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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1976, WHITI3Y FREE PRESS Mi*dgets are Tyv Fullowing are the resuîts. utf recent Whiitby Youth Bowling Couneîi I ai.t ion a t County Bowl., TYKE The Midgets are the Tyke division section wiîîners with 1 3 points. The teaîu consists uftIHeathier Sawdun, Betty Pearson, Plhilip Scott and Slhawn Jones. ln recent play, Davina Harrison howled the girls' high single and Wayne Northi, the boys' htighi single; H-eather Sawdon aind Jin Taylor, the high doubles; and Hea the r Sawdon,. Roni Sue Childs (tie) and Jin Taylor, the hligh averaRe s. BANTAM 'B' The Ducks lead the Ban- tam 'B' division, followed by the Blackbirds, Crows aind Pigeons. In recent action, Anja Switzer and David Grylls" bowled the hiighi singles; Anja Switzer and David,,Grylîs, the highi doubles; and Elaine Sin and David Grylîs, the hiigh averages. BANTAM 'A' The Cardinals sit ini first place' atop the Bantamn 'A' division, followed closely by the Woodpeckers and the Ho mningb iid s. In play lately, Debbie Reinhardt and Byron Jones bowled the higli singles, Cheryl Nicholson and Byron Joues, the hiighi triples, and Cheryl Nicholson and Darryl Sim, the highi averages. JUNIOR The Dynomnites and the Champs, withi 17 points e-,ch, are tied in first place ini the Junlior d ivision. The Roïad- iiers trail. In recent( play, Leanne ,Winiter aldPaul 1lutchinson bowled Karen Croucli, t Karen M rke the high si Vlurkaîr and lie hiigh triple, lurkar and bowling section winners ;ingles; Jimi s; aind Doug Griffin and Jiiîn Crouch (tie), thec high averages. SENIOR May chi*ldren pass Red Cross water tests Senior division, followed by the Cougars arnd the Chargers. Kim Pascoc and Bob Allain bowled the. high singles; Patsy Myers a Randy Woodcock, the hi triples; and Patsy Myers a~ A large nmber of' Whitby children hauve passed Red Cross Water Sat'eéty tests at thie Iroquois Park Swîmiming Pool iii Januiary and early Pcb- ruary, says Joe Ottenbrite, chiairinan of' the Whitby Red Cross water salety prograin. Those whio passed the pre- beginner test are Lisa Winslade, Robert Paddick, Bill Daitity, Mario, Silvoni, Tanîmny Wlhit- field, Sheri Watillis, Robert Louigniir, Je ffe ry Blaittie, Nancy Pendo, Nancy Lewis, Trracy Whitlield, Wendly Jacques, Rachel Vandenbooîu, Alisha -Vander-booin, Lynii Tripp, Cheryl Tripp, Michael Fluke, Patti-Aun Mitchell, Tom Stead, Caroline Bain, Kathy Creighton, Joanniie Robbins, Robin Bowyer, Michelle Reardon, Kathleen Wickett. Shalamar Bowyer, Cathy Vanderthyden, Corey Harris, Johnii epma, Kevini Duivesteyn, Kim Woodnmau. Anita Quinto, Berta I losna r, Josephinle Irbacher, J '(dY Gardiuer, Tina DeVries, B3ill Flynn, Reba Andrew, Vern Vogel. Susani McCoy, Luorrain Coomibs, Martin Pit tens, Mar-g Goodmnan, Sharon Woodniaiu, Nornuî hairrison, [Sdi tIi Csai. Iris Luîcas, Pat Ferguson, AI Swan, Arnold Tripp, Susani NicCovei-i, Dile Fleming, Mark Gibeat.1, Lee Kosloff. Terri Koslot'f', Williaml Parks, I larry Vanl Staverr , Karenl Tcbble, lPani Brysonl, Julilth Bry son, Pauil I loogka O,11) Richard Plowr-ka t, RI1(nda Ma rteni , Lisa Mino tti, J ohn Mo fia t t , David Mo lia t11t, Michelle Walker, Gre'g lVclnitoshi, Annt Kandiah, Ian H-opkins, Ka thy Barikwell, Anmi Stanlick, Bess D'LOIT, Queenie Pipler, Don Zilsira, Juanlita Beck, Jamnie Beck, lunia Quiotti, Mimmiio Cuiotti, Yvonne Jensen, Karen Jaap, Michelle Austen, Michael Bennett, Kerrie Grahani, Janny Venlinga, Stephiei Vesiers, and David Vogel. Those who passed Ille beginners test a re I lazel Gerrow, Mary Pynisy, Normna Brisson, Cisele Lalond, Normia llowe, Margaret Zwiers. Johin Grostjeau , Rita Ankos, Teresa Batiks, Uisa Dol, Jenifer I luinnk., Colin Molcl ihuck, Susan Pîphier.' Robby Situs, Ranmdy Stewairt, Eve H arris, Marilyn Surgenor, ioyce Cuonninghamu, Cheryl Vogel, Ir-ene Lîget, Michael Ko rc h ir, G(e o ff'Va nde n hou ni,1 itilîia Vartd(etîbooîtî. (}arrard ('atupbell. PatiIl)DeVeao, D)enise VatîdOleweerd. l)iatne Richards, Joanne Wstermatî, H a ine Sa no. Ka ren ('hamtbe rs, Todd Caiger, Tony Caiger, Whitby Public Utilities Commission Pamecla l<eutcr, Paulo lendo, Gail Lewis, Angela Messi )"I, Trifûîany Wonacott, Peter Flook, Vernon 'I loyven, Annet te Donovan, Kelly Lindsay, * Michael I)ohierty, Anigela Mo fîl t, Mat t hew ('la rke, Rut h (Cla rke, Litra,, Anderson, Shiery Lee I