PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY ,.ANUARY 21, 15,u, WHITBY FREE PRESS Durham Centre wants volunteers to work with retarded The Durham Centre for the Developmentally Handi- capped is looking for Volun- teers to work with mentally retarded adults and children, and is offering a training course for anyone interested. TIe 12-week course will be held Tuesday, at 6:30p.m. at the cenfre from Feb. 3 to April 27, for 2½ hours per week. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer is asked to contact Mrs. Elizabeth Gomes at 668-7745,extension 435. "We are looking for 10 to 15 people, mostly adults but also a few selected teen-agers". says Mrs. Gomes. "We would like to hear from people in the community who are inter- csted in mental retardation". The course teaches a variety of subjects on mental retardation and gives a basic general knowledge to get people involved, says Mrs. Gomes. Among the subjects cover- cd are mental retardation and and its definitions, growth md development, teaching md learning, recreation .phil- )sophy, instruction, and >rganization, health problems and physical handicaps, home -are, and public education. Candidates will be selected Dn maturity, a demonstrated ability as a responsible volun- teer, and a desire to take active leadership among other volunteers. Anyone applying must be 16 years of age or over. "We need more volunteers, especially adults", says Mrs. Gomes. "We could take another 20 adults easily, usually with no experience. We train them on two levels, through an at-home course and the volunteer training course. The Durham Centre pre- sently has 119 volunteers aged 16 to 55 assisting in 57 different programs. The vol- unteers come from Whitby, Brooklin, Oshawa, Ajax, Bowmanville and Uxbridge, and work with 60 mentally retarded children and 100 adults. The programs include recreation, occupational ther- apy and adult education, but there are many varied activities in which the volunteers take part. Some prograns such as the drop-in centre, social evenings, Bingo, and young volunteers program are- operated by the volunteers alone,-while others have staff assistance. For instance, on Monday and Wednesday nights, 17 teen-age volunteers take children from the Durham Centre to the Iroquois Park Swinming Pool, under the direction of a staff supervisor. Other programs in which the volunteers take part are sports, films, crafts, com- munity outings and music. The volunteers are not paid, but they receive bus tickets for transportation to and from Oshawa and Whitby. According to Mrs. Gomes, 75 per cent of the teens and adults usually stay as volun- teers for about six months, and 25 per cent are long-term volunteers. Sixty-five per cent of the 119 volunteers are female and 35 per cent are male, who spend one to: three hours a week working at the Durham Centre. The response from the community has been good says Mrs. Gomes, because people are becoming more aware of the mentally ill and the retarded and of the distinction between the two. The Durham Centre started its aduilt unit in 1971 and children's unit in 1972, and although located on the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital grounds, is under the jurisdic- tion of the Ministry of Com- munity and Social Services and not the Ministry of H4ýi1th Mrs. Gomes says she hopes there will be good community res.ponse to the volunteer training ,course, which she says is only one method used the Jewish community 12:O0Music & the Spoken Word, with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir 12:30Church Today, with a Catholic Viewpoint 1:00 Hotline to Heaven, Topic "What does the C.W.C. Do?" 1:30 Faith Baptist Church Service 2:30 What Does the Bible Say?, with Bob & Ron Kirkland 3:00 Sign Off MONDAY JAN. 26 4:00 Shalom 5:00 Daytime, for the Ladies 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 University Women's Club Presents: Ken Munroe . 