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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1975, p. 13

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WHITBY FREE PRESSI NSADEEBR1.195 AE13 FreePres 1FOR SALE STOVE- - westingboust elec- trio, 3U inch, four burners, excel- lotit Woxkj'n, condition $35. Cap, After 5 p.m: '655-4454. LADIES brown COAT - like new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls coats, ie 10 & 12, $6 each. Cail 6 6e-1123. SWINGOMATIC - Foi baby, $12. Cal 668-988.. .-ANTIQi3Eb Dresser $90; kitchen cabnet $120; beauty table with 3 mirrors $120; 2 chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130.'Cati 579-2939. DRUMS - Completo set;2 toms, 1 floor tom, base, chrome snare dnim, high bat, 2 cymnbal stunds, excellent condition $ 190. 219 Keith Street aftetr 6 ...... FILTER QUEEN VACUUMI CLEANER - sith accossories, ike new, $200. Caîl 728-6169. 1964 CIIEV IMPALA - motor A-I condition, $100. Caîl Ron at 728-6 188. Two Firestone SNOW TIRES - C78-14, $20; Twvo RINIS, 4-hole. fits 1970 Maverick, $8. Cal 668-4461. STOVE oiec trie, 4 68-4 750. - 24 inch Moffai borner, $25. Cali MOPFD - Bronco brand tîew t50 mifles, highrise handlebars, ieluxe seat, 148 miles per gallon, wilI go 40 m.p.h. $460. Caîl 668- 3186. WOOD- One trailer- load soft wood suitable for fireplace $35. Caî 668-8957. WVEDDING CGOWN --Sîie 1-1, veil and train $50. Cal 668. ý406 or 6684410. Emp. STEREO - Lloyds rocoîvr-,- eight-track, turntable and twvo speakers. Just like new $150 or best offer. Cal 668-7190. Empi One Lloyd CARRIAGE bcown and white, also one JOLLY JUMPER, $30. C~ali 728-9663. 1967 FORD NILR CLýR Y COUGAR - 289 V-8 engine, mechianîcally sound, $250. ('al A69'-9670 Four 13" SNOW TIRES -- $3 each; 8' countertop with the sink hold in it, $5; 4' mupboard gas heater, $6; stand bo grease your own car, made with 2 by 10 pîank, $25. Caîl 655-396 1 after 5 p.m.- - WRINGER WASHER $ 25'ý mushroomn KITCHEN SET, whîte sith black padded scats $100; ROOM SEiT. sodent l$140. Cail 668-6750.47_ 19A2 RNT OI - ES andoa rs,eye wornbacksie 0 12of $25forc 'ering. ('ai 728- $2'3M0L CA'lod-condi tion svon 4tvîcc sier1, S 15; dALS,0 n-v35;5hite, $; BO'l'S site 7, iaek,$5; wo eater1an. bluek, witepsir ts, a150 ach.ui ('aIl255-4166. hig.Cil72- 668-6l11 FRAMU9 -- 6 string $100 or ncarest offer. 668-4187 after 6 o'clock. r f iWFOItMTAIN -Arrc 6FL Phiono -STOVE - 30 inch, good con-. dition $75; space HEATER $60. Caîl 668-6750. ___ STOVE - Small $60; B&W TV hico $60; toak chesterfield and chair $85; antique Raymond treddle sowing machine $65. Cal 1965 MERCURY COMET- licenses, uncortifiod, good running ,condition, U300 ý or bost offer. Must soul. Cal655-4834. Two 1965 PONTIIAUS - ono is V8, good body & motor, trans- mission noeds work, as is, $450 or bost offer. Other is certificd, 6 cylinder, $450 firm. Call 668-9757, CUTTRS - one in excellent condition $ 150; one racing cutter in good' copdition $75. Cal 655-49641 PARTY DRESSES - long evening gowns, size 9, Il & 12. Caîl 668-9256 after 6 p.m. BICYCLE - boys' CCM Targa. only one year oîd, in good condi- tion, $60. Caîl 655-4409. COAT -_Ladies hlack persiani lamb appro\imateîy size 20, in good condition. will seIl for $50. CaO 725-5714. Emp. SKI-BOOTS -Ladlies size 6/ buckle st,.Ie, worn once $25. Cal 66 8-2119.