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Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1976, p. 15

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Forinulite nicldeci batlîrccnui BASIN & COUN'FERTOP 48 inclies long.,iiew., $100: sevenl pîcces atuinîiun trailer coveriiîg, 61/½ x 14 ft. $35 ecd. Cati 655-3411. Gendcron STROLLER - excel- lent condition, $25. Calit 655-3624. BABY CARRIAGE- $18; non-electric STERILIZER & BOTILES, $4 50; ne'. born SNOWSUIT, w.hite, $3; 18" auburn HAIRFALL, $15; single BED, 30", $12; Heaîth'.ay scuba tank, 71.2 eu. ft. harness & (k) valve, $85; water loing, sport diver regular with reservo, $85. Cati 839-7774. BIRD CAGE - with stand, $20; portable TV STANý%D on casiers, $10; Cati 655-3167. 1 Deiuxe WOODBURNING SET - good for ehildren 12 years and over, excellent condition, $3; PACK SACK, nylon witîî solid aluminni frame. nover been used, $25; SKIS, approx. 51/' long, great for beginner, $ 10; SKI BOOTS, size 7/8, good condition '.itiî carrying rack, $10; portable RADIO, excellent condition. hardty ciseci,S$10. C aîl 668-4465. Singer Feather Weight SEWING MACHINE, $40: Chilcts BICYCLI-. $15, botti are in goodc condition. Brand ne\\, te.'s. Barbios, Keni, B ig J ini andcanmper, etc., stilt in boîxes, reasonable. Childs TRAINING CHAIR. S3:. Tw..o Suede O('TFi'S, size 12. reasenable. Cal 668-6715. TRAINING CHAIR S$5. Cal 668-,'?103. TV- 23" Aduniral i3&W, $75: 8 track car STE'REO. $20: BS. R. Tom talte wi tli i stcover, $30; nîen's bîie sttit leathier COAT. size 40), $40; DAVIN- PORT, brand new tuxeclo style in beige olef-ini, ,190). att itemls mu excellen t conditionu, nîîcst set. besi offer accented. cati69(1ý1 BA13 Y CRIB1 $20: 111 II CHAI R. $111): batitub, $3: JO[.LY JUMPE-R, $5: pirta-gane. S5; baby seat, $2: STROLLER. $5: echt-track TAPE 'E(K $S eight-track 'FAPI', DI;(K. S35: ('att576-0585. BAB3Y 'ARRI-\(;i. Perre-go, $125; car bed. $125: bassinet, $15: higli chair, $15: price'. firm. CatI 668-9805. LINE CONTROL MODEL AIRPLANES - four partly bunît, one large compietely bcilt wîth 035 engine, two compietety built with 015 engine, large amnountof parts & accessor:' s, $15(1, complote. Cal 579-0757. Pioneer 2000 TURNIABLI, 2 Sure M91 hi-track needles, i M91 cartrid1ge, 2-3 way sterco voice speaker'., 8 montiî' olcI. asking $375 or silI take close;t offer; Bloc teather '.aist ('Ai, size 38 with matching blue leathier shoes, size 8, $110. Cali 668-2781 after 5 p.m. and ask for Ken. ONE ('OUNTERTOL> WITH LEDGE' '67",' $7.50; one countortop, no icdge, -50"', $5;one countortop, no ledge, 36", $4: one countcrtop with Iodgc, 3i1'/", $3.50; one countertop with iedgc, 28", $3; one picce of dark brown arborite woodgrain, 361/ x 601/2", $5: approx. 30 cabinet doors suitabte for smail vanîties, al different sizes, $25. Cali 655-3534 TYPE WRITER reconditien- cd, IBM! mode[ 'C', 19" 1 'ng1listi B' ïi (E CIhINA îîever tised, 54 piece set in Bridai Wreatli a t tc'rî,$300. ('atil668-5767. 