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Whitby Free Press, 26 Nov 1975, p. 9

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26,, 1975, PAGE 9 THE EXIPROPRIATIONS ACT. R .S.O.. 1970 NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVA L TO EXPROPRIATE LAND. IN THE MATTER of au Application by THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHIAM for a-pproval to expropriate land being in the Town of Whitby, in the Regional Mitnicipality of Dtirhamt- (formerly ini the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontarroi and being coniposed of Part of Lot 29, Tborndyke's Amended Plan No. 63 f'or tbe Town o>f' Whitby anid Part of Lot 22 ini Conicession I of the Town of Whitby for the purpose of tbe constniction of a grade separation over the Caniadian Pacific Railway tracks on Regional Road No. 36 (Hopkins Street). NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that application bias been made for approval to expropriate tbe land described* as follows: Thiis dele-gation fronli thle Whiitby Fire Departmlent wvas anion, the 33 donors of blood at thec Red Cross Bîood Donor Cîiinic ini the Legion Hall îast Wedniesdav. Froi Ieft to righit are Don Fergtson. Ken Corner. Bob Vesey. Herb Edwards and Depuitv Chief Roiî Hawkins watchi Cliinic Assistant Mrs. Ellen'Tollasepp take a donation fronli fire fia"hter Pete Heronl. The Whiitby Red Cross reports that 944 units of blood wvere collected during the year--tlie highest total ever for the towvn. Aniong the 336 donors Wedniesday 104 were new residents of the town or first-tinîe blood donors iin Wlitby. Free Press Phioto More off-street parking mean-s downtown survival Pro)vision of more o ff ~it~ down tou\n bu siness- sîreei parkin. is a nmlst for es to' survive. accurin Corridor Grapevine News! News! THE GARRARD RD. MINOR LACROSSE A.SSOC. wHi be celebra,.ing their I th Anniversarv on November 219th by holding a Dinner Dance at the Auito Workers Credit Union Hall. 322 King, St.- W.. Oshawa. Tickets are SI15.00 per couple..door prizes and favours for ail..music supplied by disc jockey..Do yourself a favour and help themn celebrate! Cail Greta Hope 6684919 for tickets. It is said the properries of Aldervar located on Powell Rd. and Dundas St. E. and the Langmnaid Meadows were given approvai by Council, which met on November lth. Councillors Joy Thompson. Gerry Emm., and Don Love- lock \vere in approval with Edwards againsf the movemrent at the present time. This corridor area has f0 be fthe largest section to be seen for somnetimne f0 take on a completely new look: take the Garrard Rd. new paved section since the sewer project for instance. Have you noticed the improvement in the properties since the boulevard's have been finished? lt's great and th e neighbors there must be happy with if. Now ail it needs for safety's sake is a footpath of some description on one side. DON'T FORGET NOVEMBER 26th al the Dr. Robert Thornton School gym the rnayor's forum f0 be hield. Show your interesf by attending. Time 7:45 p.m. Mark your calendar with the date of the MINI.BAZAAR from the Westminster Churcli and the Volunteer Group f0 be held at the Memorial Hall of Simcoe St. United Church, downtown Oshawa. There are many lovely thiings bift fu sel] in time for gifts for Christmas. Come and view..nd the date is December 5th, Friday, 1(0 am. to 2:30 p.ni. Sh are a cup of coffee with us. AIl for now, fol ks. To report any news for this column, 728-6028 or S. Spurrell af 723-2193. seve rai of* the area s me r- chants. The merchan is expressed dia t opinion du ring a1iliscus- sion of the Town oiffWitlw*s secondary plan for the down- tuwn area a t a recen t Down- tO'.Vi Action Coiiiiittee mreet ingz. Expropriation of' property and transformation out ihat property into parking facilit jes by the Town is one nîcaruns of achieving that goal which svas discussed by the merchants and is being considered by' the To wn. The commnit tee passed a resolution that XVitby Coun- cil bc encouraged to investi- gate the provision of off-strcet parking in the downtown arca. Another suggestion pt forward by commîttee memi- bers in hopes of preserving the downtown cure as a viable commercial entity was that a more diversifIed range of businesses be encouraged. This would have the effect attracting larger nurnbers of shoppers f0 fdie downtown area, fthe commitfee memfbers felt1. One of the initial steps in fulf'illing this aimi is to dis- courage inefficient use of properfy in fthe area by