PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1976, WHIITBY FREE PRESS Fiee Press Emorium 668-6 11 S.CLASSTTDTEu ýADVERTISING* . . 1 at FOR SALE STOVE - westingbouse edec-. trio, 3» inch, four bumers, excel- lent woikinig.condition $35. CaU, ifter 5 p.m. 655-4454. LADIES brown COAT - like new, size 18-20, $20; Also girls: coats, size 10 & 12, $6 each.. Cail 668-1123. SWINGOMATIC - Foi baby, $12. Cail 668-9888. ANTIQUES - Dresser $90;. kitchen cabinet $120; beauty table with 3 mirrors $120; 2' chairs $30 each; rocking chair $130. Cal 579-2939. SYMPUONIC STEREO - withi radio, record player, and 8 track, asking $200 or bost o ffe r. 4 x 8 POOL TABLE, ail accessories, $150. Cati1655-3180.ý STOVE- Small $60; B&W TV Philco $60; teak chestcrfield and chair $85; antique Raymond treddie sewing mnachine $65. Cati 668-6080.- - 1965 MERCURY COMET - licenses, uncertified, good running condition, $300 or best offer. Must soul. Cali 655-4834. 1965 PONTIAC - 6 cytinder, certified, $450 rirmn; 1965 CHEV IMPALA, body fair, $250 as is. Cail 668-9757. -r DRUMS - Compiete set; 2 toms, i floor tom, base, chrome CUTTERS - one in excellent snare drum, high hat, 2 cymbal condition $150; one racing cutter stands, excellent condition $190. in good cohédition $75. Cali 219 Keth Street after 6 P.m. 655-496'k. FILTER QUEEN VACUUM PARTY DRE~SSES - long CLEANER - with accessories, evening owfls, size 9, il & 12. like new, $200. Calt 728-6 169. Cati 668-9256 after 6 1964 CHEV IMPALA -. motor BICYCLE - boys' CCM Targa, A-i condition, $100. Cai Ron at onty one year otd, in good condi- 728-6188. tion, $60. Call 655-4409. 1wo Firestone SNOW TIRES - COAT - Ladies black prsian C78-14, $20; Two RIMS, 4-hote, lamb approximateiy size 20, in fits 1970 Maverl'Y, $8. Cal' good condition, wiII seit for $50. 668-4461. Cali 725-5714. Enip. STOVE - 24 inch Moffat SKI-BOOTS - Ladies size 61/2 electrie, 4 bumner, $25. Calit buekie stý, le, worn once $25. Calit 668-4750. 668-21 19. Emp MOPED - Bronco brand new GAÂS STOVE - Findiey, 2 150 miles, highrise handiebars, years old, gold colour, Rotisserie, Uetuxe seat, 148 mites per gallon, excellent condition. $175. Ca'l Will go 40 m.p.h. $460. Cali 668- 668-4468. 3186., WOO -Onetrile-tad 1967 PONI*W,,. STATION- soft -oO ne sutraierorfeace WAGON - 283, good rflfning $35ot odita8-8957. lacecondition, body fair, powver $35._________6,68-8957. ___ steering & brakes, certiticd, '.300 WEDDING -GOWN - Size 12'. 0r best offer. Cati 668-7006. veil and train $50. Cail 668.C' RC ftyeup 2406 or 668-44 10. Emp. ped, freshly painted inside, new STEREO --IToyds recerver, tires, alumînuni body, asking eight-track, turntable and two $3,000 or best offer. Cati speakers. Just like new $150 or 728-7623. best offer. Cai 668-7190. Emp -iv &W2inh$0.Ct One Lloyd CARRIAGE 6 68-1384-9 brwn and white, also one JOLLY Kent Spanisti ELE('TRIC JUMER,$30 Cai 78-963. GUI'rAR - like ncw, witlî customi JUMFR, 30.Caît7~8966. .made amplifier and speaker, $1 00 or best offer. Cai 576-8042. 