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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 1

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Chrterways expads'town bus service opinbph on ne ad w'ehdsuisl h Whitby Council Monday approved, on an interim basis, provision of expanded bus service within the town by Charterways Company Ltd. The proposai provides for service to the Whitby Industrial Park to meet the starting and finishing times for employment in the area. It also utilizes Brock Street for both north and southbound passengers'in al alternate routes. Except when the bus runs are going to* the industrial park, ,the remaining bus times will provide a service to the Garrard, Manning andThick- son Road area. The expanded service will be on an interim basis from April the first until the end of 1976 and will be subjeet to the outcome of a transit study authorized by counicil Monday, The transit study will be carried out by a group con- sisting of council's operations comnmittee, the Director 'of Public Works and a represen- tative of the Ministry of Transportation and Commun- ications. - The terms of reference for the study wil include a summary of the existing level of service in the town, various transit service options and the feasibility of impie- menting such options. The study will consider links with such established services as Oshawa Transit, Uo Transit and private carriers. It will determine the cost of genexating transit trips involving school s, seni or citizen. homes, recreation, industry and institutions. Estimates of ridership and predictions of revenues and deficits for -fare structures and service options will be included in the study. Other terms of reference will involve predictions of the number, size and condition of vehicle fl eet requiremnents for each option. The pros and cons of operating the varions transit contract with Oshawa Transit or' under contract with ' a private operator, will be determined. The study will allow recommendations for-the best transit service option and the steps required to implement it. The recommendation for the study did not meet with great enthusiasm from ail the councillors. Councillor Gerry Emm past. How many studies are we going to have before we get buses?" "This is a study to study the studies", said Councîllor Joy Thornpson. "It's costing us nothing. The MTC is doihig it". Mayor Gartshore said that- ail members of council àgree that they've had enough studies. He said that he's tired of the studies but hopes something will corne of this one. Vol. 6 No. 8 Wednesday, February 25, 1976 T.wenty Pages No 1rink on hili Despite the pleas of Councllor Joy Thompson, Whitby Council decided Monday that no money wil be put toward the construc- tion of an artificial ice skating rink and pond at the new town hall this year. The cost of installing whatý-- Councillor Gerry' Emm described as "cream on the cake" would have been somewhere in the neighbour- hood of $105,000 after possible grants are considered. Renowned architect Ray- mond Miriyama had inclnded the rink and pond in his plans for the new town hall, presently under construction on Rossland Road. Councillor Thompson ar- gued in favor of installing the addition, saying "the need is apparent in this town for an outdoor skating rink". "There is no lime for families to skate tôgether", she said as ice time is booked Up by hockey players and figure skaters. I want'you to think very seriously about what you are doing", Councillor Thompson I said and pointed out that council approved the rink and pond when it approved Mr. Moriyama's plans for the town hall. She said that Mr. Moriyama, in recommending the rink and pond, wanted the town hall to becomne a &&people place". Councillor Don Lovelock feit that the town hall would be a "people place" without the rink and pond. "I tînk we are going 10 have an adequate. structure there without it", hie said. Councillor Emmn said that (here are many things, sncb as the rink and pond, that' the town should have but can not afford. "We better not put 100 much cram on the cake", he said. Councillor Ken Hobbs agreed, sayIng that spending lhe money for ,the rink ahd pond would be tantamount to "skating on very thin ice". Recommendation from Chesle'y Council may pressure Ministry of Whitby Council- Monday referred to its operations committee a request from the Town of Chesby for endorsa. lion of a resolution calling for the Ministry of Health 10 present to the Ontario Legisiature a complete and' detailed' statemnent of its policy and programn relating 10 pïroposed hospital closures. The resolution also asked for Whitby Council's support of the town's decision to extend the operation of the Chestey and District Memnorial Hospital, recently ordered shut, until the entire closure policy of the ministry has been placed before the legisiature and adopted. Councillor Tom Edwards said "l'd like the operatioîls committce to consider il as if il was we, in the Town of .Whitby, who were threatened with it (closing of a hospital)". "Il mighl; bappen in the Town of Whitby", lie said and added "I'd like the operations' cornflittee to ascertain what effect a Striking custodians are seeking-parity Striking separate school custodians were bargaining yesterday to attempt 10 gain wage parity with public school custodians. The 37-member Lnion decided to strike February 15, after rejecting a separate school býoard offer of $5.1 5 an hour. Separate scbool board custodians earn a base rate of $4.64. Public school board custodians earn $5.38 base rate. which will increase to $6.03 April 1. Separate school custodians began pickettitig Febrtiary 16- Police needmore Durham Region board of police commissioners has asked the region for a budget increase of $1,405,047, or 14.8 per cent over last year's budget. Last week, Tom Jermnyn, chairman of the board, told regi onal -council's finance committee that the increase Sis necessary to maintaini last year's level of service. Last year $7,295,367 was spent, operating the force. Since then, the board, has needed to hire 16 new constables and two -tivilians because annual leave and overtimne have increased, more courts are being opened and more crimes are occurring. ., Mr. Jermnyn attributed nine per cent of the increase to inflation, three per cent to budgetary adjustments and three per cent 10 variation of service Chief Jon Jenkins- said 'A rw~~Y that the department has had EA T H to place priorities on which 3 afitessclas. crimes were investigated a y o Si t . N.cass because il has not been able d. BOs N, to provide the type of service i., Osa wa, wiho it has in the past, he said. is cargd wih -Mr. Jerrnyn said there is nýow a waiting period of 30 to 60 days before some criîninal. investigations are made. Chief Jenkins said that ! h delayed investiga- tions would be cases mnovigiinor thefts and H ealth obcee hoecatis., decision like that would have on the town". Cbesley Council passed the resolution because "the Miniistry of Health lias nôt con1clusiveW denmonstrated that the proposed cntbacks wiIl produce econonmies with- out detriînent to essential heaitb services; the ministry bas flot presented bo the legislature or to the general public a detailed or couipre- henisive hiospital programi; and the propose d closiîig of snaill comrnity hospitals would lead to curtatililient of nec essary hcealth t'acilities pi-. senitly provided anîd woutd mrate serions hardslip iiiitlie comînuili ticstIo lie afl'ected". f igures 10 the comîniiittee tliat showed thiat (lie cost of operating the force was lower on a per-capita basis thian ini any other region in Ontariti. 111n 1975, the per-capita cost was $31I.02 coîupared with ail average per-capîta cost iii Ile eighit o 1lier regions of $86. The increase wvould r aise tuec present per-capita coi b $-33.84. Councillor George Astie (Pickering). chairmian tf ili finance comit t cie. said 11lie coîumiiittee wouild simud Ille b&-agaiate-bd î in about 10 davs. 1 le said 1 lhev wvotld îlot look 1for Ways i10 ette budgeltith01 îtil îliiî! s1vLdy as lo. - ,--*~ *.*,v. - *' . -&.. ~ HIGH SPEED CHASE ENUS IND A high speed police chase last night resulted in the motiier of three children on ber way tc death of a Witby mother and a youth cbarged with crimn- Dead is Mrs. Sandra Kane of 92' mnal negligence causing death. The two car collision occ- Whitby. Ricky Roberts, 177 Nonquon Ri urred at the intersection of Brock St. N. and Chestnut suffered a broken knee and lacerations, about 8.15 p.m. Sources, unconfirmed officially by Reg- criminal negligence causing death. ional Police at press time, say a car being pursued by a Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess Regional Police cruiser collided with a car driven by a

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