loppel, Joseph Volpel Michael Vaniiderhecyden, Steplhen DL)i- vesteyn, Sherri Ennis, Treni Pie rson, Je fi Page, Yvonne V.in'ïelder, Randy Martens, Anita Mecean, SLIsan Sillins, Jice John, Francis Page, Eith Zilstra, Jane Va n Siageren, Ineke Verhiagen, Clauidie 1-LuSted, and Jeanine Carder. Thiose who passed the SLIrvival swimning test are Kelly Vaillancourt, Mar k ('oombs, Teresa Picard, E-ýlizabtethi Plowright , Diane Renter, IElizabeth Welling, Dale I lit cinigs, [)ianieMaitthies, ('[ris lleshie, Judy Rowley, Sonya Spicer, D)ean Vandol- ewveerd, JallisS SAY, RUIîh Anne ('otter, Robin SchltIZ, (Cathy lerry, Kini 1-louk, lanela MIitat Darin Behnî. Sheila Westerink, Ricky Ward, Annet te BL3uorie, Wade Szalagyi, Michelle Dolimunolt. Christine Wergen, La rry 'Tinîumanii, lrian I Ititter, lilizabe th Jepmna, Deug Wood, Dave Duivenstey, - Ruth liii t 1Ciji1, 1 lea the r 1 I Clinhson1 Donny Wood, Kim lIste, Michael Demmingu. Brian Duivenstey. and Darlene Dit- trick. Those wlîo passed the Junior Red Cruss test arc Gayle I laye, Margie I rwin, Katîy lBrown, Ann Atkinson, Olive Vallencourt, Mia Corey, Lorraine Roberts, Jean Morgan, Bryan Corey, B3ertha Wilson, l)ebora Crouse, Lorraine lluinink, Patricia Kochirka, JilI Attêrsley, Michelle Souras, Pam Carrell, Alison Hlarris, Mona Valentine, Janet Vlicgenaardt, Kim Kamneka, Pain Longmir, Karen Kelling, Judy Gibney, Belinda Sillius, Sally Teer, Kathy Harvie, Tom Goulding, Tony Pelosi, Margaret Beck, Chris McEnn, and Norma Hutchison. The following passeýd the Intermediate watcr safety test: Carol Simpson, Louise llaskitt, Ann Byford, Robert Gertuan, Denise. DeVeau, Elizabethi Sillus, Jin Crouch, Miarion Prylincr, Pat Lagger, Ann Valentine, Run Roap- herst, Brian Sullivan, Karen llfutchings, Joe Morris, Neil Caýlvert, Linda Sahîbaumn, Te resa St.- Pierre, Kathy Irwin, Anne Smnith, and Guy Mulder. Thie following passed the Senior-Red Cross test: Sheila Muîcahy, Joanne Mulcahy, David Hawkins, Greg Flynn, Nancy Roberts, Alison Adey, Denise, Burghall, Lynda Maskalttk, Michele Brown, Julie Moffat, CarIa Kennedy, La urie Kirton, Elizabeth Elliot, Andy Wandoleweerd and Nancy Morris. The' following passed the Bronze Medallion life saving test: Carole Bunn, *, Lii Dalby, Liz Baker, Liz Vý Ryan, Doug Van Staucre Graeîne Boyce, Rob McLea Jackie Haynes, Cathy Brow Naincy Rowley, Carolyn Ric Connie Rich and Dave Curri tnin s.i The foîlowing passed tlj .senior resuscitation tes Carole Bunin, Linda Dalb, Cindy McIntrye, Janet May( Liz Baker, Liz Ban. Ryail Doug Vanstaveren, Ro~ McLean, Kelly Watts, Cath, Brown, John Woottor Nancy Rowley, Carolyn Ricti Connie Rich, Carnîe Hougli ton, Dave Cummnins, Mik~ Carter, and Jackie Haynes. ý The following passed th leader's test: Janet Suttor, Kent MacDonald, Charle, Herrington, David Snoddy Jean Camqpbell, Theres, Broniskewski, Danny Zilstra Cheryl MacLeod, Susat MacLeod, Janet Gray, Lorit Corner, Cindy McKinncy Euen MacDonald, Ann Kehoe Lucy White, Jane Martin anic Nancy Winter. February Heurt ÀFund Mont hI *.Opening new doors to sml Ii usiness The folIowîu,g rate sehedule has been submitted to Ontario 4ydro for their approval. ýAlI bills issued on or after March lst, 1976 Residential Prop oscd First 250 KWH Next 500 KWH (metered water heater) Balance (minimum bill S4.50) General Service 0-5000 KW Demand Charge: First 50 kw Next 4950 kw 3.6 cents 1.65W 1.8 no charge $2.40 Energy Charge: First 250 kwh Next 9,750 kwh Next 1,930,000 kwh Balance Over 5000 kw Demand Charge: Ail kw Energy Charge: Ail kwh 3.7 cents 2.3 1.10 0.7 $3.95 Miscellaneous Servces'ý FRWH (for existing customers- only) Schedule 90 Street Lighting $6.36I Sentinel Lightidg $7.00 Transformer Allowanice - Distribution t 5 cents - Subtransmission 25 cents Minimum Bill Under 50 kw $4.50 -Over 50 kw -'- 25 cents for ail kw applicable to the maximum demand during the previous eleven months of the contracted amount, whichever is the greater. Lite Payment Charge 5% Change of Occupancy Charge $ 3.00 (if instâlled after hours) Financial assistance Management couniselling Management trainming Information on government- Programs for business one of aur representatives D.J. Skinner WiII b. jat The* Lucien Motel, 134 Byron St. N., Whitby, Ontario * Thursday March 4th, 1976 22 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario - 1 ic-7,

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