1967 FORD MERCURY DUS-_"mia~ec-- COUGAR - 289 V-8 engine,stDncUdesSt-Olminagoo coni-ce mechanicaiiy soundc, $250. Cali* st in asng$50.it655od-353 668-9670.tin sig$5.Cl65-63 RUG - 12'xlO'x6", orange, gold, brown tone, $60; STOVEÉ, -'~ 24 inch, white, excellent working condition, $40; COUCI-I & 2 CHAIRS, black leather, $60. Cail 728-8467. WRINGER WASHER - S25ý mushroom KITCHEN SET, white with black padded seats $100; WVEDDING DRESS, size 9, com- plote with floor tength voit $90. Call 723-7147. 1972 GRAN TORINO - V 8,1 4-door, green with black vinyt roof, black interior, certif-ied $2,300. (Calil655-3406. STOVE - 4 burnor, heavy duty 30 in., $35; 5 piece DINING ROOM SET, wooden $140. Caii 668-6750. MATERNITY CLOTHES - Including four tops, one pair stacks, two pair shorts, a pant suit and a dress, nover worn, size 10- 12 $25 for ev'rything. Cati 728-' 1969 PLYMOUTH SATEL- LITE - new battery, niew tires, winterized inctuding tune-upm A-1, wili certit'y, $875. Cait 655-4101. ;UNIFORM $10; steamn MON $8, /two small carpets $6 each. CalI 72.ýr1,Z 1 BOYS HOUER SKAT'ES size 41/, $15; Underwood Senîpter TYPEWRITER, $125. CatI 668-6297 afier 5 p.m. STROBE LIGHT -- almost new, 1 new buIb, factory made, warrarity and ait parts $50 or best offor. FERRET - aibino, brown maie or fornale $25. ('al. 668-7190. SPEEt) BOAT - Reaso-nable $95. Calt Doug at 668-8957. Westinghouse, uscd two months $165.00, 3 piece sectional, blue greon orian pile with .bar $400 1like new. Cati 668-4377 or 668- .6078., -WINDOWS- Basement 21X 371/2 $6 each, piciure window, storm 58X64 $30, window size could be aitered stiglitly. Cati 723-8220. Large box of GIRLS CLOTII- ING - nearty new, size 10-12, $25; BOYS CLOTI-IIN.G, size 8-12, $20; STEAM IRON $8; Girls COATS, size 12, $6 cadi; 12 bottie SPICE R-ACK $8. Caît ,1725-1211I. Lower -Mal Hwy. 2 and Tbickson Road, Whitby. Phione 723-6792 Reg. N 1079998 SKI BOOTS AND SKIS - size 31/2, $t5; swivelCH 'AIR, $15; VAPORIZER, $5; coffee PERK, $10; sandwich GRILL, $7; TOASTfER, $ 7; carpe t SWEEPER, $ 10; G.E. floor POLISIIER, $ 10; 6 ighit bar type bathrooni fixture svith suave plug in, like new, $20;, 6 appie crates, $2 cach. RANG- ETTE, $15; ELECTRIC BROOM, $10; VACUUM CLEANER, $5. Cati 668-9404. 1968, 302 ENGYINE atutomiatic transmission, Caîl 655-3463. __ with $200. RUGS - Il ft. X 8 ft. 3 in. & 10 ft. X 6 ft. 8 in., earth colours, rust, gold, brown, beige, $500 for both. Cali 668-7923. r'CEDAR SHINGLES - 81/z_ bundles $90.00; hiomemfade 12 ft. aluminum housetrailer $250. Cal TRICYCLE CCM 16 inch wheet, $20; boys skates, size 5, $5 Calit668-8619. Viking six programn CLOTHES DRYER - peérfect working condi- tion, $95; Space HEATER, good ~condition, $50. Cati 655-3411. 1969 CHEV 1/2 TON PANEL' TRUCK - un,ertified, needs some body work, $1,200 or best offer. Cati1655-4356. Two clectric quarter horse MOTORS - $10 cach; 1 SPEAKER BOX, $15. Cati 668-6750. Antique RCA Victorota RADIO CONSOLE - with auto- matie 'turn table, about 1943 model, fuliy functioning, solid waînit .$300 cash. Cati 579-1593. MOFFAT built-in Oven & sur- 'face unit, $400; holding TANK for boat, $25; girls CLOTFHING, size 6, $15; 2 iamp bases, $8; smnall electric STOVE, $15; eiectric BROOM, $7; floor POLISH-ER, $ 15. Cati 576-6592. GOALIE EQUIPMENT - 1 year otd, fits boys 9-13. pads, mask, gioves, arm & chest protec- tor. $60. Cati 668-5 714. Upright. 