WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7. 1976, PAGE 13 Bob Whi*te:o region wants authoritty ôver authority Bob White, chairmani of the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority, is not happy about the Durham Region's recent resolution that only elected persons will be able to serve on the con- servation authority. Mr. White said he hopes to appear before regional coun- cil odaye to defend his belief continue to be made up of both elected and non-elected members. "The records show that the elected people are not attend- ing the meetings. They just don't have the time", he said. "Ail your knowledge and al your interest is from the non-elected people--they are doing ail the work". Mr. White said that of the 13 members of CLOCA, five are non-elected, and there have been times when only the five non-elected members have shown up at meetings of the authority. He expressed concern that an elected person's term can be terminated every two years, whereas the non-elected Roegistration biaegtins soon for classes ut station A number of workshops and classes at the Whitby Arts station are starting in January, with personal regis- tration being taken at the station during gallery hours after Monday. Jim Paget will be teaching life drawing and painting on Mondays from Jan. 26 to March 29, from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The course consists of lectures, life studies and lb Old Master drawings. j The Tuesday morning painting group will be meeting fromn 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., starting next Wednesday, with t: ac tivities consisting of occa- sional sketching trips and films as well as regular painting sessions. Anyone interested is asked to contact Ruth Cond at 669-8558 or the station. Andy Donaldson will again be teaching classical and folk guitar Wednesdays from Jan. 28 to Feb. 25, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. The sessions will consist of five I haîf-hour lessons on an individual basis for beginners noon. Workshops at the station include spinning and fibres, wilh Ted Carson on Jan. 17 k and 18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; monoprinting with Sheila M'aki Jan. 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and framing techniques, also taught by Sheila Maki on ian. 25 lrom 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. people on the authority have served in some cases up to 14 years. Mr. White imself has been a member of CLOCA for seven years. "We need continuity", he said. Mr. White said he was also concerned that the develop- ment of conservation area lands would suffer if the non-elected people were re- moved from CLOCA because there is much time required to makez-plans for these areas. "We are responsible now to the public", he said, refer- ring to programs in such areas as Enniskillen where 1,500 people came to the conserva- tion area one Sunday. Mr. White said he feit the region had opted for only elected people on the conser- vation authority, a month ago, because it did flot consider it had enough con- trot over the authority. "But it could if ail the elected representatives came to the meetings", he said. Ontario These are the facts: Ontario*s new Residential l'rem ises Rent Review Act aff'ects iiost latndiords and tenants in the province. The act alluws for a review ut' the arnourit utrent a landlord miav charoe. Landiords anîd tenants shuuld lie awaýre of*t lîir riglit s zau respunsihilities under îlîis le>islation. The O)ntario Guverieneul in the prucess ut establishine_ rent review oflices Ili u.jur centres across the pruvince. Review uficers wilI hear disputes on rent inicre-,ses liv huth landiords and tenants. A reut review bua;rd is licin!e estitblishied tlu hear appeals by tenants and landlords a>Lai st the decisions ut rent reîewuticers. What does the aci cover? " aparîmients e bouses e tuwnhotiscs a duple.xes " triplexes e ruuing huuses a nmobile-hiome sites " reit-Leeared-to-îunrie un ils What are the exceptions? " certain non-profit huusing or nun-proft co-operatives " uniits in al hutel. niiotel or vacation hunme whichi are rented 'or a seatsuna;l 1or ravperîod nut exceedin e f'ou r nionths " buildings thait mwere tirst occupied as residential prernîses un or aifter ian. 1, 1976. " commnercial prem iises 11ow <hes it work? atgreciîîen îvlic/îbh bn /l'ie 'een J.11/30, The mai.xi iiiLini ren t increaise tbr suecl recenits eau nu! cxcccd eigli t per cent of'the rent ciiiir-eed during the List t iii I ioni h prior to Aug. 1.I.75 ilnl1ess: (a) the tena.nt and landiord agecc)on a bigeher rate ut' rent. or, bh ¶1he la dlord olitains thie necessary a pproviil f'romi a rent review oflicer. A landlord rniay apply to t relit rcvicw ollieer l'or permission tu increase rent mure thain eighî jper cent. A tenant nay file an application with the landiord requiring himi tojustif'y auy increase. These applications miust lie made by ian. 31. 