- Emp GAS STOVE - Findîcy, 2 years oîd, gold colour, Rotissenie, excellent condition. $ 175. Ca'I 668-4468. 1968 CHIEV -- automnatic, V-8, radio, dcfogger, 20 miles per giallon, will certify, good winter car, $675 or best ofter. Caîl 668-1382. <.1- I RUt. & - tulîy equip- ped, frcshly paintedi inside, new tires, alumintimi body, asking $3,000 or bcst offer. Cal 728-7623. TV- B&W 20 inch SI100. Cal _U~384- - Kent Spanish FL Ft CTRI1(C GUITAR - like new, with cuistorm made amiplifier and speaker. S 10 or best offer. Caîl 576-8042. DRUMS - Olympia78pie set includes stool, in good condi- tion, asking $250. Caîl 655-3563. ,UNIFORM $10; steam IRON $8. kwýo small carpets $6 cach. Cal BOYS HOUER SK"l' S size 41/2, S$15; Underwoud Scrîpter TYPI'WRI1'ER, $125. ('all 668-6297 after 5 p.m.. STROBE 1,LIGIIT -aîmosi new, 1 ncw bulb, factory made, warranty and ail parts $50 or best offer. FEiRRET . albino, brown maIe or èmia'Ie $25. Cali 668-7190. SPEED BOTAT -,'1.sonabte $5 Caiî1 Doug aI 668-8957. WASHER/SPIN DRYI'R- Westinghiouse, used (w o imonths $ 165-00, 3 piece sectional. bloc green orlan pile with bar $400 like new. Cal 668-4377 or 668- 6078. "- WINDOWS Baseirient 21X 371/2 $6 eachl, pîiture window, 'storrn 58X64 $30. window size could bc altered slightly. ('aIl 723-8220._ a _______ Large box of GIRL1S ('LOTlIl1 ING nearîy new. size 10-12, $25 ; BOYS (TLOTI11IN(;, site 8-12, $20;, STEAM IRON $8; Girls ('OATS, site 12, $6 each; 12 bottle SPICE RACK $8. (CIl .725-1211. size 31/, $ 15; sw ivel ('IIAI R, $ 15; VAPORIZER, $5; coft'ee PERK, $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; 1'OAS'IER, $7; carpet SWEEPER, $ 10; C.E. floor POLISFI ER, $ 10; 6 light bar type bathroom l'iture sith shave plog in, like new, $20;. 6 apple crates, $2 ecdi. RANG- ETTE, $15; ELECTRIC BROOM, $10; VACUUM CLEANER,$5 [r'ail 668-9404. 1968, automatiC Cal 655-34 302 ENGINE - witl transmission, $200. RUGS - 11 ft. X 8 ft. 3 in.' &10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth clours, rust, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. Cali 668-7923. - CEDAR SHINGLES - 81/2 bundies $90.00; homnemade 12 ft. ýauminum housetrailor $250. Cali 655-3411t. TRICYC'LE-, CCM 16 inch wlieeî, $20; boys skates, sizo 5, $5. Caîl 668-8619. 1963 I)ODGE - -4 door sedan $100. Comne and look it over. Caîl 668-5386. 973 AUSTIN MIINI (1000) - iinacuîed condition, new mnichi- cli radial tires, radio, four sp:v.ll standard, tlIis is a very econornical car to operate & Mantain, certi- fied, $1,650 or best offer. Cal 668-3002 or 668-2247. Antique RCA Victorola RADIO CONSOLE-' with auto- matie turn table, about 1943 miodel. fully funictioning, solid walnut, $300 cash. ('ail 579-1593. 6 p.m.