PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21,1976, WHITBY FREE PRESS May 2to5 350 delegates are coming to fire chiefs' conférence More than 350 delegates are expected to converge on Whitby from al over the province to attend the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs' 24th annual confer- -nce May 2 to 5. The con1erence is being hosted by the Whitby Fire Department as part of its 125th anniversary celebra- tions. Whitby's Pire Chief Ed Crouch, the associations secretary, is in charge of the conference, along with Deputy Chief Ron Hawkins and Platoon Chief Ken Corner. So far, 175 fire chiefs have registered, along with 1 25 wives, and 50 representatives of manufacturers of flire fighiting equipmnenl. Registration for the con- vention, to be held at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa, begins at 2 p.m. Friday, May 2 with the opening cere- monies taking place at 7:30 p.m. The opening ceremnonies include a declaration by the Association's president Chief John Staller of Waterloo, in- v'ocation by Whitby's Rev. J. A. Roney, welcorne by Chief Crouch, and greetings froin \4ayor Jini Gartshore, On tario Pire ',iarsFall Joe Kendlal., Dominion Fire Conimissioner Rc5ss Switzer, and President of the Canadian Association of Fire Chiiefs, Major MacDonald. The sanie evening Chief Franuis James of Wallaceburg will present prizes 10 the winners of tihe associgtion's chiildren's fire prevention poster contest, and there will be a miernorial -service con- ducted by the memibers oftdie Whiùtby Fire Departmient and Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs. Monday May 3 will be devoted to general business- and election of officers, followed by workshiops for fuît-t ime, composite ,vol untee r. and industrial fire depart- ment s. Other evenîs include a fire apparatus dernonsîralion and equipmient display, and a social evening. The business of Tuesday May 4 will open witlh a talk on hecarl aîîacks and rehiabili- talion in tlhe fire service by Dr. John Wilson of St. Mîchael's Hiospital, Toronto. This wvill be followed by comimenîs on luow ollier»sviewv thie fire service, by Wýhithy's former Mayor Des Nexvîinn Presidenlt of CamietoidI Plating Ltd. iii Ajax an d a pust presideni of die CanadIian Federalion of Mayors and Municip'*t« lties; and Alderman D. Sandford of the Borough of Etobicoke. Other events of the day will be a panel presentation on building and fire codes, and further workshops. In the evening there wilI be the conference banquet and a dance. On Wednesday May 5, the final day of the convention, there witl be reports and resolutions presented from the workshops, a speech by Ontario Pire Marshall Joe Kendall, and the taking of the oath of office by the new officers and directors of the association. A ladies, program is also planned, to include tours of the MIcLaughlin Art Callcry in Oshawa and the Ontario La dies' College in Whitby. Luncheons will be held at 1-eydenshore Pavilion May 3 and 4, and there will be a tour of the Metro Toronto0 zoo. A rnumber of local business- e.. and fire equiprnenl manu- lacturers are supplying nîcalsý anid dances for the conférence delega les. Ainig the I pic s t(obe discussed in îlte orkshops are labor-na nagenien t rela- tions, p ruduc tivi ty outi e fi re tiglers, recrmil ing part-lime hieIl. pu blic relations nirthe municipaliiy, wonmen in th1e fire service, sizing up of fires, hose streamis and fog ýapplica- tion. tlra in ing programs, industrial fire service, and use uof red I iglits on private cars. Preparations for the Fire ('hiief's' cordtèrece began last 1*111l. According lu chief' Now with 5 separate numbers every draw. Beginniflg with the Aprîl 29 draw, Wîntario jusi mf ade a buck even better. Now your buck buys you five chances attive grand prizes of $100000 and more than 32000 other cash prizes, for over $21/ million-aIl tax free, Thats more prizeS than even before. So your chances of winning have neyer been better. And tickets are stili just a buck. Watch Wintario live on TV every other Thursday Tickets now on sale. * DNIAHIC) I <A ILR<GURPUHA!IÙN Croc., i, the miaîi purpose of tbis 'year's conference is lu discuss the depthlthe problems facing fire chiiefs in the mani- aigement of their deparîm-ents. The new Ontario Building Code which came mbt force Jan. 1 is expeclcd to be one of tlhe nmajor îopics of inler-sl Margaret Moyle Certified Travel Consultant aI the entire conference he says. This year marks the first tiîe Whitby's fire department has hosted a chief's convention, and according 10 Chicf Crouch and Deputy Chief Hawkins, the response has exceeded ahl expectations. Duncan Travel where our experience works for you. TRIP TIPS FIy FREE round trip for the June 29th, 1976 Fairwind cru ise to St. Thomas, Montego Bay and Cozurmel. Phone 723-8124 Lower Level, Whitby Mail 9 to 6 Mon. & Tues. 9 ho 9 Wcd. Thuis. & Fri. 10OtoS5 Sal. After Hours 723-0904 TENDER MECHANWý.AL CONTRACTORS 1. Replacement installation of thr ee doniestic hot water tanks in No. 1 and No. 2 Infirmaries and Medical C Wing of Administration Building, Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. TENDER No. LI N-76-005 2. Replacement installation of sanitary sewer line in area of staff residences Nos. 7 & 8 at Psychiatric Hospital, Wliitby, Ontario. TENDER No. LI N-76-006 SEPARATE INDIVIDUAL SEALED TENDERS will be received jintil 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME, MAY 4, 1976. COMBINED TE$eDERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED Tender Documents inay be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services, Lindsay Regional Office, 322 Kent Street West, P-0. Box 7000, Linds-.v, Ontario. NOTE: For furtiier information regairding the above Tenders, please caîl Mrs. E.M. Neale at the nbov/e address. Telephone: (705) 324-9188. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Min istry of Govern ment Services Ontario Whitby's Deputy Fire Chief Ron Hawkins (left) and Chief Ed Cro'iç:h (right) are ail ready for the 24th annual convention of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs to be hosted by the Whitby Fire Department May 2 to 5: Deputy Chief Hawkins holds the Whitby Fire Department flag, while Chief Crouch holds the town flag. At centre is the new banner for the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs which will be efficially unveiled at the convention's opening ceremonies May 2 Free Press Photo