PAGE 6, lt was good te heur froni se many ef ycoi during the week. Made a change froni the previeus week 1 cair tell you .......and a delightful change ut that. Are yeu one of the mnany parents thut wonder about the value of these Profe-ssienal Devélopnent Days that our teacheis have from tuie te tune? Meadowcrest Public School hield one on the lust Friday of Nevember, and l'm delighited te be able te give you semne idea of whut went on while the pupils of the schoel seemied te enjey yet another day off. The teachers werei't playing hookey, but they were busy ut an art werkshop conducted by twe art consultants from the Durhamn Board of Educatien. R was titled '101 Christmas Art Ideas' and it is hoped thut many of the ideas which eiminated froni the workshep will be passed on te the students. I have the feeling thiat quite a few parents would have enjoyed that day as well..still perilaps the children will show them what they have learned from the teachers. Still with education. Many ef our young people attend Anderson Collegiate down in Whitby and therefore the activities of the schooi are cf interest up here in the Nortli Ward. It would seem thiat the debating teain cf the school... ,E PRESS Chris Greaves (Brookiin), Crystail l-edges (Brooklin) and Collin Mcllween (Whîlby) did very wcll at the A.N. Myer Invitationtil De'bating Tournarnent hield in Nigara Falls last Saturday. Ileven sehiools took part and Anderson took first place. ln the gcnierai debate Crystai took irst, Collin second and Chris :Lhird. Colin was aiso ciiosen as the best Governinient speaker in the miodel debate in wliich al Anderson stuidents took part. Congratulations go to the tearn and tie schooi l'or a fine achievernent. Another debatinig.Tourn-iainent will be held on Saturday Decemiber 13t ti t 10 ut Anderson and ail the public are invited t) attend. Yeni procschioole rs..did you enjoy yourseif ut this iast sessionl of the 'Y' piayschooi? Would you like-to, go back afler Chiristias? The new session will start on January l2th and if you are one of the four day weekers, then give Mom a prod and teli her that registration started on Deceinber 8th and t.---at s-le lad better put hier skates onl and book you in. Those that prefer to go for just tWo days can tell Mom thiat registration for that won't be until Jan. 5tli.. pienty of time. More registrations for the preschool programmes. This time over ut the Brooklin Library.- The new session of Mother and preschooler programmes wîll start on Jan. 6th... but registration will take place the week of Dec. 16 - 23rd. Once again, Mothers, this is a popular programme and it is a case of first corne, first served. So it pays to get in there early and reserve your childs place in the group. Did you keep Sunday, Dec. 2l1st free? i toid you to iast week, and this week l'Il tell you why. Do you remember last year how that enterprising ladies organization cailed Group '74 put on a community carol singing event around a Christmias tree ut ÃGrass's Park? Well they're going further thts year and are sending an invitation t1irc the Bytines te the North Ward readers. Corne and join them at the Brookiin Comm-unity Centre for a spot of OLDE TYME CHRISTMAS cheer. From 2 p.m. to 5 p .m. you are asked to bring the family and jein in the cure lfing, par take of the Pioneer refreshrnents that will be served, sec the decorations, and the Navtivity Scene tt wiiibe presented by the'Local Brownie and Guide Conmpanies. The Kinsmien ef Brookfil & District are jeining in and wilI be providing Wagon Rides around the town tesece the heuse décorations..please put your lights on early that afternoon te give everyone somne- thing, te 'ooh and ah' ut! ..and of course there will be a visit from a very seasenai and important persenage! This wili al[ be held, as 1 said on the Sunday before Christmas and is a great epportunity te sec oid and new friends, whiie taking a break from the build up of chores that gets bigger every year ut this time. MaL-e it a friendly tume, make it a family time, and make it a community time. But a' 'ove all jùst MAKE IT!!! There are a lot of people working te make this a really fine community day in Brooklin-..jein in and spread the warmth of smnall town living. By the way are you aware that there is a free mother and prescheool skating ut the Brooklin Arena every Tuesday a-nd Thursdzy? By the attendance it would seem that many of you are net aware of it. I went over one