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Whitby Free Press, 31 Mar 1976, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WE DNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS Çklin ~ B unes. 1 guess we sliould star t with a big thank you to thosc firemnen & hydro men, who worked last Sunday to rostore our water supply. 1 don't know about you - but it is at times like this that I realise how mnuch water 1 Lise - even on a Sunday! Once again - tlhanks to ail of you that restored the water in limie for the Monday rushi! By the way have you sîarted your Spring cleaning yet'? If so - have you a great doal of odds and ends to throw out? Don't dump il in the garbage - & don't despair of finding a new home for it. 1 have the feeling we've miore sales that require donations, thuan objects to be donated. Let's see if we can set thiings out. Newsprinl and returnable pop and beer botties can bec put out, before 9 a.m., on Saturday the I Othi April for the 1 st Brooklin Cubs. Thie boys will bc doing their nmonthly roundup on tihat date in order to raise funds for thieir activities. Rememiber pieuse, to tie uip the newsprint securely. Good used clothiing can be dropped off ut the Christian Education Building, United Church iii Brooklin any day now upto the 27th. On that date the U.C.W. ladies will pack il up and send it to where it is required the nmost. This is a good chance to clear out those closets & drawers. Once again you have tip to the '27thi April to niake miore room for your new surniner wardrobe! The KIng of Roasts para', 6t1, ond 7th Riba STANDING RilaROAST lb Thick Cut - Juicy - WeiI Taimmed RIB STEAKi 781 Fresh Groumi Hamburg BYTH7*E PuECE - LAN F- ,aisi.,.q - Ct j. t he N.Ch.., PEAMEAL BACK BACON Lean lnde End Portions "..69 Steaks 89 Centre Portions lb i79stas 89c Special Lazy Maole 1/ semi-boneles IAMS 1..79-b o. Re BrndBeef Store Cut & Wrapped .281& Hinds 1.15 Sides 97 e e - e MAX WELL HOUSEs$1.49 STAPFORD 19 FL OZ.715 APPLE PIE FILLING 69C BRRCEO 11.511 84 FL OZ. CON?. DOWNY FwkS.fmmw .39 FRESH PRODUCE Sweet Juicy Sunkk." Navel Orange S Doz. 890 Ontario Grown No. 1 MushroomS Lb.89"~ Ontario Smith Brand No. iTable Potatoes 20 Lb. sack $. STOt Nuits OPEN six LAYS A WEIK S.-30*a. - 6 p... UXCWT THOMS & FRIl Books, china, ornaments, loys, furniture, appliances can be sent to anyone of three groups looking for donations to their money raising schemes. l'Il list thomi in order of dates - you can unake the final choice. On April 23rd ut 4 p.m. the Ist Brooklin Cubs, are holding a garage sale ut Il Vipond -- just, across frorn Meadowcrest Schiool. And if the nicer weather we've been enjoying somîe days, niakos your thouglis turn to gardening, thoen l'Il poîint Ã"ulthal you'll gel a chance 10 buy sorne plants ut this sale. The f'ollowîing day, April 241h, secs a "Grandmiotlher's At tic Sî'le" - open 10 aIl not just grandmnothers! lt will be held ut the United Chiurch I laîl in Brooklin betwoen 1 0 a.mn. and 12 110011. Donations can be made by caîling Siola Maarse ut 655-4591 . And nu, 1 havoî't mako a mnistake -- it is the saine Shielu whio is also collecting (or arranging for collection of donations) for Anderson May Day Auction. So miake sure when you caîl hore tIjat you stale which sale it is that you arc supporting! But one thing is certain -. you have plenty of' options as to whcere youî unîoad your castoffs - and you have pleny (of' opportunities 10 replace themi with somieoncelcscs castoffs- by uttcnding une of tiiese sales!!! Should bo fun. 1 know su11nlrer is com1ing --1 Ihad a cal today from the Carrard Rd Minor Lacrosse Association. 0K you guys --put away thiose hockey sticks & ska tes! 1lt's time lu chiange over. And youI- and the girls also - can enroîl for this season lacrosse by going over 10 the Brooklin Arena on Saturday April 3rd between Il u.mi. anîd 2 p.mi. or if you are lied UI) on that day, you can go on Monday April 51th between 6-8 p.mi. Once again the Ass. are offering one of the cheapest registration focs-- $5 a single or $8 for a famnily! Not bad, ch!' the G.R.M.L.A. is open t0 aIl those aroas nol cuverod hy organized lacrosse gaines -- placeslike Columbus, Raglan, Port Perry etc. And this year tlhey are hioping for BALADA ORANGE PESOS KIg. of Sc ITEA sj115 BACS AISfOBTECD 4". 