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Whitby Free Press, 31 Dec 1975, p. 17

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SYMIIONIC SI'TEO -- ith radtio, record player, and 8 ttack, asking $200 or best offer. 4 x 8 POOL TABLE, al accessorics, $150. Cai1655-3180. dfter 5 p.m. W5-44543. STOVE -- Snail $60; 13&W _________________________TV Philco $60; teak chesterficid and chair $85; antique Raymond LADIES brown COAT - like treddlc scwing machine $65. Cal new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls 668-6080. ________ coats, size 10 & 12, $6 each.. 1965 MERCURY COMET - Cati 668-1 123. licenses, uincertified, good roniug ~\vIU.oATîC - -_______condition, $300 or best ot'ier. SWINGMATIC- For baby. Mst sel. Cal 655-4834. $ 12. Call 668-9888. ANTIQUES - Dresser $90;, kitchien cabinet $120; beautyr table sith 3 mirrors $120; 2t chairs $30 cach; rocking chliirc $ 130. Cati 5 79-2939.-« DRUMS - Complete set; 2 tomis, 1 floor tom, base, chiromec snare dnim, high hlat, 2) cymbalÎ st.nds, excellent condition $190. 2 19 Keithi Street after 6 v.m. FILTER QUEEN VACUUMI CLEANER - with accessaries, like new, $200. Caîl 728-6 169. 1964 ('HEV IMPALA - notar A-i condition, $100. CatI Run at 728-6 188. Tsvo Firestone SNOW TIRES - C78-14, $20; Two RIMIS, 4-haole, lits 1970 Maverick, $8. CatI 668-446 1. STOVE- 24 inceh Moffat etectrie, 4 borner. $25. CatI 6684750. MOPLD -- Bronco brand iiew 150 miles. highrise hiandlebars, deluxe seat, 148 miiles per galion. will go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cati 668- 3186._ WOOD - One traiter' toad soft wood suitable for fireplace $35. Cali 668-8957. XEDDING GOWN - Size 12. veil and train $50. CatI 668. 2406 or 668-44 10. Emp. STRO-Lodreevr eight-track, turnlibie and two speakers. Just like nesv $150 or best offer. Cali 668-7190. Emp, One Lloyd ('ARRIAGL - broivn and swhite, tisa ane JOLLY JUMPER, $30. Cati 728-9663. 1967 1 OR D NIER CL",R Y COUGAR - 289 V-8 eng!ine, miechanically sooind, $250. ('aIil -668-9670. 1967 PARISIENNE - V-8 autornatie, ines transmnission & rear end, povver steerinig aid brakes, gaad gas initeage. (al Stan at 576-1761 or Rick at 728-7092. WRINGER WASIIER- $25;' mushroom KITCFIEN SET, wvliite with black padded seats S$100; WEDDING DRESS, size 9, cam- picte with floor length veil $90. Call 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V8,ý 4-door, green with black vinyt roof, black inteirior, certifued $2,300. Cal-655-3406. STOVE - 4 borner, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. Caît 668-6750. MATERNITY CLOTHES - lncluding four tops, one pair slacks, two pair shorts, a pant sit and a dress, neyer worn, size 10- 12 $25 for ey-erything. Caîl 728-' 1969 PLYMOUTH SATEL- LITE - new battery. new tires, winterited including tune-upm A-1, wiil ccrtify, $875. Cati 655-4101. Whitby Mail, GUA'T..R - ike mes'. witIi cutsoii muade amuîpifier ail speaker, $SI 00 or besm(if 1cr. Cail i76-842. DRUMS --OIy'mpia8piceec set inclodes stool, inu gaad candi- tion, asking $250. ('ail 655-3563. Two 1965 I>ONFIACS- one is V8, good body & motor, trans- mission nccds svork, as is, $450 or bcst offer. Othier is certified, 6 cylinder, $450 rirmi. ('ai 668-9757, CUTTERS - one in excellent condition $150; onc racing cutter iii good co dition $75. Cail 655-4964. PARTY DRESSI:S- long evening gowns, size 9, 11 & 12. Cati 668-9256 after 6 p.m. BIC'YCLE-' boys' CCMI Targa, only one year old, in good condi- tion, $60. 