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Whitby Free Press, 3 Mar 1976, p. 1

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The Whitby'- Psychiatric Hospital witl have to cut back its services by 200 bcds and 5 5 staff bv April 1 . according to Ministry of Hcalt h guide- lines announced Ïast wcek. Hospital Administrator Milton J. Fisher hias emplia- sized that the staff cati be cut baclZ through attrition--bynot reptacing employees who retire or leave votuntarily-- and there will be no layoffs. Ilowcver, hc said, the reduction in staff witl put a straîn on the hospital's programîuning. The Ministry of Healthi, as *part of its hospitat cutback program, has ordered the psychiatric hospital to reduce its 704 beds to 504, and its staff frorn 840 to 785. Also, the hospital's operat- ing budget hias been trirnmed by $13,100 to $13,059,400 for 1976. The hospital was aware since December that ciutbacks would bccomning and is pre- sently in the process of reor- ganizing its structure iI1to smalter units. This was to be compte ted' by April 1, the same date set by the Ministry of Health for the cutbacks to go int9) operaion. Mr. Fisher said that the cutbacks will not be as rapid and severe as in other hospitals in the province because of an austcrity policy which bas been in operiition at the, hospital for more than a year, and the current reorganiza- tion.' The Whitby Psychiatric Hlospital serves a catchnient arca of 6,000 square miles, consisting of the former counties of Ontario, Durham and Victoria, and parts of CUTS PBEDS Scarborougli East York anid resulting saving in costs wMl North York. The average aniount to $233,850, says bed occupancy, rate in 1975 the Ministry of Health. guidelines set by the province. A provincial order to cut back service at the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy- General 'Hospital by 25 beds will result iii some staff lrayoffs, says, Hospital Admninist ratorJohn Kunetsky. -The hospital learned Friday that, 25 of the hospital's 89 beds are to be put out of service and there will be a ine per cent cut in its 1976 budget. The R)E)i The 'bcd reduction will affect ail services, said Mr. Kunetsky, and a series of meetings is being held this, week by the board of govern- ors and the medical staff to assess the situnation. Mr. K(unetsky said it wilI take about a week to assess the impact of the 25-bcd cu'back, and could flot make any definite staternents until the meetings are -held. He was- unable at, this time to predict hôw many staf*'would be laid off. He indicated however that there will have to be some reduction in su'pplies to the hospital. The Dr. Ruddy Hospital is a 100-bcd facility, but about three or four years ago the number of beds in use was rcduccd to 89. Mr. ,Kunetsky said lie was flot sure if the provincial instructions for a 25-bcd r-duction, was based on 100 or 89 bedls, and some other mattershad to-be clarificd by the board. Vol. 6-No. 9 Wednesday, March 3, 1976 16 Pages N ew Li*beral leader Smfth aUtacks hosiil Recently elected Ontario Liberal leader Dr. Stuart Speaking in the, Regal Room of the Centennial Building, Smith accused the provincial goverriiieft of creatiflg a Whitby, Dr. Smith also criticiz.-d regional government for "terrible mess"'I of the hospital sYstemn in the province, at taking power from. small municipalities and setting up the Durham West Liberal Association annual meeting on bureaucracies, Ilursday. Free Press-Photo by Mike Burgess .aisy by JACKIE ROTH The hospitat systemi in Ontario is "in a terrible mess"ý,- and the ruling Progressive Conservative gov- ernrnent is trying to cover this mess "behind a smnoke- screen of restraint", accord- ing to Dr. Stuart Smith, Ontario Liberal leader. Speaking at the Durham West Liberal Association annual meeting at the Cen- tennial Building on Centre St. S., Dr. Smnith held thc Conservative govertnmcnt res- ponsible for allowing a "hopelcss hospital system to grow with nio direction or planning". Dr. Smith was elected to his position ianuary, follow- ing Robert Nixon's resigna- tion. Dr. Snmith said that whien there are too many hiospital bedls the doctors will put too many patients in themn. He said the only way to cut costs would be to decrease the number of beds. "In this way we agree with the governmen t", Dr. Smnith said. Ile cited the hospital ini Hanover as, "a great example of ovcr4ýuilding". Ile condemned the govcrnment for being "phoniey" by closing down hospitals in the naine of restrafint. Dr. Smith said that govcrnmnent should "face up to mistakes", and cut beds in hospitals in 1-anover, Chesley and Durhani instead of closing entire buildings. "The governmiient doesn't semn to care", lie said. Dr. Smith said that the head of' the hospitat in Goderich heard on his car' radio Christmas Eve that the hospitat was closing down, leaving several people out of jobs. "1 attacked the health minister on that and hie calted me a vutture. 0f course 1 called hlm a bubonie plaque. I think hie really needed a rest", 'ýDr. Smith said. ;tem He said that the govern- mient has adopted a strategy of pretense. He said that they act tough, liard and uncaring because "we nccd a governn1cent for the times. lt's a fraud". Dr. Smith said. lHc also criticized the New Deniocratic Party for being. dishionest. He said thiat the NDP is against alt cuts. "They go around to att hospitals and say that if they wcrc in governiment there would be no cuts", lie said. Dr. Smith said the NDP would say instead that they would raise corporation taxes and -.;ationalize minerais. "That's a form of govcrn- ment I don't want"lhe said. Under an ND)P govrrinment, Dr. Smith said, there would be no roomi for free enter- prise or'ie nmiddle class. He said that thc NDP say thcy're for restraint but won't admit that people have to lose jobs. "Wc can't afford a party tike that", le said. Dr. Srnith criticized health ininister Frank Mutler for not giving explanations for closing hospitals. Dr. Smith said that, ' hcn questioned, Mr. Miller rcplicd, "If you guys don't stop bothering me, I'm going to cati a press conférence". Dr. Smith was incredulous that Mr. Miller, " 4as a thrcat" would cait a press conférence to explain liis actions. Dr. Smith said that if the Liberals. were in power they would make sure the public understood hospital ctosings He said the comînunities would even be invotved in sonie decision making. Dr. Smith said lie wants "to govern, in a moder-- ate way". He said, "we are very encouraged that we can win in ridings not Liberat". Dr. Smith was convinced the Liberals woutd take the Dufiam West riding next election. He concluded his address by saying, "'Ne can win the next election". . -MINISTR7Y ýmw oi

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