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Whitby Free Press, 26 Nov 1975, p. 21

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WIIITBY ,FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NVBE,617,PAGE,21 Fiee Press FOR SALE HONDA MINI TRAIL - in good condition, $150; YAMAHA 80, in good condition, only asking $400 ifrin Cati 655-3785 ask for. A ndrew. 1971 PINTO - 2:000 CClime green, 40,000 miles, body great, mâotor very good, 4-speed, radio, fulty certified, good gas mileage, bcst offer over $ 1,300. Cati 985-2245. SWINGOMATIC - For baby, $ 12. Calt668-9888. -.ANTIQUES - Dresscr $90; kitchen cabnet $120; beauty table with 3 mirrors $120; 2 chiairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. Cati1579-2939. DRUMS -- Compiete set; 2 toms. i floor tom, base, chrome snare drum, high bat, 2 cymbai st;nds, excellent condition $ 190. 2 19 Kei th Street after6 12.m. PINE É DESK -CHEST - Han, crafted, lias 4 drawvcrs $95. Cal 668-4677. t9(14 lIiLv IIALA -mnotor- A-t condition. S100. Cali Ron at 728-6188. 668-6'111 FRAMUS- 6 strinig banjo. $100 or niearest, offcr. Phone 668-4187 after 6 o'clock. STOVE-- 30 inch, good con-, dition $75; space HEATER $60. Cati 668-6750. STOVE -Smit $60; B&W TV Philco $60; teak chesterfield and chair' $85, antique Raymond ireddte sewing machine $65. Cati 668-6080. ______ 1965 MERCURY COMET- icenses, uncertificd, good running condition, $300 or bcst offcr. _Must seti. Ca1i1655-4834. Two 1965 t'ONlIACS- one !s V8, good boty & motor, trans- misin needs work, as is. $45 0 or best offr. Othier is crtiied. 6 ýc ylinder, $450 firm. Cati 668-9757. 1967 1ITTCK LeSh-Fre - necds motor vork, everythling cisc A-1, newv ýnuff1er and transinission instaited by reputable companies 7PA RTY DRESSES -tong eveniing gow'ns, sizc 9, Il & 12. Cati 668-9256 àftcr 6 p.rn. BICY('Le --boys' (CM l arga, onty one vca ilcIIc, in good condi- ion, $60. Calit .554409. Two tirestone SNOW TIRES - COAT- Lacticý black, persian (-78-14. $20; iwo RIMS, 4-hole, tanib approxinmately size '20, in 1-its 1970 Navrick, $8. -C'îti good condlition, w~iti scit for $50. 668-4461t. Cati 725-57 14. E n 1. STOVE - 24 inch Moff at SKI-BOOTS -- Ladies size 61i eiectric. 4 buîner, $25. ('ail bticktc styi, worni oncc $25. Cal 6875.668-21197. Eiinp MOPE D - Broncu brand iew ~0 mites, highnise handîebars, eue seat, 148 mites per galion, lil go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cail 668- :3186.. WOOD- One traiter- ioad soft sood suitabte for firepiace $35. Caît 668-8957. WEDDING GOWN veit and train $50. 2406 r.668-44 10. - Size 12, Caîl 668- Erpp. TEREO -Lloyds receiver, eight-track, turntabîe and two speakers. Just ike new $150 or best offer. Caît 668-7190. Emp, One Lloyd CAR RIAGE - browvn and white, aiso one JOLLY JUMPER, $30. Cati 728-9663. Heavy Duty RANIGE - Kenmore, used very ittte, harvest goid, $150.- CatI 728-3604 after 6:30 p.m. 0 wS e1 * x"e*rIr oô above ground pools (2)- 16 X 24 and 16 X 32 complete, 1 year old. Repossessed - by bank, sacrifice !