'A 655-4409. COAT L 1adies black persian lamib approxima tels' size 20, in ieood condition., wiii '.ell for $50. C'atI 725-5714. Ep SKI-BOOTS -Ltdies size )62 buckile st':le. svuni once $25. Cati 668-2119.Fu GAS STOVE - indîley, 2 years oid, gold colour, Rotisserie, excellent conditioii. $175. ("i 668-4468. CLASSWFIED ADVERTISING* 2 i SKI BOOTS AND SKIS site 31/, $ 15;- sw ivei ('UI AI1R, $ 15; VAItORIZER, $5; cot'tee PERK, $ 10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTER, $7; carpe t SWEEER, $10; G.E. floor i>OLISiIER, $10; 6 ligh t bar type bath room t'fixtitre svitii -shave piug in, like uîesv, $20; 6 appie crates, $2 eachi. RANG- ETTE, $15; ELE('TRIC BROOM, $10; VACUUM CLEANE'R, $5. ('ail 668-9404. 1968, 302 ENUINE - autoniatie transission, ('il 655-3463. svith $200. RUUS il ft. X 8 ft. 3 in. &UG 10 11 XIlt't 8 in. earth &oto0rsro.I, god1'bra8vi, eige, $500 l'or battu.('ail 668-7923. boindies $90.00; hionemade 12 ft. alonîinoun louse traiter $250. CatI 655-3411. TRICYCLE' CCMI 16 inchi whliee, $20; boys ska'ýtes. size 5, $,5 ('aIt 668-86 19. 1963 IX)DGE -- 4 door sedan $100. 68-538e and look it over. l)INING ROONISUTE 9 picce, $285; wilite EOOTSTOOL, $5;, ELLE111IlON FDF1-S K $6; Dtincan ive ABE,$75-, bedsit- F~IELD,) $75; also mîiscellanuOs. ('Il 723-8934. Antique R('A Vctorota RIý.\)t()tCONSOLE'. witi au.to- iatic u ru table, abotut 1943 mnlodeL. fuiîy fuietiauliiug, soiid w;lrit, $300 cash. Cali 5i79-t1593. 1967 !"OiN I A0 IN - MOFi'AT bUit-m ()vcn,& sur- WAGON --2,8i. goti iunning t'acc onit. $400; holding TANK condition, body faii. pw f lor boat. $25; girls ('LOTING, steering & brakes. crtilhd, 3.,100 size 6, $ 15; 2 lamp bases. $8; or 's offer. (ail 668-70006. smiatl etectric STOVE, S t5; __________________________clcctric BROOM, $7; fluor CHIP TRUCK f-- i.Op-IPOLISiER, $15. ('ait576-6592. 1ed, frcshly paînted insîde, ne _____________________ tires, aIorninurm body, asking GALI. tQhiMN $3,000 or bcst offer. ('al OLI 1 QIPNI"T - 728-7623. I year oid, lits boys 9-t13, pads. a-- in.sk, gloves, am&cetpotc TV B& 20unc $10 tor. $60. ('ail 668-5 7 14. 6681 _ ly84 ll lI tIjprighi t 9 cobic foot i ýR 1-. i*1ZF.'R s. liuper frudec. $1 00; 01(1er nIoeli R t DUE. SA,0 both a rc in good con)Ild it ionI (ail 6-55-3683. UNIEORM $10; steam IRON $8, GUIA lu case., $200. S'ail two smatî carpets $6 ecdi. Cati 655-4385 aftic se,$20-un. ('111.5.1 1RAWI. RIS $45; BJOYS I3OLJER SKATES St BUNK liýIDS, with springs. site 41/2, $15 ; Undervood Serip,,,r u.n'L. attress, site 36 inch widltil, TYPEWRITER, $125. (;ult $51).('ail 668-9009. 