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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 10

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PACE APRIL 1976, BROUWER'S SPRING GARDENING g ard en tal k by SaIIy Brouwer LANDSCAPING MMMkMPL A N S CAPING Landscaping is the word we use to sum up ail the things we do to make our outdoor environmient more healthy, beautiful and livable, and at the be- ginning of a new gardening year again we can, with a littie extra thought, enjoy the* most wonderful hobby of growîng a bit more. It is well known that John Brouwer does landscaping - we also want to make it weIl known that we enjoy planning your garden, and then you do the workl How do you start? Where do you begin? PLANSCAPING.. lt is a lot easier ta revise a plan than a planting. Even if you want help with the planning, you have to decide a few basic things for yourself - what kind of family are you? Do you want a plan for your foundation plainting at the front of your home, or a patio area for relaxation, dining, barbecuing, sun- bath ing, or a pool area screened by natural plantings from your neighbours, or a play area for your pre- school children, or a flowe-r-bed because you love floral arrangements, or a vegetable garden because you are great at preparing for your feezer and pick- ling, and so on and sa on. If, in two years' time you plan on a pool, do not plant a shade tree that will have ta be moved etc. etc. If you have a plot plan with your house and gar- den shown, sit down and pencil in different areas for different activities . ... considering your life changes and the growth of your children as vmll. Plans can be worked over a period of years, so that if mbney is a problem. yau can work away at what you can afford, but always working towards your final goal. Yau can now corne down ta the Garden Centre and say this is what we want and where, but 1 have no idea* how to plan the evergreen, or the shrub bed. If we are extremely busy, yau mîght have ta, leave this with us for a day or two - but when you return we will go over the whole plan with you, take yau through the shadehouse ta see the different evergreens or shrubs that have been recommended, and take you along our large evergreen plantings, sa that 'yau can see how they look in a planting. If there are some varleties you do not like, substitutes can be easily found, and very soon you can go home ready for the first step of any planting - the pro- paration of your evergreen and shrub beds. If this has already been done, we can load up your car and away you go with everything you need. We pride ourselves that we can supply ail your garden needs, from topsoil, seed, peatmass. fertilizer, tools, ta the after care products of aur plant - insecticides, fungicides. or weed-killers, etc. everything ta make a garden and ta keep a garden. We do give estimates at your home, for complete landscaping by us and we alsa visit your home ta advise you how ta do everythîng. 0f course ît can nover be said enough, that the correct soil conditions are absolutely necessary - without them you are fighting quite a battle. After care of nursery stock is also very important, and it is not just experts that have nice gardens - you can taa. Happy Gardening! JOHN& SALLY BROUWER serving customers in their ever-popular store. The right spray equipment New is the ORT1I10W?aiii (ldGar den Spraycr- actually two sprayers in one. This alI-purpose sprayer is designed s0 you can apply accurately diluted insecticide, fungicide, weed kiler, and fertilizer mixtures. -Will work on water pressure as low as 25 pounds per square inch. The ORTIIO Luwn atnd Garden Sprayer is easy, dlean, and safe to use. The special nozzle adjuste to four spray patterns. NEW PROfiLCT LAWN & GARDEN SPRAYER a For use wlth insecticides, fungîcîdes, weed kiliers and fertilizers. * A Cobination sprayer capable of 4 different'types of " Sprays trees, shrubs, Lawns, and gardens. " Ali plastic - non-corrosive - wili not clog. ,0 Easy ta use directions. a 4 year guarantee. sprays. Help for indoor plants r-mi ORTHO Indoor Plant lnsect Spray in a pressurized can control such destruc- tive pests as aphids, red spider mites, whiteflies, mealybugs, and certain other insects. ORTHO Indoor Plant lnsect Spray can be used on African violets, ivy, Boston fern, fuchsia, philodendron, rubber plants, gloxinia, and other similar plants, inside the homie. Help keep house plants healthy and pest f ree with ORTIIO Indoor Plant Insect Spray-a time-tested proven formula. Be sure to hold pressurized can 18 to 24 inches away f romi plants being sprayed. Check the label. Instant spot treatment ORTIIo hom7e & Gard0l 1Insect Spray in a pressurized can is ready for instant use in the garden, when spot treatmient on roses, iris, ehry- santhenium, etc., is needed. Or use it to dlean out infested house plants such as African violets. Be sure to hold dispeniser 18 to 24 inches away froîn plants being sprayed, spray d irectl y on i nsects. S"I ISOTOX is the word a\hu pi tut s Il) t)!'