'lwc 600 x 1 5 gooctyear SNOV TiREIS -îîcw, $10 eaelî, one Rodger Majestic car RAIO, $15; one Lewyt caiîister VAC- UUM, w.itiî ail fixtcîres, needs soîîîe repair, $10; gallon wirîe bottles with tiandies, 45 cents eachi; waintit veneer, 2' x 4' shoo ts, 75 cents ecdi; one bab" items -- car bcd, $7; w.alker, $4; sniow sied, $4; joliy jumper, $4; rocking liorse, $2; bottle warmcr, $ 1. Cati 683-1602. MINI WASUIER, used tw.ice, $49; bicycloe l-XERCISE-IR, $80; china CABINET, glass bottil sides, $80. Cati 668-6078 or 668-4377. Lloyd BABY CARRIAGF - excellent condition, $45; Cal 668-6986. One ton gallon AQUARIUM cornpletc sithi stancd, fishi, etc. in excellent cornditlion, $60 or bcst ofl'cr; twýo aquiarium irî îaters, $4 each: emie Il>tilips Beauty Set, nieyer uised, $25. ('ail 668-4690. SPII(' R A('K vittui 18 botules, $6:.tîo'.'s îmts. si/C t14, $2: t:îcies ctottiiinw. si/.ze14, rcasotîablc' pricecs, ladies short tcattîer toc'ket, si1Cet 4. S 2(1: snle îîîa ttrcs,, S ý15: 1:itsoddcîcs :nl ioi (îs o l' c.irpC eig, record plia\ cr. $,5. (att 725-121 t. Solici siCrliiie sitvcrt (IIlN a limiitedt cctiori lilcinry Meure. a bc:iutifîtsewrk et :art. Gril'.'$8501 ("tiI 723-0)722. BOX TRAII.IR '. 15; tiresý 650-1t3, 2flhor S 1 5; :îtalv tic leiwater, S8; tuolcî mg tari k tor iwat . S 3(1: table toi, rang!-ettuc. $211: s, r- l'acc uuîît. SI 261. ('att 576-05921. WIN I)(WS Basernîcnt 21IX ,7Vz $-6 ctch. juctdre \winclciss, storni 5SN6(4 S3110, ritos i/e couîd bc attered b[ýllîtty. (a 1t 723-822(0. 1iIestrenioeric.\ S(' NOR one second delax'. wrttn 8 cryitat l'retîeîicics., potîce banid. 01Y1, firc ctep:îrtiîen t trecluerio:ics, ti anteîîna. $111.'ail579-0757. Sports Equipmnent Steel York MCyWl' IIiT ST 250 tb)s total. Çati 668-51I23. S LNLM (GYM IEXi'.R('ISI-R svith in-struc'tien 'book, askîng $25 or bcdt offer. ('ail 683-5737 af ter 5 p.în. GOA LiI;L' FQUlIPMI'.N' one year 01(1, lits boys 9-13, puis, rnask, gloves. arrn & cliest protec- tor, $60. CaIl 668-5714. ONE; PAIR GI- SKIS pole, bindings. sal'ety strap andi boots suze 7, onty been uscd 4 tirnes. $65. ('ait 728-1291. RACEIR BICYC LE; cclleiît condition $35. ('ait 668-5541. Pets & Supplies AQUARIUM --(ait glas'.). 40 gallon compicte with 2 pcîmps, air filter, etc. -and 12 goldfish, Free Press Emporium (Continued) M iscellaneous LEADING POOL MANU- FACTURER lias 1975 above ground redwood type pools av;iiable, willing to sacrifice aI hall' price. Cali coliec t anlytinue 667-I1302. SPR UCi. TREI S FOR SA LE- for more in1te(.r,1v tien cait 655-3211t. iiARLI.Y 1)AVII)SON 1200 ce.,. 