'PAGEA18, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS Homnemade SNOW CRUISER - excellent for svorking in bush. $100; one Mini Bike FRAME witiî motor, $50; car parts. Chevs & 66 under, also 1960 ARMY PANEL TRUCK *4 TON $150. Cati 728-0234 and ask for Don. OUTBOARD MOTOR Viking 25 horsepower. rnanual siart, good condition, inciuding 5-grailon fuel tank, $260, black teather CHAIR, with storage space in bottomi, excellent condition, $25. Cati 655-4630. 1969 CH EV CLISTOM IMPALA- 327, power stecring and brakes, new-. battery. certifieci. Cati 668-9092. 1949 CHEV ½/TON PANEL - one owner, 44,000 original miles, needs somne body work, $500; VOLKSWAGON VW TRAILER HîTCH, $20;, Vie- torian CHAIR, set of 6, in good condition, asldng $ 70 eachi; wood stove, $50. Cati 668-9293. 50 amlp. Service BREAKERZ $4; 30 ampl. knife switehl BOX, $250; 8 fuse paniet box. $8. Cati 668-9605. BOAT- 1975 Grew SS 151 70 hiorsepo\ver Evinroote inotor, e-z loader traik'r. î)LuS extra cquipmnent suclh as paddles. tifc jacke t, swimin adder, e tc.. used onily one svason, complete package, $4,000. Cati 668-5386. PIANO - fdeal for rcc room. $250. Cati 668-3 165 aller 6pm. STORE WIDE CLEAR- FAMILY week univ 5 at 'l'le 131 Broek Open daity Ad- old, CatI ANCE 0F CLOTHING - one starting Fc bru a r -Nearly Ne'.' Shop, St. S.. Wlitby. 9:30 --5:30. REt:Rt D(ERATOR niiiral, wvitc. 6 montlis, nanuat dcfrost, $250. 668-9786. WORLD WIDE PiCTIJRES PRESENTS "1THE GOSPEL ROAD" WITH JOHNNY CASH & JUNE CARTER WHITBY PENTECPOSTAL CHURC4- 307 BROC K ST. N. SAT. FEB. 7th 7:00 P. M. SUN. FEB. 8th 7:00 P.M. ALL ARE WELCOME NOW US THE TUME TO BOOK TOUR CHARTERS TO BRUTAIN & EUROPE FOR THE "'76 SEASON CALL US FOR COMPLETE DETAILS, DEPARTURE DATES. & PRICES PASSPORT PHOTOS COMPLIMENTARY WUTH BOOKUNG AI Linda Russel ut RUSSELL TRAVEL LTDO 116 Brock St. Se, Whitby - 668-5000 Mon. - Sat. 9-5 'Fri. Titi 9 -Your IraveI Is Our Business - For your protection regîsterec under Ontario (Jovernmcnt No.12S9988 GAS e01 ES PromOtOI ou 1 on ta 1972 SKIDOO - . 01v inpic. trailcar, doîî iled u( traiter, cover and ac sîis asking price W60 or bcst uffer Cali 655-31)32. SOUNI) AM UM'N SOLIt) STATE STE R W R LCH VER $100. Cati 668-760 1. 15 tfoot IIOUSEI; FRAILt.R I968, conîiptete with reese hjitets. sleep, (6, lots of storage, pur tabNc toile t, propane fridge & stove - one t12 x 9 k i teilnten t inctudcd. $1.500. CatI 1-705-27 7-2790. One 8 îraek TIIP'Y FR. $50: One la,.y boy reeinier, in perfect condition - $80): Onc transistor radio. $5; 2 snow tircs, size G 78-14, rimis & dises in ,ocod condition. S5t0. (aIl 668ý-3549 aftter 5 pin. WASUIIER/Sl>IN DRYIR-R Westinghouse, tisC(t two nionthis $ 165.00, 3 piece seetional, bluie green orlan pitc with bar $400 like new. Cait 668-4377 or 668- 6078. ENMI RSON TV SIT-T with radio, record ptaycr. in .)