7:00 Counterpoint, with a Christian viewpoint 7:30 The 3 Day McLaughlin Curling Bonspiel to train people to work with the mentally retarded. 8:00 Whitby Council Meeting Coverage (Meeting will be covered until adjournment) TUESDAY JAN. 27 2:00 Whitby Council Meet- ing Highlights 5:00 Church Today 5:30 Counterpoint 6:00 Evening Report 6:30 Vita Italiana, with Ercole Foresta 7:30 Durham Report, with Bruce McAruther and .Jack Gearin 8:00 Performance, music with Larry Chupa 8:30 Expression, with mem- bers of AI-Non 9:00 Hotline to HeavenTopic, "Durham Regional Cru- sade" 9:30 Sign Off Note: Programs are subject to Change without Notice Cablecast 6 - Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin. WEDNESDAY JAN. 21 1:30 Whitby Chamber of Commerce presents: Jim Gartshore, the Mayor of Whitby. 2!00 Oshawa Chamber of Commerce presents: Pauline McGibbon, Lieu- tenant - Governor of Ontario. 3:30 Daytime 4:30 Soliel, with the French Canadian Club of Oshawa. 5:00 Durham Report 5:30 Journey to Adventure 6:30 That's Magic, with Phil Pitman 7:00 Whitby Then and Now, with Brian Winter and Jim Quail 7:30 Education Scene, with George Pearce Topic "1976 & the Durham Board of Education with guests Yvonne Christie and John Mackintosh" 8:00 Hotline to Heaven 8:30 The 3R's, with Seperate School Activities 9:00 Rescue, with the 7th Day Adventists 9:30 Expression, with mem- bers of AI-Non 10:00 Sign Off THURSDAY JAN. 22 2:00 Whitby Chamber of Commerce Presents: 2:30 University Women's Club Presents: 3:00 Shalom 4:00 Daytime 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Whitby Then and Now 6:00 Whitby Report, with Blake Purdy 6:15 Sports, with Dave Stewart 6:30 Performance 7:00 Counterpoint 7:30 Rescue 8:00 Soleil 8:30 Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Presents: 10:00 Sign Off FRIDAY JAN. 23 2:00. Whitby Then and Now 2:30 Oshawa Chamber of Commerce Presents: 4:00 What Does the Bible Say? 4:30 Music & the Spoken Word 5:00 Vita Italiana 6:00 That's Magic 6:30 The 3R's 7:00 Sign Off SUNDAY JAN. 25 l :00Shalom, a program for LOWREY SPINET 66600 LESLIE SPEAKER REVERBARATION HAWAIIAN ATTACHMENT 77700 CONN CONCERT 630 TWIN 61 NOTE KEYBOARDS FULLPEARL LESLIE SPEAKERS BALDWIN SPINET 99900 (FRENCH PROVINCIAL) THEATRICAL TREMALD PANORAMIC SOUND AUTOMATIC BASS PERCUSSION HAMMOND M103 149500 (SHARP) FRENCH PROVINCIAL PERCUSION STER3O REVERBARATION DRAW BARS PRE SETS HEINTZMAN GRAND PIANO EXQUISITE PIECE PETERSEN MUSIC CO. 390 KING ST WEST OSHAWA 7232259 OPEN TILL 9 PM WED.THURS.FRI. These Whitby Girl Guides were presented with their St. John Ambulance first aid certificates last Wednesday by Ron Hawkins, St. John Ambulance training officer. The presentation took place at Westminister United Church where the courses were held by' Mrs. Edna Keeler, (back row, third from the left). Free Press Phofo Guides receve First-aid certificates after completing a six-week course Twenty-eight Whitby Girl Guides received St. John Ambulance first aid certifi- cates in a ceremony at West- minister United Church last Wednesday. The girls aged l1 to 13, completed a six-week course, under the direction of Mrs. Edna Keeler, and all received A-I marks. The girls who received their certificates were: Camilla Cockerton, Susan Holdworth, Rosanne Roach, Kini Watson, Diane Sonley, Marieta Valckx, Kim McDonald, Susan Senko, Mary Lou Smith, Karen Tummonds, Anna Marie Beikowsky, Susan Kornic, Laurie Kirkton, 'Lori Brim- becom, Denise Acton, Julie Cockerton, Lisa Stewart, Catherine Lehman, Geraldine Cole, Carol Belich, Barbara Fry, Elizabeth Bilboe, Kim Yarrow, Elizabeth Plowright, Shari Owttrim, Linda McBain, Linda Johnston, Connie Van Mil, and Cathy Anthony. Cablecast programs ORGAN TRADE IN SALE YAMAHA YC 10 STAND INCLUDED CARRYING CASE Operate In Top IegTime MForm... 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