4dMP Chun Kings Dioeners .29 CHINA ULY 3 I. O.. 1*45 CINA ULY 1I. 0l2O.Tin LSPROUTs 35 c TOP BREED GOURMET2-' Ban DOG $149 DINNE R BUGLES pachRo GereuiaIMîllis f Snacks6 ALUMINUM POIL .l.25' Reynolds 89 PURE OHOCOLAfE DAVID 69". Biscuits- 8.8 oz. 3BIG DANS 1 , Sant. April more North Ward players as they are planning more games for the Brooklin Arena. Also they are hoping for a Junior girls team to add to the Senior qyiris leumn they organized last year - long wilh the Junior Cheerleuders. So girls ils up to you gel in there & register - they are waiting for you! lt's nover 100 late" as the old saying goes, and for the first lime we have an invitation from the women's Instituto here in Brooklin. What is the Womnen's Institute? Well I found out Ihat il was originally starîed 10 help gel young mothers lied downi with young ciîdren 10 gel out of thee bouse once in awhile. And if you are a young, middle or older miother, with or wîhout children aI home, thon you arc invited 10 drop in ut the nexî W.i. meeting which wiII be hoeld April 21 st ut the Brookiin Comnmunity Contre aI 2 p.rn. Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday of every monlh (save for tlhe two summonr rmonlhs of Juiy & Auguist). And do bring your children along - don't feel Ihal you can'l. AT A G LANCE. THURS. Ist APRIL - 8 p.m., Conimunity Centre- Brookîin Sprinig Fuir Board-- Directors meetijig, SAT. 3rd APRIL - G.R.N.L.A. Registration for new season ut Brookîin Arena between 11 a.m. & 2 p.m. MON. Sth APRIL - G.R.M.LA. Registration ut Brooklin Arena betweeni 6 and 8 p.m-. MON. Stlh APRIL - Croup 74 - 8 p.m., ('un- munity Centre --general meeting. Ail welcome. SAT. 101h APRIL Ist Brooklin Cubs, Puper & -BROWNý'S FOODMASTEI BROOKLIN ONTARIO -c...bu Và due. factI@o SWIFT'S CANNED ILBR COOKERD REFRIGEA;<,TMeattyme H *-, aM Dinne.'Relis Hot Cross Buns *3.2 9 1 801 Pq.4 7 ciPkg.of 66c»9c PAI p s PRI' F Pse -Product of Australia getable Jlce -491i 2 Rail Pkg. POWDERED HEAVY DUTY GLAD FA B GARBAGE Detorgom t BACS 10.95 I79 CLUB HOUSE BLACK 4-OZ. CONT PEPPER 899 MouTffWASH & OARGLE LISTERINE' FL Or. Bd.5« SPRAY ON CLEANER CONOITIONER 70. A.,mol THE TANNERY sl.29 RUPERT FROZEN HOME STYLE 12.0r. Pg. Fish Cokes 519c RIO FROZEN CHOICE 15.0t. Pkg. Strawberris 595 SIJPREME FROZEN t-Lb . Kenel cm 89c W. r0er*ý the liuht t*--0 i 5 'VE'yAT -NOMIA HRL Botile i)rive- belure 9 a.m. WED. 2Ist APRIL - W.l. meeting, 2 p.m. ut Brooklin Community Centre. AIl weîcomne. FR1. 23rd APRIL - i st Brooklin Cubs Garage Suie aI 4 p.m. ut il Vipond. SAT. 24th APRIL - Grundmoîhers Aîîic Sale, Brooklin United Church beîween l0 am and 1l.noon. Must close once ugain. Trust you ail survived the winîer txeuk! Won't ho long floW & you'll have the chi1dr--n kJ re for the surnîier! DJ ! iheur a groan - or îwc! Keep the calis coming in & tili next week - tuke cure. LIZ 655-3750. OHS called -1,398 times During 1975 the Whitby" branch of the Ontario 1-umnane Society answered a total of 1 ,398 cails, eighl of those emergency calis ufter 9 p.m. A total of 278 dogs were ubandoned, 205 were im- pounded and 100 were eventually destroyed. The Whilby brunch îered 228 cals and miscellaneous animiais. shiel- 135 A total of 96 tickets were issued. During Februury of this year 1 29 calîs were unswered, one of those un emiergencyJ caîl ufter 9 p.rn. A total of 1 3 dogs were abundoned, 25 were im- pounded and six were destroyed. The Whilby branch shel- lered 25 cals and 10 mniscelluneous animais. Fîve tickets were issued during Ihe imonth. RV I ' RIII Despite increasing in- terest in solar energy, its ,development is stilli n the formative stages. Surely the use of solar energy will grow, but the pace at which t does will depend upon availability of alternative sources of energy and.the speed with which techno- logical and storage prob- lems are overcome. and costs reduced. 1< i NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 cul PROM 1*4E C*4UCK o w a e Ri & 9 6 c BRming Mibs lb. 78'v GREEN GIANT IN TOMATO SAUCE KRAFT SMOOTH NIBLTS LBBYSPEANUT KERNEL CORN BEANS BUTTER BUD C&a ý 2F.O.TnWITH PORE -14 I O. 714 3ILI.AR U D 3 9 3 7c s2.1U5 CKIE ROASTED 2FFEEPRO Thurs. April 1 w

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