/2 price. Cali Mr. Woods 416-292-22164. WRINGER WASHER - $25; mushroom KITCHEN SET, wliite with black padded seats $100; SEDDING DRESS, size 9, com- plete with floor Iength veit $90. (ail 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8, 4-door, green with black vinyt roof, black interior, certified $2,300. (aIl 655-3406. STO 1VE - 4 burner, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 picce DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. rail 668-6750.j MAT-ERNITY CLOTHES- Including four tops, one pair stacks, twvo pair shorts, a pant suit and a -dress, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for cy-rything. (aIt 728-1 II' 1 - white LAUNDRY TUB with, sturdy steel stand $25; CHEST' DRAWERS $45; Set BUNK BEDS with springs, rio mattress, size 36 inch width $50. Cati 668-9009, GAS STOVE - Findley, 2 years oid, goid colour, Rotissenie, excetent'condition. $175. C"'t 668-4469 AFGH-ANS -Otd tasiîioned 45in. X 45in- for $45, 54in. X 54in. for $54. Iloth moiti- coloured and wouid suit any decor. (ait 655-4776. Emp.1 WEDDING GOWN - Size 7/8. long veit and headpiece inciuded, long seeves, ex cellen t conditilon, regular price $ 150.00, asking $50. must see..catI 668-9120 after 4. TV - B&W 20 inch $ 100. Cati, 668-1384- King-size BED - with quitt mattress pad & flitted sheet $100; Single wardrobe cabinet $18. Catt 668-83 16. DRUMS - Otympa,'8piec set inctudes stoot, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Cal 655-3563. ,UNIFORM.. $10; steamn IRON $8, etwo small carpets $6 each. Cali -King-size BED - with quilt mattress, pad & fitted sheet, $85. Single wardrobc CABINET, $18; CatI 668-8316. STROBE LIGHT almost new, 1 new buIb, factory made, warranty and ail parts $50 or* best offer. FERRET -aibino, brown maIe or femnale $25. Cai 668-7190. S$5PEED B-AT R-Iýcasôiiiable $95.Cati Doug. at 668-8957. WASHE R/SPtN DRYI-ER -~ Westing hou se, used two months $ 165.00,ý 3 piece sectionai, bMue green ortan pile with bar $400t like new. (ahl 668-4377 or 668- 16078., WINDOWS.- Basement 21X 371/2 $6 each, picture windowv 'stormi 58X64 $30, sindow size couid be altercd siightly. CalI 723-8220. Large box of GI RLS (LOTIt- ING- nearly ncw, size 10-12. $25; BOYS CLOTHING, size 8-12, $20; STEAM tIRON $8; Girls COATS, size 12, $6 each; 12 bottie SPICE RACK $8. (al i725-121I 1. ___ Lower- 'Mai Whitbv Mail, Hwy. 2and Thickson Road, Whitby. -Phone 723-6792. member of* .A.T.A., A.T.C., O.T.t.C. Ont, -Rcg. No. 1079998 'CLASSIFIE D ADVERTISING' _________________________________ i --. - - I 1?flIThJTAIN - Annrnx h Il. SKI BOOTS and SKIS - size 31/2, $15; swivet CHAIR, $15; HUMIDIFIER $25; VAPORIZER $5;, brownie UNIFORM $8; CI- ectrie coffee PERK $ 10; sandwich GRILL $7; TOASTER $7; carpet SWEEPER $ 10; smai cieçtric HEATER $5; G.E. FLOOR POLISHER $ 10; 6 light bar type BATHROOM FIXTURE with shave ttug in, like new $20; 6~1 applecrates $2 each. 1968, 302 ENGINEI automatie transm ission, Call 655-3463. ~vith $200. RUGS -h1 ft. X 8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth colours, rost, goid, brosýi, beige, $500 for both,.'all.668-/923. EDR SHINGLES 8/ bundies $90.00; homemade 12 ft. aluminum bouse traiter $250. Cati 655.-3411t. TRICYCLFE .--,'CM 16 inch wheci. $20; 1boys, skates. size 5, S5 (ail 668-86 19. 1963 DODGE - $100. (Come and ('ah 668-5386. 4 door sedan look it over. Swimniing Pool Clearance 'Leading manufacturer of lifetime warranted above ground aluminumn pools is ov-, er stocked in many models., Immediate delivery and in- stallation at reduced winter prices. Cai colect 416-536- 9278." 