668-6297 aftcr S5t.ni. ____i ______________ - ~Mens 5-specd 1BICYCLI:E STROBE LICI - aimost Ialnost ncsv, $60. Cati 728-0664 new, 1 new. bulb, factory made, [after 6:30)uII. warranty and ail parts $50 or1 I".o G60-14 qualifier snaw best offer. FERRET - aibînoi tires on GM wagon rimis, brauîd brown maie or femnale $25. Cali nes'. $50 pair. ('ail 668-2423 668-7190. Afir Sn $95. Cati Doug at 668-8957. WASHER/SPIN DRYER - Westinghouse, used two months $165.00, 3 piece sectionai, bloc green orlan pile witlî bar $400 ike new. Cali 668-4377 or 668- 16078. WI1NDOWS - Basement 21X 371/2 $6 cach, picture window, storm 58X64 $30, window site couId be aitered slightly. Cati 723-8220. - Large box of GIRLS CLOTH- ING - nearty new, size 10-12, $25; BOYS CLOTIIING, site 8-12, $20; STEAM IRON $8; Girls COATS, size 12, $6 each;, 12 botte SPICE RACK '$ 8, Cal 725-1211. ____ SET -- good for chitdren 12 ycars and over, excellent candition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon with solid aiuminom frame, neyer been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, great for beginner, $10; SKI BOOTS, site 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardty uscd, $ 10. Cati 668-4465. TOW TRUCK - 3 ton, seliing 'a.is $900 or bcst offer. Cali 668- ;7654. Emp- R 'CORD PLAYER - pr'rtable $15, kitchen table, chrome & grey mnarbie in design $20, please cati after 6 p.nî. 655-324Q. Emp. DOUBLEELA'[ BED TRAILER, excellent condition, $625. Cati 668-9595. Prolùessional type beit MASSAGER - good condition, $30. Cai 6i68-3630. SCUBA D)IVING WET SUIT - girls' ocd iunm sizc, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and pants $55. Cati 579- 2652, PONY Strawberry Roan' previously osed for clilidrens' rides complete with good as ncw saddle bianket, bridie, halter and rreins $ 125. Cati 655-303 1. WINTER COAT -imitation fotr, Icopard type, 2 ycars old, woruu twice $25. Caîl 579-3569). ELE-CTR[IC BROOM -Regina itrith pile adjustment diai new condition $25; Chitd's BED fold- ing type 27X52 svith mattress good condition $30; 2 borner stove elcctric 220 volt hecavy doty 25 in. hîghi with shetf, no oe $15. Cati 655-3860; STOVE- 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HIEATER $60. SNOW ,'t*1RES town & country nylon, 7.35 x-.14 on rinis, low miileage, $30 or best offer, ('iII 009-M94. %steel 13-E'D -conîplctc With spring & mattress, rnahlogcny dresser & drcssing table, $40. ('ail 655-4630. KITUiIE,-N TABLE- Oval, 3 chairs. almnost new $90. Cati 1968 PONTIAC --Laorentian VM seli as is $800 or best offeèr, 97,000) miles, Cati 668-7980 after 6 pm. GOLF SIiOEFS - 2 pairs, white anid pcach coioured pair, size 7 $10, white and black pair size 7 $10, good condition. ('ait 863- 1806..an. ask forC(athy. 1910J DODGE CHALLEN- GER -31t8 V-8, ncw back tires $1.800. Cati 668-5745. AMI-VM S'EREO RCIE $325; onique kitchen table, soiid miaple top) $450. Cait 668-5910. Red Woal Cuirling JACKET suze 40-42, $25; Bowting SFIOFS and case size 8, $10. Battu are in penfce condition,.(Cati668-9073.