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Whitby Free Press, 3 Dec 1975, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESVý Santa Clatis is coiiîîig to towu Saturday as the Whitby Jfrycees lîold their animal Sauta Clatis Parade throughi downtowii Whitby. Marshalling timie is 9:15 a.rn. ut the Deilis O'Connîor High Sehool, and the parade will get under Nvay ait 10 a.mi. following Gifford, Cochrane, Dtindas and Brock Streets to the Doinion Plaza. Trophies and cash prizes will be awarded for best tloats and bauds and already thiere is quite a liiueup of euit..s arranged.- The Whithy Brass I lead off the pariade, w bands being the Arn [)ruui Corps, East ough Drumn Corps anc Navy League Cadets. Mlajorette groups the Connolly Scli D)ance, Woodview Ma Aýjax Majorettes ail Stewart Park Majorett Floats have alreai entered b>' the Ti Whitby, YMCA, do iercliants, Rotary Santia Cia us Pool opening next week Whitby 's Iroqluois Park Swimmiiig Pool, vhicililias been iii operation since Ntay, will have its officiail opieiîiig Dec. 10 at 7 p. i The general public is îinviti'd to attend the poolside opciiing cerenmosies, tour the facilitv, and stav tfor a free public swini next Wedniesdav nlight. Althmugh plans ire still bei ug formuL a -ied for thew opening prograin. it is expeet- ed that Wlitbv's ne w imayor w'ill pcrtortii the opcniig cereilioily. anîd the (ledicaitin of the pool1 will be perfornied liv a re presentaîtive o>f the 4hitby Niinisteriail Associai- ti<>i. Recreatiwiî lirector Wayne I)eVeau will wclcomne the of- ficial parcs'. and will offer soilie reniarkL on the progress of the swinilling progran ai! Ontarlio Govern ~im 114iTenders [ LEASE 0F FARN1 LANDS Vacant lands to lease in the Towns of Whitby and Pickering. Applications to lease the following properties will be accepted by the Ministry of Government Services Public Tenders Office, Room M 1-43a, Macdonald Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. R eference R eference R ef ere nce R eference R eference C5 - Part lot 31, Concession D2 - Part lot 30, Concession Hl - Part lot 2, Concession 6, H3 - Part lot 2, Concession 6, G il - Part lot 30, Concessioi 3, Whitby - 71.78 acres E, Whitby - 55.57 acres Pickering - 51.61 acres Pickering - 42.17 acres n 7, Whitby - 9.99 acres Information, as to the exact location of the properties, will be available from Mr. George Baker, Telephone (416) 965-4777. TO. 195 Tender envelopes and application forms will be available at the Public Tenders Office or fromn Mr. Baker, l3th Floor, Ferguson Block, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. On enquiries, please quote the applicahbi Reference Number. Ali lease applications must be received by the Tenders Office prior to 3:00 pm. LOCAL TIME, DECEMBER 12, 1975. The highest or any tender not necessa7ily accepted. il the uew Jpocol. There will also be remaîrks by the chiairiaîn of tlie cit i- zens' fund-raisiug coinitte whichi conlducted ai cainpaign for funds to build the poolI iin 1973, and Bob Caspell, co-ordinator of cornmuuity services, will intr<duce the p10o1 staff. Diiring the ceremnonies there will be a mnusical inter- lude by a local band, and a stroke deinonstration by the pool staîff. Aqua tics Supervisor Donna Stafford will close the cere- mo nies by offering coin ien- tary on a programi of deinon- strations by children iin the competitive swimmîing, syn- chronized swinlrning, diving and fin and snorkle programs. After the officiaI cereînon- ies tliere will be an open house ut the pool, and free public swimming frorn 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. is cornhng (c Faitli Baptist Churcli, Dwasco Bauid will Volkswa-,geni, and the fire ,ithi othier depaîrtînent. bassador l'lie fire departmnt wili Scarbor- be converting its batlîtub car d Oshawa into "Santa's bubble bath", and will enter a float l)r(>mot- iiiclude ing thte departinent's nîuscular 1 ool of dystrophy> canmpaign. ajorettes, l)uring the parade, mcmli iid Gien bers of thte fire departm-eiît tes. will be "passing the boot" to idy becul collect contributions for m us- ow(Iî of cular, dystrophy. oW.