. I us t l1.1 ibeandti th trou ble i s rau ued by "seme th n g d amnagi ng the heu '.es:' the ilnost f ru; uerîtrn n tdt is o S ,tery w ith h SO('IiN'The fWid h n uie et' the n roi lit is ORTI11< I si)Tox Iisct Spray, but te severul gelierutiens of* ga"dnes 1SIITOX" is t &r sp ruv. h t's a w ide spectrumi insect spray' fermuluted te dean eout mu ny ki ndsor s ueki ng uind chewin g illsee'tS u<1sliierMites. ISOTOXbInseCt S.S'raq c'i>itiins a systemllici insectici de whicli imes inside tilu Pla nt te gi ve aIl leaves iii ler p)rotection f or '-, weeks or more, wh i'h i'iis clown o>n the frequency et* spru'i ng, even though every insect nmuy not hai uien liit bx' the spray. Tlh e stu mia rd mutheil o fcen t roi e f va noujs seule ésfl k'<j ISomO crawlers, mites, and mealyhugs, which attack mnry evergreerls is to spray with VOI.CK Oil Spray in ear-ly spring and follow with ISOTOX in sunimeir, as needed. Follow label instructions. 1lts for use on ornarnental plants only. Do not use on edible fruits or vegetables. ORIHO WEED.mBmGON® Super WEED-B-GON controls al cup chickvý .40 oz. f or 32 j,rî ce 8 49Z grass lawn weeds - Oandelions. Plantain, Butter- veed, clover, Bedstraw, Black Medick (YeIlow cnClover). Heal-AII. Ground lvy (Creeping cncharlie), Knotweed, Ragweed, Shep- O)Z * herd's Purse, etc. Easy to mix with water, easy to apply with ORTHO Lawn Sprayer. FlLEEconomical - 1 oz. treats 250 square f eet. Birch Ieaifminers The damage from * birch leafminers shows up as blotches or blisters DIG on newly develop- ~. Cin2E ing leaves. Pick up 'W. one of the leaves that has fallen and Blotch mne on bi rch hold it up) to the light and you can see the culprits- Iarvae of the black sawfly feeding between the two surfaces of the leaf. The niost effective way to stop this danger is very simple. Just paint a band around the trtink of the tree with ORTHO CYGON 2E. This product is a systemie insecticide. When applied to a plant by spraying, or by painting it on, it is absorbed into the systemn of the piant. As a result, the plant has internal protection, a chance to protect itself f romi damage by aphids and leafminers. The tinie to apply ORTIIo CYGON 9-E is in early spring, just when the birch bud tips appear green. Second application will be necessary in the last week in June to control the second biood of leaf- in iers. The label leaflet with ORTIIo CYGON 2E gives complete directions, for use with vegetables, fruits, ornamental shrubs and trees, and for fly control. Follow label directions. Do not use on ornamental plants which are not listed in the leaflet. SIug and snaiî menace if you've planted young transplants of lettuce one e-veliing, only to find theni without leaves the next niorninig, you know the habits'of slugs and snails. These night feeders use ahl kinds Qf hiding places (lurîng the day: a groundcover of ivy is a snail haven, but you'll find theni underneath pots and planter boxes, any place that's (lark, cool andl moist They key their activity to the temperature and go to work seriously when the weather warmis up in earily spring. A tattered (lafiodil flower niay be the first sign of their presence. They reach l)eak popu- lation in J une. Bait with BUG-GETA in the first sign of dainage. Surround newly-planted annuals with a ring of pellets. ORMN1 BUG-GETA I Pelluts Scatter the dry pellets throughout the entire garden. Moisten the ground bef ore applying, or sprinkle lightly after application to hasten breakdown of the pellets into pest-attracting baits. Scatter the pellets evenly-not in piles. In September, do a garden-wide thorough job to wipe out the big ones before they go on an egg- laying spree. 3 lb. canister .. . 2.98 ea.

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