1969 OLD)S - Cuttass 442 V8 power disc brakes, automatic, AM/FM radio, ait gauges inctud- ing tachometer, 2 door bard top, body needs paint, approximateiy 76,000 miles, $ 1,100 or best of- fer Cai 68-166. Emp. 1 yearold i ftsEoys9-13,pads,7 mask, gloves, arm & chest.pro tec- ton, $60. Cati 668-5714. CAMERA - X-15 instamatie (Kodak) with carrying case, in excellent condition $108, ski bootsý size seven, with carrying rack $6, portable radio in the shape of a pdice in very good condition $7, microscope kit, contains micro- scope, siides, spedîciriis, for ob- s ,ving $8.Cati 668"465. PAN GUOITAR Reptîca of eaGibson Les Paul, two double pick- tîps, excellent condition, adjust- a'bte steel ncfrk $100 firm. Cati 668-9772. E inp. CUTTERS- one in excellent condition $150; one racing cutter ini good condition $75. Caîl 655-4964. Mens 5-speed BICYCLE -- aimost new, $60. (1it 728-0664 aftcr 6:30 p.m. PIIANO - upnighit Plamcr of' Toronto, $300. ('ail aftcr 6 p.nî. 668-5068. 1968 FORD 1/2 TON TRUCK t'cair condition, $1,000. C'ait 668-9870. BABY FURNITURE - Strol O ('hair, includes carniage, stroller, chair, high chair, xith inter- changeable parts $50. Cati 728- 0333.Em P. T0W TRUC'K- 3 ton, selting as is $900 or'best offer. Cali 668- ,76 54. Emp. RECORD PLAYER - portable $15, 'kitchen table, chrome & grcy inarble in design $20, please cali after 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emp. HUMIDIFIER $5, e-ýer':ise cycle $5, baby car bcd $4, sterco record player $ 15, 8 golf clubs & bag $15, typewriter $25, electrie sewing mach\e $20, rocking horse $5, baby watker $3, sworci $5. Cati 668-6257. ELECT TO C diameter, 4 ft. tait $10 . »Cat1%uNnl' %F"i after 6 ..579-3536. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT - girls' med-um size, 3 picces, hood, jacket and 'pants $55. Cati 579- 2652.- PONY - Strawberry R oan previously, used for chlitdrens rides compiete with good as ncw saddlc blanket,-4,ridte, halter and reins $125. Cail 655-3031. WINTER COAT - imitation fur , leopard type, 2 years oid,. worni twice $25. (aIl 579-3569. ELECTRîC BROOM -Regina withi pile adjustmnent diat new igcondition $ 25; Child's BED fold- i ng type 27X52 with mattress good condition $30; 2 humner stove eîectric 220 volt heavy du ty 25 iltwLtlcdiiin. highi with sheîf, no oven W$15. Caii 6S3655__ STOVI - 30 inch; dean & ait eliimcnts in compIUte working condition. $85. Cati 655 388'. SNOW TIRES - lts l1966( haif-ton truck, good condition, $25. Cati 668-2806. I1-RRI{NG Harley Davidson 1200 asking $65;'4 MAG whiecis and tires for forcign car asking $80; 3 sets of car RWOOF RACKS $8 a sct. ('ait 668-4449. KiTCiiLN IABLL -Ovat, 3 chairs, anosi ncw $90. Cati 66fi8_-(04. _ 1968 PONTIAC- Laurentian V8, seli as is $800 or best offer, 97,000 miles, Cati1668-7980 aftcr 6 p. m. - - - ____ GOLF SiiOtS - 2 pairs, whiitc and peacli cotoured pair, size 7 $10, white an(d black pair sîze 7 $10, good condition. Cali 863- 1806-ani1 ask for Cathy. 19/10 DODGE CHALLEN - GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $ 1,800. Cai 668-5745. AM-FM STEREO RECEIVER $325; unique kitchen tabte, solid maple top $450. Cati 668-5910. Red Woot Curling JACKET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cat 668-9073. Gendron STROLL.ER - excel- lent condition, $25. CatI 655-3624. offenhainser twin carb high rise for smati btock Chevy, like new, asking $200. Cati 655-4723. _ REVERB - Traynor signature A X 10. $250. Cati 655-4978;. Persian limb COAT - with mink cotlar, size 20, asking $30. Cai 668-4002 after 6 p.m. V8, 2 door hardt'., owr steenîng, power brakes, vinyt roof, 1minor body svork, $2,000. (aIt 668-9805.. RIMS - 3-14", 5 hotes, fits Ford product 1967 to 1972 may- bc Chrysler & Dodge aiso, $5.00 each. Witi seit separate or as a pair. (ait 668-2253. BUGGY - Twin stroiter com- binatîon, good condition $40. (attl 66U~272.