__579-3536. grs' C UBA bsizo,3 ioETSUITood jack' îetad 'pnsz$55. pCaîl 579- jakt n 'ats$52.ll59 2S652,ry Ron previously used for childrens' rides complote with good as new saddle blanket, bridle, halter and reins $125. Caîl 655-3031. WINTER COAT - imitation fur, leopard type, 2 years old, worn twice $25. Caîl 579-3569.- ELECTRrC BROOM -Regina with pile adjistment dial now condition' $25; Child's BED fold- ing type 27X52 with mattross good condition $30; 2 burnor stove olectric 220 volt heavy du ty 25 in. lrigh with shoîf, no ovon $15. Ca11655-3860; FLOOR PfOLIHR- NOTICE TO READERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING' SNOW TIRES - l'ils 1966 haîf-ton truck, good condition, $2.Caîl 668-2806. t"LRING - I-arley Davidson' 1200 asking $65; 4 MAG wheels and tires for foreign car asking $80; 3 sets of car ROOF RACKS $8 a set. Caîl 668-4449. - an crahlour ed pair,.site MOFAT' built-în Oven & sur- snienuo.-y0 face unit, $400; hiolding 'ANK $10, good condition. Cail 863-> for boat, $25; girls CLOTIIING, 18-aniù ask for Cathy. site 6, $ 15; 2 lamp bases, $8; -______________________ smali electric STOVE, $ 15' 19'10 DODGE CHAL ? lectric BROOM, $7; floor GER - 318 V-8, new back tires POLISIIER, $ 15. Cali 576-6592. $1,800. Cali 668-5745. AM-FNI STEREO RECEl VER ~ (AI~~ftJ,,~~TaS $325; unique kitchen table, solid mask, gloves. arm & chest pro toc- maple top $450. Cl 668-59 10. tor, $60. Caîl66-5714. 'Wod(mrnpIC T- Ried0-42, 25; Bling SHOKES Asinister RUG - 9' \ 12'. $50; alsu several other rugs; D)RAPES. $2 pair; silence cloth l'or large table. $4; coffee TABLE, $ 2; arm ('I A1 R S$5: gu ide unilifa':rm $S12; brownie unifurmi, $10; and n scell;încou s; also ladie s cloillcs. size 12-14. Caîl 723-2426. YAMIAKI Dl-.LUX[-, 6-STRINCY (;Ul-lAR --ith case, $200. Cal 655-4385 :îfter 5 p. CIST I)RAWERS - Sf- Set 13LNK BELDS. With springs, no nijattress. 'sie 36 inch wid ti, S$50. ('ail 668-9009. Mens 5-spccd I( "LE amioýst new. $60. ('aIl 728-0664 after 6:30 ni.m. PORTlABHLE BHA R excellent condition, a'.king S50t-. (al 6618-7867. i1l)eluxe WOOI)HURNING SETIl good for children 12 yearsý and over. excellent condition. $3; llA('K S,.\(K. nylon wvith solid aluiutinumn trameney er Ibecu uscd. $25; SKIS. approx. 51 ' 'long. great l'or beginner. S I ; SKI HOO I S. sizc 7/8. good condition wi th carry iîg rack. $ 10; portable R A 1)10. excellent condition. h1ardIy iused, $si 0.('al 6068-4465. '10W TRUCK 3 ton. selling a; is $900 or best uffer. Caîl 668- .7654. Ep RP('ORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchen table, ehrome & grcy marble in dcsign $20, please Ciull afer 6 p.m. 655-3240. Emo. SNOW l'I RI S Ibelxýd, l.'70- I4. used one w inter. cxc'ýnt cond1(itionl. a sking $1,,. ('al J668-4862. I Fendler St ratocaster GUI'IAR - Whitbv Mail, Road, Witby. Mi and case sizo 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cal 668-9073. Gendrun STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Caîl 655-3624. 