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Whitby Free Press, 10 Mar 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESU'AY, MARCH 10, 1976, ýWHTBY FREE PREf Br&1in ~ Byline s op - m If you should be passing hhro' Raglan on Sal. March l3îhi try and miake il around 4:30 p.nî ...and then drop in at the Raglan United Church. For in the Christian Education Building you will find *a-delicious hol casserole supper being served, The rneals xill start at 4130 and carry on until ail have been served. Admission will be $3 for adulîs and $1 for children up to 12 years. Tickets will be sold aI the door and everyune is welcorne. Any inquiries then call 655-3348. 'd just miake sure you are up there! Whitby Dist. Cub packs have been having sume fun just lately. They have been 'taking part in the Pinexvoud Derby..the finals of xvhiclixvill take place at Anderson Collegiate on Marchl 3th. Each night secs different packs finding their top three boys bohh in the Speed contest and in the design contest. On March 4th our own 2nd Brooklin Cubs held their trials down aI Cus .BrQwn Môtors. Winners in the spced were Larry Maarse, Joseph *Mlcahy and Danny Forbes. In the design, xve have Tony Seheuffler, David Cryils and Paul Van Sehyndel. Con- gratulations boys and god luck on March 131h. Ist Broolin Cubs xill be holding their oxvn next Sat., the l3th when they go running arounid the iuwn picking Up ail the newsprint that YOU wiil have very kindly put out for themn. Don't forget thai it is newsprint Iat the boys v --mmmmRqm6 BROOKLIN O NTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 Ad POOERNMENT INSPECTID BLADE BOMELESS ROASTl9 Lean - Meoty - Cut from the Chuck BLADE STEAKS 79'i Lean Meaty Cofttage Ro>ls Short Rib Roast Maple Leuf49 894 LB CRVOVAC HALVES l Fr-shly iiod Leen -WeII Timmend -Stox Stle Swfft's GROUND ç fl MS CO _ A CHUCK lb. . 1.28c 6-oL Pig. 1.9 c BON"N" SERVE EVEISWEET -RINDLESS7 SWIFTF REMIUM SWN BREAKFAST SwltSusme BACON STRIPS 8-aLPFbg 89 c . 49c i.e1.29 c NO. 1 Red Brand Steer Boef SlDES'97" lb. HUNDS $1.18 Ibo CGNVERTED- LONG GRAIN 2-Lb. Feabe" CONDENEED 140z. Rkce umw ss . $09Eagle MiIk 79c PRUPICEO69C- MCORMCK'sASSOTED D$:'SER TOPING4-De Pbg Candi e o pk. 59c Dream Whip 73c ADOLPIIS - INSANT MEAT 3'I,- o leti . ED. SMITH 191 FI. OzTi Tenderizer 49c Cherry me.na.. 69« 40%MOE REI 3. F. z.St. M NSON' DLF. z.Cent Sccm si,89 STATFREE 8 Ls Scope$1089 MINI PADS Bay viis REGULAR S17a P4ofaM8b9C DOUB E 11- TAINLI.SS Fbg. of à Head & Shoulders $1S ~i@9 Schick Blades 79« 1SNHIEFRqEsH PiRoor là-MR cfla UC * -oic. Ouallty Clvr OU ALe CHOUCE 'Île ps P E A S Potatoos 12 FL 0 INS it FL Dz TINS 1 i .. DZTINS 77 34 CHOICE OSWE ITTED 14 Fi. Oz. Tin F RED m____IE 0 ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS $1.of7 SSED VARETIES CANAA NITE PIES S-ozPkgi.~ ~ CAAA-N.1W IELIOUID 2 Lb. Jar SWIFT 120x.fn BULLY BE~ PREM 1 HONEY 934 Luncheon Ment 79 E.D. Smith FLAIIFO W41TE AISACORE 'nO Ti *m.pborry or Struwberry (LOVER LEAF JAM 9 o. 594 TUNA 3c PIANUT BUTTER 7<c INSTANT 14L.,,Cent. mmomm s $115 SOAP Bath i, Su COFFIE CSEAMEII 160z. Jw IORDE'S cREMLE 1" 7~~~U17-AT Mrs. Smths - Frozen High Linr - Frofln APPLElst PIE Bhfh 2"1. . » l ATTru .14"w. Pie 994 8 5c Sera Loo - Frozon Cokes 121/aC&.Sx $109 wuU mm MnuR IaNflTTO UNIOUANflIU OPN SIX FLAiS'A WEIK S,, ....6 Fi.. 3 IGDAYS. Thn r .,Mur il Sat.o Mur 13 CORRECTION Browll's Foodmaster ùC last week, stated incorrec the price per pound of si of beef at 79 cents it sho have read 97 cents. apologize to aur readers. the customers of Bro'y Foodmaster for any inc vience this error may fi caused. *BLOOD t. . ..............,. . r BROWN'S FOODMASTER rnori..or mexiw.. arume 5 4 Large TOMATOES 95w z No. 1 Grade Ontarlo Snow White MUSHROOMS ."9'4b. Bradford Marsh No.d 25" CARROTS 2 lb. JMa J xvant and Ihat iti should bc lied ncaily. Il shuuld also bc put oui before ) a.n.liacli monlh, I sec otue or lwo bondies ihal have obvîously becn put1 oui aficr te boys have donc ihat sireet. As 1 cannul give you a liime Ihal your street wilî be donc, 1 suggest fIhat you have lheni outI before 9..which is the lime thalt he boys gel starte*(,d. Taîkin' of putling oui. Are you slarting lu îhink uof Iha I seiasonal occupatlion that sceems Io gril) us aI 1his limie of year? -Ini other words..arc you on b lite spring cleaning, yel? If you have any objecis Ihai are no 1good lu yuu, but still have some life in ihemi, then you miay bc in îeresled in the fact tha i Anderson (bilegiale is lookîing for sucit 'treasure'. You sec they are going 10 hiold a MAYI)AY AUCTION on Sat.