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Whitby Free Press, 25 Feb 1976, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEIéRUARY '25, 1976, PAGE 7 ir ~IJ- Historical Whitby< by Norm Meï As promised last week, we now bring aIl of you date on the latest scores and standings of the West1 Mixed Bowling League. 'feamn Yo-yo's Hot-Shot's Pat's Fat Cats Gutter Crawlers Blood, Sweat and Tears Sweathogs Alleycats Individuals Hijh Single, Betty Hill Flat- Jean Booth Jan Bentley High Single, Betty ~~l Hdcp Jean Booth Jan Bentley High Triple, Barb Holweg Flat Jan Bentfey , Won Lost 3-4 26 34 26 33 27 33 27 31 29 30 30 22 28 Pfp 13 13 10 Poi Il 7 5 315 Ivan Booth 309 Leon Thorburn 306 Mike Bible 356 Leon Thorburn 328 Gerry Schempp 322 Ivan Booth 803 767 Ivan Booth Gerry Schempp aling Jean Bootli 765 Mike Bible High Triple, Barb llolwegC Hdcp Jan Bentley Marlene Short High Average Jeani Booth Barb Holweg Jan Bentley 857 Ivan Booth 842 Gerry Schempp 841 Leon Thorb,îrn 205 Ivan Booth 203 Don Short 202 Mike Bible It inay have escaped your notice, but a recent news up1 .reported o a presentation that officiaIs of thie Oni Lynde of Council relative 1the number of ?HC units t( included in thie new West Lynde Iiirises., It seens the O.H.C. wants thie Council 10 suppor contravention of a Town policy which specifies 5% of irits units ini any developmient cati be given over Io pL 81 lîousing, 2517 of the available iîousing units for pL 81 housing 0o1 a rent-geared-to-incomie basis. 77 As you well imlagine, 1 find this news report 76 interesting. If you recaîl last year's brouhaha over 73 high-rises, you will renîeîîîber te numnerous denial O.H.C. involvemnent in thie buildings. Tliese denials, see Liquor 376 .1offences R 353 338 382 381 376 910 855 Smith here Thursday Ontario's new Liberal Party leader Dr. Stuart Smith r will be in Whitby Thursday to address the annual meeting of the Durham West Liberal Association. Broadbent in Maritimes i Oshawa Whitby 'MP and National NDP leader Ed Broadbent spent part of last week on a tnîp to the Mariý;imes visiting local com- munities and appearing on radio ànd television programs. Mr. Broadbent visited the i Sydney Mines in-Nova Scotia. spoke on the Liberal goverfi- j ment's wage and salary c controls at Glace Bay, and r also made speeches at the a University of New Brunswick Il and St. John High School. ~ Concert March 2 A concert -featuning the iDonevan String Orchestra :1under the direction of Robert IMcCausland will be held UMardi 21 at the Ajax Public Lih)rary. starting at 8- p.m.ý ~lAdmission is free, The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Regal Roomn at the Centennial Building withi a wine and cheese party. Mr. Smith will speak at 8 p.m. increase Thîe Whitby OPP detacli- nient reports an increase this year in the nuniber of persons arrested for liquor offeices while driviîîg. Thirty-five persons were arrested and given a breath- alyzer test as of Feb. I16. These resulted in31I being charged witlî drivLng over 80 nîgs., hwo charges of impaired driving, one of dangerous driving and one of careless driving. 805 the lighit of this latest information, would now seem to be questionable. 910 1 don't want to reclpen this issue because it is dead and 900 the buildings are going up. But 1 say to Mayor Gartshore 856 and Councillors Hobbs, Emm, Carson, Lovelock, Thompson and Edwards, you have a policy to which you have 239 adhered for many years, so follow it now. Don't support 216 the O.H.C. proposaI. They disregarded Council's opinion 209 when they financed the development and, if it is to be 25%7 rent-geared-to-income, let the O.H.C. make that decision without your blessing. Let the O.H.C. and their provincial item masters be solely responsible for the creation of this version itario of Regent Park. îittee ------- ---- --- ----- o be rt Ii On the subject of the West Lynde Community f tlhe Association Executive Elections, 1 chatted briefly wîth two ublic of the nominating committee this week. They knew of no ublic candidates at that point in tirne. 1 arn, therefore, not able 10 informn you of the candidates. ve ry r the - - - - - - - - - - - - - ý- - - - - s of That's it for yet another week. Bye for now and see you en in here in a week's tirne. Continuing with the houses. located ah the corner of St. John and King Streets, we look at a home which is outstanding flot onlyfor the man who lived in it but for the architeet who designed it. The hoLîse, on the northwest corner, was designed in 1913 by C. Hill Tt!rnock, an architect fromi Elkhardt, Indiana, who was an associate of the noted American architect Frank.Lloyd Wright. The house is built in the Chicago style of Frank Lloyd Wright, and is te only exanîple of ils kind in Whitby. Both Turnock and Wright worked- with William Lebýaron Jenney, wlio was the first builder of'skyscrapers in Chicago lIn the early 1900s. From 1913 10 193 1 this unusual house was the homne of George Williami Dryden, registrar of deeds for Ontario Couffty. George Dryden was a miember of an illustrious Whitby family, the mieînbe'rs of which made considerable contribu- tions 10 the community over a period of more than I125 yea rs. His fatlier was James Dryden, a former reeve of Whitby -Township, and prornoter of banks and railways in the area. His brother was tlie Hon. John Dryden, minister of Agricuilture for the Province of Ontario froni 1890 to 1905. George Dryden was born on the family farm, "Maple Shade", on the seve'nth concession of Whitby, east of Tiiickson Rond, on Feh. 3. 1844. He was the second sonl of Jamnes Dryden, and liis piollier was thie daughiter of lsrael Marsh, a noted pioneer Baptist niinister ii W'hitby. CI Mr. Dryden received his early educatioti near Brooklin and at the Whiitby Granîniar Sehool which stood on the sitq of the former Coiborne Street Sehiool, and also at Bryant and Stratton College at Buffalo N.Y. ý He waslin business for a short ime, but on June 5, 1897, hie was appointed as registrar of Ontario County, a position he was to hold for 34 years.* He was stili going to work at the age of 87, and seldorn missed a day at'tlîe office. For many years Mr. Dryden was an active worker in' the Methodist Tabernacle, now St. Mark's United Church, and served as class leader and superintendent of the Sunday School*. Sinïce Church Union in 1925, lie was a member of the Whitby United Church Session. Mr. Dryden married 'Bessie J. Laudon of Toronto and had two daughters, Adeline and Lula, and a son, Harold who died before his father. Mr. Dryden lived 10 be 87 years old, dying on April 9, 1931. He was buried in Union Cemetery, following a funeral attended- by the local member of the Ontario Legisiature and representatives of Ontario County. The home remained in the possession of the -Dryden fanîly unitil 1967 when it was sold. i i D RYDEN HOUSE ANNUAL MEETING Durhamn West Liberal Association Regal Room, WhitbyCentennial Centre Centre St. South, Whitby Thursday, February 26th, 197Q Wine and Cheese Party at 7 p.m Annual Meeting ai 8 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER - Dr. StuartSmith newly ,elected leader of the Ontario Liberals MAKE YOUR HOME MORE LIVABLE WIIiIA Renioel your kitchen or badwroom Cali or vuit Our iowrooun Sfree estimate mITHL 'BROTHERS Building, Supplies Ltd- a

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