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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 11

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BROUWER'S SPRING GARDENING, APRIL 1976, PAGE:% Trouble in thé gardon and how ta prevent it Troublemakers in the garden cone in many forms: diseases, birds, rodents, too much water, inseets in the soil, or on the wing, and the hazards of the inexperienced'gardener. The seasoned gardener learns to live with a certain amount of frustration and plant damage, but the wise ones take some protective measures against the damnagers w*ith well known crirninal records. The littie secrets ORTHO0 Dormant Spray Kit - *m¶~ 'I uêw orna,- A kit containing ORTHORIX Spray and VOLCK Oul Spray for handy, more effective dormant spraying. See PRODUCI FUATURES for OR- THORIX Spray and VOLCK Oil Spray. SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE: Kit (2 x 16 oz. botiles) .. . .. $.98 ORTfHD Home Orchard Spray This multi-purpose spray contains Malathtion, Methoxychior, and Cap tan for the control of rnany fruit insects and diseases. Apples. As you will see on the label ORTIIO H-orne Orchard Spray controls 2 insects and 8 diseases that threaten apples. Follow the spray program to stop the plurn curcuijo and cherry fruit fly arnd get worm-f ree fruit. At the same time protect f ruit and f ol iage f rom other i nsects and diseases, such as black rot and scab. 1.) Spray when new spring growth appears and repeat at 7 day intervals up to bloom. 2.) After petal f al, use 2 to 3 applications at 7 to 14 day intervals. 3.) Do not apply to apples within 7 days of harvest. Where disease control is of primary importance, use ORTHOCIDE Garden Fungicide alone, dloser to harvest. Follow label directions. Peaches. Make flrst application when new spring growth appears and repeat at 7 day intervals up to bloom. After petal faîl, make application at 7 to 14 day intervals. Plums-Prunes. Spray when new spring growth appears an(l repeat at 7-10 day intervals ul) to bloomn. l)o flot treat during bl(oon pcriod. After petal fall, use 2 to 8 applications at 7 to 1(0 day intervals. 'Ail ORTHO Products available from John Brouwer Garden 1615 Dundas St. W., Whitby Ph"ne668-33% There are the big and 1littie "secrets of success" in growing vegetables. Every gardener soon learns that there are many easily overlooked operations which are crucial to high yields or good taste. Summer squash should be picked at the good eating size rather than the bragging size if you want a full crop. Zucchini and crookneck type should be harvested and eaten when only 4 to 8 inches long. Pea vines should be dlean picked as they miature- no old pods left on the vines-to keep the plants productive. Pick peas early in the morning and shell pods immediately af ter picking. ORTHD SE VIN Now ORTIIO SEVIN is available in twci forîns: the new QaTîlo Liquid SE\ViN, andi Ow<rîîo SE:VIN Garden PI)u-. The Liquidl SEVIN has the widest range of insect control. It canti e used on roses', ornianientals, flow- ers, shadle trees, lawns, smnall fruits, and xegetables. ORTIlo Lî(iid SF,\vN controls such fam il iar trouble- makers as: the coffling mnoth and(l aple niaggot- the cause of wornmy apples; the cabbage looper that ridd les cahîbage beaves ; the crn earwormi, leaf hoppers, an(] cl imbî ng cutwornis ini lawns; rose aphid on roses; and a varîety of insects which troulble vegetables, f roin beets to watcrcress. Lirjuid SEVIN 'aî be used 01n rnany vegetables andl fruits up to within 1 to 3 days of harvest. Check the label for timing on individual fruits and vegetables. Instnt protection for vegeutables For simple and fast control of a wide range of insects in the vege- table garden the new ORTulO Toinato & Vée- table Iiisect Spray is the answer. The aerosol can makes application simple. Apply in the early morning or late evening when the air is still, treating ail foliage with particular attention to the underside of leaves. Hold can 1 '-- to 2 feet ay f rom the plant and spray in short bursts. Anu you don't have ta worry about spray resid ue on the vegetables (sec list on label) at harvest tume. ORTHO Tomla ta & Vèégetable Insect Spray can be used to within one day of harvest. For best resu Its use throughout the growing season, at the first siga of attack, OiRTHO Toma e(ta & Vege table lnsect Spray can be used on beans, transplant with ORTHo Tomato Food 5-10-10, as directed on the label. A.ter *fruit has set, apply ORTIIo Tomato Food 5-10-10 as directed on the label. The onion maggot It has been oui' habit to warn frst-time gardeners again4t the almost certain ravages of the onion maggot. The dam- age <onc by the on ion maggot iîs aiways discovered whçn it's too late to do anything about it. Dusting the f urrows about to receive onions to control onion maggots; and also l)ef ore planting radishes, to control root maggots with ORT11o DIA'INoN Soil & Foliage D-u8t should bc automatie. Follow directions on the package. For the tomato grower Whether you buy transplants or grow your own, the plants that will take off and perforni best should have these qualities: They should be stocky-not leggy. Plants should have 4 to 6 true leaves, young and succulent. Avoid transplants in bloom, or those with f ruit, if growing in a peat-pot size container. Set tomato transplants deep, the flrst