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Whitby Free Press, 14 Apr 1976, p. 7

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THE ANNES HOUSE This large two siurcy roughicast borme now silnraîed uni Wellingtoni Street lias a close linrk wiîi twu of thie builders of Whiiby. [t wvas buili about 1836 ai flic cornier orf Duuidas an(d Frances Sireis by Ezra Annes, a mari wlro as ho play a prurninenîl pari in thie carliesi iistory of Whiîby. mI I1960 it was nîuved ho whiere il nmuw stands uni Wellingtoni Street lu nake wvay for a shouppinig centre, WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14,1976, PAGE 7 Hlïstorïeai Whitby by Igriau Winter which was flot buflt for 1 5 years. Ezra Ànnes was born i Vermont in the United States in 1796 and settled in Whitby in 1819. Threc years later lie niarricci Maria Anri Losie, daughter of oiie of the first storekeepers in Whitby Township. They had 10 chljdren, only one of wliomi lived 10 old age. Throughout his career, Mr. Annes was deeply involved in polieis and the Masonie Lodgc. In 1825 hie was onie of the fourîders and the first Master of Unity Lodge, wlîicli servcd Whiîtby and Pickering Townshiip. Ile was Master of the Lodge 1 7 limes until il disbanded ii 1 851, and inî 1847 was elected Provincial Grand Steward. Mr. Amies had a brother, Dr. Alva Annes, who was also a rîîemîber of Unily Lodge. A dispute developcd wlien it was discovered inî I842 thai bolli the Annes bruthers had been elecied Master of tlhc Lodge at the saine timie, and neither wuuld give up the office. The bitlerness was So deep lirat the matter cuuld nul be resolved and the lodge split, witb each of the brothers being Master ut' separale branch ufthie sainie ludge. The breacli was licaled in 1 845, bu t Uniiy Ludge fodccl iii I851. A new ludý,e, thie Composite Lodge, wvas fuunded in 1 852, and Ezra Annes served as its Master in 1 855 and I1857. Fle was one of thie founders of Masunry in Whitby and its staicliesî supporter tlirougliuî his life. Ilis furieral was the first masonic funeral ever held in Wliiiby. In puliîics, M r. Annes was an ardent Refurnier and a persorial t'riend uf Williami Lyun Mackenizie. 1lie actively canîpaigried for Mr. Mackenzie in thieI1832 electiun. In local puîilics, Mr. Annes wurked witb Peter Perry anid Sainel Cochirane lu establish the Wbilby Granîîîar Scliuul in I1846, and in the Iperiud of 1 848 lu I1852 was an assuciate ut' Peler Perry, James Ruwc and olliers iii tic nîuvenicnl lu separate Ontariu Cuunty froinitic uld Cuuinîy uf Yurk. Wlien the rîew Cuunty wvas furrued Mr. Aniies was by Norm Mealinq The West Lynde Mixed Bowling Luague wrapped tnp its regular season un Tuiesday, April 6thr. Atter 21) eeks, anid 87 ganies, Marlene Short's YuYo's finislred ini Orsi place and gained the league clamnpiunship. l-Ielping Niarlune Liab off the top spot where Linda Lugani, Cecilia Muealirig. Tunîî ('x, Rick Baxier and Ericeilit. The playoffs gui underway lasi iiglîl at Cuunty Bowl and continue until April 27i1r. At ticecend ftiflie playuff round, we'll lui you knuw teuic siuurs, and nuxi wveuk, we'll feature lime individuial leaders in luaigue play. The "Greasebali" Danice wvas lield Friday iigli t at ilie Heydensmore Paviliori, armd, as is uscral siil West Lyride Danccs, tic place vas suld otn. I iading tic list of' celebrities in attundarîcusvas tlic Mayor uf al lie peuple. Jinm Garishore. Couricillurs Erîmîi, I lbbs arid Tiiunmpsuu aiong wviti Recruatiun Directur \Vaynme IeVeau and Frce Press Publislier \Iiku Burgess weru also iii attîcriace. The cruwd caugîm litte iotd of' the ('iftues, as black leatlier jackeis. T-shiirts, blue jeains anid ducktlail irairculs weru everywberu. Les Crossluy uf Evans Cout prtmnourrced the hut buffet "an excellenumi vcal, excepi for lIme facî tliri lus carrois werc overdne". D.K. tIre l.J. laid dowîr Iris usual assurtnmermiut' golden oldies. rîîany of' wlricîr brougîrIt tears lu lime eyes of lime uver 35 crttwd. AIl in aIl, it was a guud everîinîg.crijuyed by (trie aird 11aI Everybudy seerîîed lu reverf Iot iîir îeeriaged years. surie rmore su iliani tlliers. ----------- Eot tiose of you wvio vcre disajipoirîled in oret't'trls 1(1 register your 5 lu 8 y,.,ar old sui b tr Beavers, tlire won cI s lu take lirari. Apparcrîlîy lîere are plins atout lu slart a second Buaver colunry. Situart 1)rcw, lire ian i n lue krrow as i r as Sct ii gs cunicened , tells rire fIrai, as stini as a rrew (Gruip Curiiil le is ttrrîred ['or tire Sîli Wliby Troop, a request lu stant a secornd culunîy cari burmade. St u:rl's rmain etuicerni rigli t ni w is flic Grorip Coiiil lute wlî icli governs aI scoul irg activilies tftr tire 501 lit rby Troup. Tliris cotii imif lue is an nmualy uleci ed a n illeire îruelii tl ccl tuie eariouis otticurs is lu bu iieîd onr May 2rrd. Tuie cormril le is tmnice rned witii suclirtiiigs as t'urd- raisirig, pape r drives, ecquipiren t armd adliiniisraion of'lire 5tiî Wlilby Ruvers, Adverturcrs, Scouts, (uhs, anrd 13eavers and is essenîtial 1(1 scout irg activilies iri tire arca. Su, lu parents and otlier iîercslcd parties, rmark down May 2nd on your calendars anmd plan to attend tIre meeting. If t'urther infornmationi is ruquircd uîî wlial is involved if yuu serve on th-r Grotup Coinmnitfeu, give Stuart Drew a cal] at 668-9915. in case you mîssed il, an announicnient out (if Queen's Park iasî weck indicated that thal much-pronmised panacea for assessment difficullies- market value assessoîcnmi- would noi bu in place until 1978. For thqse of yur who went througi the assessmcnt lhing in 1974 & 1975, this wilI undoubtedly bring a smile lu your lips. You, of course, will recali that oft-repeated statement that market value assessment wouid suIve our nîarîy prubîcrus, and Uniattil wvuld ble tirinly ini place by 19<76. Not lSU, it sec rus. anrd thIe assessine nt i neqitics wrIll rernain , al lcas t tntil 1978. At the \V.L.C.A. executive elecciuns a \vcek ur su agu, tlire vas irîmucîr talk , un the part ou*th le candidates, ut' Ibis cunîminity 's necd tfor ils own coinumunity cen tre. Onu geir lenian iri atItendance liad lIre temieri îy lu ask wby sucb a ceiitrc %vas îieedcd , saying thiat lie tcl t tlhat lis would create an addiî iural n IC be twecu t bis subdivision and thle tkrwrî. I is question was nul , lunmy riid, ans\wcred aidecjutatcly and since Ibis issue is I ikely lu curic lu tie turc t ver thle nex f twtt or t b rue ru untIlis, 1 woud I ike lu open thle debate lbcrc and now. For upc ners, 1 don'ttIh in k wc nued a cuni ruun ity centre, as \ve are mr iiur an adu(CîuaîcIly scrc yp ulig iii tIre iirruiedia lu vicini ty. Whuen stagi ng an even t. wvc have West Lyrîdu Scîruol , lien ry St ret Iligbi Schll, St. Jobhni's Scbuul , Ible NMunIi)I ipal Bldinig and Ille Ccnîenniial Ceiitre lu draw un. Il' il is suruclirmies di I'ticulIf lu arrange fuor lic risc uf tliese ':icil itics. sti wlîa t 1 wouild sugges dtîmai ery o rgan i/atiolln town liras thIe sainie di t'ticulItics anrd I liey seur luite easy lu uvercurrie. Mienrî tne suiggests we nced a cururuuriity centIre, rmy iuiind linruMedia tely t urris lu Mia ncing. Presuimably , thre land \vould hiave lu lie acclui red , and paîd for, arnd