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Whitby Free Press, 26 Nov 1975, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1975, WHITBY FREE Ri-ve you rea-lized hiow miany more wccks are left tli wc start the busy Chiristimas scason? Whiat's your group doing in the way of cetebrations'?Ifyou want or necd public parti- cipation, l1en you hadl better let mie know before too long. How about giving nie a cati during tie week. I did get a cati fruru the Whitby Figure Skating Uub this week. They'd like you to know that each Saturday fronm now tfIi Christmas they wiIl be selling good quality Clhristmias cakes, the funds raised will be used to buy their necessary ice-timie. If yout are partial to sontie good Qiristmas cake, and woutd aisu like to hielp une ot our commiunfity groups thien go over to dic Brooklin Arena between 9 a.m. and 1:20 p.mi. on one of the next few Saturdays. If anyone from Wh-itby is reading this, you too can hielp..just be ai the Iroquois Park Areiia between 2 and 7 p.m. aily Saturday between now and Chiristmlas. Also at tie Arenas will be outgrown skating costumes and figure skates that you nay purchase if you su desire. I see the Brooklin Kinsmien are wasting nu timie. At thieir Nuveniber meeting ilhey passcd a resolution tu ask permission fromn the Towvn 10 develop the land behind the IUI & DaaUTY FIA TUBES! 350. BAR LovE' BEATruy SOAP 33c VERBAL ESSENCE s FI. Oz.Bule* CLAIROL SHAMPOO $1.29 IEODOOBAMI 6 FI, W.T.. ARRID XX $1.291 SMUXED NUTS in si 79" FUTCAKE $2.79 FOR SCOURING c 0 An'C int. pî. & AO !PRESS fire. hall. if permission is granted..and 1 can't see why not, as'the land was given to the Town, su I believe, un the condition that il was îurned int a park...the Kinsmen will be supplying the nanpower and the funds for equip- ment to iurther thc cnd resull. ln addition..wait for it ... they wilI be applying for Wintario funds for a Swimiîning Pool in thei park!! Now i wonder what argument can bc found this timie tu delay the pool once again. Should be interesting tolu har. Good luck lu the Kinsmien agyway. Weil by te Utime you read this the Alil Candidates m~eetin~g will bc over and you wiil have hiad a chance to size uip the contestants. Election camrpaigns tend 10 mnake mie vcry cynical. Docs anyone rcally believe ail the promises that are thrown out 10 entice us 10 vote for a certain candidate. One utf these platforms in our eleclion is the promise of public transportationl. l'niflot saying that there isn't a necd. But lias anyone said hiow il is going to be paid for'? We seeintflbcb comling to the old fantasy..te mnoney witi 'ait like manna from hieaven . Unfortunately that docsn't happen, and once again the taxpayer will have tu dip into his pocket. It is the samc with any of these tidbits that are danglcd before our noses. I reckon anyone wlho wildiy promnises anything in the way of bait... be il transportation or extra recreation facilities..is certainiy flot properly preparcd in the ways of municipal affairs. The town is carrying enough dcbt .. 1)0o it would possibiy be more enlighitening, if ail candidates gut together and studied the saie books and thien camne up withi the samne figures.. and thei mani for ine would bethie une who couild really du a dlean swcep, gelthe priorities in the righ it order and mnake a budget work. Perhiaps l'mi askîing for 100 muchi. But please. Mr. Candidate, nu wild promises ut' Utopia, nu listing of ail your different positionshetd in the past, nu telllng us what a helt of a good fellow you are. Just show us how you could cut the Ifils, get down to basies and hetp save us a a few dotiars for a change. At a glance. WED. NOV. 26th - Horticultural Society Pot Luck Supper and Etections. 