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Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1976, p. 6

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P4.GE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS The third Sunday of the month is usually the day set aside for the monthly Broblklin Legion meeting. This month tlio; Easter Sunday took precedence and 'ni afraid that the meeting was held on the second Sunday instead ....that is April 1 lth. But the next meeting in May will be held as normal on the third Sunday which is the l6th of May. This is an important meeting with the election of officers taking place. So al members are urged to attend to vote for the candidates of their choice. No use moaning ail next year that you don't think the right officers are doing the job if you don't go along and hielp appoint the men that have. to do the job on Sunday the l6th of May. Any one inter,'sted in a spot of drama..actually il is a coniedy..and fit for the whole family at that. It is the Anderson High School production of Caesar and C1eop-, tra by G.B. Shaw. The students are putting this on Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 22nd, 23rd and 24th starting ai 8 p.m. at' the Anderson Auditorium. Tickets cost S I .50 for aduits and 75 cents for stuidents, and mnay be obtainied at the door or fronu any of the menib ers of the cast. Thie students have worked long and liard at thîs play ... sce last September actually..so do try anid give themi youir support by attending on one of the îhree cvenings. Anyone having Ilast minute donationis for the Ist Biooklin Cubs Garage Sale that wili be held at 4 p.m.-on Friday, the 23rd of April, may drop themn off the night before at the garage where th.e sale will be held..1 1 Vipond. And don't forget to go back the next night and find yourself a bargain. Plants will also be sold and, if the weather holds good, il might be just as well to pick some Up for the garden. And where will you be on the 29th of April..in the evening? Helping to keep our Police Station open, 1 hope. And it is ours, Brooklin police station, you know. 'Even tho' it is placed down in Whitby. Rather there than' in Oshawa, don't you think? And that is where it will bec'if you don't give your support. Neyer mmid the 9-5 arrangement that they are trying to concoct with a store front type operation. On weekends, that will be closed anyway..fight to keep our station open. Otherwîse it could be just the first stcp to the final takeover..and if you feel thal Brooklin is at the bottomn of the 'list where Whiitby is concerned..how will you like being at the bottomn of Oshawa's list!! Actually reading the news lately 1 somnetimes wonder where we are going. The police station affair is one exaniple whiere a service is going to cost more..but we gel lcss. Another examiple of the saine type of thinking is in regard to dog tags..once again we are paying more..but we are gctting less service. Now on the weekenids animal p)atrols will only take place between 9 a.mi. and 5 px. ...iot 24 hours as we used to have. 1 suppose there is one brighit îhoughit to ibis tho'. Now you know you can le t your dogs out oni Saturday and Sunday cvenings..and know there willI be no animal control van \vaiting around the corner 10 nab dear little lido, as lie places a 'gif!' on somieonCs tawn. Perhaps wc could train ail the lit tle Fido's bo visit Wlithy Couincillors ...and then perhiaps they'll realize thiat we do nccd 24-hour pat roIs. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 sceur~V Valu.l atisfoctili PL JPOUGANS CANADA No.1 I iT£ CIaMÀto e m SP" o o on Csu& Sanborn Brown Bear NESCAFE CARNATION JAVEX SUNLIGHT COFFEE HONEY' COFFEE M I LK BLEACH Deteigent i taRAC u CMMa Ol TINS " 5 CN 48 box 9.1128 1.59 l,2.69 3$1 59c l198 MTthURS OPEN SIX LATS 'A WEEK 8:3 0 ,. -6 F.M. IXCIPI THS. & FmI. * NlM II'19L0.0. ilp 1.0i Bathroom Tissue 2-ROLL 55c ,(rafttsingles ____as CANI~,SIICSSKELLOG'S ~ ~ .69 ~Corn Flakes A~OA~uD 1 Mo.59 tUTu'5 Assorted oite M1QD FlI1 Lancia Lunch ~s1 3<~71,,4OZ 2 c giI" ~PKG2 York Smoothy or Crunhy Peanut Butter A79 RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRV WTHPECTN 24-FL-OZ JAR AYLMER JAMS sl.19 Sauce 2FL77C 10511 WtTH PEANUTS IS-OZ YIN Nuts lIxed s The Te.esl1o0 SOIE SUCES f i.S Y IN Pneapple 55< FACIAL ItUsuE SSSii.FI. Scotties 59C 3 BIG DAIS 22 sot Apr, Thurs Apr STEAKS_ .59E RUMP 1.49c ROAISTS Ideal for Ment boaves or Burgers GROUND 88!c B E. E.FFRegular BUTT or SHOULDERi .29c- PORK CHOPS i S Wi f t' U th. (.ooo g9-d tast. cuT fNOM THEi tiF TOP (CUT COUNTRY ROUND SAUSAGE[ STEAK lb. 78" lb. $1.69c HEADCIIEESE BOWLS 2-oi. each 89 c BEEF PATTIES FAMILI FACE 2l.ctm. $ 1 . 