9 cubic foot FREEiZER with upper fridge, $100; older model l'RIDGE, $50, both are in good condition Calit 655-3683. YAMAKI DELUIXE 6-STRING GUJITAR- witti case, $200. Cai 655-4385 after 5 p-m. CHEST DRAWERS -- $457 Set BUNK BEDS, with springs, no mattress, size 36 inch width, $50. Cati 668-9009. Mens 5-speed BICYCLE aimost new, $60. Cii 728-0664 after 6:30 n.m. I'wo G60-14 qualifier snow tires on GM wagon rimis, brand new $50 pair. Cati 668-2423 'aftr S n.nm I Deluxe WOODBURNING SET -- good for chitdren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; P>ACK SACK, nyton wivilh sotid atuminum frame, nover been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/2' long, greal l'or beginnor, $10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition with carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition, hardty usd, $ 10. Cati 668-4465. TOW TRUCK- 3 ton, soling a., is $900 or best oller. ('ait 668- 7654. Emp., --RT'ORD PLAYER - portable $15, kitchien table, chrome & grey marble in design $20, please eaul aftci 6 p.m. 655-324Q. Emov. 1973 t>OLARIS 530 Charger 38 lip., onIy 400 miles, used one îwinter, in good condition, asking $700. Cati 668-7671 ask for Brian. Mate IRISI SETTER - with papers, $200 or nearest offer. ÃCall 668-961 8 aflor 6 p.m. Professional type boit MASSAGER -- good condition, $30. Cali 668-3(,30. SCUBA DIVING WET SUIT -. girls' m.ediup' size, 3 pieces, hood, jacket and 'pants $55. Cai 579- 2652. PONY -Strawbeêrry Roan prcviotusty u sed for chidrens' rides complote with good as new saddie blanket, bridie, lialter and reins $125. Caît 655-303 1. WINTER COAT -- imitation fur, loopard type, 2 years old, worn twice $25. Cati 579-3569. 1975 GREMLIN - standard, excellent condition, $2,650 or nearest offcr. Cati Ed at 668-1 152 or 728-7527. HUNT CAP - blapkvelvet with*safety*hamess installed, size 71/. $23.50. Cali 668-2407. STOVE - 30 inch, good con- dition $75; space HEATER $60. SiNOW Ii{~ town & country nylon, 7.35 x_.14 on rimns, iow mniteage, $30 or best offer, Cati 668-8584. 1964 FORD) FAIRLANE- 6 cylinder, in fair shape generaiiy, not certified, needs sonie body work. Caît 655-4525. KITCHEN TABLE - Ovai, 3 chairs, almost new $90. Cai 668-6604. 1968 PONTIAC - Laurentian V8, soit as is $800 or best offer, 97,000 miles, Cati1668-7980 after 6 p.m., GOLF SIIOES - 2 pairs, white and pcach cotoured pair, size 7 $10, white and black pair size 7 $10, good condition. Cati 863- 186nj ask for Cath y. 19'10 DODGE CHALLEN GER - 318 V-8, new back tires $1,800. Cai 668-5745. AM-1FM STERFO RECEl VER $325; unique kitchen table, soiid mnaple top $450. Cati 668-5910. Red Woot Curling JACKET - size 40-42, $25; Bowling SHOES and case size 8, $10. Both are in perfect condition. Cait 668-9073. Gendron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Cati 655-3624. 300 ll.P. CAMSHAFT & soids' offonhainser twin carb highi risc for smaIl block Chevy, like now, asking $.200. CatI 655-4723. REVERB -- Traynor signature ý-4 X 10. $250. Call 655-4978-. COUCIt1 & CHAIR good condition, $75. 