6:.15 p.m. at the United Church Hall, Brook] in. THURS. NOV. 27th - Brooklin Arts and Crafts open working nighit. 7:30-9:.30 p.m. at the Brooklin Community Centre. SAT. NOV. 29th - Garrard Rd. Lacrosse Association Dinner and Dance. SUN. DEC. 7tb - Durham Trail Riders Gen. Meeting 8 p.rn. at the Brooklin Community Centre. O.K. Parting shots. ... .Anyone interested in supportiflg movement for Creck area parkland in Broolin please contact Mrs. Johanson, 655-3813 or Mrs. D. Gibsun, 655-4956, for further information and for details of of meeting tu be hcid un Monday, December 8th at 10 a.m. at Rossland Road. I sec dog owners are going 10 be hit again with an increase in the tag charge..(does anyune know if it is Gov't guidelines for recommended increases during the freeze?). Do ihey really think that wflî increase revenue? Or don't they realize that il only means more peuple wilt take the chance on nul paying. If they had dune the right thiing last year and had staggered fines for constant offenders thcy could possible have brought in enuugh income lu cuver the cosîs withoul hitting those who cunstantly do lry lu do thc right thing. That's il. Give me somnething jolly lu think about..alt thiis gels nme 1op frustrated and bitter!! Have a good week and take care of yourselves. LIZ 655-3750. * $104 for Red Cross iCvalue ctisfcctlol received a cheque for $104 Friday frum flhc students uf St. John th e Evangetist Schuol, as profits froni a stu- dent bake sale. The students have mnade ycarly donations tu th c Red Cross froni varions furid-raising projeets. ç/, w Place your ad in Free P ress Services. Phone 668-6111 TI WRMIO-ENGRAVED V.3. ROASTED ALLEN'S PURE BONUS. 1/3 MORE BEEF or IRISH CHICKEN NOODLE REALEMON Maxwell House APPLE, DOVE PURITU LIPOTON LEMON COFFEE J U 1 C E LIQUID STEWS SOUPS JUICE 1-U SAG NEW PACKI 48 ftý OL TIN 32 FL OZ. OOT7Lf 24 FL OL TIN ACK OZ. BOTTLE M C C mOý b' L Nj le 52 4 9c 76c 69c 2 P 9' 24 FL. 9c STATIONERY TH ERN10ENGRAVING has the elegance and individuel distinction of fine craftimanship. THERMO-ENGRAVING is distinctive raîsed Iettering Thersno-Efgravflg costs about half as much as you'd expect 1ta, Y NIBLETS BRAND 14 FI. Oz. Tin CREAM CORN 39e GREEN GIANT 14 FI. Oz. Tin FANCY PEAS 319 GREEN GIANT - SEASONED - FRENCH STYLE 14 Fi. Oz. Tin GREEN BEANS 354 MCAIN SHOESTAINO 2-LbBRn FRENCH FRE5 69c HIGH N LIEx 1o.:Kg COD FILLETS $1.19 21066V 06W r'/, O T ORANGE Drink 55c BREAD Dough $1.09 FEATURE! - DISPOSABLE DIAPERS" 12 to Package PIAPERSTODDLtinu -sl.49 ~y FEATUREI - BREAD *' BUTTER 32 FI. Oz. Jar McLAREN'S Picles 89C FEATUREI - PARCHMENT 1-Lb. Pack MARGARINE su",spum 47C FEATURE! - LOWES KITTY LIT TER FEATUREI - STAFFORDS 19 FI. Oz. TIn APPLE PIE FILLER 75C Florida Marsh seedless GRAPEFRUIT 8/ 75ç Bradf ord Marsh Ontario CARROTS No. 1 2 lb. bag 2 for 494 B.C. fancy Anjou PEARS 151 eue WE RESEAVE THE 110215 TO LIMIT OUANTrnES Cal M.B.M. P-tublishing i& Piotography Ime 121 Brock N. 668-6111l LETTERHEADS and ENVELOPES CARDS a ANNOUNCEMENTS STORE HOURS OPEN six DAIS A WEEK 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. EXCEPT THUEtS* FRI. mulm IT YL O mM. 3 BIG DAYS' FIVERY Ar Thurs. Nov. 27 "'mSat. Nov. 29 No 1 ClçHARE. BROWN'S FOODMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 et"1' UYI - QUAI£" 2,Lb Package PARKAY Margarine s4.19 lEST DUYI - PAUTPIT MONARCH Flour sl*29 cEsT BUYI - .IOLLY MILLER ORANGE FI.vor Cystuls 3 679 SET BUT! - ORANGE PESOS Aýg TEA BAGS RUD ROSE $1.09 FEATUREt -SIMMILK POWOSA -3-Lb Package CARNATION instant s2*09 UIQUID Honey 89)< FL %TURE! - EVAPORATED M1LS 1-Lb. Tin CARNATION 3il FEATURESI - octergoBVt Powder SUNLIGHT -Pi $2e9 ORDENIS 1-b* TI HOT Choolate 1.09l ' ci C 0eC Al moufflemmmm Molk Lý--11 54. siq 55C

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