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Whitby Free Press, 11 Dec 1975, p. 15

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1 Vednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 7:05 P.M. ALOHA BOBBY.& ROSE Pauil LeMat, Dianne Hiul 8:45 P.M. THE STEPFORD WIVES Kathiarine Ross, Pauila Preiitise (Aduit Entetrtainnien t) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 7:-05 P.M. & 9:-40 P.M. TH'E PLEASURE MACHINE 8: 15 P.M. CONFESSIONS 0FA WINDOW CLEANER SPECIAL CHILDRENS MATINEE SANTA.CLAUS'wilvisit the Brock during this'showý FulIy Animated Programme Ail Seats 75 cents THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE PLUS CARTOONS BRO(KWHITBY 668-3618 Mr.Colville WISHES-TO THANK HIS FAITHFUL SUPPORTERS THIS PAST ELECTION The Curly Look is In f or men and women this .Christmas Save on Perms $45 perms Now $30- $30- perms Now $20 Mon T-ue &.Wed. only Dec. 8', 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 Six day s pecial HIS' & HER'S TONY'S HAIRSTYLING Blair Park Plaiza book now for Christmas hours .MON-WLD *9-6 THURS & FR1 99 -SAT 8-5 668 - 5441 AUC11O HALL la McMillan Dr. Wanted Items you hive to sel Estate - Antique -Consignment Sales - Appraisais» Sals Twice Weekiy Open Monday - Friday 1:00 - 8:00 p.m. ARTICLES FOR SALE We. Buy & Seli useci futilture and apoliances. M idtown New & 'Used Furniture 90 Simcoc« S., ûti awa. Phone 728-3211i Guaranteed Rustproofing on ail Lsed cars cati VITAL RUSTPROOFING fordetails 723-1 155 To correct any misunderstaiiding with regards to Iast week's Jaycees Santa Glaus Paradead, let it be known that the sponsors listed in this ad are sponsors ot mne jaycee's Santas House, 131 Brock St. N.. i he parade was sponsoreci by the council 01- Nowl ieouk N sturtilIy G<oml W. go along wlth Nature ta bring out the bast In Yas and your hoir. W. cut If the way i grows... and shapo if ta suit your face. -MENSHAIRSTYUING 305 rck St.5outh. Whltby Plie' 668-6922 Two clectric (quarter Ihorse MOTORS - $10 cadi; 1 SPEAKER $O~ 15. Cati 668-6750. 1969 (1-1EV '/2 TON PANEL TRUCK - înertified, needs some body work, $1,200 or best offer. Cail655-436. * Two SNOW TIRES -- with rims, Uniroyal Winter Ride, F78-14, new, $55. Cali 655-3879. 1969 FORD WAGON - 8 scater, uncertiied. $400. Call 655-4416.1 WANTED - Used colour- ed TV's- black & white portables, high est prices paid. Cati 668-3707. - F-our cylinder Viva Voxtiai E-ýNGINIi 1075 ee's. $65; 4 speed standard TRANSMISSION for 4-cylinder Viva or E'pic enigine rebut last F eb rua ry, $50. Cail 668-4838. GLAZEI) SPANISI! ROOF- ING TILES- for a housc of distinction'. Cali 668-7142 or 576-8293. - ATTENTION Fý HY PAYA 533 WAVERLY ST. N.. OSHAWA, tINTARIO LIJ 5W8 1)1N ING ROONM SUIFE9 piece. S$285; wIhte OTTO $5; TEIIII'>IONI DI"SK $6; I>onic;n îivL I ABIII ' , $75; bedsii- ting chi r, $6; mîiiai(*111'S'Ii;,R- 1ILL.), "75; ailso isceîliancotts. ('aIl 723-8934. -- 1974 PONTI AC'CATALINA 4 door liard iop. viny I rof, power sicering anld lîrakes, tintcd glass. rear dtlogc!cr. niany more ex tras. low iîiileage, S 3895 or best ut 1cr. ('all 728-1391. stvel II) coiiip le te w i l sprîng & inia ttress, ni îogeny dresser & dressing table, $401. ('aIl 655-4630. Complete furnishings of showrooms andi suppl mnodel homes, apartmneql' houses (used for citsp.ia'V pnlyl savlngs ag high as cent cut-easy terms can at the warehouse 12 to Tb's f urniture is sole ELMER'S FURNIT( 253 Bloor Street East, 0 Phonn - 728-347.: CAAPENTR' Bathroo Recroati decks Ci Home Repair. Im provementi m & floot ion rooTus, & patio. doo 'AIL 668-468 Upright 9 cub FREEZER --vith UPP $ 100; older model FRIE botit are in goodi CatI 655-3683. 