Lined DRAPES - 75" x 45" and xîîatching quit bedspread, blue and gre c4 a $20; Infant's deluxe LOUNGER, like new, $5. Cali 668-8429.I Fwo SNOW TIRES --vitli wheels, 15 inach, blaék wall, fl, excellent consdition, $25; RACESR BICYCLE., in good condition, 43-5. Cai 6 6 8 -55 4 1. Toronto Toronto, Ontario, estab- ished as -a French fur-trad- ing post in 1750, has more than doubled its popu- lation, to 2,3 million, in the Iast 30 years. WHITBY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. 1)FCEMBER 31, 1975, PAGE 19 Guaranteed Rustproofing on ail used cars cail VITAL RUSTPROOFING fordetails 723-1155 IGreenwoor Nursery Sehool I Greenwood (ommnimy Cen trc, Greenwood 9 a.m.- 11:30 p.m. 2years. -5y'ears PHONE MRS. KING 683-8564 New.Clothes When asked by his tailor if the new suit fit, the grumpy executive said: "The jacket isn't bad but the trousers are a little loose ar'ound the arm- pits."' £RIRPOW! "I USED TO COMPLAIN BECAUSE 1 HAD TO SPEND ALL DAY WITH THE CATTLE, AND) NOW 1 HAVE TO STAY UP ALL NIGHT TO PREVENT THEM FROM BEING RUSTLE D! " -WHAT DID I LEARN WHILE 1 WAS OFF AT COLLEGE? WELL, POP, FOR ONE THING: NEVER STREAK THRU A PYROCANTIIA FEDGE." Chromium Best food sources of- chromniumn, a trace elemnent needed in the diet, are meats, fats-such as corn oil-, whole grains and brewer'syeast. 0 Siding4l-Fascia 0 Soffit Eavestroughing ID Doors, Windows * Patiô Doors Worlc Guaranted Lie. 131172 CARPENTRY Hoîii- Repairs Iinprovemnents Bîa thro 'orn & floor tiling,, Recreation roorns. cedar decks & patio doors, etc. CALL 668-4686 FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 C'ompIete furnishings of factory showrooms and suppliers nsà model homes, apartmen ts, town. houses <used for displa*y purpose onfy> savings as high as 50 per cent cut-easy terms can be seen at.the warehouse 12 to 8 daily. Tttis fut niture is sold by ELf./ER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor Street East, Oshawa * Phonp - 728-347.1 LYON«S AUCTION HALL ISMcMillan Dr. Wanted Items you have to seil Estate - Antique - Consignment Sales - Appraisaîs S'Al5s Twice Wveekîy open Monday - Friday 1:00-8:00 P.m. MRESTURANTP 12 BOC*STORWHTY EL:6896 iLdeîosCaM an ' and Iitllen Dshear MINORg nuS RheIOestFnEE. ME'SHAIRSTYLN WHWBY tyAZA 668-34 WeBu &Sei se afrn te wir.6 oth ld ane 120 appia c S M. clefroTBY -250.:Ca668-9 788 N ew & oUsCninod 1h8 OXl Dis T -NFaururlly / 95 C2,rstr ta90 rý Sm out eS, shaa. Nccinton $0 o es ff Pn oh e 8-21 (il65-413or6t-33e ME"SPARF.MDM OULIT WhtIrIzo68 6 6838 ARTPIRS LE RATS A NEW WIGEORKAlria 533 WAVERLY ST. N. OSHAWA, ONTARIO LIJ 5W8 FREE' ESTIMATES NOTICE Congratulations 10 (lhe inî1ers of tlhe Whitby Jaycees Chiristmas Dwaw Lic. No. 172656 lîeld December 2nd, 1975: lst ticket No. 2464 2nd ticket No. 2350 3rd ticket No. 795 4th ticket No. 1609 Sth ticket No, 2719 The OéTIMIST CLUB of Witby wishies to annotince thiat the winner of the 7 lb. chlqcolate bar given away aI(lhe B.W.M.H.A. 211d Animîal Tournamient, is Tod Casey of Whiitby. May the- year ahead bring a lasting peace to the whole world...and may it hring happiness to you. That is our wish for '76 from the management and staff of M.B.M. Pu'hlishing and Photography Ine., publishers of the Wbitbv Free Piaess 1 ýL A FF of the WEE Xl