PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7,1976, W41HTBY FREE1 I Brnlin wne Very short and sweet this week. 1 guess you are elîher stiil recovering frorn your New Year celebrations - or you are gathering strength for future activities in our area. l'Il forgive you - so long as the phone rings this next week. Rernember without you we have no columnl. Successful activities tai<e a Preat deal of pianrnntl'. su lt cornes as no great surprise to me that the Brooklin Spring PRESS Fair Board are beginning to get uîiderway. Yes - 1 know the Fair is set for June but thlese events are flot organized overnight. Thursday the 8th January sees the first ineeting of the year for the Board, and ail menibers are encouraged to corne to the Brooklin Community Centre at 8 p.rn. that night. The first Saturday in June is Brooklin's day and its success depends a great deal on the support of the commun- ity. So why flot inake every effort 10 corne along and offer your ideas and your muscle power - don't wait until after Fair Day and then moan that this was wrong and they dîdn't have that, etc. It'l be 100 late then. Ashburn Corninunity Centre is also seeking support from ils cornmunity. Thieir Annual General Meeting takes place at 8 p..m. on the l4th Jan. Main business will be the election of the 1976 Comimitîce. Make sure you are there 10 make your choice- or to offer to take on some of the workload. At a glance. WED. JAN. 14 - Oddfellows Hall Brooklin, 8 p.rn., Annu 'al-- Meeting .of the BÊrooklin & District Progressive ConsrvaiveAssociation. Everyone welcomne. .Well, 1 guess that's it. Give me a caîl and riews. Till next weck, take care. HIZ 655-3750 =BROWNý'S FOODMASTER give me som-e It is hobby month at. Whitby library January is hobby month aI the Whitby Public Library. Throughout the month, books on everything from stamp collecting 10 weaving will be available, and -on Jan. 29 and 30 there will be a special hobby show in the counicil chambers. The hobby show will be frorn 2 p.rn. 1o 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 10 9 p.m., featuring displays by amateur hobbyists frorn the Whitby area. A variety of crafts already booked for the show include eggcraft, wood carving, macrarne, dried flower pic- tures, rug hooking, quilîing, apple and cornhusk doils, and we aving. Appropriate books on specific hobbies and handi-, crafîs wiIl be featured along with displays, and Iibrary filis on various crafîs will run continously tliroughout the show. Admission will ôe fiei and everyone is invited t corne and talk 10 1h hobbyists and learo how ti enjoy hobbies. Anyone interested ii putting in a display of theil work is asked tô contaci Mrs. Kaiser at 668-653 1. Bill Bowden is eleeted commodore Bill Bowden, who is in charge of cleaners and shop stores 'at Dayton Tire Ltd., and operales a milk store in Whitby, was recenîly elected commodore of the Whitby Yacht Club for 1976. At the elections, held in December, the following filled the various executive posi- tions: Bill Banyard, vice-- commodore; Phil Finkle, rear commodore; Trig HolVmes, fleet captain sail; Murray Rankin, fleet captain power; Dennis Carpenter, secretary; and Don Hargest, treasurer. Bryan Trainor is chairmnan of the house