1973 Rupp 400 Kniti MOPILE - only driven 6 excellent condition, a body and bogies, $75 655-4866. 'ARMERSIII MORE? E ONPIU CUAUTVr ~: -i--GAS *DIESEL FUEL" FREE ESTîMATES 668-1668 728-1593 Lîncd I)RAPI'S nîdiuatclîing (il, ilt bloc and greenl io;..a, S deloxe FOUNGFR. hi ('aIl 668-8429. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEbNESDAY, rECEMBER Ï0, 19751, PAGE 15 Iers. rect purpose * S 50pe'rdalardo be seen Bdo I by * With eleven on-the-beach meorts to consider, Fiesta.'S Ob JREaw boundto have one with the in terest and price for YOU. 9 * You'II find it in our catalogue. FIy non-stop to Brao e via Wardair. Ourrepresentatives, on bdard and on shore, * y wi,1I assist and orientate you as only Fiesta knows how. ib 9b Travel with a friend . .. Fiesta. ts 1i OR 2 WEEK HOLIDAYS0 rtifing,,3 FOR AS 10W AS cedar 4b rs, ec Ail Fiesta Holidays include return air transportation via Wardaîr, * transiers, acçommodation and meals as specifîed in catalogue. 86 elstc * e0 c l'Oot q* er frdge, condition RU S L alinnun RA ELLTD. 50 Ca .Il116 Brock St S., Whitby * 668-5000 3 *Mon. - it. 9-5 Fri Til9 «"Your 1iravel Is Our BiVsiness, For your Drotection reeste!ed under Orntario Government No. 1259988 I ~~f*********************........ The President and Officers of the Durham Region TB-RD Association wlsh to express their grateful thanks to the Banks and Trust Companies for accepting Christmas Seal envelopes during the postal strike. Get your rear in gear. Take a walk. walk aNwklil . ýNOW\V. TIRE-.S town & lwmileage, $30 or best ut ter. ('all .668-8584. VELVET T&IC1I FURNITURE STRIPPING *AI unique ne dip tanks or coustisci McicNei I's o Mf rc Furnuture and Upholstery ti o'pbelsfer fine fembitr" 413 Dundas St. E. , Whitby, Ontario au%.668-548J Kcs. 66w:6526 75" N 45" bcd sp read. 21); Inifiant's Àke îiew. $S5. Siraigli1 s t itc IlPORT AIB)1,U SI *WI N( IA('IIlNIin riinning, Mrder, $2-;50St)anmp. S'RI tRiý-AKI "R. $4; 30 amip. kiic' SWI FOII BON. S2.501; 8 fuse panel l)oý\ .$8; inteirior 'car I1 IlIAlI 1< $5; GA\LLON BOT- 'Il'FI' S v i h ,air locks. for ni ak ing wil 90) Cents ia botîle. ('al 068-9005. SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE 668-8361 OPEN 8a.m. to 10 pe-m. evervdav. - Openi Xmas Eve titi 10:00 P.M. Ampliora Pipe T'obacco Brigham Briar Pipes - 12 oz. tins j $1 2.95 & p N $5.29 Coca-cola I Ideal Butter First Grade 2/40 oz. botties S 1.12 lb. 89 cents plus deposit I)airy Box cliozolates 1 lb. S2.99 *Sldln 4-Fasci *Sofflt Eav.stroughb *DoorsWhidc *Patio Doors Work Guearn Lie. rl1 T 1'*. ~ Oui mosItown = cati catiaci oit - 668-3381 DURIIAM PLUMBING Ltd. REPAI RS, ALTE RATIONS AND NEW WORK Gerrý L à 0

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