-d condition, $80 or nearest otl'e.. CatI1668-7446. SEL FUEL I) oit Isec cat Sctc Oit 668-3381 --MATTRESS und - CONTINENTAL BEDS ½/ PRICE SALE 3V" Beds -54"1 Beds 39"11 Mattress 59.5" 149-" 39.50c We specialize iii sewing machines sales & services (ail makes) BLAKE'S WAREHOUSE LTD TWO Locations l'Tl Dundas Street West IÎ70 Simcoe s St. Ne, Oshawa 576-4477 Tunisia Tunisia, the tiny North African country, was settied by the Phoeniclans and Car- thaginians in ancient ti mes. It was part of the Roman empire until the Arab con- quiest of 648, It was ruled by varlous Arab and Berber dynasties until the' Turks took ýit in 1570. Tunisia was a pirate state for much of its history, raiding Mediter- ranean shipping. laid. Let beauty g0oto ynUr head.' 'Z Corne in for the new. curly hairstyles & sit under e ',-LA CONTESSAý ~:BEAUTY LOIJNGE < .~119 Green. St. . 668t.9262 A TTENION FARMERSIII I WH Y PA Y MORE? 214 Dundas St. E. P.O. Box 28 Whitby, Ontario L1N5R7 668-3346 &M - CAPÉNTRY Home Repairs Improvemelits l3athroom h floor Recreation rooms, tiiing,. cedar d-èk -- aLi668-4686 LYON'.S AUCTION IHALL 18McMWan Dr, Wanted Items you nave to seil Estate - Antique -Consignment Sales - Appraisals Saljs Twice Weekvy Open Monday - Fri'dà y 1:00 -8:00 p.m. Highest priees Paid for tioId and Silver coint, old guns. dlocks, jewvelry, dishes, 'fuFtiture, crocks, oil pai ntings 'adnd se alers Friendly Flea Market 725-9783 23 King West, Oshawa GEN ERATORS Electric motors, Grinders-- :)rill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. VVE SELL BUY & TRADE ACE MACHINERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 WANUED! 1BOYS AND GIRLS TO DELUVER THE WHUTBY FREE PRESS EVERY WEDNESDAY- W! HAVE ROUTES OPEN UN THÉ WHUTBY AREA Cali 668-6111l REWARD1 I Complete furnishings of factory, showvrooms and suppliers tti. iodel homes. aparimenýts. town- We require an exper- houses-(used for displaVy purpose onlyl savings as hîgh as 50 per ienced fuil-timne travel cent cut-easy terms can be seen coslat onc: at the w arehou se 12 to 8 daily . R s 9 l T v e , 1 6 T~ fu rn itu re is so ld b y B r c t . h i t b y . TEER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor Street East, Oshayva Cali 668-5000. * Phonp - 728,-347.1 voluntary basis to be in charge of a drop-in centre. The drop-in centre wvilI serve the developrnentailyj handicapped and volunteers front the conimnunitly. Cali Durhamn Centre, 668-7745, ext. 435 WANTED VOLUNTEERS TO WORK WITH DEVELOP- MENTALLY HANDICAPPED POSITION: Friend PLACE: Durhamn Centre for the Develop- mnentaIly Handicapped, Whitby. TIME: 2 hours/weck -- any day or night. REQUIREMENTS:Mlust be frorn 7 to 70 years of age. No acadernic requiremnents needed - Applicants must be friendly, kind and courteous. FOR INTERVIIEW, PLEASE CALL: Volunteer Services Durhamn Centre for the Developmentally Handicapped 668-7745, Ext. 435. This job is open to bo th maie and femnale. TIMOTHY J. O'INEILL (HIART ERED ACCOUNTANT Send'letters to Box 206, Whitby PLACE: TIME: etc. and over needed on a Matùre Person, 18 years