ý Gecudrouî STROLLER -excel- ileni condlition. $25. Cati 655-3624. -300 H1.P. iAMSIAFT& sotids' ot'fenhlainser tsin carb high risc l'or srnatl block Chcvy, tike newv, asking $200. Cuait 655-4723. _ REVEFR8 Tr'iynor signa tu re -4 X10. $250. Cali 55-4978-. (Ot)(H & CHAIR very good condlition. $75. C'ait1 668-7221 after 5S aun. 1972 2RANdorhardtPORpTsv V8t 2 dcringrtD, powerbresvnyrof rinor body work, $2,000. Cati 668-9805. nanis al-Id.BeerFIE matrc3 ions chrouBevframe tintrelss plnd table ae,,gtior 500, lvi sei f'or $300. ('aIt 655-4101. BUGGY - 'Twin strolici corn'- bination, goad condition $40. Cai 668-5272. GARAGE - wanted to rent. Preferabîy two (or more) car iocated in or near downtowti area. Caîl M.B.M. Publishing and Photo- ,graphy 1me. 6 68-6 111. .1973 NOIX ION - Interstaie $ 1,200. CatI 668-9925. Ludwig 7 -picce DRUM SET sitti genoîne Zildjian symbots, excellent condition, asking $550. Cali 728-25 18. elcriwsITA fo r$ide al for reckre, w Cil 668-2860.5 iealfo IrSpom-MCelin dl820 , t mir 111.1-mi A NEW NURSERY OF INNOVATIVE ARRANGEMENTS WITH PLANTS & DRIFT- WOOD. FOR THAT UNUSUAL XMAS GIFT. SHOP AT CREATIVE NURSERY. 601 Brocl( St. N. VVHITBY 668-5444 Road, Whitby. 'f I.A.T.A., A.T.C., O.T.I.C. No. 1079998 *1 NOTICE TO READERS Free Pressa6811 Emorium 66l1' S 'UITE he Ig VIbak stle, moTEh - holdexce tyloniei, $550 or best offer. Cati 668-9014. t2 guage Stevens pomp SHOTGUN $75. Cati 683-1469 TRAILER HITiCII1 for 1974-75: pinto stationwagan $25. Cati NIKN EN CMER?5 mmn., ft.4 lense, 200 min., if4.0 nikkor lense, etectronie flash, $5 25. Cati 6 68-5 2 59.1 1971 FtRE'NZA SEDAN - good shapc, certificd, good transportation, KLO 881, $675. 1 QA POT IAC" trf niiii1t'Coood aotomnatîc transmission, asking $100. Cati 668-7553 or 723- .5366. _____ 22 ýOLT ACTION - With scope ugn rack, good condition, $45. C7ail 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after I p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION HITCII-- One axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sop- ports asking $55. Caîl 728-8056._ by Siingeriand, zilgian cymbats, throne, ludwig -spced pedai, snare 14", hi liaf sizzier, bass 22", tom tom 12", floor tom, etc., very good condition, . $375. Cal 7285486. --_______ 1rauisFUaN aobec1tiic10oel1Wlnt UFE' DYY 766, $425. CaI668-8957. refinished, $45; PinFeKiche DYY 66,$42. Cal 68-857. TABLýE, $4fni;ed, 55;Smaitcer piAeLtableintd, $1; SThlr BE-AGLE a nc year old pup,1 drawer DRESSER, $15; Large $ 15. Cali 668-6779 after 5 p.mi. oak SIDEBOARD with mirror - and eaded gass door, partiaiy àreflnished, $65. Cail 668-6519. excllnt oiion$150: RUGV - stand0'î oraed, $g0orbown tonfe $60C'Cat678-867. ACR DIAN - 120 Bass Mun- ding1,er wth clse, l sitheson rxeln condigiod c150:itian, 1600, 0rmapg, g d o kyorr odcondition,nevtrs$l0. CaIl 668-4286. HELEP -WANTE D TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2) required by HenryViIl Massage Castie .Must be willing to Iearn. maintain appearanceR, -well mannered, friendly $30 - $50 daily plus br.-nefits, hours flexible. Accommodation o r assistanoe in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Conltact Miss Cathy (1> 361'-0838 collect PORTAB3LE DRYER - apart- iment size, excellent condition, $100. Cati 668-9947. BROADLOOM RUG - 9'-x14'- $30; Axmiinister rog, $50; \Vine rug, $25;, Ovat braided, rug, $12;, 2 bloc anes, $11; Silence cloth for dining room, table, $4; drapes, î $2 pair; large floral arrangement,' $3.50--:'gutide oniform, $12; brosvnie uniform, $10; 5 piece 1 chromne set, $16; coffee table, $3: easy bake aven, $5; ladies winter coat, all veather