1958 roodel rebuit engîine, $ 1,500 tïrii. Cali 668-0293 after 6 pn. and ask for Jack. COMPR ESSORS G EN ERATORS Electric motors, Grinders Drill Press, Heavy Duty Power Tools, etc. WE SELL BUY & TRADE ACE MACHINERY 859A Nelson Street Oshawa 723-0933 SW1MMING POOL COM- PAINY lia:s a I ira i ed number of steel. iligroiiid p.osat 10' x 3 _ inormid, S3 .750 instai led. Qîie i si/es conipar- ahiy priced . ( ail no'.v Polylnesiaîi Pools 519-453-2210 LEAI)ING SWIMM[NG POOL MANUFACTURER - mas! dispose o[' hrand rne\w 1975 above grouatd i l iia pools mlacle to sell for Si1890.00. Wiiig l10 dose-otit for S I i 118. 00. Fnll i varraiîtics in cîfect. (Xiii coiicct anlytimie SWI M.MING POOL l)eluxe. doo. bo)ve ro n pool. i10ix _24. i 1i od. Repossessed liv ban k., sacrifice 'A- price, ('ah Nir. iiarvey'collect., days or eve 'n1gs, 4I6-625-88I(). SWIMMING POOL - Less îiiani 1yr. (11(. Fan la Sea above grournd Redwood iý 6 x 24, cost S4500.00. Must sou immiiediatly wîli sacrifice savings of' $2000.00. (Xiii 416-625-8817, days or evenin,ýs colecet. SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE - Nloving- wiil seli you 16 x 32 above grotund Modular Redwood Pool ai sacrifice price of S3000.00. Savings of S2100.00. 1975 niodel, cal] 416-625-2719), days or evenings, coilect. Ai>I>lROXIMATLý'LY 400 BALES W ' STRAW at a $1 a bale. ('ail 655-4380. FULLER BRUSH CO. FOR YOUR FULLER REQUIREMENTS CALL FAY DREW 668-9915 ('LO'T'i11N G sie 10-14, coat, suits, (tresses, lrem $-!-$lI 0. ('att 668-1398. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1976, PAGE 15 Real Estate te konefo1js jwlo café abot peo pie 101 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-8865 CAESAREA - LAK~E SCUGOG [lave fun in the sun this summer - There are 3 cottages on ttîis lot with access to the take. Rent 2 of (hemr or if you are in a generous mood lot the relatives or- friends use (hem. Anyway you can't lose ai the asking price of $32,000. Doug Lamb 668-8865 or 668-6983. AUCTION SALE Satu rdaiy, May 1 st at 1 :OO0p. rn. - cteariig aoc tien of' i"arni Machiine ry, on clard equipmnen t and M isc. iteins, 'or MacMillan Qi-ctards, toca (ccl1tmilit ort b of' Wtit by on No. 12 1-ligtîway. Sate iuiclLIdC' - Jotîn-Decre t1020t traic tor(4 50)tirs.); D-13 885 tDie sel tractor W/iront end toader (like nc\V); .1-1) 527 tîcaivy doty gras.s & orcluard nu)o\er (tikc new); N-I inianu re spïreader; Myers silver cloud 5(00 gai. orcluard sprayer; steet tramced ru bler tireci wagon; I iossi-an 20' rel'rig. cisplay coun ter \/New 11/' it.li. tecanisehi coin. & muter, 1ilussinain 12' disptay cooniter; je t-spray rcfrig. coid drink (isp. m-acine; 800' wooden, esiate lencing 200' eiect. W/i)ecorative tighits; 2 tillboard sigils; 30' floodiiglit pole mounted W/15 spotiights; 36 cernent 6' parking curbstones W/Holding spikes; 28 fruit & veg. display tables in various slhapes & sizes; 2 custom cecorativc elect. Oldi fashionecl display fruit pusti- wagons on buggy wheels; 2 tolecie elect.