- f st May that will run l'or te witole day. They are trying lu raise mioney for the extra curicular sports prograrn run ai the school. They would be very grateful indeed for articles that they can use ... be hey old or new', made, baked, grown, or found ...and îhey do have storage available so that they can 'take the stuff off your hands straight away. For furîher information eall the school between 9 a.n'Ê and 4 p.m. - 668-5809. StilI wiîh the schools. The first general meeting of the Meadowcrest Parents Croup will be tonight at 8 p.rn. in the sehool gym. AIt parents are welcorne 10 hear the guesi speaker..Mrs. Marion O'Donnell. If you gel the paper on Wed., and are a parent of a child at Meadowcrest, il could be 10 your advantage to eiber go along this evening, or at least call 655-3964 and find out whai the Group is ail about. The latter suggestion could also be good for those who get ibis paper tou laie lu attend tonighi's meeting, but would like tu find out when the next one will be. And don't forget that St. Leo's Sep. Sehool xviii be holding their Skate-a-thon Ibis Fridax' aI the Bruoklin Memorial Arena starting aI 9:45 a.m. The pupils at the sehool are trying ho raise money for a mission that thex' AT ýJ;«)îtj n-ý:îr lei elrïi filivi coul ribote lu, and also muney l'or Ihose end of year scho trips. YOU stili have lime lu give your support by sponS( ing une of (ihe children. Cail the school 655-3852. AI call lte scititl if' yuu would like io offer your lime as cltecker Cooud Iiuck I l aicheskater .I 1hope you rai lte tuney ltaI i en ed. "lite Kinuvet Rcbekah Ludge is hiolding a euchre c Vn. 1 21lh Mardi al ilite Oddiluows Hall in Brooki suarling ai 8 p.n. 1Everyte is welcumne lu corne along ai juil) in flite iin. Prizes antd I inchecon are part of ti evenutiig's enterl'fitlTmen t. "lite Bruoklin i tiach uoflte Whi tby Public Library wv ite litel-iitg 1l keep flite young lit(>iday miakers happy durit (lite winler break. 1..very afl'ernuon, froni 2:30 lu 3:3 ihere wili be suite Irm uof' amusement. Details aclivilies wili be in the colimn nexi wcek. Up in Ashbirn, ort Wed. March 241h, between 2 an 4:30 p.mi., Ihere wiii be a Bicycle Safeîy and RepairClin for tue 7 i.. 2 yr olds. The safely aspect wili be dealt wi in a very ciable manner by Constable Bey Craham the Durham Regional Police --rce. And giving advik with demionst rations, on repairing your machines wifl Murray Robertson uf the Brooklin Pro-Ilardware Stoi Tickets for Ibis very interesting work shup cost 25 cer ....yes, 25 cents!..and are obtainable. aI the Ashbu Ceneral Store and the aforemenlioned Pro-Hardware Stc in Brooklin. Transportation is available for those Brook] Children who need il..caîl 655-3348 lu make arrani ments. Apart frum the advice and hints Ihat the childri can obtain, there xiii also be a Safety Quiz with priz( door prizes and refreshments. What more could you ask f 25 cents on a Wed. afternoon? And there is still time to book those chiocolate East goodies Ihat the Mothers Aux. of our local Guides ai Broxvnies groups are seiling to raise funds for the gi camping trips and outings. Cali Mrs. Laxvson aI 655-4168 Mrs. Hill at 655-4822 befo March 26th. Coud news this summer. three tennis courts are tu * put up at the arena!!! Ten loyers should be able bt themn in JULY this year. got thal from the Recreati Dept..nd being as cyni as i am,. 1 double checked t s * year, and was assured thal was 1976 that the cou wouid be usuable. Hold on those racquets..the age miracles hasn't ceased! AT A GLANCE! i- FR1. 1l2th MAR. TANG~ Skate-a-thon, Brooklin Ae 9:45 - 11:45 a.m. Support Crystais and volunteers eall 655-385 4 X ,ýe, Pkls.FR1. l12th MAR. Ashburn Comnuniiy Cen euchre sîarting at 8 p.m. 11009 FRIR 2 MAR HOUSE IDIDPAPIERIlh e , O d e l s H ROYAlE ewelcome. TOWELS pAT. rie3th MAR. securely and oui befi SP 9 a.mn. le9 THURS. l8th MAR. Direclors meeting of 1 à, Brooklin Sprinig Fair Boa ASSORTEDVA6TE Brooklin Comi-unity Cen DLOG at 8p.m. THURS . I8th MAR. F O O DAnnual meeting of the Ont, County Humnane Socie municipal building at 8 p.rr 2 9 M. 22nd- MàAR

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