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Whitby Free Press, 15 Oct 1975, p. 8

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rAIJ1t 8, WEL)NESDAY, OCTOIJER 15, 1975, WHII'iBY FREIi PRESS HALLOWE'EN The night of ghosts and goblins will soon be with us and you're probably wondering how to dress the children this year. Ready-made Hallowe'en costumes are usually flinsy and often too expensive for the f ew hours wear they with- stand. If you're having trouble findirig the right materials for this year's costumes you need only look as far as your kitchen cupboard. The natural material is ýthe household stand-by, the garbage bag. Keep your children vvarm and dry and protect their clothing from sticky candy apples by fashioning witches, batmen, hula dancers or great pumpkin costumes from the green, orange and white garbage bags available from your supermarket. NOTICE NOTICE of an application by the Regional Municipality of Durham for approval of a by-lawv imposiflg a special charge respecting the sanitary sewer systemn of the Regional Municipality of Durham. IT is the o pinion of the Councîl that ail residen- tial buildings in the Regional Municipality of Dur- ham flot being a single family building, a double building or a duplex building, and ail combined residential and non-residential buildings having more than two dwelling units, after the passing of this by-law, may impose a heavy load on the sani- tary sewer systemn of the Region, by reasoil of which expenditlJres may be required ta provide additional sanitary sewer capacity which would not otherwise be'required.1 THE Council of the Regional Municipality of Durham intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval to impose the charges upon the owner of every residential building, the owner of every combined residential building and non-resi- dential building in the Regioînil Municipality of Durham erected or enlarged after the passing of this by-law. THE total sum shail be collected on the follow- ing terms and apply ta each unit to be constructed: (a> for bachelor dwelling units and. one bedroom dwelling units $225.00 per unit; (b) forý dwelling units containing two or more bedrooms $450.00 per unit; r ANY charge or charges imposed under this by-law shaîl be made payable at the time of an application for sanitary sewer connectiofi and shahl be collected by the Works Departmeflt of the Regional MunicipalitV of Durham. THIS By-law shail not apply ta: (a) every building on land exempt f rom taxation under any general or special act: (b) every building on land in respect of which an an Agreement has been entered into with the municipality under Section 33 of The Planning Act or any predecessor thereof; (c) every building or any land in"respect of which a contribution to provide sanitary sewver facilities.- has been made within ten years previous ta the application for a sanitary sewer connectlon; (d) every residential building havirng not more than two dwelling units; (e) every combined residential or non-residential building having not more than two dwellifng- units: ANY ratepayer may within 21 days after the firsu. publication of this notice, send by prepaid post ta the Clerk of the Regional Municipality of Durham at 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, a notice in writing stating his 'objection to such ap- proval or ta the imposition of the special charge. THE Ontario Municipal Board may approve the special charge pursuant ta the statute but before doing sa it may appoint a lime and place for publiç hearing when any objection will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only ta those persans who have given notice of objection as provided for above. DATED at the Town of Whitby this 8th day of October, 1975. C. W. Lundy, A.M.C.T.. Clerk, The Regional MunicipalitV of Durham 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, LON 6A3. The kind of costumes to be made is limited only by your own imagination. For example you can dress a little girl as ""the Great Purnpkin". A simple design cut from an orange "Glad" garden bag and trimmed with green garbage bag leaves. It is decorated with Inexpensive stick-on letters or decals available at any hardware store. And let's flot forget Mom and Dad. Adult costume parties are becomning more and more popular and once again there is no limit to the outfits you can make. Try an "Adam and Eve" costume made of "Glad" fig leaves. When you have decided on your outfit assemble the garbage bags you will need. Remember it's fun to combine colors. Sketch out your pattern with chalk or other marker by tracing around existing clothing or paper patterns. Cut out pattern pieces. To make seams place wet paper towelling over the garbage bag and run thé tip of a medium hot iron down the seam line. You may wish to reinforce the seams with rnasking tape. An inexpensive soldering iron from the hardware store will also do a fast, neat job of seaming intricate patternis. When buying the iron be sure its no more than 23 watt and use the sharp cutting point attach ment. Decals, stickers, and contact paper can be used to add color and if the children will be out after dark remember to use some reflector tape as a decorative addition to their costumes. You're sure to have fun with these inexpensive Hallowe'en costumes and for ideas on practical clothing and items to make f rom "Glad" bags ail year round write to the Glad Rags information Bureau, P.O. Box 175, Terminal 'A', Toronto, Ontario for a f ree brochure. Marriage for Retarded topie for open debate Monday:Durham Centre A fig 70'es leaf Mom will be the hit of the costume party in her "Eve" costume made f rom green garbage bags. L, BAG. Costs on/y pennies This simple-to-make great pumpkin costume is made from orange and green garbage bags and costs only pennies to produce. i Il Draw,Dip, Dabble a creative arts and crafts pro- gram for children aged five to 10 years. It includes basic sketching and painting, col- lage work, and various crafts. The program begins this Saturday. October i8th, and runs fo r six consecutive Saturdays. The classes oper- ate out of two location, Ashburn Comnunity Centre_ 300 Dunlop Street West, Whitbv. from 9 to il a.m. and from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. T'he fee for the six week program is $6. and includes supplies. Interested persons can register their children at the Whitby Recreation De- partment at 105 Coiborne Street East, Whitbv. WEEKENDS CAN BE FUN The "no no's"i are back 1 Çounterweight Weight Controls Ltd., the leading and most respected namne in Canadian weight reduc- tion Introduces the Revolutionary "NEW CANADIAN FAMILY MEAL PLAN." A way to lose weight that fits today's more relaxed living and eating habits. You decide how to use it. Eat 2, 3 or even 4 meals a day plus desserts and snacks. Even splurge on weekends. Enjoy bacon, muffins, spareribs, peanut butter, spaghetti, real mayonnaise even champagne. Satisfy your desire for qua ntity of food and variety. lU's al here and we cal it "Adu it Flexibil ity.' Lose Weight with the plan that treats you like an aduit. Eat the foods you've always eaten and enjoy the freedom and pleasure this NEWV plan offers. You get special encouragement at the friendly weekly meetings where your motivatioh to succeed is fortified by your lecturer and a roomful of people pulling for you. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians lose weight since 1967. And we can help you. There are over 250 classes a week. Come to the one nearest you. WHITBY AJAX Knight of Columbus Hall St. Pauls United Church of Cana 133 Brock Street North King Crescent Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. adi1 IS INTH.E 1 1 qý 1 a IIIN a Sheridan Mail Monday, 7.30 p.m.. Aiso ook for the 24 delctaus Iowv calorie foods by . 7 7 courterweight..AF^Q 1 The public is invited to attend a debate on "Marriage for the Retarded" at the Dur- ham Centre for the Develop- mentally Handicapped on October 20. The panel will be corn- posed of interested persons and proffesionals in the field. The debate is flot for the purpose of those involved to expound on their personal views, but rather to give in- formation and gencrate The debate begins at 7:30 p.m. in the centre's music room. Editore luote ook Leadership is the initiation and direction of endeavor in the pur-. suit of consequence. Anything else is crit- icism jrom janitors. Royacl Alcott

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