PAGE 20, WEDNFq1)&Y, DECEMBER 31.A1975, WHITBY FREE PRESS' This weekend the B.W.M.H.A. held its second annual tournament between Minor Bantam and Minor PeeWee teams. Invitations were answered froni Hull, Que.; Rochester & Syracuse, N.Y.; Aurora, Bayridges, Thorubill, Mississauga, Cobourg, KingstonTwp., Owen Sound, Barrie, Malton, Ajax, Oshawa & two teanis were entered from Whitby. In the above photo Brooklifl-WhitbY Minor PeeWee's went down to defeat 2-1 in the final game against Mississauga in the Minor PeeWèe 'A' Championship. The Minor Bantam Grand Championship went to Thornhill defeating Ajax 8-0. Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess Regist rations, on Jans 14- _,for. recreation programs fo gsfiet 5pt73 Registration will be held Jan. 14 froma 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.rn. at Whitney Hall in the Iroquois Park Arena for a variety of winter, programs operated by the town recrea- tion departmeflt. For children aged five to 12 there is a 10-week ballet course at the Henry Street Hligh School Cafetorium, Mon- days at 6:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and modern jazz and tap dancing at the same location on Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. For children aged flive to 10 there is a Draw, Dip and Dabble prograffiat 300 Dunlop Street for six consec- utive Saturdays; and yoga on Thursdays at Henry Street High School. The Fun After Four pro- gram at local schools for ages 12 and under has been in- creased from five to seven weeks, and is held from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. ai E. A. Fair- man, R. A. Hutchinson, King Street, Meadowcrest and West Lynde public schools. A children's hockey school is also being held, at the Iroquois Park Arena Tuesdays at 5 p.m. For the adults there is a variety of l0-week programis for ages 16 and over. Classes in croche ting, rug hooking and weaving are to be held at the Henry Street High School sewing room, Tuesdays at 7:10 p.m. for weaving and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. for rug hooking and crochet. A macrame class will be held on Tuesdays, with the time and pliice to be announced. An introduction to quilt- ing will be held' at the Anderson Collegiate homne economics roomn Tuesdays at 7:30 p.rn. and there is Chiinese gourmet cooking at the sane location Thursdays ai 7:30 pr. tf Prints exhiblited at Arts Station makers, organized as an International Wornen's Yeam projeci will be held ai the Whlitby Arts Station from Jan. 9 to Feb. 1. An opening reception will be held Jan. Il at, 3 p.rn. wlhere the public inay meet, the artists, June Drutz, Sheila Maki, Carol Scliiffleger, and Kay Murray Weber. Sponsored by the Jhiiby Retuil Merchant"a'sociation Londlon, England, Open Stu- dio, and othier centres with well-known artistF Carol Schiffleger was born in Mantowac, Wisconsin where she studied, and is presently teaching at Sheridan College in Toronto. Kay Murray Weber was born at Ayr, Ont. and also studied at the Ontario College of Art. Toronto and graduated fromi had sevemal exhibits, eceivi the Ontario College of Art awards for their work and ai where she lias also taught. represented in many priva« Shieila,, Maki was horn in and public collections. HIS& HER'S HALRSTYLING NOW OPEN MONDAYS f rom 9 a.m.a 6 p.m. Tuesdays 9 -6 mve Lte Wednesdois, 9 m Thursdays & Fridays, 9-9 Saturdays 8 m 5 TONYTS HAIRSTYLING Blair Park Plaza 668 m 5441 -'I the Henry Street High School art. room, and thère will be stili life drawing and sketching Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at the same location. A slim and swim program will be held at the Iroquois Pa-rk pýol and Whitney Hall Mondays and Wednesdays from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays fromn 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Yoga classes will be- at Henry Street *High School Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. and Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. A ladies' sport night will be at Henry High and the Iroquois Park pool Wednes- days at 8:15 p.m. and -men's sport nîght at Anderson Collegiate Mondays at 8 p.m. Wind buggy sailing, a re- cently introduced program cently introduced program, vil1 be held in the Iroquois Park paring Park parking lot for five weeks on Saturdays at 1 p.m. These programs begin the week of Jan. 19, and further details may be obtained from the Recreation Department at 105 Coîborne St. E. or by calling_ 668-5803.