WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESL)AY, FEBRUARY 11, 1976, PAGE 5 With strained muscles, a wrench in one hand and a pipe grasped in the other, i-thought to, myseif, "One good turn deserves another". 1 wasn't really referring 10 repaying a kindness but rather 1 was hoping that 1 could gel the pipe turned in tiglit and the elbow on the end of il going in the right direction before the threads finally bound tighit. Naturally, this was the beginning of another five-star production which ail started out because the drain plugged Up in the kitchen sink. 0f course, being a do-it-yourselfer, il presented not too mnuch of a challenge and at the best il would prevent m-e from watching Star Trek on TV. The sink was so plugged that no amount of plunging Wth the bathroomn plunger would move the water and, for a while, I began to wonder if ail the recent coid weather had caused the drain to freeze. 1 reasoned this wasn't likely though because the other drains worked fine and they ail fed int the same main systemn. So a plugged drain il was and that rneant simply remnoving the plug in the bothomn of the trap and getting a piece of wire up into the hole and unphugging the trap and thus the drain. If you beieve that fairy story then you'Il believe UFO's are really swamp gas. 0f course, the drain plug wouidn't budge. Il was made of brass and it was in so tight I had to resort to a bigger wrench. As the old saying goes, "Don't force it - use a bigger hammez!" At this point, I was soreiy tempted to use a hammer but sanity took hold and I resigned myseif to having ho use my biggest pipe wrench and take a chance on losing a couple of knuckles when the plug finally let go. Be it a plug or a boit or a nul I can assure you they neyer let go when you expect them to and knuckles invariabiy get caught in the crunch. Usualiy my knuckles. But the piug fooled me. Not only did il not let go when 1 ieast expected Many thinigs have been said and written about Trudeau's trip to Cuba. Mexico and Venezuela and even more interesting îhiings have been said about Margaret 's siniugît( debut and ber newiy acq 4 ired art of brcakinig otticial protocois at state dinners. F irstly, nmay i add a f'ew more comiments about PET's visît to Cuba, a couiitry wbicb bais cornrniltted between 9.000 acnd 10,000 iroops tu die Soviet-supported Popuhlar Movemient lfor the Liberation ut' Angola in die cival 'var that broke out sbiortiy afîer fibe former Portuguese southwestern Atrîcan coiony \vas grautcd independence last Novemiber. 1 agree with miany political commenta tors that Trudeau's visit to Cuba was badly timied and overiy friendly to a mian (Fidel (Castro) who constantly laughis at our demnocratic systemn. One shoid fot forget that the bearded Cuba leader is nu better Conimnunist than any others we have encountered su far. Their aimn is quite clear: to weaken tl1w strcngtb of the Western nations Su that room c-an be inade for a more socialistic way ut' lite. The mlost dis iress»ing was j quote f'romn a catîle ta r i i il, thie dam liiing neyer ict go i ail. 1 pub more effort mbt the wrencb and thc whole dranin pipe started 10 turn and I thoughit abottbbc sink haif fu of waber above 'me, Too late! The pipe suddeniy lot go and the sink full of water, straight Out of' the cartoons, let go ail over the top of my head. To put il miidly and poiitciy, I wasn't aimused. 1 was even iess ecstatic Mien I discovered that my strong am act Nid ca-used-the pipe ho not only let go but it actuaiiy broke near a flange ancl as il was Sunday the chance of getting parts was zip. So muLch for act two. Adt thfee took place in r-ny garage where 1 carefily cieaned ail the junk and guck oui of the pipe and started fguirîing ouît how thie whole mess wouid go together, hopefully the saine way il carnie apart oniy without force and daniage. Thbtngs didn't seem ho fit aul that weli so, "When in doubt, tise lots of gasket goo!" The only stuff 1 had is thekind the'i make for cars and il is almosi impossible to gel off anythiug- especially skin. SlowIy and surely, like a giant mechano set, the whole works wcnt back together and, after some- fancy pipe wrcnch work, 1i managed 10 gel il ail hooked back up 10 the sink at one end and the drain ut the other. I might point out that 1 neyer did maniage te, get the drain plug out even with the whoic wcrks apart. A twist of the wrench here and a turn there and it was flnishcd! Smug and satisfied, 1 ran some hot water in the sink. It didn't go down the drain, 1 ran som-e more. It didn?t go down either. 1 plinged- nothing. 