a bluilding cunstrîrcted, and] paid l'or, and equ(iiriienl irîsîalled, andc paid for. In case you liadrî't rrtitcud tlial's a lut Out pai tu )s, a n d we vo n dur' y wb unir?" \Ve a ru in a pe riud ut' govuriruierîl restraint , tbiaiik (;d, and anry courîcil tbiat Wofld cotuuiiselt, aird ils ratepayers lu a centre dusignied t surve but ()lue segmentI ut' tbe peuple il serves s ctunrtîig disaster. Ouir taxes are lue Iiigr. and dibere is no neud lfor Ilieni ti go arvIi iglier. Anrd if thre sugg,,estîin is tbal tlIns curiiimuuiity Slild finance part. Or aIl, ut' tllie cuSîs aSSucialed Wilîi a conIIrIILIy Centre, Ice!se durî'î cou rît on i a kinrg a nytIhri mg trrin rmwpc ket Tliese reprusen t rIyllîuuOLglîîs un Iflic subjicCt ut' a corrrîîruriîty centre, anid, iii aIl probabhl, ily.r courîler lu ru Illie vievs Oft'iia ny othelicpeuple iii \Ves t I ynrde. I sel Ilen heur trfîr re iii(tire hope ilial il svill start l'of'ut' ose svlr< read Ibis culîîrîîrî tliirking ahout tIhe issue. Lisi weck, I ieruirded ail Out yotr (liaI tIre Free Press lias ruade arranîgemientI 'Or Ihome dcl ivcry iii our area. Thiis veek, I pickued Iup)uy copy iii thlicvarie fy store iii fli riew pkiaa ( Cpie siar c iviilar lite re , anddia thtIe Post A New You For Springtime 0 - Nothing lifts the ~ spirits quite like a ste.Co ltq now hfor btye.Comi nnw aor an appointment soon. LA CONTESSA BEAJTY LOUNGE 119 Green St. 668-9262b Office Oiiithie Fre Press box ouuside). Humne delivcry is, ut' course, prcferred anrd yuu should lut the Free Press knuw wblicr ur riot yuur paper is delivcrcd. BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOC IATI ON Annuai General Meeting Sunday, April 25th 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Municipal Building 405 Dundas Street West Wh itby To discuss annu.al reports and eîect new directors. For fu rther information contact: GORD KINZIE 668-5261 elected Reeve of Whitby Township and ran for the office of sheriff, but was- said Lu have lost this position because he was 100 ardent a Refornier. For, many years Mr. Arnes was a miagistrale iii Whitby, and was s0 well regarded that nearly haif the court business of the county was broughit lu hini. In I1857, Mr. Annes was elected as Whitby's third mnayor, but aI the lime his health was failing. He died on Augusi 25, 1 857 ai the age of 61, before his terni of office was finishied. H-e was buried ai St. John's cemetery ln Port Whitby, but tlie rarker for his grave has since disappeared. Mr. Anne's grandson, Fred Howard Annes, also made his mark in Whitby's history. His was a journalisi and prutiiotor, who proposed many suhenes for the benefit -)f thie tuwn, but few oflîis ideas appear lu have been adopted by flic politicians of the day. In I1887, Fred Howard Annes was edîlor of the Whitby Gazette, arîd he was also a meîîiber of the press gallery ai Ontario Legisiature. H-e cunsiantly wrotc letters tu tic local papers promut- ing sucli prujects as developriient of Whiiby Harbour and briiîging itidustrial growth lu the tuwn. In 1 897 he pruposed the establishment of al sommer resorl ai Port Wlîitby, which lhree years later becarîîe 1-Iydensliore Park. As le as 1 928, lie was urgi.ng the establishment of an airpuri at Whitby, interesting in liglit of the recent Pickcering airpurt pruject. Mr. Avines wrute a nuniber of articles in the press pronîuling tlie tuwn of Whitby,» and was a member of the tuwn couuicil fruni 1888 lu 1892, 1902 lu 1904, 190 lu 1908 and 1913, 1916 and 1919. lie died ai Itie old Armes home in tlie eýarly 1930s.

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