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Whitby Free Press, 19 Nov 1975, p. 5

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Last week in front of Toronto'S Post Office Building on Front Street West (just across frorn the Royal York H-otel). 1 witnessed an angry dernonstration in progress with sorte 200 union miembers blocking off the Post Offices main mnail delivery entrance. The inarchers youflg and old, carried thc CUPW placards which read: 'ijown With The Toronto Sun", "The Sun Is A Scum", "Stop Reading The Sun", etc. lInitially, the widely-publicized protest dernonstration was planned against Bîyce MacKasey's labour policies and his tough stand on union leaders who keep asking for more money from the Trudeau Governiment while the postal strike drags on indef-initely. Also, a picket line was set up at the main Post Office and the picketers were determined to keep the scabs out, by not allowing anyone to cross the the CUPW's picket Une. As it turned out, only a handful of die-hard inside postal workers braved the noisy picket Have you ever had a day when you said to yourself, "~Self, your cooking has hit a new low in the depths of epicurian torture". Or, perhaps you suspect your wife is using a new cookbook entitled, '1001 and one ways 10 destroy good food'. You have to be honest about the situation if you keep, on the table along withi the sait, pepper and sugar, Alka Sel tzer or Tums. So there cornes a time when the only solution is to get out of the kiîclîen and off to a restaurant. deli, dining room or whatever. Mind you, 1 still gel the feeling cvery timne I walk mbt a new restaurant that I'm walking into a garnbling house in Vegas. The odds are definitely sacked in favour of the house and your chances of winning are nVuch less than 50-50. To me the really big problem is gazing over the menu and trying to interpret mbt working english what the different terrns mean. The first that cornes to mid is the once called 'Cher's Surprise'. That one can be interpreted so rnany different ways you really don't stand much of a chance figuring out whether the surprise is worth paying for or not. And when 1 say paying 1 don't necessarily miean in terrns of dollars and cents. You could wind up paying with an ulcer or indigestion. ELECT TO COUNCILt MA CDONALD EDWARD R. NORTH WARD 4' CAROUSEL INN 4 4' FEATURING 4' THE STODD HOBIN BAND4' 4' Monday - ýSaturday IN THE CONFEDERATION ROOM 4 4'DISC JOCKEY IN 4 4SOMEWHERE ELSE 4 4'Friday& Saturda *y 4'Businessman's Buffet Luncheon -- $2.50 - Alil vou can eat. 4 4' MON-FR I l2noon to 3p.m. 4 4'SUNDAY BUFFET DINNER $5.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT 4 4'SUNDAY EVENI NGS 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. 4 linoc, fortuna tely, with out aiiy sernous inciden ts. Loft idled, the picketers thien focused their attention on "Toronto Sun" inresponse to a front-pgge editorial, pnlnted on Sunday, Noveniber 9. The ill-tinicd editorial urgcd posties who disagree with thecir unionleaders to cross the picket line. Furtiier, thce ditoria I hinted that the recent vote taken at a CNE miass rally mnightt have been rigged. Thiis and othier editonial nonsense made dic protestors vcry. angry. At one point they, tore thie "Sunday Sun"'in shnreds and scatte-red ic editorial lcftovens on thc sidewaik. Sun writers and photographers cil niasse were present to witness thie huiliation in front of liundreds of curious onlookers across die street. They stood in cold and frigid air 'aiting for somcthing to happen. AlI that did liappen was the vocal denunciation of the Sun. What bothiered nme was that several imes during the demonstration picketers thought 1 was a Sun photographer. 1 had a hard time explaining my freelance status. But, somne Sun reporters, visibly upset about the demonstration, accused me of fostering union interests. The fact was that 1 was not going 10 defend thc Sun Juring a highly explostre situation. After al, they asked for the trouble by printing the editorial, knowing vciy,,well what the reaction would be from the union side. One newsman came over 10 me and asked: "What on earth are tic Sun people doing here? Do they want 10 be I always gel the sneaking suspicion that the chefs sur- prise will turn out to be that the chef quit two weeks ago and the dishwasher is doing ail the cooking. Or, surprise, Uic chef is right out of school and hasn't learned how to cook yet so he is experimening on you. He peeks through -the kitciien door with anticipation intently watching you cal his offerings. If, suddely, your face contorîs wîth pain and you double over and slump under the table he slirugs lis shoulders, goes back mbt the kitchen and strokes off lis list his Iatest experirnent and starts preparing the ingredients for the next on the list. Thie 'Stýecial' of the day is another listing on menus that I regard wth extreme suspicion. Unfortun.ately, I have to spend a lot of lime eating in restaurants and there have been a few limes when I'm almost positive the special of the day at the restaurant l'm sitting in is the very same special of the day I had at a different restauranfi yesterday. I get a mental pictune of Uic chefs sitting around in the hotel over a few beers at niglit afler their respective cateries have closed and the conversation going sonîething like flis...Wel Charlie tell you wlîat l'Il do, l'Il trade ýou two I)t of niy 'Ragout de Boeuf" special of the day today for ten pounds