PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS, N ew memibersof Whi*tby Council take oaths'of* offce by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer The three newly electcd niembers of Whitby Ceunicil - Mayor. J im -.Gartshiorc, nertît ward Counciller Bob Carson and west ward Councillor Ken 1llobbs --toek the declaration ùf office and oath et' allegfiance in a formnat ceýe- mony at the Whitby munici- pal building Thursday., Fellowing the of'ilcial.. ceremony, the three, elected- te their respective positions latMonday, gave brief speeches. Mayor Gartshore address- cd his opeiling reiliarks te Johin Gaodwîin who finishied Ia close. second in the rnayoralty race. "'We have, in this cemmunity, lest the services,' gh the lection, ot -a man who did serve this comrnunity very well in rnany manners for a number ef ycars and a man te whoin 'I feel the 'comm11unity ducs ewe thanks for biis service". "i an indcbted te the comrnunity wihichi lias given flic the hionour and tie privil- ege of serving as its 42 miayor and 1 would again like. te pub licly thank t hese people wheo made it possible for nie and aIse those people who did iake* the tinte te vote", lie said. 'I hope and 1 sinccrely feel tuit thiis» ceuncil cari work as a cohiesive unified group te eperate thiis comi- munity ini the> nianner in whic Il'ni sure wc ail wishi it to be operated -ifi a vc.ry successful dewn te cartli mianner", lhc said. Mayor Gartsheore said "wc hazve,. already anong us, the regional couincillers takîng a stand that we will, as a unified greup, put what wcighit we cari, as three mcînbcrs -of regional council, un thle buidgctary policies of that regional council in the up- corning year as wvc shah aIl du uon this group withiin this couincil locally". 'rn dedicatcd te the 1pro- poîsitioni that the coun.cil is the policy miaking gruip of' this conînunity and, as miayor and leader of tie counicil, 1 lux-,e the -main respotisibility to make vcry suire that thoSe policies arc cnunciated vcry. clcarlY that those policies follo'wed", lic said. and arc Mayor Gartshorc said I wouîd hopé ihis ycar and I feel sincerely that we can, hiaving known ail mernbers of council, becorne an even more pcupIc oriented council, than we have previuusly and that we will listein and wc wilî respond te the needs of thte p.-ople". On the position of mayor, lic said, I will attempt, with alI 1 carî, tu uphoîd the dignity that that position de- serves and represeit thc peuple of this comrnunity within titis council anid out-' side this council in a mariner in which 1 believe they wuuld wi'sh te b e represented". North ward Councillor Bob Carsun said "I recugnize iny responsihilities,, having been 'eîected tu the council, of Whitby - the responsibility of making intelligent and commun scîlse dà jdïsions re- gar 1ig the whole of the town of Whitby covering every cor- ner and area therein". * ~ said he stands on the same platform as the late lieber Down, that "there has always been a Brooklin and there a 1î ,wilbe". th e <copie of Brooklin arid tliat comrnitrnent" is to keep our identity. 1 dldn't make any big promises to the peuple (in the- north ward)"., Councillor Carson said. "The commitrnént that 1 made te them was that, through growth, we arc going te receive facilities. that the peuople of Brooklin and district arc trying for" such. as senior ,çitizen's apartrnts, senior elernentary school and secon- dary school, Councillor Carson we cari wurk to this end, we'Il have a -great community in which to ive". West ward councillor Ken Hobbs, after pledging his support to Mayor Gartshore, saiC."My platforrn is onîy one and 1 puhlicly declare it flOW and 1 will publicly declare it over the next 1i1I months that I'm un the first rank, the first file of fighting inflation", he' said. "My answer is simply this. 1 think we've corne te that position where we must récug- nize that services cust money. We must now go ahead and recognlize that perhaps we're heing unfair to ourselves and unfair te the rest of the people in this municipality providing services that are putting them farther and farther in debt", he said. Open 7 days a week RESTAURANT 120 BROCK ST. M." WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 Delicious Conadian and ltaliam Dishes It is always a pleasure and the feel of truc service te yen. te be able te report onl the matter that affect our lives. .As of last night the Mayor chose the new Chairinen Io head the six departmients into the 1976 budget andi niake-up of the cornniittees for reporting to Couincil.. My task will be to head the finance dept, ini 1976. As Chairmian 1 vill attemipt te bring in a budget that will pÎovid*c the s aine level of service, if net better tlîan last year. The Board of Education has warned that thieir costs could risc coitsiderably - this we have no control on- but those costs do show on our Town of Wllitby tax buis. So even if the town's 76 budget and the region's forecast prediet no increase. the sehool boards will have the final say. The region is flot proving its wortli as far as bringing industry inito our area. Those industrial assessrnent dollars would mnake the world of difference to us. Plus the extra job <pportunities. The proposed (,fficial plan for the Region of Duiii~am is itot taking inito account several important itemns. One is thie question of Brooklîn plus population and job opportunities also the lack of time to properly assess the implications. 1 feel the tewnl should oppose the proposed Regional Officiai Planl until we have a clear understanding as how it relates to the Town of Whitby Official Plan. In my April newsletter 1 gave top priority to senior'citizens. 1'm 110w pIeasAd to announce that the proposed senior citizen'apt. on Coîborne St. is ready for signing, also on senior citizens it is hoped that somne serious taiks will lead to future apts. in the lrooklin area. Watch for the opening of the new senior citizen community hall on Brock St. South. May 1 at this time wish you a Very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year. Yours truly, Gerry Emm Regional Councillor Whitby. P.S. There is a plan to bring in a bylaw restricting hi-rise in the Town of Whitby in. the very near future. This insertion hp, been paid for by Gerry Emm. MY sincere thaonks for your suppot Jim Gartshore. Gerry Emrn R.R. 1 Ashiburni My Fourth Reprort to the Constituents Of *the Town of Whitby -whitby, Lusco Steelers M,,,cîior Peewee Hockey Club -1-0 AI-L SUPPORIT.RS, Wl. \VISII TO ADVIS[e )'()U! \Vl- 1,0 1 TOURNAMI - -N'i IN 13ri- \V111- iii. ATTI.NDING, 'l'Ili BON SAUI -l AND 1-111- (101-DI-N PUCK 1'01, RN;,ý\.\l [,N 1-S IN , NORTI 11- RN ONTAR 10. \V U. 1 - 1 1A N Ill.' Y () t 1 1.* () R \ [ - 1 ý ý * () L 1 R PA S I, S 11 P- PORT AND HOPI, YOU \VILI. SUPPOR l' Us IN VU A11- DIZAWS AND Sll%ý.\ 11.- THOMS WILL CON l-INLTý AS PLANNI-D. Parents & Monagem'ent, Whitby Lusco Steelers,- Hockey Club