99 SCHNEIDERS- ALI BEEFI Ranch uv THt PiEcE SKINLESS styIeCÂMPFIRE WIENERS BOLOGNA %. 88 c lb. 48 c SCHNEIDERS LUNCH Mee a chiot..- Suth -LAnhftt.0Il ch..» . A &Ch..,. - 2Fo R W.4d >0084:z- MIR A MàIçll&- 89e FLUORISE 50ML TUE AIM TOOTH PASTE 59C FERSONAL SIZE picsO OFs DOVE BEAUTY BAR 99C SANfS AFiCAPINS F110 0F 12 MODESS 89C sSZ CONT JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER 1.09 9.' o OIT SECRET ANTI.PERSPIRANTr 1.49 WIE RESUVU THE 51001TO UMIT OUANTMTEB 24tDERY Tm Lots of news froni the Garrard Road Minor Laorosse Association..and for those who wonder why 1 give space to a Whitby address may 1 add that this Association does serve the North Ward . If you would like to try the gamne, then you may be interested in the lacrosse denmoit.tratiofl and registration that wil be held at the Brooklin Arena on April 24th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.mn..'.also held at Wullow Park on May 1lst from il a.m. to 2 p.m. The Spring Dance will be held on May the 8th. Tickets cost $8 a couple and include door prizes, bar privileges'and buffet lunch. They can be obtained by calling Jean Phillips at 655-3271. The dance will be held at the Oshawa Y.W.C.A., 199 Centre St., Oshawa. Coaches and managers are still needed for this season, some numbers to cail if you are interested in helping out are: Roger Dezan, 655-3942; Carl Phillips, 655-3271; or Dick Walker, 723-5620. Aiid by the waythe first Brooklin Redmnen game wiIl be held at the Arena on May 8th, when they will be playing host to the Bram pton Excelsiors. Game starts at 8:30 p.m. AT A GLANCE. THURS. APRIL 22nd - Rabies Clinic between 10 a.m. and 5 p.mn. at 300 Dunlop St., Whitby....only $2 a shot. THIURS. APRIL 22nd - Anderson Collegiate "Caesar& Cleopatra", starts at 8 pa-n. FR1. APRIL 23rd - "Caesar & Cleopatra", Anderson Collegiate starting at 8 p.m. SAT. APRIL 24th - Grandmothiers Attic Sale, at the United Church in Brooklin between 10 a.m. to 12 noon. SAT. APRIL 24th - Final performance - Caesar & Cleopatra, Anderson Collegiate, 8 p.r-n. WED. APRIL 28t1i - Brooklin Horticultural Society inonthly mieeting at the LUnited Chiurch Hall. WED. APRIL 28thi Br(o)-klini and Area Liberal ATdeson Co luate wil pnresn Gegie Bernar Shas playoCesBar ad Cleospla aeTusa, Fd Cnd Satray hrat 8 ..i th school adiy trium. inthe scol'td.oim h ,public is invited to attend. ssrtiatio8 p.m. a 30eCentre. St.rsa W . Brook0li n trAi S.Weom.Bokin- Al THURSm . A~I 9l P Hubc meeting agai tling ofWlibyice tant in SAWhT. Moic atisn - MA . Da Mal A ndson Coyllegi Sate. a ndro SolgAT. 'A s A. M A 1 s t th ACurch al. ae t h O.K. th 1-atil. frti ek O.'Ilhaseitefreting nwews forl raesand ntributores for eBiers n othe nt we e o Blnsinute ep readingr And keep thos cealîcng.An ke caroe until next limie. LIZ 655-3750. Dance Saturday A spring dance and amateur talent nighit will be hield ai die senior citizens' activity centre Saturday at 7 p.mn. Admission wilIl bc 50 cents, and a door prize will be offered. Everyone is welconie to attend. Optimist off icers OtIicers of the Whitby Optimist Club for 1976 w~erc clected aiî i recent meeting is thie club begîns ils sec.ond year of operationt 'Fhose elected were Midli el H11l president, Don IHopkins and Robin Lyon, vice- presi dents; John Tow~n, treasirer; md Brian Claurke, Gerry Miller, Don Murdlock and Mîke Murray, directors. Slide sh ow April 27 A slide shiow and îalk on Ste. Marie Amiong thie lrons, at Midland, will bc giveii by Mrs. Frances Wliale atidie April meeting of the Whiitby Historical Society Tiuesday April 27 at, 8 p.mi. inithie auditorium of Fairview Lodge. Drama at Anderson - - -. vo o~ t.ovowtwiov ~ .0.0100 '01 O 005 BROWN'YS FOODMASTER CALIFORNIA Sunkist NAVEL ORANGES Doz. 79' CRISPY FRESH U.S. No. 1 Florida Large 0al ks CELERY Each 39' ONTARIO No. 1 sELLOW ONIONS 2 lb. bag 3919 eiZFods Ss SIES A WHISTE SUGAVI . CtNNAMON OR PLAIN Donuts 12's 519C SISPOSABLE StAPES NWBORN 'G f11 » Pampers s1.89 TO0LW BOWL CLIANEII 3e0Z COO Sani -Flush 75Sc UOUIS DET1150ENT 32-FLOZ CONT Sunlight 89e

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