- :i',ý,W i Childreil will be -.ble to 1 Club, visit Santa Cla-s froni a hiaîf Whitby is seeking Wintario draw, funds Thie displa>' lu the window of Vince's Grocer>' store depicts one of the main>' types of projects which could be eligible for Wintario fuîîds. Free Press Photo A small group of energetic pieople in the town is attempt- ing to lure the Wintario offi- ciaIs to hold one of tb~eir twvice mouthl>' draws in .Nhitby to open the Count>' Town Carnival lu Jul>' of 1976. The group, headed b>' local Wiîitario distributor Roger Schell, Count>' Town Caruival Coînmittee Chair- man Jack Woodward and Director of Recreation Wayne DeVeau, have applied to Win- tarlo officiais to hold the draw here. To show that the local citizens are interested lu hav- ing the draw here und lu receiving some of the Wintario funds, Mr. Schell and William M. Gadd of W.M.G. Marketing set up a contest for al Wintario and Olymipic Lotter>' registered agents ini 'the region whereLy the agent who cornes up with the inost creative displa>' de- picting what Wintario is ail about and to what sort of projects the funds are alloca- ted wins a trip to Vancouver for thie seventh Olympic Lotter>' drawv. Four consolation prizes of an all-expeiîse paid weekend at Toronto's Royal York Hotel will be awarded the runnersup - One eye-catching dispia>' lu Vince's Grocery store on Dundas Street East includes thie fantastic original 1971 plans of the $70-million corn- plex' proposed for Iroquols Park * for which the thieî Mayor. Des Newman proposed a lotter>' to finance. The provincial governineut did flot approve Mr. Newin's proposai ut the tirne. The p)rovince did later approve a1 nunîiber of lotteries such as Wintairio and ine to support ai project west of Toronto, sim1ilar to that proposed for Whitby b>' Mr. Newman. h own m parade Saturday h ir after the parade until through a $1 ,250 grazt from i nerchants of the town sup- 6 p.m. Saturday at the Santa the Towni of Whitby and th e port the Santa Claus house. Houise, iin the b)uildinlg north of the Brock Theatre. The Santa house wil be open Dec. 6, 11, 13, and 18 to 20, troni 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturdays and 6 p.rn. to 9p.m. ou weekdays. A new feature of this year's p)arade is judging of fl.-.ats anîd bands by the ladies of Whitby. Auy interested in judgîilg are asked to subînit their naine, address and phone nurnber to the Jaycees by calling 723-5748 or 668-2870. Tlîree of the submitted îîaines will be drawu from a bat for judging and those selected will receive a plaque for their services. The Santa Clauis Parade is being organized by a coin- rnittee of six Jaycees under the chairmanship of Dwain Saucier. Since October, wheîî the ~ lirojeet started, Mr. Saucier lias been spending 12 to 20 'jours7 week on the project. His job is complicated by the mail strike, since in for- mner years the Jaycees have made m-ost of their arrange- inents for the parade b>' mail. This year the conîmittee inenbers are deliveriug letters and parade information b>' baud to local industries and service clubs. But despite these problemrs, Mem bers of the YMCA creative arts and crafts class are the Jaycees are expectiug a bus>' making a gingerbread bouse float for Saturday's successfîîl parade. For those Santa Claus Parade. Creative Arts Director Laurie Milner who cannot make it out for (Ieft) supervises the work as Andy Paîfre>' attache,-,a the parade on Saturday, it will gingerbread man to the frame, Bill Watson paints the be televised by Pine Ridge pattern on another gingerbread man, and Suzanne Cunliffe Cable TV on channel 6. holds a magazine photo of the completed gingerbread bouse. The parade is financed Free Press Photo

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