leaf just above soil level. Roots will forni along the buried stem. Plant leggy plants sideways to make planting easier. When setting out plants don't f orget to apply a starter solution high in ph-osphorus. Water in the transplant with ORTHo Tomato Food 5-10-10, as directed on the label.'After fruit has set, apply ORTHO Tornato Food 5-10-10 as directed on the label. For control of inseets and diseases use the multi- purpose vegetable garden dust-ORTHo Tomato Vegetable Du.rt. Follow label directions. Can be used on tomatoes to within 2 to 3 days of harvest. Your own safety IRead the label every tiîne you spray or dust and note especially ail the cautions and warnings. Mix sprays on a sol id, level surface to avoid spillage. Avoid spiling pesticides 0o1 the skin or clothing and wash exposedl skin aras thoroughly with soap and water. 1)o not eat or, snioke while spraying. Wash hands thoroughly with soalp and. w'ater îinnediately af ter sI)rayi tg. Keep al] chemicals out of the rcachi of children. Store in a locked cabinet or on a high shelf. Set aside a special set of nîixing tools, îneasuring spoons, and a graduated nweasuring cul). Use themn for inixing and neasuring chenùcals only. Be sure to keep aIl chenîicals ini their original labelcci containers at ahl tinies. Don't store lef t-over spray. Lef t-over mnaterial in the sprayer shoulcl be J)oured into a hole 18 inches deep and covered over, niaking it inaccessible to c'hildr.en and aninials. Before disposiîîg of enîpty p)esticide containers they should be allowed to drain upside-down for at least 30 seconds; then rinsed thoroughly with water three timies, allowing 30 seconds for draining af ter each rinse. Dispose of rinse miaterial in the sanie miannet' as spray niaterial. Used containers which have becn rinsed and drained in this nianner are ready for disposai by accepted local methods, such as cqushing and burying, or recycling when appropriate. D)o not burn enipty containers. 1 The vegetable spoilers AphIds Aprhilds corne In severai assorted calors and sizes ta suck plant juices, suntgrowth, pucher and curi leaves, and make a nuisance of them- selve s around the garden . General feeders, especially an members of the cabbage family. These products contrai aphids: ORIHO Malathion 50 Spray. ORIHO Fruit & Vegetabie Insect contrai. Boettes This ls a huge and diverse graup of insects contalning many beneficlal lnsects as welI as those that are destructive. The most destructive beeties are llustrated here. The larva of the strlped cucumber beetie feeds on roats of cucumbers, muskmeilns, and wlnter squash, white the aduits feed on the leaves and blassams of many plants. These beeties double their damage by spreading such diseases as bacterial wmut and cucumber mosa rc. Pe ppers, tamatoes, potatoes, beans, and eggpiant are also attacked by varlous beeties. Damage is most severe an yaung plants. Contrais: ORTHO Tomato Vegetable Oust. ORIHO SEVIN Garden Oust. Caterpillars & Worms Most of these are the larva of maths and butterfiies. They came in ail sizes and colars, naked and hairy. some decorated with tufts, or spines. Ail feed an foliage. Same af the worms that damage vege- tables are: cabbage loaper or cabbage worm, cutworm, corn borer tomato frultworm, pickie worm, and army worm. Use ORTHO Tomata Vegetabie Oust. ORTHO SEVIN Garden Oust. ORTHO Liquld SEVIN. Check product labels. Cutworms Cutwarms hide ln the sait durlng the day, feed at night. They cut off young transplants near the sait surface. Best contrai ls ta dlean them out of the sait before planting with a sai application af ORTHO DIAZINON Sait & Faliage Dust. See label for details. This treatment alsa contrais wirewarms. Leafhoppers Leafhappers are smali 1/"1/" long, wedge-shaped insects with p iercing-sucking mouthparts. They suck sap fron the undersides of i ave s, c ausin g iss of cala r, a stlppled, wllted appearance, and a general lass of healit h and vigar. Leafhappe rs are carriers of many plant virus diseases. Damage lettuce, beans, tomatoes, eggplant. peppers. Aisa feed on blassams of beans and cause a poar pod set. Ta contrai use. ORTHO SEVIN Garden Oust or ORTHO Tomata Dust or ORTHO Malathian 50 Spray. Check< the labels. Bugs To mast people, any insect is a bug. Ta a gardener, "bugs" are an order af insects, generally unpleasant, destructive, and difficuit ta contrai. As bugs suck juices, many imcci a toain causing unsightiy spots and wilting. Contrai of mature bugs îs difficuit. Watch for appearance af young nymphs. Appiy ORIHO SEVIN Garden Dust or ORTHO Tamato Vegetable Dust late in the day. Centre UP-START Root Stimulator 5-15-5 A starter sol uti on that combines fertilizer and a hormone - like root stimulator. When diluted with water Up-Start will promote early and stronger root de- velopment. Up-Start will reduce the shock to the plant when transplanting and will promote a greener, more vigorous plant. -Recommended when planting or trans- ~ORTHO planting ail types of bedding plants, eSTAffshade trees, ornamentals, etc,. to get Rot sumM plants off to a strong start. - Economnical to use. 5 - Easy to apply with a watering can or through a hose end sprayer. W SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE: No. 727 16 oz. botte ... $1.69 728 32 oz. botle ... $2.69 ý 19- -Z-

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