300 HLP. CAMSHAFT & solids offenhainser twin carb high riso for small block Chevy, like new, asking S$200. Cal 655-472 *fl"FVFRB - Traynor signaturJ 4 X 10. $250. Cal 655497k., lk-rsian lamnb ('OA'l' - $30. minrcilnaiteb20,Askin 1 1 (,(,8-41)02 after 6 p.m. .7 2RAdoorIhadt'pSPOvR Vt8r. 2poosr hbrkes, vioyrf mînr ovwo rk, $2.000.rCaf, 668-9805. H31-1) ('IHESTERFIELD--3' non tils id, Bev'erley niattress, plus chrone tramne, tinted glass end table, bough t l'or $500. wsili sIl lor $3t00. ('ail 655-4 10 1. BUIGGY "rwmn stroliel Coff- bination. good condition $40. Cati 668-5272. GARAGE- wanted to rent. Iret'erabiy two (or more) car located in or near dovnto\%narea. ('ail \j.B.M. Publishing and Photo- ~graphy I nc. 668-6 111. '1973 NOh'ÏON - Interstate $1.200. Cx1l 668-9925. ssithl îznuinie Zîja mo excellenit Condition. asking $550). ('ail 728-25 18. GUITAR - Triple pickup eleetrie. wili seil for $35, ideal for rock rÂo. Çll99-2860,- TIRES -~Michielin radial, sizC 150 SR 12, Iess than 500 miles on 2, plus good spare with rim $45.' Cal 668-5040 after 5:30. Ont. Reg. No. 1079998___________________________ E MTOR- Wtm SUITE - high back stylo, 3 months old, excellent condition, $550 or hes,-t offor. Cail 668-9014. 12 gpage Stevens pump SHOTGUN $75. Caîl 683-1469. Custoin-macle extra nemvy am TRAILER HITCH for 1974-7.5 pinto stationwagon $25. Cal mm., fl1. lense, 200 mm., nikkor lense, electronie Il I$525. Call 668-5259. f4.O 0 flash, 197*IEZ EA .1o«dF7shape cetîfEDANgoo transraiOn. KLO 881. $675. 1966spoNtiACntrochi8,gS675 transPOTAn, a becertied, D2YY 766, $425. Cal 668-8957. feastivo season. You'll find a large selection at the Nearly New Shop 131 Brock St. S., Whitby. Open .daily 930-5:30 Fridays tilI 8.1 26" Phillips COLOUR TV- stand inciuded, $300 or- best -offer. C,-& 668-3195. RUGS - l2'x7'1" and 12'xl1', earth colours, rust, gold, brown, yellow, plus underpad for both $400. WASHER SPIN DRY- ER - Simplicity, harvest-gold, excellent condition $150. RUG - 12'x 1O'", orange, gold, brown tone $60. Cal 728-8467. ACCORDIAN 120 Bass Mun- dinger - withl case, il switches on 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA TOOTO MASSAG STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2> required bv H en ry Vî111Massage Castîe Must be wiîîing 'to learn, maintain appearaflce-. weIl mannered, friendlyr $30 - $50 dlaiîy plus t bfflnefits, hours flexible.' Accommodation o rj assistanoe in rélocation aubro natcissCthysee entge. Asplenthanditi52on.. oIes. Size 9 Sainson boots. $40. 1 iine ara electric LGHT 71IXTUIRE. 16 in. copper shade Swith glass under covering 3 bulbs. raised or lo\vered on retractable cord. $10. 2 Dunop Silent Trac-' tion beîted SNOW TIRES. F78- 14i uscd oilly one \%,inter. itotinted on' Ford riîns rcady to go. $35.00' Cai 668-2479. STORE FOR RENT Ideal f'or Jeanti Shop ApproximateîY 800 sq. 11 107 Coîbome St.. Whitb:, $125nonth AVAILABLI MMDlTLY C'al668-3 t24, automatie transmission, askingý $100. Cal 668-7553 or 723-. 45366. 