668-7221 afler- 5 o).n. Cati 1972 GRAN TORINO SPORT - V 8, 2 door hardt'ap, power stccning, power brakes, vinyt roof, 'inor bodly vork, $2,000. Cati e6168-9805. pp B Et) CiIIE.STERFI E"LD -- 3 months otd, B3everley mattrcss, plus chrome frame, tinted glass end table, boughit for $50)0, wil soIt for $300. Cati1655-4101. BUGGY --Twin sirolci coffi- bination, good condition $40. Cail 668-5272. _________ GARAGE --vanted -to -rent. Preferabty îwo (or more) car tocatcd in or near downtown area. Call M.B.M. Pubtishing and lhoto- graphy Ine. 668-6111. 1973 NO!\à ON --- lnterstate $1.200. ('aIt 668-9925. Ludwig 7-piece I)RUM SETA wi th genuine Zitdjian symbois, excellent condIition, asking $550. Cati 7 28-25 18. GUiTAR - TIriple pickup eleetrie, xiii selI for $35, ideai for TIR S - Michelin radial, size 150 SR 12, iess than 500 miles on 2, p lus good spare with rim $45. Cati 668-5040 after 5:30. NOTICE TO READERS Advertise FR<EE in the FR1Êt PRESS -EMP4ORIIUM, pay ONLV when you éti!l There wîlil no,,be',any'cliýrge to advertisers in the FREE PF.EýS EMPORIUM'ubless the item 4qvertiçed is so14ý. When the aliver *ed iemissold,'you 'pa%-à tommission based on THE ADVERTIÈ ED PtRICE sas illustrated below. Ail adtertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WI!CTdY FREE PIRESS ancf run pit Ieast one month if not sotd RATES (if article is sold); 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of batance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item idvettiscd for $50.00 - commission due $2.50 (minimum commission is $ 1.00) Private advertising only! Please notify uis if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please,notify the Whitby Froc Press immed'iatcly when item is sotd so that we may delete it frontr the. following.issues. Services, hetp warited, ctothing, reai estate and personal message type ads can onîy be handied on a prepaid basis. Four piece LIVING ROOM SUITE - high back style, 3 months otd, excellent condition, $550 or best of'fer. Cail 668-9014. 12 guage Stevensp ump SIIOTGUN $75. Ca1t1683-1469. Custom-macte extra fleavy auty TRAILER HITCH for, 1974-75ý pin 10 stationwagon $25. CatI NIKON FTN CAMERA - 50 'mm., fl1. lense, 200 mm., f4.0 nikkor lense, electronie flash, $525. Cati668-5259. 1971 FtRENZA SEDAN - good shape, corlified, good transportation, KLO 881, $675. 1966 PONTIAC Stratochief, good transportation, can be certified, DYY 766. $425. CatI 668-8957. BEAGLE -- one year otd pup, $15. CatI 668-6779 after 5 p.m. 26" Phiilips COLOUR TV- stand incîuded, $300 or best offer. ("dl 668-3195. 1974 DATSUN B2i10 -tîatchi- back, 4 speed console, rear win- dow defroster, tinted glass, radio. 42 nmpg, 33,000 mites, eertificd. $2.200 or best offer. CalI 655-3598. ACCORDIAN 120 Bass Mun- dinger - withi case, Il1..wilches on keyboard, very good condition, asking $ 300. Cati 725-8162. 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA- 1600, 30 m.p.g., 4 door, good condition, new tires, $1,000. 6£!ll 66-4286. HELP WANTED TORONTO MASSAGE STUDIO ATTENDANTS (2) required by Henry ViII1 Massage Castîe Must be wiîling 1o, Iearn. maintain appearancé, weII mannered, friendly' $30 - $50 daily pîus.i br.