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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY,, FEBRUARY 25, 1976, WHITBYFREE PRESS 850-milion contracet Whitby company to designMichigman steel mii Ferrco Engineering Ltd., a ,Witby steêl plant designing comipany, hias won a contract to design a $50 million steel miii in the United-States. The 300,000 ton per year plant will be constructed for North Star Steel Company at Muskegon in western Michigan, the fourth plant designed by Ferrco to. be built outside Canada. Ferrco previously built a 400,000 ton per-year plant for North Star in St. Paul Minnesota. The Muskegon plant which will use electric arc furnaces to produce steel from scrap is- known in the steel industry as a 'market'miii'. Ferrco's president W. J. Shields calîs the market mill *concept an efficient and versatile operation, which can be buit more quickly than the conventional steel mill and for less capital. Since incorporated in 1968, Ferrco hias designed and built st eel milis in Ontario, Engiand, the United States,. Quebec and Nova Scotia, and hias undertaken studies in Asia, Africa, South America and the Middle and Far East. One study for' the Saudi Arabian government resulted in the formation of a Si1 billion steel complex on the Persian Gulf.____ Woodburning or Gas " screens - standard & custom " steel forms " electric logs and heaters A study currently unider way, is looking inito thie possibilities of a large steel operatioii on the Mediter- ranean coast. The planit, oni completion, is 'expected to produce soine 500000 tons of billets per year. Another Ferrco project is a smoke-free guaranta. e 20-year warranty on ail parts e wide selection of sizas and styles a no masonry required You can instail it yourself n one weekend or let us help arrange installation. e Franklins e dampers 0 Box Stoves e accessories 0 pot belly stovas e brick slices and more!1 Just about everything tomake your fireplace the focal point of your home The FirplaoE Plus 900 Hopkins Street at Burns OPEN: Whitby - 668-3192 TrUES. - SATUADAY OUNOAS ST Hwy. #2 c~ o 13UNS STE Ln z z 0 HWYV 401 VISIT OUR SHOWROOMI investigation of estabiishing a steel com-plexC to produce plate for a large Mexican pipe manufacturer, while overseas, thie firm is also studying the expansion and rn oderniza- tion of an lrishi government-- owned steel plant. Ferrco has also been commissioned by the Canadian goverment and the province of Saskatclhewan to explore the opportunities for steel industry development in, ~'senCanada. Verrco Engineering has grown rapidly from 32 to approximately I 50 employees and has worked closely with provincial and federal govern- mients to gain domestic and international markets. While on an Ontario Ministry of Industry and Tourism trade mission in 1973, Ferrco was asked to conduce a feasibility study on a mini-steel plant' in Indonesia. Ferrco Engineering de- signed Whitby's Lake Ontario in 1964, and the companYS office is located in Hopkins Centre in Whitby's industriai park. Boy Scouts*,start Piinewood Derby Marchi A block of wood, somne wheels, nails 'and four axies will be transformed into a Pinewood Derby winner by some lucky Whitby Boy Cub, with a little help frorn his father. ,The annual Pinewood Derby starts on March 1 at Gus Brown Motors on Dundas S t. E. The racing cars are judged for design and speed. Race.s will take place fromn the first to twelfth -of Marchi with pit checks at 6:30 p.m., and the ac-tual racesat 7W0 Winners fromn each pack --will compete in the finals which will be hield on Marchi 13 at the Anderson Street High Sehiool gyniinasîim. The derby xviii follow Scout-Guide Week which is February 22-1-8. This week is conimenorated every year- in honour of' the fomnder-, Baden Powell. * Father and Son Banquets will be held throughout the week and the scouts and their leaders wil participate in church parades on Sunday. There are now over 400 boys iinvolved in movement. 105, seniors sign Up at centre The recreation departmlent is pleased with the response of senior citizens in Whitby to the mrnbership drive for the senior citizens centre. <Cornmunity Services co- ordinator Bob Caspeli reports that 105 seniors obtained rnberships on Monday and Tuesday of last week, and a meeting was hield Tuesday nighit to formi a boatrd of directors for the centre. Unitil the boa rd of' direc tors is ini opera tiQn, Mr. Caspeil requests thiat any einquiries rcg:irding meniber- slhip and activit jes ati the centre shouid be directed to the recreation department office at 668-5803. SAny senior citizens aged 58 or over, retired or not, can become members of the centre and retired persons aged 55 to 57 can also become members. B rass Band flirst at. festi val lTe hitby Brass Band won firsi place in the senior brass band coïnpe tiiion for the second_--conse,-utive year at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto Feb. 20. Tlhirty-five inembers, bot maie and female, aged 12 to 70 received a score of 90 out of 100 at the festival held at Lawrence Park Gbllegia te. The winning piece was entitied Four Seasons,depict- ing the four seasons of tht year. Thie Westoni Silver Band were runners-up with 82 points. The Whitby Brass Band has been asked to play at the celebrity co ncert of stars of the festival to be presented March 7 'at Scarborough College. t . Reid Rusonik wins contest Reid Rusonik. a grade seven student it Dr. Robert Thornlton Sehool was chosen Friday as Whitby's representa- tive in the Durhanm Region Public Speaking Contest hield at Dunbarton Higli School Tue sday. Thiree students each from Dr. Robert Thoraton Schooj, Whitby Senior, Sehool and West Lynde School and two of lte grade eights ait Henry Street High Sehiool cornpeted Friday at the Senior public school who spoke on "Big B3rothers"., The regional final Tuesday was open to.representatives of grade seven and eight classes in both the public and separate sehools of the Durham Region. LA'DIEs! Let us take care of your unwanted hair Permanently - Safely - Pa inlessly SATISFACTION OUARANTIED Ciii now for f ree personalizedi consultation ADVANCED EL ECTROLYSIS PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL for appol-ntment cail RUTH MCGRZ-AW Certif led Electrologist 579-8121 112 Sîmcoe St. N. VINCENT of RO ME HAS CHANGED UTS NAME TO HAIR FASHION- W. feel this modern up-to-date name blonds weIl with our new ACID Ph. BALANCED PERMS which we believe are the perms of the future COSIMO, ROSALIE;- MARY & DEBBY invite you f0 corne &fry both our new perm and our Iatest hoir cutting techniques 102A LUPIN DR. Whitby 668-8591 WE PROMISE TOU AN !XCITING LOOK. I J - . WHI TBY- BRASS BAND ANNOUNCES Openings are now available for new players for the senior bond JOINA FINE ÇQJALITY MUSICAL GROUP WHERE MUSIC COMES FIRSI BUT ARE VERY SOCIALLY AND RECREATIONALLY ORIENTED. REHEARSALS EVERY THURS. 8:00 P.M. AT HEYDENSHORE PAVILLION. INSTRUMENT AND UNIFORM PROVIDED. FOR 'FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT MR. BROWN 668-421I1. Contact Mr,, Brown' 668-4211i For home or cottage, instail a ,eaflikJtor F elo

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