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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 2

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PAGE 2, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1976, WHiITBY FREE PRESS Ail in fun Dr. Chartes Godfrey roasted by bi*s NDP friends Saturday nighit, Charles Godfrey, MPP for Durhami West, suffered the slings and arrows cf outrageous friends. It was a roast, organized by the Durihai West Deino- cratic Party Riding Associa- tien, lu the Banquet Hlai ef' Sheridan Malt, Pickering, Godfrey enjoyed flie barbs cf' chiums ike Androw Pataneti, a Scarboroughi Coliege pro- fesser and mninber cf People or Planes tho anti- airport greu p. Among the roastcrs were the other two regional MPPs, Miko Breauglh (Oshalwa,) and Deug Moffat (Durliani East), as weii as Godfrey's canipaign manager, Ma ry Floen Maquay. Aise in t ho ineup were wife Margaret Godlfrey --who told the crowd of I170 of Godfrey's eariy noney-inaking efforts, setiing scrap mietai back te the mnan hoe stete it frein - G arden Cl-ub discusses high rise gardens The gitest speaker at the rocent meeting of the Whitby Gardon Club was Evva Yeiiowley, of Toronto Civic Gardon Centre, whio spoke on highlrise gardons. Shie strossed that success dependod on planning,nmaking use cf the ftoors, walls and ceiiing, the study of niove- Watch Olympic gymnasts in action 'THE WINSTONETTES' 6 special exhibition appearances Performances heîd at the MacDonald Ford Booth (Nos. 84 - 85) Demonstrations by Durham Regional Police Be baffled by the magic of MR. TED CURI Enjoy the harmony of THE COUNTY TOWN SINGERS nients cf the sun, and raising containers off the cement floor te prevent the soi! frein becoming toc lhot. The African violet ciass winners are M rs. Kay Hutchings and M rs. lIa Newton. Mrs. Goidring won the foliage ciass. aii Ian Dcans, who ternied his colleague a "ii .inated Bort Reynolds"', li 11 o f Sex-appeali. Formier Oshawa MPP Cliff Pilkoy was Master cf Cere- During the next two wcoks senior students frein -lenry Street High School and Anderson Cetiegiote will be visiting the University cf Waterloo te iearn about cernpute rs. nionies. Ile bcgan with a srnail probleni of nicknaniing Goclfrey. "We can't cal] iro- Doctor .Chiarlie", Pit key complainied, "Maybe wo should settie lfor Cha,,riesy". Grease Day brings back the Fifties by SAND)RA BERIZY Anderson Collegiate Il' you happened te sec "~The Fonzo" sauntoring Io scîtoot yestorday, you can stop 1haking yeur iead ini bewiiderrnt as the 50's raged once again fo r Aîiderson's annuai Groase I)ay. The students, dressing in the 50's style, were rewarded for aIt their efforts with a sock hop at noon. Today is dress-up day, the oniy tune when most cf the student body appears in cither suits or dresses. The Senior Rand and Stage Band are performing a concert for the iovoiy ieoking ladies ind goent s. The Senior Band, as weii as performing at Anderson, wili travet Io Sheridan Mati today te give a freo concert. If you missed hearing the band at Pickering and the Woo!co Mal, here is the chance to tisten to a fine brass band and stage band uit the saine tirne. The concert witi begîn at 7:30 p.m. and end about 9. Final dress rehecarsals are underway as the finishing touches arc niow being mode to "Caesor and CleopaL.ra", the George Bernard Shaw play thiat Anderson Drama enthuLsiaStS are staging April 22, 23, 24. A great deal cf tune and effort has been put into this production, anïd the. thiree performances prom-nise te be entcrtaining. They wiiI attend lectures Fortran, a cemputerlangt during the rnornings and in The University of Wate the afternoons wiil use one lias been effering cemp cf the multi-mitiion dollar science days te high scl computers on the university students for more thar campus to find their own yoars. Last year ai: solutions te probloms. 