-nefits, hours flexible.' ýAccomm odation assistance in rélocation available, 77 Victoria St. Toronto. Contact Miss Cathy (1) 361-0838 collect ORTABLE DRYER - apart- ,ment size, excellent condition, $1 00. Cail 668-9947. BROADLOOM RUG - 9'x 14'-! $30; Axministor rug, $50;,Wine 1 rug, $25;, Ovat braided rug, 12;! 2 bitte onles, $11; Silence cloth for dining roonm table. $4; drapes, $2 pair'; large ftoral arrangement, $3.50; guide uniforru, $12; brosvnie uniform, $10; 5 piece Chrome sot, $16; coffee tabte, $3: easy bake oven, $5; ladies sinter coat, ai eather coat $ 10 each, suit $8, dress, $3, sizos 12- 14. Cali 723-2426. -STORE FOR RENT Ideal for Jean Shop Approximateîy 800 sq . ft. t07 Coiborne St., Whitby $125 month AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Calt 668-3129. 283 CI-EVY MOTOR - With jautomnatic transmission, asking $100. Cal 668-7553 or 723- d'5366. 22 BOLT ACTION - With scope, gun rack, good condition, $45. Cati 668-3956 or Wed. to Sat. after 1 p.m. 668-7573. SUSPENSION HITCH - One axIe (Mini) and torsion bar sup- iports asking $55. Cal 728-8056. Cumpiete DRUM SET - 'ieedy' by Siingeriand, zilgian cymbals, throne, ludwig speed pedal, 14", hi hat sizzler, bass 22", tom tom 12", ftoor tom, etc., very good condition,. $35. Cati 728-5486. Lovely Walnut I$UFFE'l refinished, $45; Pirre Kitchen~ TABLE, fefinished, $35; Smaiter pine table, painted, $18; Three drawer DRESSER, $15; Large oak SIDEBOARD with mirror U and teaded glass doer, partiaily refinished. $65. Cal 668-6519. -Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE. $40; Childs BICYCLE, $15, both are in good condition. Brand new loys, Barbies, Ken, Big Jim and camper, etc., stili in boxes, reasonabie. Chiids TRAINING CHAIR, $3; Two Suede OUTFITS, size 12, reasonable. Cali 668-6715. Cooper G.P. GOA LIE PADS - $55; Btocker & catcher G.M. 12 junior, good condition, $20, both uscd 2 years; Imura SKIS b'y Garrnishi with harness 120 c.m. long, nover used, $20; Lace-up SKI BOOTS, $5. Clit 668-5685. Two SNOW TIRES - With runs, Uniroyal Winter Ride, 1'78-14, new, $55. Cal 655-3879. 1968 ('1EV WAGON - needs some body work, excellent mnotor, xiti setI as parts or conîplete. For further information eall 66 8-4940. SKATES 1[.OR SALE - men's, suze 8, as new 55.00;, men's burrer. size Il. almnost ne\V, $5.00; nmen's size 8. wood, 55.00; mien's, size 7, $3.00; ladies, figure, size 5, $3.00. Cal668-2479. t omlplete SNOWMOBILE OLTIlI11 - 1972 RUI>P Knitro 400 comiptete with tach, excellent - condition. only 300 mites; 1972. Thiorens dotibte-wide traiter, custoni RUPP mens suit, spare bell, case of oul, an(l helmet, askin- $ 1,000). Cati 668-9902. Lloyd's 8-traek RECORDER & RECORD PLAYER - also one set of ENCYCLOPEDIA, complote 'svith 20 Harvard Ciassie books' best offer. Calit 668-8189 after :6 p). i. Straighit stitch portable 'SEW- ING MACHINE - in running order, $25; 50 amp. service ;breaker, $4; 30 amp. knife switah box, $2.50; 8 fuse panel box, $8; Cali 668-9605. *CLEANING .WOMAN WANTED - light housework, every other week. West Lynde area. Cali 668-5512 after 6 p.m. MALE & FEMALE HELP WANTED - Wouid you be interested in demonstrating some of our latest uines in your present Whitbv Mail, 1 maîpaQr-- L- m AI -1 ý m p o r 1