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Whitby Free Press, 11 Feb 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1976. WFITBY FREE PRESS Tins and botties can be recycled by BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer In today's "throw away" economy, people are jusi beginning to realize that our country's natural resources rnay run out some day, and that day miay be sooner than w'e think. Aîhough it is littie known, there are a few people iii Whitby 'Who are helping to find a way 10 meel this problern by patronizing two recycling depots at local gas stations. The recycling depots,« which consists of two 45- gallon drumis, one for lin cans and one for glass botules, are located at Jan Koke's Sheil service station at Brock and Gilbert Streets, and AI Dearborn's Shel service Station at Dundas and Thickson Road. They were sel up by Bobb Gibbs, under a Local Initia- tives Programi grant in 1972, and are presently beinig operated by the Towvn of Whitby, which emiptys the drums on a regular basis. The town stores the con- tents of t11e recycling drurns at tIhe vorks yard and about two or three limies a year takes a truckload of the material 10 Toronto to be rnelted down. The glass is taken 10 Consumers Glass, on Kipling Ave., and the tins 10 Industrial Metals, on Cherry Street. Mr. Koke estirnates that about 10O tons of tins a year are deposited aI his recycling depot, and about 20 tons of bottles. Two 10-ton load .s of glass are taken into Toronto each year and about three or four loads are expecîed this year, he says- Mr. Dearborn says he has receiyved good response to his depot, for someone uses it ai leasit once a day. The recycling depots have a few devoted adherents who always take their garbage to the drums and separate the tins fromi the boiules. Aniong these people who are interest- ed in recycling is Rev. J. A. Roney, of Ail Sainî's Anglican Church, who has made regular announcements in his church about the recycingdepots. "I hink ii's great and l'ni glad to sec Whiiby taking. sorne positive steps in Ihis environrnental concerri. says Mrs. Roney. "We tell our frienids to 'wash and squash', tins and remnove the labels. 1 go dlown to the depot every three or four weeks". Mrs. Roney 'Points out that botties should have ihe paper labels removed, and tins should also have their labels removed and be %vished and squashed flat for easy handling and storage. Dick Kuwahara, Whitby's public works .directoÊy says the town lias an accounit for the money it gets fromi selling the metal and glass for recycling, but the rnoney in that account is flot toornuch. Mrs. Roney thinks the town would be able to make more nmoney on the recVýcling if more people used the depots. Mr. Koke -says that, the recycling depots are being used more now since the announcements have been mrade about them at the Anglican Church. Mr. Dearborn has asked that residents refrain from using his depot until the beginn .ing of March, because thc route to the druis is presently blocked by sewcr construction which started'a few weeks ago. However, once the constructionl is finished, he will be back in the recycling business again. Dianne Ferguson, a gas attendant at Koke's ShelI service station, denionstrates how to use the recycling depot behind the building. The tins in her hands have- been washed, had their labels removed, and have been squashed flat for'easy liandling and storage. The town operates two recycîing depots for glass and tins, at Koke's and Dearborn's service stations. Free Press Photo NOTICE The Regional Municipality of Durham Effective Monday, February 9, 1976. disposai wiIl be as follows: DESCRIPTION by weight' by vehicle type VEHICLE CLASSIFICATICON N/A single axie dumnp or stake truck double axie dump or stake truck 20 yard packer 25 yard packer 30 yard packer 40 yard packer The Regional rate structure for solid wvaste MIAXIMUM NET WEIGHT ALLOW- ANCE (TON) N/A S 'l.75 RATE PER TON S 6.70 11.73 16.75' 26.80 33.50 40.20 53.60 2.5 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 R. F. Richardson, P. ENG., Cornmissioner of Works O)NE H4OUR MARTINIZING WHITBY THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING offers A I G Upto50% SAIG ON DRY CLEANJIG - ""-1. m - -m - - COUPON 2-for 1 SALE Any, TWO alike articles Dry Cleaned for t.1 price of One. Lanl IB-ring two suits for cleaniilg and pay for only ONE. Thi ofe god ALL LEATHERS EXCLUDED Thi ofer oodwhenl this coupon is prsened wvithi ncorning order 01ny. NOT VALID WR-EN PICKJNG UP CLEANING ORDER I Expires February 21, 1976 ONE HOUR 1MARTINIZING 106 Brock St. S.. Whtby L - - ~Phone 668-6491- - - - - Rotary needs *voices if you enjoy singing and good f-ellowship, the Whitby Rotary Club could use your voice. For about a year, the Rotary Club has hiad a maie choir, which practices every Monday nighi at 7 p.mi. at the Onitario ]Ladies' College under the direction of Dr. Reg Davis. Any man aged 18 to 70 wlio wants to becorne part of the Rotary Maie Choir is invited to eall 66804647 and corne out to practice. February l6th FI4SHIONS 126 PUT IT TOGETHER... . FA SHIONS 126 does itffor you!!! 126 Brock St. Se Whitby 668-126bl MON-SAT 9- 6 FR1 - 1 wmý > 1

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