___ GARAGE wanted to rent. Preferabty two (or mlore) car iocated in or near downtown area. Cati M.B.M. Publishing and Photo- .graphy Inc. 668-611 1. 1973.NORTON - Interstate $1,200. CaI 668-9925. DINING ROOM TABLEÏ 6 chairs, soiid oak, $600 or best offer. Cail 725-4830 or 728-9224. af ter 5. GUITAR - TIriple pickup clectnie, wiiî seli for $35, ideal for ï( -k.gAroup.,Cail 668-2860. --> . TIRES - Michielin radial, sîze 150 SR 12, less than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rimn $45. Calit 668-5040 aftcf 5:30. :OUNCILI 0 automatic, good mechanicai and running condition $425 uncerti- fied. CaI 668-7644.______ CHESTERFIELD -Green!1 gotd broquade, good condition, $75. Cati 668-7644. Custom-madc extralicavy outy TRAILER HîTCH for 1974-7.5 pinto stationwagon $25. Cal] mm., fl.4 tense, 200 im., nikkor lense, etectronie1 $525. CatI 668-5259. f4. 0 fl ash, SSWIMMING POOL - Re-ý possesse4, excellent coifdi-' tion, leading manufacturer.l willing to sacrifice at '/z-prlce. LCali Collect 416-536,-9278. -one piiCture WINDOW - sash auminum storm, 66 X 54, plus two side ights 24 X 54 with self storing auminum storms & screens CatIl 66 8-12 10. 26" Phillips COLOUR TV stand incîuded, $300 or best offer. 0Cal 668-3195. RUGS - 12'x7'1" and 12'xlIl', earth colours, rust, gold, brown, yetlow, plus underpad for both $400. WASHER SPIN DRY- ER - Simplicity, harvest-gold, excellent condition $150. RUG - 12'x 10'6", orange, gotd, brown tone $60. Cal 728-8467. 1970 ROADNIGHT 'TEN' TRAILER - steeps 4, excellent condition. $350. or best offer. Cati 576-6197. 197 1. TOYOTA COROLLA - 1600, 30 m.p.g., 4 door, good condition, new tires, $ 1,000. Cui 668-4286. HELP WANTED STUDNTOASG ATTEDNSO2 ATENDANTSd(2) Henry VII11 Massage Castle Must be wîlling to learn. maintain- appéarrnc', weiI mannered, friendl'y $30 - $50 daily plus br.-nefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistance in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss Cathy (1) 361-0838 collect PORT1ABLL DRYER - apart- mient size, excellen t condition,, $ 100. Cati 668-9947. ql ý - ma 's 6 1't. 9 in., automatE tranmionasking $100. ati 668-7553 ssor 723-in $166. al6875 or 23 225O3AC6O6.Wt scope, gun rack, good condition, $45. Cati 668-3956 or Wcd. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION FITCH -One axie (Mini) andi torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cati 728-8056. BICYCLE - Boys high rise 3-speed with banana seat, needs gear change, in good condition $30, aiso boys 3-speed racer in good condition $40. Cali 668- 6083 af ter 7 p.m. WEDIMNG GÃ"WN - Size Il- 12 $60. Cat1 668-4595. Loveiy- Walnut IÙrFFET - refinished, $45; Pine Kitchen TABLE, refinished, $55; Smaller pine table, painted, $18; Ilhree drawer DRESSER, $15; Large oak SIDEBOARD with mirror and teaded glass door, partially refinished, $65. Cati 668-6519. Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE, $40; Chitds BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new toys, B arb ies, Ken', Big J im and camper, etc., stillintr boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS , size 12, reasonable. Call 668-6715. Cooper.G.P. GOALIE PADS - $55; Btocker & catcher G.M. 12 juinior-ý good condition, $20, both used 2 years; Imura SKIS by Garmish with harness 120 c.m. long, neyer used, $20; Lace-up SKI BOOTS, $5. Cati 668-5685. Girls figure SKATES - size 1, $8; Girls skating OUTFIT, size 8, $8; Boys Bower SKATES, size 41/4 $15; DESK & CHAIR, $20; G.E. 1WRINGER WASHER, $25; Ufider- jwood Senipter eiectric TYPE- 1WRITER, $125. Cati 668-6297 LStraight stitch PORTABLE SEWING MACHINE - in running order, $25; 50 amp. SERVICE BREAKER, $4; 30 amp. knife SWITCFI BOX, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8;, interior car HEATER, $5; GALLON BOT- TLES witîî air Iocks, for making sine, 90 cents a bottie. Cal 6ý68-9605. YAMAKI DELUUI 6-STRING GUITAR - withi case, $200. Cati .655-4385 after 5 p.mi. GUINEA PIGS FOR SALE - ALL SHAPES, SIZES AND COLOURS. CALL 723-5992. ARTIST SEEKING working & 'living faciiitics. For the period of IDecember to April. Cal Jim 1Paget 655-3493. edges. Aspen liarness. 52 in. 'home, close to downtown area. potes, Size 9 Samson boots, $40. Monday to Friday. (ail 668-6046. Dinîng area etectrie LtGHT FIXTURE, 16 in. copper shade BABYSITTING - witl babysit with glass under covering 3 butbs, in nmy home. Mary Street. (al raised or lowered on retractable 668-9722. cord, $10. 2 Dunop Silent Trac- tion hetcd SNOW TIRES, F 78-14, UDD JOBS DONI used onty one winter, mounted on BASEMENTCLiNING Ford rims ready to go, $35.00 TREE REMOVAL Cati 668-2479. . IREWOOD SNOWPLOWING Phone 668-6080 aflter 4 p.11 STORE FOR RENT ideat f'or Jean Shop AL'S ROOFING & SHEE ApproximalIy 800 Sqj. ft. METAL LTD. ,.-eneral con 107 Coiborne St., Whiitby tractors, repairs to Altypes Ot $125 nmontli AVAILABLI MMI-DiA'I".Y roofs. Over 25- years experienci ('ail668-312() AuleyRd. Ajix:579-1464. EDWARD R. NORTH WARD NOTICE TO READERS Advertise' FREE in the FRE5 PRESS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you seti! There witt not -be any charge to advertisers ini the FREE PjtESS EMPORIUM untess the item uoertiscd is sold. When the advertised item is soîd, you payýa commission based on THE ADVERTI SED PRîCE as iIIustrated betow. Ait advcrtiscmcnts must be DlIaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE P>RESS and run-t t east one month if not soîd RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2% of balance, over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvertised for $50.00 - commission due $250 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advêrtising onty! Ptease notify û's if you find a retaiter tisted as a private advertiser. Please .notify the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soid s0 that we may detete it fronr the foltowingý issues. Services, hctp wanted, etothing, reat estate and personat message type ads can only be handted on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cail 668-6111l MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. B3ox 206, WHîTBY 1 1-,OIJNTAIN - Avnrox. 6 ft-ý! mwmm-me.ý --i -i -Fil pu-mm 1 1 .U 1 la 'ln ! 1

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