1 tried some Hall Mary's. Stili nothing. Sunday carne and went, as did Monday thru to Thursday. Friday brought the truth. The drain wasn't plugged at ahl, but the downstream 15 feet of pipe past the drain was piugged solid. Now l'ni out shopping for dynamite. As far as competition goes, Joe thie Plumber has nothing 10 worry about in rny neighbourhood. Theatre company presents comedy next week The Anniversary, a comnedy about a domineering miother who lords herseif over her three sons and the woncn in their lives, is the Whitby Theatre Cornpany's latest production, to be held next week at the Centenniai Building. Next Wednesday, Feb. 18 will be a senior citizens night, at 7:30 p.m. wi th free admission. Nights for the generai public are Feb. 19, 20 and 21, starting at 8 p.m. Tickets are available at Middleton's Book Store, ah the door on the nights of the performance, at $3 each, or by calling 668-8006. The Anniversary, written by Bill Macllwraith and, directed by John Caldwell, is the Whitby Theatre Com- pany's ent ry in the Association of Comimunity Theatres. drama festival. The play will be adjudica. ted at the Friday nighit per- formance by E. R. Procunier of London, Ont. The cast consists of Joan Hili as the mother; Greg Lang, Parul Heaver and AI Nicholis as the three sons; Mary Westley as fiance of one of the sons, and June Lewis as the wife of one of the other sons. Joan Hill is no stranger 10 Whitby audiences, having appeared in many plays for the Whitby Theatre Guild from 1955 10, 1960, and last June in the tille role in The Kiiing of Sister George, for the Whiîby Theatre Company. She has also been active in productions 'of tbe Oshawa Little Theatre, direct. ing Ihis group's latest pro. duction, The Last of the Red foremian: 'Conmrade, iu this valicy the revolution 15 îrausforming nature ....Long live Trudeau! Long ive Fidel !' For une. 1 can say tuait tbis country dues not need a "coimraide" nor au.other revoliîlionary like Castro. Canada needs al sensi bic leader dt can make th is couunt ry al bel 1er country under tue presen t ( demuocratîc ) systein. i f*eel a lit tic sad abouît PET's ite Margaret wbo is gel ing a lutout Adverse prrbicity uver bier singing debut iii Caracas anîdlber su-ca lied impromptlu speech ini Mexicu City. i read Margaret's lyrics lu Senuora Parez and judging by tue essence. 1 think lier wurk su 1lin bas been ini vain. Mv kid sister cuuld wr n e a bel 1er puemn. ilowever. I suspect tliiatMaet \menitaili cal t b s utlice agiunl îide r strness. Whien i sa\v lber ou (Globai TV, 1i 'lhiverx . vcry s or ry foru lier. Slie iuoked intîaiiv uîîsabe anid \erbaily sliuxvedl urea inuuhirene. Lte1, peuple are iiikin- ail kiuds (I' rude jukes about \arae' voice and lber dabblingîs iii poe trv , but i ere i15(une (a tua dian whu is 't i aili ing, becauise thle re i5 s thi i g lu la ughabuout . Suie iniigb t bc iii and if tNt Is thie case site uceds bip. miedicai or ut berwise. Ahi i can say is: pour Ma rg:înet . sOc îîeeds sîlîluelrest. News ouit of Qi taa is tha it gasuhine prices svii o up once again, possibiv thi sununiier. Tlîe predicîed price of' Hot Loyers. Greg Lang has been pro- ducer of many piays for the Whitby Theatre Company during the past two years, and Paul Heaver has also worke d back stage, and appeared in Anderson Col- legiate plays. Ehei on Hi Januar 401 tC ment r The charge investiý and 12 The anc AI Nichoils has been involved in production plan- uing for the Oshawa Little Theatre, and ahoing with Mary Westley and June Lewis, is appearing in his. first 'acting role with the Whitby Theatre Company. Accidents inerease over January 1975 accidents over January 1975, yen accidents occurred due mainly ho the severe ighways 7 and 12 in winher conditions experienced y and 77 on Highway hast rnonth. he Whitby OPP detach- There were 22 injury eported this week. collisions this January in OPP has been in which 32 people were of traffic patrol and injured, compqred to 16 in galion on Highways 7 January 1975 in which 25 in Whitby since Jan. 1. were injured. There were 81 cdetachmenh reports property damage collisions )ver-ali increase in compared to 53 a year before . gas wiii be one dollar per galion. Why one dollar? Wihy not make two or three dollars per gallon'? After ail, drivers wil oniy compiain. And comnpiaints are easily ignored by oul companies and goveriument officiais. Tbiey know that miost drivers are ike sbeep-tbiey oniy foiiow and seldom ilead. Sirice thiat bas been the case until now, a bigger sbock is îîeeded to wakc up the Canadian driver wbio is known for his lazy ife-style and comiacency about everyîbiing. 1 sti(gest thiat goverumnents soak hlmii furtîher. aimost to die poin t whiere lie can nu longer bear die financiai pain and starîs screamning publiciy and refuses to pay the price. Best reruedy f'or an inflation is quilie simple: stop buying any pruduct thiat is uinreasonably biigbi-priced. Leaive tbie car at huonie, il uecessary. Siebody %vill pick up the message. Weil. su long foiks, li)n oin* ltîsion unfoot. How high ouw a with tnis coupon with everymuIIc I* mon-mThurs .. . . . . . . . . . ... . ..I . . . . Business Hurs: Monday- Wednesday 9-6 p.m. Thursday & Fr1 ay 9-9p.m. Saturday 9-6 p. i. I I I I I I I I I I I I a :n caurAer you Il s jRu solitjob But if Combat Arrns uterest vou. you re flot a sofi guy You're lookîng for sorne- thing speciat A jon that can bring OUt the besti n ou Corne on. Reach for the top in a Combat GroJp Il s sornething speciat you can be prouCI Of. GET INVOLVED '4ke IT H SCANADIAN ARMEO FORCES. Canadian Annied Forces Recrutlng& SelectionUnit CANADIAN FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 25 St. Clair Ave. E. Toro'nto, Ontario, (416) 966-6564 NOTICE: The NMobile Reeruiititig Team WM1 Osaaon Wedaîesday. Feb. 8. 1976 Qiaia1da Manpower Centre [betweeîî 10 A.M. and Customers NO experience be in at the 3 P.M. apply M, EL L 1 T m E R 1-5- 10*r Park luà m