1976. Should a landlord and tenaint agree on an increase in rent iovC tlie ciglil per cent guide- ]Ine. tlîev Imust comlptete adsg a relit increase agreement nu* later tIban ian. 17. 1976. Copies of thcse acreemients shiotld lic kept huth parties. Vernis nîav lie ohtained k\ writine Rcîît lRevicw\. Box, 580. PJostal Station V. lorontoý. N/4Y 21,8. Or %4OL1, tilt[\\ w'sblu u tse the frmPtti isbIed receently Ili dtis lncwspaper. I jvse.ateniant uîav caneel suinag areement kv com plctin- a tatemeint of revocatioli witlîîn 3i) dasof* th i ii LuIw, ut c thiirecicul. B\, siei . relit i icreatse auLreemien1thile tenant thal es li rlît te a ppcai lbhe i nreatse d nethe period JIîlv 30). to l)ee. 31. 1975. 'l'lie teiiînl alM wmaves tlhe rîebit lu colleet a rebaite ot* relit as pr v idelcor ini ibict. )l lier t hanîîtIiec îni ou it out reliate. i f aîiv,. sîaited Ili tlîe relit i icreatse ac-reemient. Renti crcease agrecîlîclîts do liot apply l'or aim pcriud zatter 1)ec. 31. 1975. aîîd (uoliot coîistitute a1 %waîv\er of f*ie tcilîau1s rigbit lu appeailthe ie uOuIIIt ut reiit cl)ailed ou r a fte r .1 . I.1970. of Onta 'Tle reut iîîcrease ayceeelts do not relieve the laiîdlord truii lus obIligatioîî lu (b tain approval frorn a reuit review oflicer f'or aux relit licrease ebareed un or afler Jani. 1. 1976 iliat is more thian eigbit per cent of'the Julv. 1975 rent. \V lere the la udiord aud teniant do nol agyrec oin a reîl licrease ahove the ciglit per cenut. thýe tenaint îs eîîîitled lu a reliate ut'anv relit paid lu excess uf* eiglît per cent liv Feli. 16. 1976. Iftlie laudiord t'ails 1<) make suclh a rehate th1e tenant ias' apply lu a relit rviwotheer. ]il a lnane>' (i-/'e('ll/i Ik"o/>î('e/flécl111<' m.' 1 ieiî dbeè'lvL'(il Jmu. 1. auid .Iîîlî31. 19)70.incusmivîe, A lan Iîlord wbio vislbes anîi Izrease ut' miore tha n eigl t per centîiutîîtst fi le an a ppliceation i wîlb b k, relit rcvîesv ofhce and nîilîfv the tenlant at leas,,t 60) davs liefù(re thec incrcase is sclhe&tuled lu bcuonie effective. ln respect lu those reîtiîa increcases tajkim- efl'ect bctween Jlani.I. îind Fel. 29. 1976. thîe application ni ust lic mîade lix .Jau. 31. 197(1. A tenîanît svbo wisbies lu appeal ani l icrease lias 60) davs lu wlîieh lu file an applicationi with Ilus landlord reqtiiîîg hlmlu jîifthle ircrease. lîn case ot'a licarine-. a date will lie set liv thîe relit review oficer and lioll laudluîrd anîd teniantlît l bce notifiedt. .'\ter the licariîîe ilie reuit rcview .-ottîcer '.silI esl;îllislî the rentî. and îiuay order retroactive adj usîîîîcîîs. What ks a tenancy agrcemenft? Reîîl review Ieisiation ik îied an animal basis- with the J ulv. the hase rent. lu thie dwellimi on 1975, rent taken a LS Who attends hearings? Tenanîts. landlords or their represenitatives shuuld attend rent review hearinmis. Fzilure to appear tir be represenled rernoves thie right lu appeal tlue rent review oflicer's decision. Thei heariîas svill bc iîif'orr-n.t, and ever\ etl'ort ,wi1 lie made lu keep the procedures simîple ý,i Ihat ludividuals mav cunductt lîcir own c.<i.cs. A reut review oftheer lias the po,,er to cll svtîesses and luo rder the production ut tthe uiecessarv documents. ...e,î,îs ./îulc le aî<'a-e dit. s/ifil 1/1ev î,,a Iwil,'einc uie"se Io(I a i evîî /'Cî'iiii' o/.fe:fi <>//'ic' ou/l Permn ii Ile lanuîlord a greaier incr'c'axe iiun /LOIle oi' mýinal' denîandc'd. ll"ea la/Id/uni bas /îeenî 'L'l</'e b nili' an o/tucer i/1011' adiiti I/Wl/lniI (111//(111/10111/1be/ou'I/le 1. îtil tlîe ren t res'iess' îîecliaîisîli is ini plac. please do îlot telephione. YOu can olitain 1urther informîationî ou the Residential Premîîses Rent Review Act hliv writinpa: RettRei. Box 580. ostiil Statfion F,. Toronto. tM41" 2L8 aio Province