coat $10 each, soit $8, dress, $3, sites 12-14. .Cati 723-2426. STORE FOR RENT Ideal for Jean Shop Approximatety 800 sq. ft. 107 Coîborne St., Whitby -$125 month AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Call 66 8-3 129. SEW1NG MACHINE, $40; Childs BICYCLE. $15, both are in good condition. Brand new toys, Barbies, Ken, Big Jimn and camper, etc., stiît in boxes, reasonable. Chiilds TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, site 12, reasonabte. Ca11 668-6715. Cooper U.P. GOA LIE PADS - $55; tlocker & catcher G.M. 12 junior, g 1 od condition, $20, bath oscd 2 years;, linora SKIS by Garmiishi with hlarncss 120 c.m. long, neyer used, $20;, Lace-up' SKI BOOTS, $5. Cail 668-5685. Two SNOWI TIRES - with rims, Uniroyal Winter Ride, *F78-14, nesv, $55. Cati 655-3879. 1969 CI-EV i/2 TON PANEL TRUCK - un,ertified, nceds some body work, $1 ,200 or best offer. Caîl 655-4356. WANTED - Mature woman to care for handicapped child and also do some lighit housekeeping, varied hours, Whitby central. Cati 668-6667. Two electric quarter horse MOTORS - $10 cach;, 1 SPEAKER BOX. %15. CalI 668-6750. 1969 FORD WAGON - 8 seater, uncertified. $400. Cail 6 55-4416. Llayd's 8-track RECORDER & RECORD PLAYER - also anc set of ENCYCLOPEDIA, complete with 20 Harvard Classie books best offer. Cal 668-8189 after 6 p.un. Straight stitch portable SEW- ING MACHINE - in ronning order, $25; 50 amp. service breaker, $4; 30 amp. knife switu.h box, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8; Cali 668-9605. ODD JOBS DONE BASEMENT CLEANING TREE REMO VAL FIRE WOOD SNOWPLOWING Phone 668-6080 after 4 p.m. 13SEARS BELT MASSAGE, $50, tike new. Cati 683-5825 after, 5 p.m. I-IUNT,.CAýP -,bPakvelvet with 'safety harness insta».ed, size 71/2.$25'.50. Call.668-24Ql..-* Advcrtise' FREE in the FREË PREZSS EMPORIUM, pay ONLY,ý when you 5eil!. There will not-,be any cÈgtzge to advertiserS un; the FREE PJESS EMPORIUM unless the item 4vertised is sold. When the a.cver (iscd item is sold, you 'pay ýâ commission based oni TUIE ADVFRTI SED PRICE as illustrated betow. Alil advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WH-ITBY FREE PRESS and run at tcast one- month if not sotd RATES (if article is sold): 5% of advcrtised price Up to $400.00 2% of l5atance, over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item -idvertiscd for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising onty! Picase notify os if you find a retaiter listed as a private advertiser. Please.notify the Whitby Erc Press immediatety when item is sold s0 that we may delete it fromff the followineý issues. Services, help wanted, clothing, reat estate and personai message type ads can onty be handted on a prepaid basis. If in doubt, catI 668-6 1lit MAIL ALL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, WHIITIBY FOR SALE STOVE - westingbouse elec- tric, 30 inc h, four burners, excel- lent workir'ig, condition $35. Cali WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 31.1975, PAGE 17 Lower Mal Hwy. 2 and Thickson Phone 723-6792. 1 MaQQar-ý -1 1 1 41 P. [.Il' r% v n 1,i i- +I-n r% MI m;lt-ç nn

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