- Couniter scaies; natu raI stone ou tdoor B-B-Q; 700) lb. fert & bone mneal; 900 - 6(1 tl. oz. new plî:stic joice \/Lids: t18001 woodcn fruit & veg. storagce conntinre rs; 100)t0 boishel tîakc t tids: ;3(0 wooclen stora-c pctlt t.:,steeI shoping carts; pîcki ngbaske t s: Lictcers: proni ng tot.: ni. 5 ton ian truck (go<it inotor & tires). ovcri/e(t enierit blochk e.r.'e ll. \.'Su il:Irs and 2t ruc'ksieLtovcrlianvî îwl trs.an am'ic' 25 \ 4 ruai t 111u ke i licE!,. 550()oý11 iiis 'Sel coo.2 ss ui v, iîîctlir aliiee cos- lmo '. cr t ce . "tcui 1dy watt dislatpiuft i\tiircs andi scale cou iters tIC ocet t ic'tnc 1tids ini irca t; ttos iu : i '.' nmore i i'.c. teins,. 'I roîscasi.No rcscrve 055 rer 1giviîîgciiitrii it & v5cC. iiiic'.KA.\1i1iN \ i( 'IONý Si kVi(W t-S 110'0 i>i' RRY 985-8 161, SWINIING POOL SACRI- FICE : 1.aiing iMaîîufi'acttrer aw ndciist buttorlia s above greuîîd altîîiinîtm pools ieft cîver f'îoui 1975 season, V2 price . gtar -, teed installation and ternis. (Xilii (redit iîta(ager, ceilect,. Mîssîssatuga 416-62-8 ) das o eveniîugs. FO R SWIPE PRO DUCTS Cail 668-8957 100 sets BUNK BEDS brand new!! Cheap. Cali Harry 488-7911. 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. 2 t)cîirooii 3 rd bectrcoîî neigh ibourluoic, ('atî 668-8865. OLD WHITBY bungalow'., carefree aluniinurn sicing, dossnstairs plus rec room, estabiished good lot. Aplîliances too! $47,500. 5~Now oaver 30 offices 1to serve you A i MORTGAGES L 1 M 1 T L O 1 st & 2nd Arronged, Bought and SoId ot Prime Rtes Ccal Peter Kade 668-1556 ANUBIS INVESTMENTS Ltd. 149 Irock St. N., Whltby Expenses, past due bis, got you down? Clean themn up with the easy award winning way - selling GENI ware a division of Avon products. Be your boss, work from your own home, earn 3 5% of what you seil. For information caîl Mrs. McCart 576-4229. EXPANDING CANADIAN OIL COMPANY needs dependable person who caii work without supervision. Earn S14,000 per year plus bonus. Contact c .stomers around Wlitby. We train. Write F. H. Dick, Pros., Southwestern Petroleuin, Bramnpton, Ont. L6T 2J6. Help Wcinted SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL (urîder ne'.v rmanagenment) REQUIRES CO00K -cxperienicc essential lfor Diiîing Roomi. WAITE'RS/WAIi'RI-"SSl",s -f or Louinge auîclJ Dining Roorn. Appîy ini Personi toe:- 'l'tie Manager, SI>R U('IV1L LA 1-1OTE L 734 Dtunclas St. W. Whtiby. Clcissified Ads Continued on Page 13 REDUCED TO $39,900 ('aîrcl'necatumnin siding on thi'. cosy tsvo bedroomi starter, large liviiigrc)onil, l'aimily kitctîen, modemn bath and deep lot. ('aut Boetuui leron ait 668-8865 or 668-4844. Clctssified Ads For Sale HARNDEN & KING CONSTRUCTION LIMITED REQUIRES An Operational Manlager for the Oslawa-Wlîitby Area DUTIES: To co-ordinate truck arnd loader fleet as required to serve customer needs TMe successful canldidate xiII report to the Area Maniager. Experionce' in gravol operationis is reqiiired. Apply i n writing tu P.O. Box 1007, Oshawa Attn: D. Murphly, Area Manager.

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