2-2- BOLT ACTION - Wilh scopo, gun rack, good condition, $45. Cal 668-3956 or Wed. to SSat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION HITCH - One axle (Mini) and torsion bar sup- ports asking $55. Cal 728-8056. by Slingerland, zilgian cymbals, throne, ludwig speed pedal, stare, 14", hi at sizzWe, bass 22", tom [tom 12", floor tom, etc., very good condition,. $375. Chîl î2g-5486. TABLE, ifefinished, $55; Smaller pine table, painted, $18; Th.ree drawer DRESSER, $15; Large .oak SIDEBOARD with mirror .and leaded glass do8r, partially rofinished, $65. Cail 668-6519.- Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new toys,- Barbis, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size i2, reasonable. Cail1668-6715. Cooper tJ.P. GOA LIE PADS - S55; Blockr & catcher G.M. 12 junior. good condition. $20. both usod 2 y'oars: Imura SKIS bx"- Garmisli with harness 120 ca. long, nover used, $20: Lace-up SKI BOOTS. 5. Cati 668-5685. Y-wo G60-14 qualifier sno\\. tires on GM Wagon rims. brand. ne\\ 50 pair. atI 668-2423 ifter 5 v.nm. BABYSITTER WA.-NTED - tor 3 year old. niuit 6 b close to do«'nto\vn area. niother works part-timie. Cal 668-9870. \VANTED - Miature wvoman t0 care for handicapped chiîd and also do somne liolht lousekeeping. Cali 668-6667. YOUNG NVOM.gN will L0ive piano instructions in lier hiome at a reasonable rate to beginners and- students of primiar\- grades. For further ifonnlationi contact 66 8-214. WVANTI) -D Woman cotupanl- ioni-holuseep2r for liý'ht lbouse- kccping! duties in \Vibw\omlan alonc in _-room bungalow. nust b c atte 55or over. *\1stainer end 1 ons- kc. Fre room iand board plus. allowaflcc ot $55 per week. #'ReferecCs. onact Victoria & Grcv Trust CO. at r-ODD JOBS DONE BASENMENT CLEANING TRIE REMOVAL FIRE WOOD SNOWPLOVI NG Phione 668-6080 after 4 p.ni. 1AL'S ROOFING & SHE ,META L LTD. 'ý;eneral con- tractors, repairs to A types of .roofs. Over 25 years experience Audley Rd. Ajax. 579-1464. .IJUNT CA~P - bl*k velvet with sfety harness instaffd, sùe Advortise' FPEE in the FRÈIC PRE SS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY when you sell! ' There will not' .be any 'cherge 10 adverti sers in the FREE lë&EýS EMPORIUM uilless the item 4ývertised is sol4'. When the aklver tised item is sold,"y',ou 'pas' -à oommission based on must be 0aaced on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS andr run Pt least one month if not sold RATES s,.. article is sold'): 5% of advcrtised price up to $400.00 2% of baiancç over $400.00 EXAMPLE; Sold item tdvertised f'or $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimunfi commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please,no -tify the Whitby Free Press immed'iately when item is sold s0 that we may dele4e. it frorrr the, following issues. Services, help wantod, clothing, reai estate and personal message type ads can only 6e handled on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, cail 66 8-6 111 MAIL ALL ADS TO; FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHITIY Lower ' Mail Wy. 2 and Thickson Phone 723-6792. Ici tqu NEW Ný R.SLRY 01- INNO\ lz R IT Fi Ill. \ý,As& DIZII. 1 M)OW VOIZ 1 Il \ I* I'Ntlst; \1 CREATIVE NURSERY Brock t - N' p 668 54ý1,1 m uu 0-It fi li. m .L wîth $30. -1 % . 1. 463. $Io. 1 -i

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