9,000 students frei ni Thoso with sufficient than 232 Ontario sci computer knewiedge may visited the campus. spend the entire day working Anderson students wil with computers. Consultants visiting the University A will ho avaitabie te assist I15 and Henry High stuc themi. Aprit 26. The students witl be taughit Whi*tby swimmer-. win two medals at Montreal, Memibers cf the Whitby Synclhroniz.ed Swim Club cornbined with girls frein Oshawa and Hamilton te win two medals at the recent Central Canada Regional Synchirenized Swirnming Chaînpionships held at McGiIi University iin Mon- tre ut. Diane Moore and Marge Mountjoy cf the Whitby club won a bronze medal for third place ini the junior duet for girls I14 and under belîind two teamns for Quebec. Those two girls comnbined witlî Vicki Stafford and Dawn Twyman, aise front the local clubs, and four Hamilton swimmners te tie with Leaside f'or second place and a siiver modal in overail tearn uage. ,rloo putor chool ni Il Imcst m ore hools 'l be April dents standings behind Quebec. Teains frorn Manitoba aise conipeted in the meet. Basebal dance April 17 The Whitby Miner Base- baIl Association is holding a spring dance April 17 at Heydenshore Pavilion bogin- ning at 9 p.rn. Tickets, at $7 per couple, are avoulable frei Gord Hanna at 668-1 195. Local students study computers Durham Region's EXPOSITION of GREAT LIVING IDEAS 0.. 3 BIG DAYS OSHAWA cîvie AUDITORIUM Fri. - Sat. - Sun. APRIL 23.24.25 Over 100 Exhibits Home Improvement, Decorating, Entertain ment ,Crafts Demnstae..s Demonstrations Films 00. THE LITTLE EX 15 THE BIG EXPERIENCE Grand Prize ALL EXPENSE ADVENTURE TOURS TRIP FOR TWOI To the GRAND BAHAMA HOTEL and COUNTRY CLUB, BAHAMAS e Includes airfare, hotel and meals Travel arrangements made through Halcyon Days Travel, Oshawa. Tnip to be taken anytime before Dec. 15,1976 Show will be opened by DURHAM REGIONAL CHAIRMAN WALTER BEATH (Officiai ceremony, 7 p.m. Fn.) Oshawa Mayor JAMES POTTICARY wiII make major pnze draws Sunday, ApnIl 25 at 9 p.m. Y our chance to win.. ecially decorated Olympic A spe FORD MUSTANG or FORD v. (for onle month) :ourtesy of MacDonald Ford Booth Numbers 84 and 95J Cars wIII be on dlsplay at The Whitby Ministerial Association r invites you to attend FRIDA Y, AI'RIL i (>1/ St. Jo/ni Anglican 10:30 A.M An Hour's Meditauion onithec Cross 3: 00 P.M. Famîily Service Emniuel Rcl6)ri7ed Churchi 8- (>0 P. M. Choir preseuîts portions of Hanidel ' "Messiai Ail Saints Anglican ]0.30-Nooz Three V2 hour Services îit/î Fr. Merritt of Toronto Si. Mark's Uffted Churci anîd I'Vstninster United Clhurch - 11.: 00 A. M. Conbined Worship Serviceai Si. Mark 's Unîed Si. Jo/m t/he1Eîaigelisl 3. 0 0 P. M So/enitn Afternoon Lilurgýl' 7: 30 P. AI. Stations of t/w Gross WViîh'Ii apist Ghurch Manv T/îursdav 7. 30 P.AI. Commîunion Service Show Hours:-) FRIJAY APRIL 23 1 p.m. tao 10p.m. SATURDAY, APRIL 24 il a.m. ta 10 p.m. SUNDAY, APRIL 25 1 p.m. ta 10 p.m. ADMISSION $1.50 Children under 12 accompaflied by adult, fres of charge the la the lÏttle

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