businesses for which there is little or no market. The duwntown is defined ini the secundary plan study as the area burdered by th e C'P.R. on fthc nurth , Burns .Street on the soufli, Blair/ Garden Street un the east and Anntics/ Cocli ran e Strcct on itue West. FOR It's the ex perience that counts caîl 1). (oedy at NAME 0F OWNER DOUWE SIBMA WENKE SIBMA SJORED VAN DER MEULEN GREATER AJAX HOLDINGS LIMITED ALBERT SHIFRIN (IN TRUST) CLAUDE ABRAMS (IN TRUST) LOUIS ABRAMS (IN TRUST) COURT LANE LIMITED RALSTON PURINA COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED SHAWA [NVESTMENTS LIMITED CANADA CARTAGE SYSTEM, LIMil1ED BERTHA LAND'S INC. GLADYS CNTLES CHARLOITE GENTLES LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Partof Lot 29, Thormdyke's Amended Plan No. 63 for the Town of Whitby designated as Parts 1 & 2 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Reg- istry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as No. 40R-2612 Part of Lot 29, Thorndyke's Amenided Plan No. 63 for the Town of Whitby designated as Parts 3 & 4 on'a Plan of Reference deposited in the -Reg- istry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as No., 40R-2612 Part of Lot 29, Thorndyke's Amended Plan No. 63 for the Town of Whitby designated as Parts 5, 6 & 7 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Dur- ham (No. 40) as No. 40R-2612 -Part of Lot 29, Thorndyke's Amended Plan No. 63 for the Town of Whitby designated as Parts 11 & 1-2 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Dur- ham (No. 40) as No. 40R-2612. Part of Lot 22, in Concession 1 of the said Town of Whitby designated as Parts 13 & 14 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as No. 40R-26 12.4 Part of Lot 22, ini Concession 1 of the said Town of Whitby designated as Parts 20, 21 & 22 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as No. 40R-2612. Part of Lot 22, in Concession 1 of the ýai&Town of Whitby designated as Part 24 on a Plan of Reference deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as No. .40112612. The lands proposed to be expropriated are sbown outlined by a heavy line on Plan 40R-2612'prepared by H. Flim, 0.L.S., dated October 2lst, 1975 and deposited on October 22nd, 1975. Plan 40R-2612 may be seen at the Office of the Regional solicitor. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of* such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authorityý shaîl so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he is served by publication witin thirty days after the first publication of the notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. THE APPROVJNG AUTHORITY IS: The Council of The Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossland Road, East, WHITBY, Ontario. LIN 6A3. THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM "'C.W. LUNDY" C.W. LUNDY, CLERK 1. The Expropriations Act, R.S.0. 1970 provides that: (a) where an inquiry is requested, it shaîl be conducted by an inquiry officer appointed hy the Minister of Jusrice and Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) sbaîl give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examnine and cross-examine witnesses, either personaîly or by bis counsel or agent, and (ii) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for bis costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200.00 and the, approving auth, 'rity inay in its discretion order the expropriating authority to pay such costs forthwith. 2. "Owner"' and "registered owner" are defined in the Act as follows: &Gowner" includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest in land, a committee of the estate of a mentally. incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing bis affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in wbom land is vested; "registered owner" mea>s an owner of land whose interest in the land is defined and whose uiame is specit'ied ini an instrument in the proper registry, land titles or sheriff's office, and includes a person shown as a tenant of land on the Iast revised assessment roll; 3. The expropriating 'autbority, each owner who notifies the approving authority that he desires a.bearing in respect of the lands intended to be expropriated and any owner added as a party by the inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. DATED AT WHITBY THIS 3lst day of October, 1975. THIS NOTICE FIRST PUB IJSI-ED ON THE 12TH DAY 0F NOVEMBER, 1975'

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