opinion of the Council that ail residlen- tial buildings in the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham flot being a single family building, a double building or a duplex building, and ail combined residenial and non-residential buildings having more than twvo dwelling units, after the passing of this by-law, may impose a heavy load on ihe water works system of the Region, by reason of which expenditures may be required to provide additional water works capacity which would. not otherwise be required. THE Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval toimpose the charges upon the owner of every residential building, the owner of every combined residential building and non-resi- dential building in the Regional Municipality of Durham erected or enlarged after the passing of this by-law. The total sum shahl be collected on the follow- ing terms and apply to each unit to be constructed: (a> for bachelor dwelling units and one bedroomn dwelling units $225.00 per unit; (b) for dwelling units containing two or more bedrooms $450.00 per unit; ANY charge or charges imposed under this by-law shaîl be made payable at the time of an application for water works connection and shal be collected by the Works Department of the Regional Municipality of Durham. This By-law shahl not apply to: (a> every building on land exempt from taxation under any general or special act; (b> every building on land in respect of which an Agreement has been entered into with the municipaiity under Section 33 of The Planning Act or any predecessor thereof; (c) every building or any land in respect of which a contribution to provide water supply facilities has been made within ten years previous to the application for a water connection; (d) every residential building having flot more than two dwelling units; (e) every combined residential or non-residential building having not more than two dwelling units . ANY ratepayer may within twenty-one (21) days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk 'of the Regional Municipality of Durham at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, a notice in writing stating his objec- tion to such approval or to the imposition of the special charge. THE Ontario Municipal Board may approve the special charge pursuant to the statute, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for public hearing when any objections will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED -at the Town of Whitby, this 8th day of C.WV. LUN DV, A.M.C.T., Clerk, The Regional Municipality 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3. of Durham] Ri

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