Thursday morning with my yeungster and we had the Arena completely te ourselves... weuld you believe she couldn't take the isola- tion and asked te go home after 10 minutes! Lt seemns that other mothers are a1so finding the Arena empty as I had twe calis on the subject this week. The meothers who called expressed concera that if the Arena is se badly attended on these davs new, the Recreatien Department mnay net allow BROWN'S FOODMST ERj BROOKLIN,* ONTARIO Va'lue .ilfactloi Velue Check'd - Cut f ro. the Chuck You Save Twico wlth Trlm amd Prie. Short Rlb 88 < BL>D 118i ___ ROASTS IL NOMAT CA FIIMIlis OT A53-o~16 SHOULDER Steaks 1.08 BLAUDE STEAKS 9 HO CKI3-M0 16 GROUND ame chuck 991l RINDLESS BACON 1491c FLORUDA Orange Juice 49c MAPLE LEAF êo.. P4. , P4 -a av s wwr m .« 11lAPLE LIA fGoOI « u~COANW 2j.aý 4 AC et MIsnoes-rONUsPAKiLne COOKED 'B',awnNèS.,,e Dutoh Lundi95 C IPOLISH iaO IBEEF Vor CLESLAW 48: lBOAT OU AE 5* h HAM \II<SAUSAGE -088'1SALAMI 7lbIISAUSAGL 1 16êb 1 P.OPOTATO Solod PEAS-NIBLETSCORN 99C «Mmiv - ALUMMIUM sIr,2n FOOT RO£ STUART HOUSE Ac FOIL WRA&P49 @"rAtSJ 16 PL. cm mI SWLDSEUL18 Pink SALMON$ KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "K"f TOi. PACKAG 63C 14 nF . 11fN BRAVO45 SPAGHTI SAUCE45 IMATUREI - FANCY OUALETT Il FL OZ. TI DOLE SLUCEDc PI-NEAPPLE -JJ FLKTUREI - SLE Rli N - 80 CHOICE OUAU(TY GRE r i;WAX AFs 'BEANS 19 F. O.r, R1 . D. SNATU FFAATUNK- 24 FL OZ JAR c !SARDEN Cocktail4£1 1% FRUIT & VI E TAILES! Yb New Crop 'Cliforulu Suas. i Havel M ORANIGES'doz. 89,t~ ÃŽ% lmprted Calif orale SBRUSSEL SPROUTS 10-oi cup 49' I.C. f.ucy Red Dolicious APPLES lm. 334- '0 FInesf Quel ty Oulro No. 1 Wexd RUTABAGAS gonU IOURS OPEN six DAVI A WIIK 8-m0 a. b 6p.,. EXC!PT THURS &a FR1- "Ir-m O VIL 0B - Thurs. Dt uiulq lz -I.. FO..-- S e1 ! ? M O B O1 1T U Kroft - Canodiîon Pro-cern, CHEESE SINGLES 54.1 PACKAGE 1.29 ALLEN'S ORANGE Flovour Crystols TO Dotergent - King Sizo SUNLIGHT LIQUID FI 78c ROSE Brand PICKLES 24 RlAD? CUl MACAROMK LANCIA% SPAGHETTI 2-Lb.C Clla9 9 Supreme Brand GARBAG E BAGMS 10 C ta Pack 4 DEMOOKT - Rio. Sm $ AN L*ifebuoy Soap 25< DOULE G£- STEEII.TCPACLA0E Schick Blades 79« Listerine 6LLItl89C Bis Ci. FAMIL? BIM Bromo wuizov .29 lu 1 f i L I - siT BUT - KRAFTOUAI'"" PARKAY MARARINE 3-6. Pie. .l69 TsesCholce $ A INSTANT CFM175 FEATS2%EI - No ,1CGADE -WMIT! CMOYEN BILY M ECREAM D$le9 HONEY2-bTu FUTUREI - ENICS4!O 40. PACKAGE QUICIKc CRUAM 0F WHEAT 35 DR.BALLARD'S Brand 1W FL OZ. TINS 131 , FL OZ.TINS CHAMPION Dog F"os4i80,89c FEATUNEI - W ISK 35 FI.Or. t. LAIJNDRY IEYRGENT s1,93 9011LIDAy FOODS! EAGLE Brond MILK 85c IPE1 1-Là . ILOCK 2<1 .BLOCK SFRUIT CAKE 99c s.89 a IDEAL FOIt SNACKS... 9MPACKAGE MCLARENS vff-Choem 9 9c 3 BIG DATSF-[iIAr ecl Sait. Dec 13 ojL.IIj it to be opened the same way in the new year. So if you have a preschooler why don't you make use of this facility and show the tewn that there is a need for such skating sessions? At a Glance. MON. DEC. 8th - Regis- tration for 'Y' Playschoo!, 4 day session starting Jan. l2th. At the 'Y' offices in Whitby. DEC. l6th - DEC. 23rd - Registration ut ibrary for Mother and Tots programme due to start Jan. 6th. SUN. DEC. l4th - Brook- lin United C-"-urch White Gift Service ut 10 a.m. At Church for Sunday School câildren and families and friends. Pa- geant to be presented. Same day, same place but ut 7:30 p.m. Vesper Service for Ex- plorers and C.G.I.T., and their families-and friends. SUN. DEC. 2lst - Month- ly Brooklin Legien Meeting, ut the Legion Hall at 1;30 p.m. (if you've been won- dering about ahl the stuff being thrown out of there lately don't worry. They're net tearing the place down completely .. ..just doing some renovatiens that wil duly im- prove the oid place. SUN. DEC. 21lst - At the Brooklin Cominunity Ccutre between 2p.m. and Sp.m. OLDE TYME CHRISTMAS. Invitation to families in the North Ward to corne and jein in the fun with Group '74, and partake of the wagon rides on by the Brooklin Kinsme n. Thanks to all of you for inaking it a good week .... keep Up the good woôrk. Take cure of yourselves and I'11 see you next week. OH! 1 nearly fo)rgot.h.Iearty congratula- tions to Jirn Gartshiore and te Bob Carson. 1 did inean to open the columia with my congatultion.... forgive nme. Look forwvard to tal.king with vou. Bob! LIZ 655-3750 THE CORNERSTONE GIFT SHOP BRONZE: Statues Jewellery 122 Brock St. N., - whltby MON toFRl. 10- 9 SAT 10 Gi.- I>rPre who care" NORTH 'WHITBY PHONE 655-4521