commnittee; Devon Smnith, chairman of marine facilities; Gord Joyce, grounds chairman; and Len Kirby, miembership chairman. Joe Robson is past commodore. BEST BUY 1 28 Fi. Oz.Tin PEA o«w VEGETABLE4 SIarkTNTlO UP 'd W FEÂTURE !I Lb. Pkg UNCLE BEN'Sc CONVERTED RICE ~ CHICKEN NOODLE or Non-Croom Vorieties 4 to Pock LIPTONAc CUP-A-SOUP d7 FEATURE ! - STRAWDERRYor RASPDERRY 9 FI. Oz. Jor E. D. SMITHc PURE JAMS9 FEATURE! - FANCY QUALITY 14 Fl. Oz. Tins YORK GREEN '89, .r WAà X BEANS qu F F01RSHUSITS ORNGE E GOS ETABNLES TL r FRe NCH u P ries O trETUi-o W HIe RtE(5SSabagas k5551 FUUESTORNG UEND 2MPc aFEATURE1 - FABOSON* 1051 FI. PuTi NSTAIN TRAIHt Ù CHSINGOUAE89 OPEN six PAYS A WEIK 8:30 a.m. -6 P.u IXcUPJ THUE&à Fmi. UmmISlu119 . GOVERNMENT îNSPECTE~ TISSUES LRNd- E-E 0ROUND R P uounc * T-BONE ROASTS 21 9 STEAK MN N aci mCU) STEAK S ONUN fà -1.58 cI.1 . 78 c L .58,c CAADANMOUSWEL RIMM RANCH k l RME KRAFT Round STYLE Roundi CU"(STEAK O GNA STEAK (TOP CUT m iM E(FIUL CUTI SIINGLES '.î ci. ',1.58c FRESH MINCED SEWN ML N BE F SHAH SEERF AND POIS AllPurose68 C 1l11.19C b. -95 C TOWELS LIVER BEEF HEARTS IEN SWET N 1W -GRANULAIEU 50 la NoS Burnu oy-ilI SUGAR 59c Frozen Features!. SMiJS lltUTUTEEATUREI- Leo D'Or 6-oz. pkg. 5.STCS ONION49 SEST ily - GLD50 Pc GREEN GIANT NIBLETS cSANWIC 9 c CORNer 5.Oc EU ~ j'45BUTTER BACS Pack 4P gNC FFNOTE F0 FEATUSEI - 1H 1H NE FEATUREI - GREEN 12-oz. bag AlProe PERC H ROc S UPREME 3 *fhD FILLETS 6.oz 9CS!JT PEAS3 c F O R FFATURFI - FEMININE 12 to nu FEATUREI - Weston 4 to Pack 85 AKTX 79c IIUPfflI 59c S A i,4 I ToummeSs 20 FL OZ. IN 5 9c 3, BIG DAYS Thurs.' Jan 8sot bMiRyAT JainlO Prov in cials will police 2 h igh w ayS Starting ian. 1 the Whitby Detachiment of the Ontario Provincial Police bias assumed responsibility fo r traffic enforcemnent and accident investigation on two major highways throughi the town. The OPP will be policing Highways 7 and 12 north from Rossland Road 10 the Whitby-Scugog Town Line, north of Myrtle, and Highway 7 west from- Brooklin. Previousîy the OPP had been in charge of policing only Highiway 401, and the Durham Regional Police had been in charge of Highiways 7 and 12. Anyone wishing lu contact the OPP detaclirent nmay cal 668-3388 or 725-6581. Films featured at arts station on Saturday Films on~ block cutling and prinîing with designs cul from wood, rubber and linoleum will be shown a the Whitby Arts Station Saturday aI 3 p.m. There will also be a film on the elching and metal pri*nting work of artist Roîf Nesch. Tips for skiers at the library January 22 Local skiers are ilivlled to attend a special film night at dhe Whitby Public Library Jan. 22 at 7:30 p.nî. Four films on skiing for, enjoynient and instruction, wilI be shown, and a ltnmber of books, pamphlets and brochures giving lips and locations of tlie best ski areas will be on display. Buth, cross country and downhiill skiing will be fea turc d. Open 7 doas o week Akipleletaf RESTAURANT 120 BROCIK ST. N. WHITBY - TEL.: 668-9461 Delicious Conadion ond Itolean Dishes BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 "EXCELLENT VALUES. .. OUR OWN BRANDS" ... SOASTEC 14,S.,SAC RED & WHITE COFFEE sl.35 SOASIED 1-LB. SAC EARLY UMSER COFFEE sl.29 RED S WHITE BRlAND INSTANT COFFEE - 5- . 35