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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 1

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Scheduled for April 29 Publie meetin gto be held on police station clo'si ng by BLAKE PURDY Staff Writer* Whitbý residerIts xiii have an opportunity to voice their opinions on the region's dec ision to close the i18 division, police stationi on Rossland Road at a public meeting April 29. Vol 6, No. 115 Whitby Council decided Monday to hold the forumn after a meeting with the regional police comnissioner earlier in tie day. According 10 NMayor Jîmi Gartshiore wlR) headed the Whîitby delegation to Mon- day's meeting, the chiairman of the board of police coin- missioners Tomn Jermnyn said that the station was ordered shut soiely on the i)asis of financiai conisideration.- M r. Jermiyn apparently told the Whiitby delegation thiat the region is planning to set up a store-fronit police facility in the town to bc ,iays only. a proposai which Counicillor Ken Hobbs called "4mickey inouse". Counilior Don Lovelock, a! riost rcciting a Free Press editorial of March 1 7, pointed out t ha t the $38,000 clebenture, paymient on the building which blas -been budget will simply be assumed by another depart- ment. lie also pointed out, as we did, that the three supervisors who man the Witby station will siniply be transferred to another area in the regfion and, tlherefore, the taxi)ayers will not save 1~ Wednesday, April 14, 1976 24 Pages ________________________________i different", Coùncillor Love- lock said. "Who's kidding An exact timie and place for the April 29 meeting lias not yet been set. It nmay be hield at Henry Street High School. INSIDE: KALNINS ON ........................... PAGE 5 BROOIKLIN BYLINES........... .....PAGE,6" HISTORICAL WHITBY? WQRDS FROM WEST LYNDE...PAGE 7 FRANKENSTEIN COMING ....... ****PAGE 9 HOCKEY SEASON OVER ............PAGE 12 ENTERTAINMENT ...................PAGE 13_ $750 to $1,000, Town 'sfiremen given increases By the narroxvest of margins, Whitby Council voted last week to give the town's firefighters substantial pay in cre ase s. Couincil voted 4-3 to give platoon chiefs, captains and first.class firefigliters in- creases ()f $1,000 per year and second.class, third-class, fourth.class and probationary flirefighters and dispatchers raises of $750, retroactive to April 1 of Ibis year. In fac t, the increases arnount to $750 and $587 because they cover only a nine-month period. The increases bring the earnings of the Witby fire- fighters dloser to those in Ajax and Oshawa, apparenitly one of the objectives ini the locals' request. The pay hikes, subject to approval by the Anti- Inflation Board, and are in addition 10 increases of $700 to most departmnent emiploy- ees which are part of the three-year con tract negotiated January 1 of 1974 and went into effect January of this year. The firefighters apparently approached council in March Coun cillor critîCiz es Santos Charles Santos, the owner of 14 properties in the town, came under harsh criticism from Councilior Joy Thomp- son on Monday. Speaking at Monday's council meeting, Councillor Thompson said that eigbt of the propierties are in "terrible condition", [WL> are in "&reasonable condition", and one is in'"excellent condition. She made a motion that the bylaw enforcenlent office r inspeci the properties once a mnontb and that the cost for any work needed [o repair the holdings be charged t0 Mr. Sa ntos. 1-owever, council decided to seek legal advice before any such action. ot' f 1975 and requested increases. Flowever, noaction was taken ai the timie. In January, the firefighters told council thiev xanted to change [rom a tîhree-piatoon or shift system tI a txv- piatoon operation. Counicil refused tbat request. Shortly t he reaftter, the firefigbters told the toxvn that they would no longer be available tfor call-back, return- ing to xvork after their regular shifts excepti n cases ot emiergency. The town saved approxrnateiy $5,000 in overtime pay as a result. The S5,000 will hielp to pay for the increases. According to one council- lor, the fi refi ghite rs we re neglecting some o f the e xt ra-c ur ri c u1a r activities which they did previously such as participating in parades and talking to various groups. in addition, the councillor said, thiey were not co-operating with Chief Ed Crouch ini his preparations l'or two conventions to be hiosted by the department this year. When asked about these charges, Chief Crouchi said "I don't want to get invoived in. it. 1 have bo work wîth these guys" Tony Van Dolewee rd, president of Local 2036 the Whitby Professional Fire- figliters Association, respond- ing to the charges, said "We want to continue toco-operate to the fullest with aIl parties. That's our mIten t". "Council lias seen fit to gve us some recognition which we believe to be reasonable", he said. Mr. Van Doleweerd added "We have neyer and will neyer witlidraw our services when an emergency arises." "4Council bas responded in the affirmative and can there- fore fully expect the rfirefighters to do the same", he said. "lWe don't want to partici- pate in any verbal battle with anyone", Mr. Van Doleweerd said. "Wc would rather pot 1our efforts into doing the job that people have cone to expcct of us99 Everyone was having a bail at the West Lynde Community Association's "Greasebail" dance at Heyden- sho re Paviiion Friday, including the Town of Whitby. In lhonor of the occasion, the West Lynde Cornmunity Association presented tbe town with a mirrored reflecting bail which was iiung froin the ceiling of Heydenshore Pavillon, at top of picture. Proudly showing off the plaque which goes with the bail are Karen Kerr, sociali convenor of the West Lynde Community Association; Councillor Joy- Tbompson;, Mayor Jini Gartshore;, and Recreation Director Wayne DeVeau. Mr. DeVeau was one of many who brought back the "fifties"' for the nigbt, by blowing bubble gum at the moment this pictre was taketi, Free Press Photo by Mike Burgess. Cjý àW Ile 4

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