of your special, 'Liver a la Louisanna 'ý And after the trading is ail over, the talk pnobab!y swings 10 commiissionls for sales of Bromio and some new menu dialogue Ihiat is guaranteed to keep the custonier guessing a s to cxactly whiat is really offered. For instance you mighb think that tlie salad Creole is full of deîectable slrinps and greens and afîer ordering it you nîay discover bliat the chef"s naine is 1-îarny Creole and tic salad is one of lus newest expeninuents wiUî natural greens suchi as ragweed leaves, dandelion shoots and thue tender stalks of wild ferns. Even knowing French, whichi is the unîiversal language for cooking and mienus. won't help you if flic chef is out 10 gel you. Your version of soilletlîîng exotic mighit be plain pobatocs with a sprinkle of parsley while lis version could nîcan potatoes doused withî dili seeds and îopped witlî soya sauce. Buit. as inmpossible as it is 10 interpret thie main dishes. the desserts are even more imiplausible. 1 once remnember CREATIVE NURSERY a new Nursery with innovative arrangements of PLANTS and DRIFTWOOD. Come in and visit. 601 Brock St. N. Nhitby 668-5444 WA INWRIGHT .SPECIALS Red Brand A-i Beef sides $1.04 lb. hinds $1.24 lb. f ronts $.84 Ibo Loins of Pork Put your Rib Chops $1.35 lb. Loin Chops $1 .55 lb. FREE HIND 0F BEEF Drawn Novemnber 29, 1975 name & address on the back of your sales slip. WA INWRIGHTI 13UTCHER LTD. 15 brock St. N.o Whilby6691I Y FREÉ PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19,1975, PAGE 5 beaten up? IThese were valid questions asked in view ot the hostilities displayedpublicly against the Suin and its anti-union outbursts. It is aiso important to know that Toronto lias a higli, unionized labour population and saying nasty things about union workers is like asking for a hole in the head. Sun is mostly read by the working class (blue collar workers, to be morc specific) and there,& fore, in effect, they can only harrn themnselves circulation wise. Let's suppose that these postai strikers decide to rnount a gloves-off carnpaign against the Sun. Let's suppose that they start fooling around-with Molotov cock- atils. And, let's suppose they really stop buying the. Sun. Ali this could lead to, an elimination of a newspaper whichi lias a place in the Canadian journalism. 1 wish the Sun would carry on publishing, but at the present Itirne it's in dire need of a major overhaul of editorial policies., lncidentaily, the editorial that upset so, many union members was written by- Peter Worthington, a one-timne Telegramn reporter. Next morning the Sun grudginly admitted to the anti-Sun demonstration with a single sentence: "There was the'usual narne calling-Down with the Sun, Dnwn with Postm aster General ,and down with scabs". But, Toronto Star chose 10 ignore the Sun cornpletely. To Sta 'r editors, Toronto Sun did exist 'not on the picket line, anyway. Is this impartial news coverage? ordering a dish called 'Strawberry Supreme'. 1 can't rernember what vision thc name conjurred up but 1 do remember the strawberri es probably were at the height of their career a week before they were dumped on my plate. And so as I have rnost painfully discovered going into a strange eating establishment is like gambling,, only with your liver and stomacli instead of with money. I wil say that for as many bad places 1 hbave found, I've also found about a third as mnany really great places and when they change hands il breaks my heart because it often means they wind up on my 'other' list. Thé whole situation is best summed up by the story about a couple who enîered a restaurant one evening and the Maitre d' approached thc gentleman and said, "Good evening sir, do you have reservations??" Tlhe mari replied, "Yes, but we'll eat here anyway!" And fnally a story related to me by my father who, afler perusing thc menu and stili finding hirnself uncertain as 10 what to order asked the waitress, "If you were going 10 eat what would you order?" She replied, "I'd have the beef........but 1 wouldn't have il here!" Emm wants public input Emmn would like a questionu- naine 10 be circuiated at the municipal election poils on DIee rb e r 1I fo r public reactioni on vari ous topical issues imcluding the new m uni- cipal building to be bult on Rossland Road. Councillor Joy Thompson criticized Mn. Emm's sugges- tion, saying that il would have Uic effect of "abdicat- iîig our responsibility"' as council lias already decided be located. Sue pointed out that, as elected officiais, il is the responsibfiby of the coufn- cil ho make suchdecisions, Mr. Emm responded 'I'm not God. I don't know ail the answers" and suggesbed that the people of Whitby miglit. The other counicillors dis- agreed with Mn. Emm on one point-that the questionnaire slîould be circulated-but agreed with him on one noint-that he is not God. Open 7 da$,s a week I. Mapk leaf RESTAURANT 120 BR0CIK ST. N. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 q* Delicious Coadian ond Italian Dishes N.L.C.C. BROOKLIN NAVY LEAGU E CADETS f or- BOYS BETWEEN AGES of il1 13 YRSO Instructions in Naval Traditions Chance to play a musical instrument Uniform supplied to YOU free We meet every Monday evening at: 300 Dunlop St. W. Whitby, Ontario 668-7411 1830-2100 (6:30 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.) For more. information contact Lt. B..Knowles, 668-6123 or SS/Lt. E. Crouse, 668-5657.

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