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Whitby Free Press, 31 Mar 1976, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 31. 1976. WHITBY FREE PRESS Ualtb Voîce of the County Townl SERVINO OVER 28,000 READERS r Mike Burgess ~ssistant Editor - Blake Purdy 1,.ommunîty Editor - Brian Wintcr Publishcd cvcry Wednesday VTI ~ ~ ( by M.B.M.publishing .1. ~ ~ ~and PhotOgraPhy Ic The Froe Pross BuildingJ 121 Birock Street North, Pulisher-Mva..c.6... Editor. WhilbyOtro AssstntuifEditýor - Jirn Quai Poduton Manager-arie BurgeSs DoisavAdetisEing Majinger - Prodution anag robMain Burges Classîf ied Ad Manager - Marlene ByrOfin Circulation Manager -- Sharon Lyon Box 206, Whitby. Keystone Cops? Brooklin's mini water crisis last weekend proved once again that under that wonderful provincial creation, regionoil governifent, the right hand does flot know what the. left hand is doing. Whitby's councillors Gerry Emm and Bob Carson were more than surprised that the region appeared to know notliing of the auxiliary well on the seventh concession and had neyer maintained or serviced it since the region took over water services in ianuary 1974. A regional water spokesman says, however that the region is quite aware of the well and does flot consider it an alternate suppiy for Brooklin because of minimal pressure and volume and poor quality. It seerns there is no communicatioln between the regional departmnents and the local and even regional couincillors. A thorough exarnination of Brooklin's water facilities is required, îiot only to update the equipment which is badly ini need of modernization. but also to get al parties concerned into a position where they are fully acquainted with the system so that I 6-hour delays without water ean be avoided. The fire department was much concerned about being unable to supply adequate water in case of emergency, while councillors had to show regional works men where to find a disused pumping station, --one that the region had already determined neyer to put into service or maintain, but neyer told the local council. Sounds a little like the Keystone Cops, doesn't it? Bill Pilkington Ex-chief feels station closing "a matter EDITOR'S NOTE: Fol- lowing is a copy of a letter sent to The Chairman and Members of the Durham Regional Board of Commissioners Reader pleads': Dear Sirs: While attending council meeting Feb. 23, 1 found the discussion and comn- ments on the proposed artificial Rink/Pond, which was to be con- structed along with the new Municipal Building on Rossland Road, were very informative. 1 was amazed to hlear Counicillor Thonipson propose, althoý-igh tliere was no mnoney àvailable in the budget that money could be made available from our lot levies. 1 arn opposed to financing this project from lot levy reyenue at this time. The policy applicable to lot levy revenue should be res- tricted for the benefit of hard-core services such as road reconstruction, bridges, sewer and other improvefients. I simply believe that we have directed too much of our lot levy money int major reereatioflal projectÉ. of Police. Gentlemen: Lt is a matter of grave concern to myself and, 1 arn sure, to many residents of the Towni of 1 arn also opposed to this adventurous project at the presen t lime because the Rink/Pond is too si-nall (approxirnately 100 ft. x 100 ft.) in relatioci to the cost andl will provide entertain- ment for so few people in sLich an Otit-of-thie-wa,,y area o>f town. I also believe that we surely can direct this m(>ney to a much more w(rtllwlile project when the rnoney becornes availabte. 1 wonder if Councillor Thompson has seen, for examfple, a Saturday per- formnance at "Willow Park" and seen the evident lack of facilities, lack of ice, and misuse of facilitics for her consti- tuents in the Corridor Area, who can't use the ice pad because there is no supervision. Should we not be more reasonable by first trying to improve our existing park facilities rather than building another park at a much higher cost to the Whitby thiat it is your intention to close our Police Station. 1Thiis building is a functional and complete police facility. The Joy taxpayer anid sornething that we can't afford in this tune of restrainit by omir Governrnents? So, rnay 1 sugagest to Councillor JoyThioflil)so01i the $1 7,000 dollars spen t oni lantdsc-ipi-î is a dlrop iin the iucket iii relation to the cost of mainite- niance and employing several peois by the toxvi1 to adrninist:,r your project. This cost spread over a number of years aînoi(>ts ?'o many thous- and dollars, as wages an-d beniefits don't remînin constant! Corne down to earth Councillor Thompson be- fore it's too late! After- ail, there are many ways 1 could spend $139,000 beside building Rinks and Re-.lecting Ponds! Yours truly, D. D. Stewart, 186 Meadow Rd., Whitby to be uised, flot only as a "lock Uip" for local prisoners, but also for those awaiting tiiaI by the courts in the Cou nty Court Building wbSiùoh lacks adequate security facilities. The cost of construction was only one-tenth that of the Oshawa station which is claimed to be the finiest (albeit the niost expen- sive) piece of police hardware on the c-)nti- nent. Two funictional stations could have been built for the saine price. Thc Whitby building calIi(,)t licconipared with that at Ajax which wvas niercly a Police "office" and did not provideaccess to the pubilic on a 24- hour basis. To use the excuse that "only a few Ijeople visit the station" as a reason t() close it down indicates that you mnay have been ilI advised. - how many, indeed, visit the Pickering station on Highway No 2? and are you consideriflg closing it down? Lt is a recognized fact of law enforcenielit that citizens in a cornniity are the beSt 4"eyes and ears"I of a force. Lt is necessary, therefore, that the public get to know their Officers and have confidence in their inte- grity and ability. This can only be accomplished, of grave as our Mayor has pointed out, by a "Police presence">1 in the towni. Persons are understand- ably "turnied off" froin giving inforrmationi if they ar.C asked to confide iii a stranige voice on the other end of the tçe- phonie lne iii ani adjoini- ing City. This town is growing dramiatically aiid I suggesi that it would make mnore sense to bring a complete staff back to the Whitby buildinig rather thaii expectinig to police the town from 1ianothier miiii cipality. 1 subniit thiat il is contrary to aIl conitem- porary Law eniforcei-keni thinikinig to reinove p)olicc Dear Sir: Finch Avenuie E-Ms Public Schiool ini Willow- dale is having their 25th Schiool Reunion on May 1, 1976. We woulid very much like to reach al former teachers and sttvieits living in your area. There will be an Open House from 1 :00 to 4:-.00 p.rn. and a Dance from 7:00 to 11:00 p'.m. Music (and friends!) will be frô*m the 50's and 60's and the school would like to see as many former students and teachers as possible.' Please pass the concern 1. services further away frorn the residents of this town. We would all regret a i eterioration inii law 1enforcernent to the iextent that it would be considered "iniadequate" *for, as you know, the *Police Acts provides very drastie alternatives. 1, therefore, exhort you t to reconsider your decision -and leave our town with a police stationi. ýi Yours most sincerely, -William Pilkington, t (former Chief of Police- i- Whitby) t R.R. No. 2 e' Whitby Finch reunion mer schoolmiates. Any- one who lias any olé photographs, crests, etc or names and addresse4l of former students aic teachers is asked tocon tact Mrs. Carole Brand at 416-225-2714 or tht Finch Avenue Eas Public School. Thank you very muci for your help in thi matter. Carole Brandt, Finch Reunion Committee "Corne down to earth" 1 Mailing Permit No. 2941 Phoile 668-6111: Toronto Line 282-1004 Published every Wednesday .au@-.m - - - -

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